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Do you think they'll ever be a way to allow super fats to maintain health so guys with the fetish won't looks bad?
Sauce on photo?

And honestly I see ozempic backfiring hard with nasty hidden symptoms so maybe that will fuel health options while staying and normalizing fat
The shows always make the guys look creepy and the girls look like victims. I remember the Tammy Jung or Sexy Signature one from forever ago on Bancroft or whatever which I think she did as promotion even though it made them look really bad and people were sharing it as a horror story. But it is how I found her. So I guess that marketing worked. So good on them I guess. But the guys are always portrayed as creepy if they're white.
It’s sour grapes for the mass of angry single millennial women.
Every woman I know with a college degree is single and angry about it. They’re all kid-sized, boring consumers who bring nothing to the table. These shows and the housewives are their copium.
Just as anon predicted, nuclear copium and predictable comments by harpies in the replies.

As BBW Layla has frequently noted tho it really is insane how most people know about many fetishes these days yet fat is somehow still incomprehensible for the majority to understand. Btw I love how fat Kristin's face is for her size

>>31553 (OP) Why do white Americans look so gay? This fag looks like he's thinking "I must look so pretty right now. I wonder how my white skin fairs under this lighting setup."
I think it's this demonization of male sexuality. It's considered bad because it's seen as objectifying and controlling women. That we want women to look and act a certain way and it's bad when we force that on them. Even in consenting relationships, women wanting to change and do sex activities with male partners is seen as bad because it's viewed as we want to control women. That we will only love them if they dress and act a certain way.

I think with feedism, it's viewed as we want our women to be fat helpless blobs dependent on us. We want them helpless and to fetishize their helplessness. This is what new stories need, drama and exaggeration. They want the stories of the furries who wear fursuits around a lot. They want the BDSM practitioners who practice BDSM activities 24/7. Lurid stuff like this makes for good new stories.

I thin too for why the focus on white guys, I think it's the idea of cis-het white dudes as opressors. That they're the ones who force stuff on women and control women. That if a woman is exploited sexually, it's always a straight white guy forcing his kinks on her.

I think this is one of the few times, I agree with incels, we should acknowledge the complexity with male sexuality and not when it's not as controlling of women as one would think and to help men find healthy outlets for sexual urges.
>>31588 This posts sounds like it was written by a nobody that understands nothing about American society, dating, or sex but's trying all he can to deceptively sound as if he's not a loser. If you continue living this way or continue believing everything "society" tells you it'll show in your achievements. Because of the worries that I can deduce from your post I suggest you do less conversing and more fucking. Once you've done enough of the fucking you may find that you were incorrect about everything you thought you knew, and that reality makes you look stupid just as when an artist produces bad art.
True, but...

That's what I want, I want my women to be a fat helpless blobs dependent on me...

why is there so many angry stupid chinks here lately? JANNIES!!!
It boggles my mind how mainstream and accepted BDSM and other kinks have become and yet "feeder = abuser" still seems to be a common belief, as if there aren't levels and nuances to these things. I thought consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home.

We live in a country where 70% of adults are overweight, but you get looked at like a weirdo for saying you find that attractive.
I think it's also that fatness is unacceptable. Fat people we are taught are ugly, mean, gross, stupid and unhealthy. To desire fat partners or to be fat is unthinkable and strange in our society. We are constantly sold diets, exercises, weight loss pills and surgeries. We always talk about how we finally lost 10-20 lbs.

I think this is the other reason feedism is demonized, it isn't just men wanting to control their partner's diet and appearance, but also the fear that they're fattening up their partner into a heart attack or diabetes. We are also seen as encouraging unhealthy behavior and getting off to it.

The horror story of fat too is that if we don't stop eating, we'll get so big, we can't leave our homes. The documentaries will then show the bedbound fatty. Who has to be cared for day and night, and how scary and awful it is to be them and how their fatness has distorted them. I think too these people are horrified that we eroticize this scenario. That something that horrible being treated as sexy is horrifying to people. They probably fear that we'll do this to all of our partners, just fatten them up until they can't leave the house and are immobile blobs and that we have brainwashed them to accept this horrible fate.
We need stuff that shows feedism practiced in a safe, sane and consensual manner. That the person is fat/fit and that junk food feed sessions as sexual roleplay is done as a sometimes thing. And immobility is kept as a fantasy and not a real goal that the couple aspires to.
I think overall, feedism is seen as abusive because we are seen as enabling unhealthy behavior in our partners and getting off on unhealthy behavior.
We also need fatness to no longer be viewed as a bad thing, once that happens, then loving fatness is no longer seen as weird, or abusive.
Never gonna happen. Normies SIMP will never be in favor of feeder Chad’s leftovers. We ruin these women for SIMP who wanna buy a skinny wife.
You retards are mentally ill. Wow
All I'm doing is trying to be rational and reasonable. Not go off on rants about whatever and use slurs. These rants don't go into anything deep or will fix anything.
In my observations, a lot of normie couples have the guy monitoring his partner's weight and becoming manipulative if she gains. This can be outright trying to control what they eat or just making "suggestions," witholding sex and affection, comparing them to thinner women, etc. Some will endorse and suggest drug therapies and unhealthy diets to help them lose weight, which can (and does) lead to EDs. I'm not saying this kind of thing is acceptable to the genpub, but it's common and yet no one accuses the guy of having a pathology in his preference for thinner women.

I'm shocked how little study there's been about FAism, and I've been looking for 30+ years. The only academic paper I ever found was a parody of the genre, more about feminism, racism, and body positivity than FAs themselves.
I did remember there was one paper, Feederism , eating, weight gain and sexual pleasure by Kathy Charles and Michael Palkowski.
It's because Thin > Fat, that's why putting women on unhealthy diets is OK, since your goal is thinness which is seen is healthy, it's okay to take pills that are caffeine, starve yourself bone thin or exercise an insane amount. Doing this for someone else isn't seen as wrong because all you're doing is helping your partner be free of this ugly unhealthy fat. Even if you cause health problems, thin is healthier than fat so we should ignore these problems.

Fatness is unhealthy and the cause of heart attacks and diabetes in our culture. That's why feedism is horrible.
That's the paper I was talking about lol.
We've had this conversation before. The way the fat fetish 'scene' or 'community' has framed itself over the past 20 or so years is an overall reflection of people having gone to great lengths in obscuring that this is, in fact, a fetish. We're not 'fat admirers'—we're fat fetishists; fatness is our kink and should be broached as such. It's literally impossible to talk about feedism etc in a safe and consensual manner until people stop kidding themselves.
Like I'm just thinking back to the public response to that viral clip of Boberry complaining about airline seats or whatever and once you get past the initial wave of fat shaming, most of the replies are just people realizing that "oh, this is a fetish." Even when it's not your thing, fatness is easier to accept when it's understood as a kink or fetish.

One problem is that we're so puritanical in the US that even defining the word "fetish" is problematic. We can't have adult conversations about anything taboo, so everyone just comes up with their own line when they publish a study or article. Depending on where you source your definition, a fetish ranges anywhere from a mild non-heteronormative sexual preference to strictly the sexualization of non-sexual objects (though that's an extreme.)

To make it worse, the word fetish itself is seen as bad, so nobody wants to identify as having one. Like the word "hipster", they'll accept the definition which excludes themselves.

The definition of what counts as a feeder has a similar problem. Some would say you're only a feeder if you get off on physically fattening your partner, literally putting the food in their mouth, but others might draw the line at any behavior which might enable weight gain, like keeping your partner's favorite snacks around the house knowing that they'll probably eat those foods and put on weight, even if you're not technically feeding them the food.
I'm not strictly a feeder, but I personally dealt with the guilt aspect of my own sexual preference for very fat women (or fetish, or whatever you want to call it) by exclusively dating fat women. I was always open about my preferences if sex came into play. I did this until I found my wife; believe it or not I had more criteria in my dating preferences than just that the woman was fat, so I had no problem calling things off after a few dates if we didn't click.

Thing is that statistically, people who are already very fat tend to stay that way or get bigger, and if they lose weight will eventually put it back on over 99% of the time. This outcome is well understood; no manipulation is required.

If a woman is already 300 pounds when I met her, that isn't on me, and if we never saw each other again after the first date it's unlikely that she'd suddenly get thin.

In the case of my wife, I just let her live her life. There's no coersion, unless you count the fact that I tell her how sexy she is often. She makes her own lifestyle choices and those choices usually involve a second helping of carb heavy foods and many hours spent sitting around in front of a television. Choices that have naturally led to her gradually putting on weight. In fact, when she's had the urge, I've actively helped her lose weight, but she always loses interest at some point and puts the weight back on.

Could you make the argument that just by appreciating her body I enable her to stay fat by removing incentives to thin down? Maybe, but I sincerely doubt that there are many men who will date a 300 pound woman with the intent on marrying them and then drill-instructoring them down to thinness. Even if there were, I doubt my wife would've put up with it for very long since she absolutely hates exercize and absolutely loves bread.

Could you argue that there's a chance that she does lose a bunch of weight and that that may impact our sexual relationship and cause problems? Yes, but that's the case with any marriage. I'd say that the odds of my wife staying fat are far greater than the average Joe's wife staying thin. If that becomes an issue we'll cross that bridge like any other couple would.

By my own reckoning, this absolves me of guilt. I can't think of how this could possibly be considered as manipulative.
Funny how habits like smoking and alcohol abuse are socially acceptable vices, but don't you dare say being fat isn't literally killing yourself!

People really take the "at greater risk for" and run with it, like skinny people never get diabetes or have heart attacks.

"Have you ever seen someone old AND fat?!"
Yeah, just about all of them. People that are old and in shape are the rare ones, if anything.
>>31671 You're more likely to die in a car accident, and even more likely to die in a plane crash, you dim-witted Democratic party voting piece of garbage. Eat yourself.
I'm sure you're doing a great job saving the west posting on a fetish forum from one of the most progressive, WEF pozzed countries on Earth. Have another soju, goy.
South Korea is filled with equal measures of based and cringe. Having the worst fertility rate in the world is just a death sentence tho. Unification needs to happen.
>Having the worst fertility rate in the world is just a death sentence tho. Unification needs to happen.
I will pay anyone $200 to find this stupid anon's location and smack him in the back of the head as hard as possible.
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In the b4 kisame18 considered joining the military and fighting for his country in Korea like so many uncles were drafted to do back when both countries were kiddies. They’re adults now and the troll has a good point: have the settle this once and for all in the steel cage match—winner take all. Doesn’t have to be an cube, I’m open to most regular polygons and Platonic solids.

People are crazy, one thing is somehow more acceptable than another thing. Like drinking and smoking tobacco is better than fat. With those things it's viewed a choice to consume them. You can just choose not consume tobacco or alcohol and then you're instantly healthy. Fatness to us means always living with the possibility of a heart attack or diabetes. People who choose fatness are choosing an unhealthy lifestyle.

I'm sure there's tons of instances where something relatively harmless is viewed as worse than something else.

Like how marijuana is the worst thing ever and is worse than alcohol.
>Even when it's not your thing, fatness is easier to accept when it's understood as a kink or fetish.
I think you're right. This dynamic also explains why "SJW cringe" and "fitness influencer" Youtubers never even acknowledge the existence of feedee models, but will go incredibly hard against body positivity and HAES influencers, as Big Cutie Ash found out to her regret.

This is the real problem, as we've talked about many times before on this board t. Wittgenstein anon. "Fetish" is a semantically vague but connotatively bad word, and for a lot of fat women, it's shorthand for "uncomfortable or unwelcome sexual attention."

What's the difference between a guy who likes fat chicks and a fat fetishist? Looks and social skills.

Smoking is a good analog here.

If you start dating somebody who already smokes, has no interest in quitting, and you for whatever reason think smoking is attractive... is it your fault that that person smokes? No.

They started smoking before you met. If they'd never met you, they'd still be smoking. If they were instead dating somebody who hated smoking and tried constantly to get them to stop, it's likely that they would've either ended the relationship over it, or else come to some kind of compromise where they don't smoke in front of their partner (ie- they still smoke.) Even if you pick up a pack of cigs for them on your way home from work once in awhile, this has roughly no effect since they would've grabbed it themselves in your absence.

Now... if you met a non-smoker and manipulated them into getting addicted to cigarettes because it gets your rocks off, that would be one thing. But in the above case it's net neutral. You didn't create their smoking habit, they did. If someday years down the road they do eventually decide to quit, then that's something you have to address at that point in time.
>>31712 Fuck me, brownies' this stupid?
Maybe too, most people aren't smokers so there's less concern over people using it nowadays. More people nowadays get told that fatness is bad, it's a sign of diabetes and heart attacks. We are more exposed to anti-fat messages nowadays versus anti-smoking stuff which is nowadays more here and there.

Anti-obesity stuff happens a lot more nowadays over anti smoking PSAs. So many documentaries, tv episodes/shows in recent times explain why we're getting fatter and how all this food we're eating is making us bigger and bigger and the horrors of a fatter world. This is what most people have as a thought system now. I think this may be why we focus more on fatness over smoking now.

I also see a moralizing attitude towards fatness, I think we often believe that it's our duty that tell people they must be healthy, they must eat right, exercise and not do drugs and we must nag them and not stop until they agree to be healthy. If I encounter a smoker, I must nag them to quit smoking. Encounter a fat person eating a mountain of food, you must tell them to eat a salad and run a mile. We can't accept the choices other people make with their lives, we must always be butting in and telling people what to do. Whether it's sexual activities they are doing, whether it's their diets, whether it's their beliefs, gender identity, sexuality, etc. We must always butt in and nag people.
I think media shapes our perceptions of things.
A lot of media demonizes fatness. Gaining weight is the worst thing in the world according to tv and movies. Losing weight and being thin and fit forever is our goal.

Fat people are seen as ugly, mean, gross, stupid, and out of shape. They are a moral failing and this seeps into a lot of fiction. The idea that fat people could be sexy and have sex is seen as disgusting in our culture.

A lot of media is more focused on demonizing fat people over smoking/drinking. Fat people are seen as worse than cigarettes and alcohol because of modern media's perceptions of fat people.
Only anti-smoking stuff I've seen recently is anti-smoking ads on buildings or bus stops. I haven't really seen tv episodes or many recent documentaries about the evils of tobacco.
Not a lot to say here that hasn't already been said. I think we've pretty much identified that sexualizing female fatness is unlikely to ever become accepted in the mainstream due to health concerns, overwhelming social perception/stereotypes related to what is and isn't the ideal body, general taboo against fetishes, and collective anger towards men having any opinions of womens' bodies.

As mentioned above female feeder/male feedee partners get very little attention or hate. Obviously thin woman/fat man combos are way more common than the reverse, which could be part of it, but I think another big part is people just think "lucky for the fat guy to get such a hot girlfriend". Even in the rare case where the woman is actually sexualizing the fatness of the man (as opposed to she's just with him because he's a teddy bear/for his personality/for his money/miscellaneous non-sexual attraction), nobody ever even thinks to see it as a fetish. But a hot dude with a fat wife is so uncommon, society decides there is no explanation beyond fetishization and sexual perversion.

I do think smoking is a good analogy, but the difference is a smoker can put away the cigarettes and look like a normal person. They can drop the "smoker" identity and walk into a restaurant with nobody else the wiser unless they are close enough to smell them.

A fat person is a fat person 100% of the time. It can't be hidden.
Hmm. Maybe there's more to this site getting gayer with every day thing.
How is this gay? We've been talking about women a lot, seems like the only gay things on the site would be the BHM pics, vids and art. What we've been talking about on this board is pretty straight, though we've been talking about it in a gender neutral way so it could refer to fat men as well as women. Though what's wrong with being gay? We've been talking about why it's hard for fat women to be seen as sexy.
>But a hot dude with a fat wife is so uncommon, society decides there is no explanation beyond fetishization and sexual perversion.

"Hot" meaning handsome and buff, sure, but for whatever reason I'm more likely to see a scrawny, gawky-looking dude as a fetishist. Maybe because most of the FAs I've encountered online are a little nerdy. There was a running joke on Dims BITD where an FA would introduce you to his Star Wars figures before his parents.

As for thin/healthy weight men + fat women in general, I might have agreed 20 years ago but I don't know if this is true anymore. There are so many more fat people in general that the pool of eligible thin/healthy weight women has shrunk considerably. Also fat has been normalized to a large degree, if still not 100% accepted/acceptable.
Nobody watches cartoons. Adult animation is a sinking ship.
>Mixed weight couples

I think male writers have male can be ugly, fat, short, tall, etc. because they aren't interested in men sexually and feel okay with varied designs because they aren't interested in having all men be sexualized. While the idealized woman is tall, slender and curvaceous. The only difference series make in telling women apart is skin color, hair color/style, clothing, maybe facial features. Various series always makes it so that women must look like this. With those who fall outside this build are few and far between. It's also considered okay to mock women that don't fall into traditional beauty standards being objects of ridicule.

I think too, this is a lot of male writers wanting all women in their story to be sexy sex objects and not knowing how to design women are that aren't thin, curvaceous and leggy. I think most of these creators don't find muscular/fat women sexy. They likely vary male designs because most of them aren't interested in having every man be sexy, so they feel okay with having men that aren't muscular beefcakes.
Plus with animation and artists, having similar designs for characters is easier than giving each and every character a unique build, facial feature, design, etc. While there are artists that have varied designs, they know how to tweak stuff enough so that characters look different. I think this is part of why animation/comics/animation/manga uses identical builds for female characters. It's easier to draw and animate and to just make slight changes to distinguish women from each other. I also imagine that a lot of artists don't know how to draw bigger women. I imagine they lack references or an idea for how bigger people look. I also think they wouldn't know how to make bigger bodies look sexy/beautiful and how to convey the features of bigger bodies in whatever style they use. Art is a lot of trial and error. I imagine artists like Betterwithsalt or annonnxyz drew lots of scribbly, off model stuff before being better at art.

I think maybe more people like us working with artists would be an idea and would help get more work with BBW fanservice out there.
Even BBW artists reuse features, builds, etc. a lot in their art. Some just know how to change stuff to create varied designs.
Quite sexist if the helpless blob doesn't have her fat rolls wiped clean and give her constant massages possible in order to avoid blood clots, that fat ass won't soften itself.
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>I'm shocked how little study there's been about FAism, and I've been looking for 30+ years. The only academic paper I ever found was a parody of the genre, more about feminism, racism, and body positivity than FAs themselves.
>I did remember there was one paper, Feederism , eating, weight gain and sexual pleasure by Kathy Charles and Michael Palkowski.

There is another: https://files.catbox.moe/tiw8fb.PDF
Too bad 2008 was 20 years ago, but this is pretty interesting.

It is truly funny though how even most of the most "sex positive" types absolutely refuse to touch this fetish, but they'll totally spread the gospel of furries eating each other's feces or something else illegal.
Feminists like Moms of Liberty hate furries so much that they're banning it and other juvenile literature from the library.
So? Now only the rich and genetically elite will have kids. And the poors will die out. All fair
Thanks. That paper is still the leading academic work on the topic. I wonder if the author even knows that lol
Good fuck them furballs

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