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I just learned that a fat fetish artist, whose art I spent years jerking off to, has trooned out.
>fetish artist
>trooned out
As inevitable as the sun rising at dawn
I am too much of a narcissist and a chauvinistic demon to care about trooning.
>>31550 (OP)
Trannies truly are the jews of modern times, a small minority overrepresented in the arts making them highly visible.
so? I don't care if an artist is a man or a woman. Are you one of those idiots who think you can 'catch the gay' from homo produced art? just jerk off and get on with your life lmao the identity/wokeness of artists is meaningless if it doesn't enter their work. ofc in cases like Jeetdoh it does come to dominate their art and THAT is annoying af
>define life by porn
>let porn define (and transform) you

Many such cases. Sad!

Now you see why HRT hit nerd communities like crack did black people.

That artist was meant to be painting chapels and stained glass and stuff and was just born a few centuries too late. Now he's a eunuch. It's over the West has fallen etc but maybe this will be his rock bottom before he wakes up.
Total Angloid Death. We need 1776 AND 1812 all over again. That Union Jack depicts 3 saints, limey.
Artists are getting suspended from Twitter.
The artist I'm assuming is Derrick Fish. Had long hair and a beard and now using the name Dee and looking like the troon memes. And this reminds me that the husband of Stuffing Kit did it to himself recently and looks scary.
Bro you are posting anonymously on a chan website dedicated to jerking off to obscenely fat women.

Your life is ruled by pornography in a way that 99.9% of the population cannot relate to.
>Now you see why HRT hit nerd communities like crack did black people.
too real, bruh, too real
>Derrick Fish
Oh fuck, really? He's a good artist who's way too old for this shit. I assumed OP was talking about some Zoomer weeb artist.
All the old artists troon out cause they are past the age of marrying and don't got prospects.
>>31584 What's that? What does HRT stand for?
What does trooning mean?
Physicians are persuading women and teen boys to discard their gender for plastic surgery. Trooning is what breast implants are for boomers, a need for attention. This fad may cost Biden votes with suburban democrats as he wants fake stuff, but doesn't bother reviving pro wrestling, soap operas, or hire fetish artists to make pro weight gain movies.
I dunno. White people are doing fentanyl, tranq, trooning, or any drug made by MS-13 and China.
Portmanteau of "transgender" and "goon" that originated on the Something Awful forums many years ago. A troon is a shut-in male nerd with typically male nerd interests (anime, video games, TTRPGs) who adopts an identity as a transgender woman. Typically these are straight men who become "trans lesbians" under the "if I can't get the gamer girl, I will become the gamer girl" theory and dress like the goth chicks they had a crush on as teenage nerds.

To absolutely no one's surprise, this phenomenon is frequently observed among fetish artists.
HRT stands for Hormone Replacement Therapy. In the context of this conversation, it means transgender women (i.e. men who want to be women) taking oestrogen. But it can also mean the opposite (women who want to be men taking testosterone).
To further confuse the issue, in a medical setting it also refers to other kinds of hormonal treatment, especially for menopausal women. But you almost never see people on the internet talking about this. If you see someone on the internet talking about HRT you can almost always assume they're talking about transgender people.
Not all male nerds become trans women because of a non existent love life. Many of them do it because they feel that the identity given to them was wrong and they wish to be how they feel. This has nothing to do with not getting some. Plus how is becoming a woman supposed to help my non existent love life? Not all trans people get surgeries, I would still have a penis and unless I change how I interact with people, I would still be dateless.

If there's any reason certain male artists transition is because they feel that they were living a lie and wish to be as they truly are. Gender roles are a social construct, I know that someone trans is still biologically their birth gender. I wish to address them by how they feel they want to. It's not hurting anyone and they wish to be as they truly are. I am accepting their truth and their truth isn't my truth. There have always been trans people, it's just that more and more are coming out as trans now.
If I defend trans people, it's because I am horrified at the violence and hate carried out against people trying to live their lives. Hearing how many of them are denied basic rights, and kindness, is horrifying. How they are denied hormones which they need to get energy day by day is disgusting. Or how some voices called for genocide against trans people.

Most trans people are trying to live their lives and are rarely the assaulters and rapists the media makes them out to be. If they are, how many have done this? Who has done these things? What about the trans people living their lives? How do you know they are supposedly evil? How do you know that what you have been told about trans people being evil is true?
They also talk about puberty blockers as though they're a new evil thing that hurts kids but they've been around for decades. This shows the ignorance people have towards medical procedures and act as though these things are recent or are harmful/bad because some message board or YouTube video told them so. They ignore the reasons people take these things and how they've been around for decades, they probably haven't killed as many people as they have been told.
I am happy that the fat fetish artist transitioned and hope they receive the love and care that should go to any and all human beings.
I literally prefer old soviet style communists a hundred thousand times over this sappy yet apathetic nihilism. You are pure cancer. YWNBAW
HRT are for women over 50 and men are being selfish in taking a drug that's supposed to cure menopause for plastic surgery. Again, it's just a dumb fad that's going to cause Biden the suburbs cause gays who vote blue hate being treated like a child more than log cabin conservatives who hate Dunedin man's homophobia. Gays support Trump cause a libertine bully will get them the promotion they asked for. Trooning is just what Emo was in 2000s, Skateboarding in the 90s, and Glam Rock in the 70s-80s was. A dumb American fad where boomers overreacting to anything that doesn't conform to their standards.
>identity/wokeness of artists is meaningless if it doesn't enter their work.
It always does. First they troon out, then they start posting male shit and finally prostitute themselves on the internet like that kappa troon.
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Jesus Christ, you faggots are an utterly insignificant portion of the population, this grandiose idea that gays decide elections is just another liberal fantasy.
Fags and troons dominate online spaces by being perpetually online losers with a vested interest in getting into positions of power and censoring anyone who hurts their feelings. Trannies love gloating over bans as though it reflects the will of communities and not just the insecurity of troon'd out moderation teams (like 4chan's).
>why do you care bro?
Because trannies are hideous. Everyone knows this, the fact that they dedicate their entire lives to taking over communities to censor something so blatantly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain only further proves it.
Conservatives in America are typically elderly single men like Lindsay Graham, George Conway III, or Tim Scott. Dubya was when breast expansion thrived because his malapropisms made it possible for men to do plots and have their way with women. Trump made neocons look as infertile as they were as they couldn't pass their genes on. Dunedin man is the next conservative sex symbol among suburban women who are tired of liberals screeching about abortion and gun control. Really, America doesn't like authoritarian dictators.
Trump won the popular vote and the Democrats stole the election.
he never did retard
mfer you are from Australia. Only boomers you should worry about are the ones stealing jackets from Jerry O'Connell, shut the fuck up about American politics before I kick your ass back to Hoddle street.
it's incredibly depressing that i can't even guess which one cuz there's so many and they all became loser porn addicts who post about what uwu fat and slutty ethots they are
>>31550 (OP)
guess you should just kill yourself then
>>31550 (OP)
dude if you're anywhere near twitter most of them are troons or end up going to far with the fetish and become fags

Elon Musk restricted access cause he does business in China. It's the same reason Mona from Genshin Impact was given tights, to make her ass look respectable. Musk is just bringing back the suburban monotony of the 90s and troons are getting singled out for being misfits.
>>31550 (OP)
That's just the beginning, soon he'll join the shittiest social media app because he doesn't wanna' feel left out, his art will get crunched in both resolution and quality, if you want to see it in decent quality you'll have to subscribe to his Patreon: Right where he wants you, policing if you're dumping his shit elsewhere.

>We need 1776 and 1812 all over again
Hey if you want the White House burnt down again that's your perogative
1812 was a missed opportunity, we should've used the anger in new england at the federal government for imposing a stupid self harming economic embargo and war on britain to retake the region and incorporate it into canada. also oregon is rightful british clay fuck you polk

I'll take care of him, so you can shut the fuck up you absolutely hideous muttoid freak.
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Yeah, whatever.
Sometimes it's just baffling how people like you manage to bend reality into some grotesque fantasy.
>inb4 picrel
this happened more than anything else that has ever happened before, definitely, and is not remotely a made up thing
>t. future suicide victims
Thanks for removing yourselves from the gene pool.
brother you're posting on bbwchan everyone here is a genetic deadend including you
Exactly, I really don't know where people on a fat fetish imageboard get an heir of superiority. One of the most degenerate fetishes I can possibly think of, you don't get to act better then anyone else
>fat fetishism is more degenerate than the fetish of cutting off your genitals, taking dangerous drugs, and forcing everyone to look at the abomination you've become because you're such a coombrain you literally need to act out your fetish 24/7 and force everyone else to participate
lol. lmao, even. seek mental health treatment for your obsessive anger
most of the time i dont give a shit about troons but i do love it when the hypermasculine male interest troons talk about how lesbian and opressed they are, its cringe but a good laugh

then there's fucking insufferable, i want to blow gollygeo's brains out with a fucking shotgun
I think troons are also pretty degenerate, I just find it funny when these discussions happen in one of the most degen communities I can think of.

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