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Ive been wondering for a while if there are ssbbw hookers in and around europe?
The only ones i seem to find online are 40year olds weighing 320lbs. There must be some 30year ish 450lbs or more escort right ?
>>31528 (OP)
If there are I think feabie is the only place you'd find them. I've looked plenty in the states for SSBBWs on all the big escort sites and its a wasteland. Maybe there is some secret fat girl escort list out there but Im not privy to it
The paysites are the ads. Come on guys, use some sense. These girls aren't getting fat off $9.99 videos.
Almost every model would absolutely be up for escorting, even some of the ones that are adamantly against it. You just need to build up a rapport of not being a complete fucking creep and offer a high enough price to make it worth their while.

If you can approach one that's open to it, it's going to set you back a grand. Triple if they're a big name and have to deal with endless "adoration". You just gotta ask.
>You just need to build up a rapport of not being a complete fucking creep
The whole point of escorts is that you pay to bypass this charade.

Protip - Dismissing a woman's need for safety, is a quick way to fail the vetting process.
>>31528 (OP)
>>Are there any 450+ lb hookers in europe

Then you're stuck with the ones that are open to and advertising providing that service, try reading what I posted again.
You know these fat whores drop their pants within 15 mins of meeting any decently attractive man?
They don’t care about their own safety. This is about you being a loser.

Attractive??? The question includes an implicit safety check.

Sexual abuse is one of the core reasons a woman gets to ssbbw status. She uses food to literally build a wall around herself. These women are more sensitive to the the risk on average. They paysite is her way to explore sexuality, without physical danger.

A 450+ ssbbw is almost certainly carrying some serious trauma from her past. Honor that and holy shit. Sky's the limit.
9/10 of them are carrying serious trauma from their past. The remaining 1/10 are average american overweight NPC's who just never cared to get weiight under control, and are the most unbearably vapid and boring people possible. My advice would be to go for one of the crazy ones and avoid the boring ones.
How much head cannon do you need? They’re mostly lazy women who are cashing in on our fetish. I’d bet the average bbwchan member was abused more growing up. Simp harder bruh.
Nothing lazy about getting to 450lbs. That's hard fucking work. You're eating for 3. Every time you stand up, it's a squat with 300 extra pounds. Beast mode.

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