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I'll start. Sometimes weight loss is hot. Pic related
Mochii and Chloe aren't good looking.
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Boberry is the only >7 in the game. Roxie is a 6 with makeup.
Most are pure mid grade and fugly at any size. Busted faces, weird mouths, and shaped like a bullfrog on its hind legs
Funny, mine would be Boberry is 1000% overrated. Nice eyes, but face is too wide and flat, nose is too small and marshmallowy, she was born with no lips and the ones she has now are blatantly, distractingly fake. Funny you call out Roxxie who does have actual natural beauty (albeit girl next door type), because Boberry without makeup is a potato-faced peasant.

But yeah, point taken that there's a huge allowance for meh and downright ugly mugs. It's just about supply — how many 350+ women are gonna get in the game in the first place? I'd also argue a lot of the problem isn't lack of natural attractiveness but lack of effort and bad styling. Like, Rennaye is actually very attractive but does everything possible to negate it. Jae also took an active role in uglying herself up. Some don't even wash their hair much less style it, put on makeup or bother to set up a light or two.

And there are plenty of nice feminine shapes out there, provided you actually like fat female bodies.

>>31414 (OP)
It's all about the rebound. WLS gals lose a ton then (inevitably) regain all in the right places, the new stuff super soft and jiggly while their faces stay thin, which I love. Several examples on Insta who I'm not gonna ID so they don't get swamped.
I'll add and say that Mochi looked better when she was smaller. Something about the way fat distributes on her makes her look like the image in >>31417
classic reddit incel take
He’s not wrong though
Nah. Def a porn addict but im happily married to better looking woman who’s gaining out of control.
The incels are people who get a boner to Frankenstein looking women who lose half three teeth to Mountain Dew.
Agreed Boberry looks like a cave troll with no makeup on but had a massive ass, Roxxie just looks featureless with sublet pig eyes. These are the two most fuckable women in the game sadly.

>I'm an addict. I'm addicted to porn.
4chan 2023
>>31414 (OP)
True, they’re a lot jigglier and softer, it’s a little weird when you realize they’re like empty bags but it’s easy to ignore
>>31446 Empty bags ok American. Whatever you say goes
That's a rain frog, my guy
I think Mochii looks okay but she did look better when she was smaller.
However I believe she will look hotter when she gets even bigger with more rolls and folds, its bound to happen with how dedicated she has been to gaining
Were you taught to have an issue with anything an American says or are you just in a bad mood?

Mochii quit. She wont be back
Farts are hot when a girl is eating too much, but not hot any other time.
I never thought lisalou was attractive, she always looks like a drunk horse. Boberry is overrated content wise but still one of the most attractive. Belly play and stuffing vids have become stale and dreadfully boring to me, that’s why the bbw/ssbbw models that are open to doing kinks other types of content are the best imo.
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>Funny, mine would be Boberry is 1000% overrated. Nice eyes, but face is too wide and flat, nose is too small and marshmallowy, she was born with no lips and the ones she has now are blatantly, distractingly fake. Funny you call out Roxxie who does have actual natural beauty (albeit girl next door type), because Boberry without makeup is a potato-faced peasant.

This, thank you. She has the phenotype of a medieval Rhineland blacksmith's wife. Alpine salt of the earth; "potato face" puts it so succinctly. If she were normal size I'd feel bad for her ending up a femcel.

On that note I absolutely love when a fat woman (and women in general) have refined, strong features. High cheekbones and a pointy nose carry and frame facial fat so well.
based, its just so natural always makes the clip better. it doesnt even have to be a lot. but im a fart freak so im biased lol.
Not to sound like a dickrider but you calling bindery overrated face card wise gives me the implications your a basement dwelling incel coomer now beauty is in the eye of the beholder for sure but to say that you don’t find her attractive at all is damn near autistic we all know boberry is thee objectively most beautiful fat bitch in the game half the others look like some shit you’d see in the Marianna trench please use your brain
Dude how sandy is your vagina? Have you been outside? I see better looking fat chicks on every corner of every American city.

Boberry looks like any midwestern middle aged admin assistant covered in foundation. Roxie looks like a pig wearing makeup. Yes these are two of the better looking women in this scene.
I’ve fucked models, they don’t look nearly as good in real life. Most wouldn’t be average in a college town compared to irl fatties.
Boberry isn't a knock out stunner face-wise, but she's not a total butter face either. She does have "hot girl energy" though, any of the candid pics where she's out and about with friends or whatever you can see it, it's a really sexy confidence, besides her ridiculous proportions that's her best feature IMO. BC Bonnie has a similar, related thing, she looks like she really fun and into sex, she's got a fun/crazy vibe even if she's not a 10/10 knock out.
Can’t people accept it’s an unpopular opinion without fighting it.
Opinion: juices Jackie looks like a drag queen.
Opinion: no model over 35 is worth looking at
Opinion: hot girl energy doesn’t exist at her size, it’s just for the camera. No 35 year old massively obese woman is gonna act like that knowing they’re a disgusting freak show to most people.
Your last opinion only makes sense if you believe everyone over 400lbs just sits at home and is miserable instead of having a life.
*tips fedora*
In terms of how hot she is as a gainer, 10.
But as an actual attractive humanoid? Like a 5 at best.

Here's my hot take; Boberry is overrated as fuck. I think she's not that hot, definitely in the upper tier, but she's not this god of attractiveness people hold her up as. Honestly looks a bit mid.
Dude you really think she’s smiling like that after a group of teens points at her and laughs like some carnival freak or zoo animal (which she physically resembles more than a human).
FYI, there's a thread for unpopular opinions that could use a little action.
It's fine that you got a humiliation kink. I got one too. But I don't think she's regularly going to state fairs and coincidentally sitting in front of the Circus Fat Lady attraction sign regularly.
Here's my hot take on Jackie: Her heavy breathing is too much. I like a bit of heavy breathing but she just sound like she's ill. I suppose she is, but it puts me off nevertheless.
I absolutely respect Mochii's gain but I just don't find her attractive at all. As someone who likes both fat and skinny girls, I kind of think she looked better skinny.

My other (hot?) takes:
- Fat girls almost never look good with short hair.
- Ivy is fuck ugly but I respect the fact that she does so much gonzo shit (even if I'm not into 99% of it).
- More guys need to get over themselves and just accept that there's a bit of kayfabe involved with this community. Some people get irrationally butthurt about models inflating their numbers a bit, girls "not being into it" etc.
- It actually doesn't fucking matter whether a model is really into it or not, what matters is her skill as an actress when it comes to pretending to be into it. Of course it's nice if she really is into it, but it's unrealistic to expect her to be IMO.
- Most skinnyfat gainers are a dime a dozen. They never gain much weight and they crop up as often as they abruptly retire, so I never get invested in them.
- "Coming out as non-binary" is just cope for women (especialy fat women) who aren't conventionally attractive and/or feminine (or just feel as though they aren't due to insecurity). The fact that models *surprise pikachu face* when they piss off their fans by coming out as non-binary will never not be funny to me.
- To follow on from the previous point: There's a huge disconnect between models and their fans in terms of how woke they are. I find this very amusing. Some models seem keenly aware of this but others are utterly clueless, often with hilarious results.
>>31414 (OP)
I hate when people start complaining when a model slows down her weight gain or just stops outright. It’s especially insane when people complain that women who are pushing 450/500 pounds have “stopped gaining” because they “aren’t really into it” even though they literally turned themselves into barely mobile blobs of lard. Do people really think it’s feasible/affordable/realistic for every fat model to gain infinitely? Trolling behavior
No. But when that ass starts sagging I’ll move onto the next model. Too many children here take it personal when someone says the truth about the favorite model.
Hating on models for anything but their content is cringy fanboy bullshit.

Weeping over how hard it is to be an FA is also cringy.

Raging incel-style over how much fat women suck is the cringiest.

FAs are not normies with a preference. We have a different sexuality, like gay people.

No one knows how to shoot fat porn.
>Hating on models for anything but their content is cringy fanboy bullshit.
Agreed. Either jerk off or don't.

>Weeping over how hard it is to be an FA is also cringy.
Good Lord, agreed. We're living in a time where women are fatter than ever and social movements are encouraging them to dress well and you're crying over oppression? Fucking hopeless, that whole thread.

>Raging incel-style over how much fat women suck is the cringiest.
Yep. Y'all don't have to simp but good lord don't pretend you're better than them. You're HERE.

>FAs are not normies with a preference. We have a different sexuality, like gay people.
Good nuanced take. Our minds are wired differently.

>No one knows how to shoot fat porn.
A-fucking-men. It's amateurs with shitty angles or bad acting that's too unbelievable. Take some goddamn notes, girls.

Give this guy a medal.
Skinnyfat/chubby women > Whales any day of the week

Most apple shaped bodies are ugly. Great for stuffing material though. Pears and hourglasses are top tier

While I like jacking off to obese women, I would never actually date or marry one for various reasons. I prefer to keep this fetish a fantasy only.

There are only a few legitimately attractive women in this community. Candii Kayn is one that comes to mind

Fatties with skinny faces are S-tier (pretty sure this isn't unpopular)

We already know this, but most of the people in this community are either retards, schizos, autistic, or just mal adjusted people in general. Not saying I'm a "normie", but come on. At least have some semblance of normalcy.
get 'im outta here
>Hating on models for anything but their content is cringy fanboy bullshit.

99% of the hate are from the broke bitches who don't even buy content. So already their opinons mean shit when they do nothing but mooch and kiss ass for reups of old videos.
I agree with most of these, with some caveats.
>While I like jacking off to obese women, I would never actually date or marry one for various reasons. I prefer to keep this fetish a fantasy only.
I have dated a few but I don't think I'd marry one. Never say never though. For me it's a catch-22 between satisfying sex vs all the downsides. But we've already had a million threads about this so we don't need to open this can of worms again.
>There are only a few legitimately attractive women in this community. Candii Kayn is one that comes to mind
Looks-wise, she is a girl I would genuinely marry. Naturally beautiful and just the right amount of weight gain. Perfect.
>Fatties with skinny faces are S-tier (pretty sure this isn't unpopular)
Not unpopular, but it is controversial. Some people get pretty butthurt about it. I don't mind a bit of a double chin, but a skinny (or even just relatively skinny) face is absolutely god-tier.
>We already know this, but most of the people in this community are either retards, schizos, autistic, or just mal adjusted people in general. Not saying I'm a "normie", but come on. At least have some semblance of normalcy.
I am legit diagnosed autistic but I never fail to be disappointed by how poorly my fellow autists conduct themselves on forums.
People who obsess over if Models are gaining weight and complain when they lose weight are by far the most annoying members of the Community.

Better yet, the obsession with the idea that every model MUST get fatter is actively harmful to the community and why most models just leave after a certain point.
gaining weight, losing weight, whatever matters little, it's the content that matters. boberry has a great body, camera personality, voice, but none of it matters cause 95% of her content is too boring to watch

>> why most models just leave after a certain point.

I fail to see this community having any influence on when a model leaves. Most models leave due to health reasons, personal matters, or when they get bored of being fat and want to do something else with their lives.

They're not going to quit because Coomer #4826 said some mean things about them.
Thought this would quickly become a dumpster fire --- really pleased with the opinions shared here --- my discomfort gets amplified when I pick up on dysfunctional personality traits exhibited by the model over time and then mental illness begins to define my perception of that person and I start moving from taking comfort from my on line experience like a cloth mother and moving toward the wire mother experience, terribly aware of the dysregulation and dysfunction that permeates the scene.
As a huge BoBerry fan, this is definitely an unpopular opinion.

It's also an objective correct one. Her content is boring AF. It's painfully obvious she just wants to be an Instagram thot and do boring hot girl things but she's 550lbs and can only live out that dream behind a paywall.
Shannon Marie dethroned Boberry, not only there are videos of her getting on with a dildo (in which you have to see closely if it's moving) but also she just keeps gaining but you have to pay attention, she didn't pump up like a balloon but like passively everything goes into her ass with the size of the moon.

I sure do enjoy watching overweight actresses doing basic activities, if I were a movie director I'd go full on Patrick Swayze (but with fat actresses of course)
look I'm a fan of both women but Shannon is dime a dozen trailer trash. we all know half of Boberry's appeal is that she looks like a clique of 5 bougie instagram thots fused together into one girl.
Ya boberry is elegant, fancy, exclusive, elite, upper class, all those words. She’s in the “luxury” tier with models like Chloe, Roxxie, LisaLou etc. Girls you can just tell right away either are rich, grew up rich or at least have very high class taste. (Chloe and Boberry in particular seem like they grew up pretty spoiled.) Shannon Marie is just another trashy and dumb girl from Ohio or Michigan or whatever but who just happens to have a giant ass. You can tell by her general presentation but the countless shitty overly colorful tattoos. Anyways I’m attracted to different parts of both types but prefer boberry over Shannon Marie
NY, PA, Michigan are part of the snack belt. The Pennsylvania Dutch knew how to make fat women.
The amount of Japanese anime/gamer bullshit in /bbwart and /elite (and on DA, etc) is annoying and a total turnoff. I have nothing against Japan or Japanese people, I like their food, art, etc. But why TF are so many among us obsessed with fatifyingone of the thinnest cultures on earth?
I've driven the whole length of PA multiple times and I've seen more attractive women at gas stations in rural PA than I've seen at any club/bar/concert.
Japanese anime is based off Tex Avery and Tom and Jerry MGM shorts. Evangelion makes more sense if you see Asuka as the Wolf in the Tex Avery shorts or Tom getting inflated as punishment
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Middle aged oldfag here. Up until maybe 2002, pretty much all weight gain and fat fetish art was either realistic (StudioFA is and will always be GOAT) or drawn in a Western comic strip style. I remember when Satsurou and OjiRyojoji first came on the scene, and at the time I thought it was an interesting change of pace to see people drawing anime fats. In the 90s anime was an obscure interest even in nerd culture, relative to Western sci-fi and fantasy. I dabbled in it but wasn't a hardcore weeb, and even if I had been, anime was difficult and expensive back then to get ahold of.

During the aughts anime blew up in the West at a headspinningly rapid speed. (I could write a multiparagraph essay on this broader phenomenon but will spare you the autism.) This development in the broader pop culture was paralled in online fetish art since there's a huge overlap between spergs who enjoy nerd culture and spergs with weird fetishes so that by the end of the decade anime art and fanfic had almost completely displaced Western art styles.

I think a lot has been lost as a result. I don't like how tropey and repetitive most anime art is, and I don't keep up with any current series, so I don't really care about a fat of she.
>During the aughts anime blew up in the West at a headspinningly rapid speed. (I could write a multiparagraph essay on this broader phenomenon but will spare you the autism.)

Do it, sperg out on your sociohistorical analysis. PLEASE.

> and I don't keep up with any current series

You're missing out on kino if you think anime is a dichotomy of moe waifu stuff or shonen kiddie action series. And even within recent stuff like that, Bocchi the Rock is sincerely entertaining without being gaudy or too weird. And if you just want pure art watch Violet Evergarden or something.

As other anon said, Autism. ASDs are very heavily correlated with paraphilias for various reason, and add to that how autists like feeling of pressure and weight (see weighted blankets). And fat is so basic to human existence - it was inevitable really.

And of course, Anime is very digestible in form and vivid in creativity whilst being simple.

Finally let's be honest - is Western media really any competitor these days? Have you seen the absolute garbage on Netflix? Where diversity hires can't even do lighting and sound right these days LOL
Another unpopular(?) opinion: Finding a juicy 1-paragraph reference to a fat woman in a mainstream book is 1000% hotter than 99% of WG/fatfic on DA and elsewhere.

Japanophobe here and if it wasn't obvious from my first post, I'm old too, and was into comics as a lad, through my 20s. I was positive about manga when that wave happened because it kept my favorite comic shops open during a challenging time but it just never appealed to me.

>Finally let's be honest - is Western media really any competitor these days? Have you seen the absolute garbage on Netflix? Where diversity hires can't even do lighting and sound right these days LOL

Good point* though I'm not even saying anime/manga is "bad" as content. I honestly wouldn't know because I never got into it. I assume like most media 97% is crap or mediocre at best and 3% is great. I like the Studio Ghibli stuff I've seen and Akira is one of my top 5 favorite animated movies. But the manga I've thumbed through, including stuff that's been recommended by people who are supposed to know about such things, is superficial and shrill.

Just that I don't like the art style from a superficial standpoint, and again, referencing Japanese culture or even Japanese names kills my FA boner.

(* I'm 90% SJW btw but the way the film industry is handling their diversity problem both in front of and behind the camera is panic-driven and thus flimsy and self-destructive.)
>Finding a juicy 1-paragraph reference to a fat woman in a mainstream book is 1000% hotter than 99% of WG/fatfic on DA and elsewhere.
agreed, and seeing weight gain in normie media is so much better than WG art. there's something about the non-FA perspective that makes it so hot, it's kind of voyeuristic but not in the 'watching people fuck from outside the window' sense? idk how to explain it but FA media has its head up its ass too much when talking about fat people.
Vore, blueberry, farting, and furries are the cringiest shit ever and people that ask models to do content should be publicly shamed. “Kink shaming” be damned, you’re retarded.
I know I’m late to this party, but, I don’t find BoBerry attractive at all. Fantastic arse, but she’s not a pretty girl.
Kisame here. I want to support American shows like Yellowstone, but Hollywood actors and writers are on strike until they can promote their dumb mediocre comedians and capeshit. Bob Iger said the quiet part out loud that autistics like me and normies are tired of Marvel and Star Wars. I know I get shit on for liking Dragonball, but Goku has a complete story about being raised by Grandpa Gohan and his Saiyan dad Bardock being an utter bastard. Even Japan has to come up with different explanations as to why Char turned evil in CCA using video games, manga, and anime. Marvel thinks we somehow care about Talia Watiti directing Thor.
>>32099 Kisame, are you gay and black, or are you just latinom
I am not gay or black. I am Latino.
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This probably isn't an unpopular opinion, but I never see anyone bring it up.
There is something insanely hot and underappreciated about plus-sized underwear. I think the sheer size of it helps put into perspective how big the woman is. It's something very small that actually goes a long way. It's like that one scene from Shallow Hal.
I know I get shit on from hyperpreg for liking comedies but Costanza from Seinfeld did more for fat man than any other millennial creator
Who's the woman in the first pic?
I agree. Wrapping your arms around a huge ass that’s contained within a giant pair of underwear… I don’t know what it is about it but it’s one of those things that’s especially hot about fat chicks.
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>Check SlickPen's Twitter. It's just male ex pushing female artist into making preg art.

I don't have any sympathy for artists who whine about their ex in Inglewood, South Central, or Burbank. Hollywood should just outsource directing to drug lords and pimps already.
>FAs are not normies with a preference. We have a different sexuality, like gay people.

I've always felt the same way. Like my sexuality is just fat. I think skinny women can be pretty, but I have no sexual attraction to them. And sometimes when my brain is coomed out, I've definitely masturbated to a guy if he's got a doughy feminine figure and idk I'm repulsed by dick idk I'm not sure if I'm bi. Maybe just in denial.

But fat just activates some primal sexuality in me. It really does feel like something beyond a fetish.
We're not all perverts like you.
>my sexuality is just fat.

OP here and that's a great way to put it. I get turned on by fat men too though I have zero interest in fucking one. Whether being an FA is preference vs. fetish vs. sexuality is probably never gonna be resolved, though I'd like to see an expert take a shot at it.

Just an hour ago I was on the train and a huge guy got on and sat across from me, 6'3" and would have been a semi-solid 220 or so except for a massive, low hanging belly, love handles and moobs. He was wearing a way too-tight t-shirt and cutoffs and — I swear to god — started eating a greasy egg sandwich the second he sat down. Granted, had he been a she I'd have been at least 1000% more turned on but that kind of did it for me lol.

Congratulations bozo, you're so normal that you're here on a site for fat women that 95% of men think are disgusting. I guess the German tendancy toward false superiority is in your genes.
You are on an imageboard about fetishizing fat. Idk where you think you're better then anyone else
Yea I really wish there'd be more research in the area. It really does feel like an amalgamation of a sexuality, fetish and preference all in one
Dude you’re just gay. It’s not a fetish for gay men to like fat men, that’s a preference.
The rest of us are not sick perverts. It’s perfectly normal to be disgusted by fat sleepy slobbish overgrown consumers that American women have become. It’s also normal to still want to fuck them. (Extra: abusing and humiliating them while fucking)
They’re gross, but easy. They’re like McDonalds. Sure some people consider it fine dining, the rest of us consider the disgusting, greesey, sleazy, easy aspects a plus for a once in a while treat.
Sometimes I absolutely despise being attracted to fat women and the only reason I accept it is because I know I can't change my sexuality.

There are a lot of things I don't like about the preference:

1. Society gives you shit for it/makes fun of you. Yes I know you can man up and shrug this off, which I do (I'm openly dating a fat girl), but it would be nice to not have to deal with the looks and judgment.

2. The dating pool is shallow. I live in the fattest nation on Earth and the amount of fat girls that are actually good looking and well proportioned pales in comparison to how many good looking thin women I see out in the wild.

3. I don't like the struggles that come with being fat/the health implications. I'm actually put off by how out of breath my gf gets and how much she eats sometimes. Yeah I know that's probably heresy on this board, but I really only like the way fat girls look and feel. I'm pretty vanilla in that regard.

There are weirder things to be into so it's not the end of the world.

>>but it would be nice to not have to deal with the looks and judgment.

Try being a minority in a predominantly white area. Consider yourself lucky that your only struggle is liking fat chicks.
Adele was so fucking hot before she lost weight. Now she's not even the same person. Ugly personality. Feels bad man.

I am a minority in a predominantly white area though. Why did you just assume I wasn't? Lol
How do you get put off by how much someone eats? It's not your business anyway. Unless you're paying for all her food and you're broke, just go dilly dally on your phone or something.

I understand the general feeling though but this is part of your cross to bear take it in humility and love.

Because you're complaining like it's some recent discovery. You still have white people casually saying nigger on here because they can't come up with a better retort. You're going to be judged until the day you die, might as well live with since nothing's going to change during our lifetime.

>>I live in the fattest nation on Earth

Also Nauru is the fattest nation on Earth of which the majority of residents are polyneasians.

And shocker, but America isn't even in the top 10 of fattest countries in the world. Only dipshits think otherwise......

I'm a gym rat and I watch what I eat so I'd say that has something to do with it. Mainly though, I'm just thinking about her health so when she downs an entire tub of ice cream in one sitting you can see why I might not be thrilled.


>>Because you're complaining like it's some recent discovery.

Regarding how society looks down on us, I'm not bringing that up as if nobody here has considered that. Obviously it's ubiquitous knowledge everyone knows. It doesn't bother everyone but it bothers me so that's why I listed it as a grievance.

>>And shocker, but America isn't even in the top 10 of fattest countries in the world. Only dipshits think otherwise......

Fattest first world nation then. As if Nauru, Tuvalu, or Kiribati are even places most people have heard of.
>Fattest first world nation then

Weak ass copout when there's barely 31 first world nations out of total of 195 countries. The title isn't even standardized when countries like Colombia call themselves first world nations despite half their population living in poverty.

Hell Egypt is fatter than the US, yet you're probably find some B.S excuse there too.

And keep trying to act like others countries don't exist just because you haven't heard of them.
>>And keep trying to act like others countries don't exist just because you haven't heard of them.

I'm not acting like they don't exist. I'm saying the average person isn't a dipshit for not knowing about those obscure ass countries. You didn't know about them either until you googled what the fattest nation on earth was seconds before responding to me.
why dont you try getting your gf to go to the gym with you? maybe im a severe minority but im morbidly obese (400lbs) and i actually love exercising, especially weight lifting. I just don't get around to doing it because of various reasons and personal failures. So if i had a partner who explicitly didn't want me to lose weight but did want to exercise with me i would love that.
>It’s perfectly normal to be disgusted by fat sleepy slobbish overgrown consumers that American women have become. It’s also normal to still want to fuck them.

Yes, totally normal. Not at all a pathetically sad self-own on your part. I envy your normalcy and self-awareness.
What a sandy vagina.
My bitch, think about how dumb what you wrote was. Tell me how an obese sweaty food addicts aren’t disgusting. Their greedy overconsumption alone is gross before you consider their bodies.
Unpopular opinion - this fetish sucks. I hate myself and it's 99% of the time unhealthy. If I'm trying to bust a nut it just takes some crazy ass shit now to do it. Big Cuties is like the first tastes of crack, it's free and its amazing but it only leads to crazier and wilder things. I was spending on one of my girlfriends around 800$ on food and carb powder just to maintain size, I can't Imagine what The other 500lb+ girls have to consume on a daily basis just to keep size.

TLDR; This fetish is bad and I feel bad and every woman I've ever been with longer than 6 months agrees.
If you bozos are going to be annoyingly pedantic, at least do it right. 1st-2nd-3rd World isn't about wealth or development specifically. It's a Cold War designation as to political alignment with NATO (1st World), the Soviet Union (2nd), or unaligned (3rd). It happened to be that most underdeveloped countries fell into the third category so it became shorthand for "poor." Yet technically Switzerland and Finland were also "3rd World."

Also grow up/man up and stop whining about "people looking down on you" for dating a fat woman. Most people out of high school really don't care — trust me on this. Or if they do then they're toxic dipshits whose opinion you shouldn't care about anyway. Plus as "a minority in a majority-white area" most people will give you a pass because of known cultural preferences for fat women. Trust me on that as well.
Since you're obsessed with being normal (because you have no self-esteem), sex itself is disgusting, no? Think about it objectively — sticking your face into a woman's wet crotch, much less her ass, something "normal" dudes do as SOP.

So I (we) are into women who overeat and wear the results. Big fucking deal.

Not to mention I can almost see you with one hand down your pants as you type out fantasyfeeder.com shit like "obese sweaty food addicts." You're like the closeted gay homophobe going into deep, poetic detail about man-on-man sex and how much it disgusts him.

Obviously you had no father figure in your life so I'm here to tell you that real men own their shit.
Popular opinion: Dudes that feel compelled to whine about being an FA and/or rag on other FAs for being FAs should stay off a board meant for FAs.
Make up more head cannon to support your idiot take. I don’t care about being normal, same as I don’t care about pretending fat women aren’t fat. The women sure know they’re fat freaks, if you talked to any.
No one but the most desperate loser needs to pretend fat women aren’t hilarious and gross.
They’re literally destroying the world and their own bodies for fast food, but, ok we should worship them.
Popular opinion: 90% of the men here have slob fetishes or dom feeder fetishes.
The 10% submissive FAs need to shut the fuck up and know their role. Defending your egirl on bbwchan isn’t gonna get you laid loser.
>>Tell me how an obese, sweaty hog, stuffing herself senseless every single night and sleeping naked because she’s too fat for clothes, getting waited on hand and food by her loyal feeder husband, covered in stretch marks and rolling folds of flab, absolutely ballooning in size and gaining weight -starts jerking off harder- isn’t disgusting
>I don’t care about being normal

Yet you mentioned it 3x lol. Did the meds wear off in between?

You hate yourself so you're obsessed with normalcy, textbook shit. No one is pretending fat women aren't fat, we're just not going off about it, red-eyed and spit flying out of our mouth about how much we hate hate hate fat women while being on bbw-chan. Some of us can separate being into stuff like slob and humilation but not have a collection of human heads in our fridges. Just like women have rape fantasies but don't actually want to be raped.

But you live in a really sad world where the options are dominance or submission and nothing in between, because you viscerally hate what you're attracted to. There are Catholic priests and serial killers with healthier views about women and sex. I know you're too far gone to see yourself but trust me, the rest of the world is amazed at your self-ownership.
You gotta be more creative with the insults and personal tales: these were stale 10 years ago bro.
It’s an unpopular opinion board, not debate club. Im pointing out the disgust is part of the appeal, and you lost your shit why bro?
Visit the real world sometime and quit this faux intellectual simp garbage. You’re truly an idiot and one of the most boring basic people I’ve argued with.

Yeah she wants to start coming to the gym with me. She does want to lose some weight and get healthier, but she doesn't want to be skinny. She likes being bigger.

>>Also grow up/man up and stop whining about "people looking down on you" for dating a fat woman.

Trust me I'm not sitting here wallowing in pity in my everyday life. I'm not embarrassed at all to be seen in public with my gf or anything like that. It took time but I developed thick skin and stopped caring or hiding that I like fat girls, but it I still maintain that it would be nice to not have to deal with the negativity sometimes. It's like atheism. I'm an atheist in the Bible belt and it doesn't bother me for the most part if people find out, but it would still be nice for there not to be stigmas against non believers.
I use think this shit was hardwired into you too but as I've gotten older what turns me off and and turns me on changes, and granted I don't know how old you are so please don't take this as insult but "FAs are not normies with a preference. We have a different sexuality, like gay people" is a young man mentality and I think as time passes your mind will change on this.
>Kisame gets banned for just wanting free hyperpreg art and being autistic. Chans devolve into a five alarm dumpster fire where whites have their dumb culture wars and obsess over Christian bashing

There's a good reason that hyperpreg thread is blocked by 4chan. Even mods are getting tired of your over the top solipsist views. I rather vote for Desantis at this juncture if he makes it.
I am a Protestant. I don't care for the Archdiocese. We fucking hate Bill Donahue and the Catholic League more than Pat Robertson. Him and all the other trad caths pissed away the good will that John Paul II and the Kennedys built in America. It's like how Tucker Carlson and JK Rowling made Episcopalians the power hungry sluts they truly are. At least Presbyterians like Trump, Stonewall Jackson, and Eisenhower are decent
Protestants can’t be trusted. Them and baptists are conspiring to prevent the born agains from reappointing Trump. This is a once in a lifetime chance for true believers to seize the legislative and executive wings and shedding Protestant blood is a minor loss.
Goddess Shar is not hot in the slightest I don’t know how the fuck she got so successful as a BBW
I’m 53, but you’re right in that my preferences have changed since I first noted my attraction to fat women 48 years ago. I came to this conclusion having talked to a lot of FAs over decades, some who have different preferences than me. That said, I also believe there are guys who just have a “preference” or just like women of all shapes and sizes. But for us hardcore FAs — and you know them when you talk to them — it’s more than a fetish and deeper than a preference, though it shares characteristics with both.
>>32442 Don't you get it? We need artificial food. The United States' running out of food. There's simply too many citizens in this country and not enough food supplies. Illegal immigration, longer life expectancies, less farmers, and food prices that're at an all time low have all left the US starving.

There was no other way! The FDA was coerced into approving artificial food because there's not enough food we will all starve to death because of immigrants!!!

Please give artificial food a chance! You may actually love it more than real food!!! Who knows? Artificial food may even be cheaper in cost! AND OF COURSE WE PROMISE NOT TO RAISE THE PRICES OF REAL FOOD!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT REAL CHICKENS GOING OUT OF STYLE!!! WE'RE NOT PSYCHOPATHIC OR MENTALLY HANDICAPPED/CLINICALLY RETARDED!!!

~The Government.
Maybe, Im still in my early 20s so I've got a lot of time for things to change, but I vividly remember finding out I was into fat years before I felt anything sexual for women. I would just type something like "fat women" online and just be enamored by the pictures, way before I even had any sort of sexual desires, something about it just fascinated me
>I don’t know how the fuck she got so successful as a BBW

Curvage was dried up at the time so the coomers there had no other choice.
Kisame here. Trump is going to prison for violating the Espionage Act and commiting sedition. His only hope is if he goes full Eugene Debs or secures a pardon. Wilson Democrats aren't going to deviate from the fourteen points. Trump is an anarchist.
I work in the food sector. We're working split shifts cause consumption and energy are up. It's libs creating an artificial scarcity to push electric and solar energy that's causing the problem. The Hollywood tycoons are resorting to starving and gunning the poor to make Depression kino.

Kisame again, nope. I live between 5 low to mid supermarkets and have access to Trader Joes and Whole Foods


We can make more food. I am 200lbs. I can survive the purge by shedding 30lbs.
Artificial foods are a myth. Go deep throat Chick-fil-A with all the other hambeasts
It's going to be funny when Biden wins reelection and straps fatties to the conveyer belt

When you have your own country and own lots of money then you get to make all the decisions. Until then, my laboratories, my FDA, my food industries!
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Food has been grown in a lab for decades. We have a surplus of food. The Luddites in Vermont with their weed have only themselves to blame. It's like DocGyara. Gays need to take their meds and get back to the tollbooth!

Biden needs to autistically screech under the I-95 Philly overpass again

Part of it god me is I remember when she started thinking “no way this girl actually gains” thought she’d be just another Candii or other fake gainer who “stuffs” with like half a burger and is “sooooo full”. Then she got legit fat and her video quality is pretty good.

I can see how people who like big girls and actual BBW don’t like her. But she was skinny and hot by conventional standards and threw it away to get s fat gut for feedee vids. Hot to me. Also has a unique shape, like double belly despite being so small but also kind of a beer gut.
I love when a /gen thread devolves into schizophrenia-inducing nonsense as much as the next guy but can we all admit to ourselves that ron desantis is DONE and has literally a 0% chance of being the nominee
He has a chance. Trump has four or five charges that will keep him off the ballot related to 1/6. Desantis wants to try mail in ballot. The conspiracy to make Trump fall to Biden doesn't work if he's arrested
Also, socialists flat out hate Obama for being a neoliberal war criminal.
Seriously. I’ve been feeding women for years and 10$ didn’t buy you the heavy bag of fast food it used to. The burgers are pure non-digestible filler, grown in peach tree dishes.
There are videos online of them making lettuce out of plastic in China before exporting it over here.
We need an agrarian overlord to force Americans back to the family farm estates Jefferson Dreamed of before the socialist-Protestants running this cuntry send us to work the state owned communes.
Peach tree dish? Man this motherfucker is retarded
I was laughing when I read "peach tree"

Talk about sounding it out. That's some boneapple tea shit right there
You’re the real idiot if you think Costco hotdogs are made out of exactly as much foodstuffs as they were a decade ago.
Peons. Literally you shit coveted peasants will eat anything with toothless grin.
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>Be Kisame17
>Just want to go to Japan and eat their Burgers, racist ruins your fantasy with diatribe about China

I honestly think Biden can win if he just snorts Hunter's coke and goes full blown Pittsburgh Steelers on the right. Everyone I know flat out hates Desantis' guts and are hoping that Biden and Trump just put aside their difference to devour Florida Man.
A lot of the hate Kamala Harris and Biden gets is that they chew out aides and curse them out. They've been talking about Hunter's sex picks and I respect Hunter for impregnating a stripper so hard she wants him to be the father of her baby. Its like how Don Jr impregnated a stripper and married Newsome's wife, feeling happy.
My unpopular ssbbw opinions:

Sadie and Boberry were far sexier in their bbw royalty/smaller days. Both were still huge but had slimmer faces and I guess the about 10+ years of aging is starting to show. Sadie especially made sexier videos back then with bbw royalty. Her royalty squash/pov clips blow most of her BC clips out the water. Similar videos that she’s made with BC are much lamer by comparison

Jenni Bombshell has the greatest butt. One of the biggest butts, while also being very round, proportionate, and soft/squishy. Other ssbbw who have great asses don’t quite have it like Jenni does. Some are actually too big proportionately (Sadie), too small (Plump Princess, Asshley) or too flat (Valerie). So, Jenni has the best ass. Boberry and Pear Bottom are close contenders with Jenni in the ass department tho
Kisame, I rarely understand you, but you are one of the most entertaining people on this site
Talking normally and not daydreaming just revolve around paying off my credit bill, which got it's limit increase thanks to commission or saving up for a pickup. Current events is considered normal by my mom's standards.

When she was skinny she looked so damn ugly. For real, "Ewww, gross" level of ugly.

And when she gained, she got way, way better. Can't say I'm a fan of her yet. But she's now an ok+ and that's a long way from being a turnoff.

How tf is Jenni's ass "proportionate"? The whole appeal is that it's a lot bigger than her top half. That's what a pear shape is. What are you talking about.
I think he means it has a nice shape.

Yes, Jenni’s ass is gigantic, but it doesn’t look odd in relation to the rest of her. Jenni’s boobs are also big. With her weight gain in recent years, her upper body somewhat caught up to her lower half. Compare to Sadie. Her ass is bigger compared to her upper body. Bobbi Jo and Randalin are other good examples. Don’t take this as me disliking them. Sadie and Randalin are some of my favorites I’m just explaining why I think Jenni has a better ass. Although, I guess it’s also a matter of top half comparisons
Ass take, Mochii is one of the best gainers in recent years
Cow print bikinis are so played out that they bore me, even if the girl wearing it is hot.

>>best gainers in recent years

You must have memory lost if you think her little two and half year stint in this community is considered one of the best in recent times.

I'll easily put her in B-tier due to her burning out too damn quickly and back to back hiatuses.
I say this as someone who loves seeing women grow to USSBBW size, doesn't pay attention to anyone under 400lbs, and thinks anyone gaining as a BBW is doing it way too slow to care about.

Mochii honestly was starting to surprise me with how far she went. To know she actually made it to 400lbs is seriously impressive, especially after seeing smaller girls like Bonnie slowly pork up. Mochii goddamn exploded. You're right about her burning out though - fucking shame but it would have happened sooner or later.
Unpopular opinion: these women with freak sized bootys always seem to have some kinda shit stained asshole area.
Popular opinion: A certain schizo is polluting virtually every thread on this board with his Mad Libs politicial bullshit and it's making /gen hard to read much less interact with. I know chans are supposed to be bastions of free speech etc but jesus fucking christ is there a way to block his IP or at least limit him to a few posts a day? It's amazng how much damage one loonytoon can do — that's how Dimensions was destroyed bitd, basically one ever-online spinster who decided FAs were her enemy.
Discoloration from constant rubbing. Basically scar tissue. SSBBWs get them between their thighs.
He essentially can't be banned. He's either using a VPN or, as I've tested personally, he's hopping on mobile networks and those give out new IPs like it's Halloween and they're the old man with Alzheimer's at the corner house: wait a little bit and you're good to go.

Besides, it's the general opinion of the mod team and Barclay that /gen/ stays unmoderated as much as possible, barring things that could get this site shut down. You're seeing the most allowable free speech available, which we're all learning kind of sucks if you actually want to have any thread of coherency in these topics. But hey, Thought Police amiright?
Nobody cares because Twitter and Tumblr already sees fetish artists as pornographers. It's the same reason hyperpreg got kicked out of /d/. You are not a celebrity, you are just some amateur hobbyist who doesn't work in the cartoon industry. Fetish Artists are like Dobson and Chris Chan. They always blame the Pope, Anime, or Conservatives. Iger isn't going to listen to a bald flaccid man and neither is Zaslav. The want to do dumb TikTok dances
I meant that /a/, /co/, /d/ are full of industry shills and mods know full well that fetish artists are shilling their works to get MAGA daddy's approval.
If you want my honest opinion, the internet isn't a gated community. Retards like Gnarly Otaku, Ilikapie need to shut up, take their Prozac and get back to the tollbooth
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Scientifically incorrect: it is stained from constant exposure to shit. It’s impossible to clean an asscrack you can’t reach and shit gets a chance to layer up and stain the skin like coffee stains you’re teeth.
See, retard is offering an unsolicited opinion
Pretty based and brownpilled of them if you ask me.
Due to being born in an urban environment and by a late dad, I can't do anything. Also, the electrical grid on Long Island is perpetually fried so mods cannot track my location. I am currently at the gym
>you’re teeth.
learn to spell you fucking mutt
skin doesn't work like tooth enamel. skin sheds constantly, there's no buildup
the brown 'shit' is hyperpigmentation as a result of genetics andor chafing andor insulin resistance. a lot of skinny bitches get it too. even the beautiful brapper you posted proves my point; you can clearly see that the inner thighs are dark, surely no shit ended up there? the 'shit' ON her cheeks is acne
you're partly wrong about cleaning. lifting a leg up makes it easier
imagine the smell!
My tinfoil opinion is that the scat fetish troll who recently joined Kisame in shitting up random threads is actually ChubbyChiquita engaging in Bene Gesserit Missionaria Protectiva deep cover ops to seed the board's desire for when she posts a scat video to prove her fake digestive tract issues aren't fake

You do you girl... prove the haters wrong and UNLEASH THE SLURRY
Kisame here. I flat out don't like scat. I even hate Axel Rostered for doing diaper porn
Being schizo means liking pregnant and big boobs is a sign of chaos according to Jordan Peterson. He didn't take the Zisek humanities pill. That's why he, Shapiro, and Walsh all look like they took fentanyl or Morphine.
I honestly believe it, she posted that chair shower pic in response to the rumors she’s also posted.
She’s probably posting on tumblr her own posts to this Chan.
It’s some viral marketing stunt and it’s working. I want that video.
I heard Margot wears a fake ass made out of rubber
Zizek says that it is not porn that inhabits your mind, instead it is your mind living in pornography.
Zizek likes his coffee without cream, it would be acceptable in a pinch to make it without milk.
People only respect Zisek because he married four times and takes care of his adult sons. People already think he's far right because he brainwashes women
Zizek signed the Rondel letter and destroyed his sexual mojo, the dude was a dynamo for the first half of the twenty teens.
He’s very hit or miss and always has been, sometimes he advocates throwing illegal immigrants in camps sometimes he supports Ukraine
This is why Zisek is better than Peterson, Andrew Tate, and Ben Shapiro. The Daily Wire just wants paleoconservative Judeau-Christian order.
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i've always preferred ass, thighs and belly rolls
what does that mean for me?
Means you're just like me fr
This site does a terrible job moderating and the Janitor application gatekeeping of "hehehe find the discord" has led to horrible shit staying up for hours. It's amazing this site hasn't been shut down for how fucking inept the moderation team is. Allowing this shit to stay up for hours. I've seen worse images posted here than any other image board site I've been to. Idk how barkley can e-beg for more money when he can't even manage the site as it is. If you can't keep your sites boards even remotely monitored then it's time for new management.
Kisame here. As a civilian, I am not part of the elite class of paratrooper boomer that guards the internet and the world. Therefore , I cannot do a thing about the breakdown of order and stability.
I am sick and tired of artists in the community demand money to stop them from getting evicted by the landlord. I dunno, if you're 37 and broke then you need a new career.
There's no point in gatekeeping. Ron Desantis and Mike Pence are getting booed out of the Iowa State Fair cause they refuse to deep throat fried food served at the carnival. It's so bad that security had to be called to prevent fat men and fat women activists from devouring them in a fit of spite
Doesn't matter. I am now planning to go to therapy
Is it an unpopular opinion that being attracted to fat women isn't even that big of a deal?

Unless we're talking about bed-bound women here, 90% of normal dating and relationship ettiquette applies. You just have to account for the occasional comments from friends and relatives, logistical issues of being with somebody who has a much larger body, and maybe some health issues down the road if they don't lose weight by old age.

Dating somebody whose fat is barely even a taboo. It's the most vanilla "fetish" in existence, to the point where even calling ut a fetish sounds incredibly dumb. Especially these days if you're US based, where over half of US women are overweight or obese. In some southern states it's more difficult to be attracted to thin women.

"But what about the depraved shit that comes with this attraction?"

Sure, those things are kinks or fetishes, just like the perverted side quests that guys attracted to thin women have. But the underlying attraction to fat women? Meh.
well said
i've had a strong 'preference' for fat women as long as i can remember. that doesn't fit the definition of a fetish. like you said, feeders and such getting turned on by eating/number on a scale are another story: that's a fetish.
Fat fetish is a fetish. This SDE shit is tiring to hear. You’re a weirdo with an odd fetish.
“So what if I’m attracted to feet, it’s not a fetish. I’m not turned on by shoes and socks and stuff.”
According to Websters a fetish is "an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression."

Even on a normal-BMI woman, breasts, hips, asses, thighs, etc carry a fair amount of fat. Many if not most non-FA, normie men I'm aware of require it, where they wouldn't fuck a woman who had too low a body fat percentage. So how do you separate fat — a part of a woman's body — from the woman herself? Chalk up one for "not a fetish."

I happen to be turned on by feederism, weight gain, number stuff, etc though I don't find any of those things necessary for sexual gratification. I just need a willing fat chick. So do I have a fetish?

I'm not a Scientologist; I don't think all psychiatry is bunk, but I really question the field when it comes to sexuality. DSM-5 is over 1,000 pages and nothing on FAism/fat fetishism/etc. I've been searching much of my (long) life for scholarly studies on this stuff to try and figure myself out a bit and there's nothing. The one psych I talked to chalked up as a "preference" as one might have for redheads or Asians and we all know it's not that.

Far as I'm concerned the mystery continues whether it's a fetish/preference/something else.
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Obligatory Wittgensteinpost: this discussion can and does go around in circles forever because it's an argument about definitions. "Is being into fat women a fetish?" depends on what definition of "fetish" you're using, and that's inherently context-dependent.

>I happen to be turned on by feederism, weight gain, number stuff, etc though I don't find any of those things necessary for sexual gratification. I just need a willing fat chick. So do I have a fetish?

I hear you. Feedism isn't a fetish for me in the dictionary sense you posted -- I don't need it to get off -- but fat is a fetish in the sense that I don't think I could even get it up for a woman under 250ish pounds.
People today tend to just use "kink" as a euphemism for fetish, but I think the original distinction is much more useful. I can't get turned on without feederism, so it's a fetish for me. Whereas it would be a kink for you, something you like but that is not a necessity
>So do I have a fetish?
i would say so. the webster definition is too strict. most definitions simply require arousal, not necessity
i've seen research that suggests it's linked to testosterone levels. preference for gynoid fat distribution like wide hips, ass, tits etc is an almost universal preference for evolutionary reasons. pre-natal and early childhood exposure elevated testosterone levels can explain how it fundamentally manifests to an extreme. it's a common phenomena for men with typical preferences to start liking bigger women because of weightlifting, gym
>but fat is a fetish in the sense that I don't think I could even get it up for a woman under 250ish pounds.
it depends on if the fat is the focal point rather than the shape of the body as a whole. if you find 1000 pound shapeless(!) bedbound blobs attractive then yes, it's in fetish territory
You say 1000 pounds is a fetish, most people would pick a number far lower (like 200)

I'd agree with this definition. Fetish means it must be present for arousal, preference means you'd prefer it be there but can get off without it, abd a kink is just a preference that's more outside of what society considers to be normal.

For me, fat is a borderline fetish I think. I can be attracted to thinner women but only in very specific circumstances, and in almost all cases I'd find them more attractive if they put on weight. I don't find all fat women attractive, but the majority of women I find attractive are either fat or very fat.

You could either call it a strong preference or a fetish depending on who you ask.

The kinkier parts are my atteaction to lazy, hedonistic and slobby behavior. It all plays into the "fat lifestyle" which I find arousing on the whole, above and beyond the body type. Those attractions only exist in the context of fat women though, I don't find them attractive in men.

Taken as a whole it's hard to argue that it's not a fetish, but it seems like it's not a big deal as far as fetishes go. There are plenty of fat, lazy women to go around. It makes sense that some people find them attractive.
Yeah anytime I start to feel bad about my fetish and wallow in self pity I just remember that there are some guys out there into futa and vore and shit, literally impossible stuff. Then I feel less bad knowing that, living in literally the most obese time in the history of the world as women (and men but idc) get fatter and fatter every day I feel a lot less bad about it.
Guy who posted the webster's def here saying that in a psychological context — not as popularly used — a fetishist HAS to have their fetish involved to get off. That's why I suggested I'm not a fetishist. Just a kinky dude, as this guy says:

>People today tend to just use "kink" as a euphemism for fetish,

Good point. So I'd say my feedism and other peripheral interests are kinks, not fetishes.

>fat is a fetish in the sense that I don't think I could even get it up for a woman under 250ish pounds.

Same, but then back to my assertion that fat is integral to what makes a woman sexually attractive in the first place. Where's the line where there's "too much" of it and oops, you're a fetishist? Is it at the "obese" category on the BMI chart?

Again, I'd venture to say most non-FAs wouldn't be able to get it up for a woman who was flat-chested with an ass and thighs of pure muscle. On the other hand it's fairly normal for "normal" black and latino dudes to be into women most normie white men would find disgustingly fat. Are those POCs all fetishists?

>most definitions simply require arousal, not necessity

Don't you think most men are aroused by stuff that's not strictly a woman of childbearing age with moderate gynoid fat distribution? Once your drag net includes a majority of men is it a fetish anymore, or just male sexuality?
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Sorry to clog this up with fetish v kink talk...

In other unpopular opinion news: Most of the time I prefer straight up homely women to the ones who make themselves "hot" with plastic surgery. Same goes for any artificial modification — implants, etc. Rather see a fat chick with tiny titties to one with fake balloons, or a natural block shape rather than a surgical hourglass. Even if the work is really good (rare as it is)... Once I know they're modded out, I'm no longer attracted.

I agree within reason. If we're fixing a deformity or horrible injury that"s one thing, but extensive plastic surgery for its own sake is a turn-off.
Absolutely. It looks bizarre when women suck the fat out of their stomach and put it in their chest/hips. They have a wide but flat stomach and bizarre proportions and it looks really weird.
Mary’s desperate is part of the appeal.
She's like reinapop both are frankly ugly especially after gaining weight but they give fat out shape bimbo vibes that they are quite popular . Idk they are ugly to me but to each their own.
Huh, I think you just unlocked yet another fetish for me. She does have an amazing body.
It's very obvious that Mary got some plastic surgery or some amount of cosmetic surgery when you look at how her face was compared to now. The weight loss does affect things, but there's some parts of her that look structurally different. She's vain - she's one of the poster-women for SSBBWs and she knows it, but that comes with a heavy price of keeping up appearances. She's not going to willingly gain weight like she has in the past, not without sacrificing her new lifestyle of travel and fancy outings (which you don't see many 500lb-ers out and about in fashionable nightlife outfits or nice dresses to go to the opera). So what do you do when you're pushed onto this beauty icon pedestal?

You spend money to keep the train going and stave off aging. Because when that train stops, it'll hit like a ton of bricks.
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What news is the preg community talking about? I flat out don't have time to consume news on a daily basis.
The preg community chose to be indentured servants picking cotton for Massa Elon Musk. Getting mad at me is like getting mad at B'rer Rabbit for tricking the fox for falling into the briar patch.
Bro, learn English already.
I am accepting being obtuse and weird over the monotony of normality. I have no need for electronics to do work. I feel fulfilment working outdoors and with people.
I also warned the preg community that these artists could simply talking to an A.I. or a doppelganger impersonating me as Kisame17. I don't watch the news anymore due to living the life of Joe Sixpack out in the suburbs. I cut the cord and the internet so I am out IRL heading to the gym and exercising to maximize my speed.
I have come to the conclusion that most collab content models do pretty much sucks. Whenever a model I like does collab stuff its inferior to their solo stuff and its often with models I have zero interest in or just plain don't like.

I think the only time I can recall liking collab stuff is the stuff KittyPiggy did with Aliss and to a lesser extent with ChubbyCupcake though the content wasn't as good as the stuff with Aliss was.

Agreed. It's always awkward, forced and they usually have no chemistry.
always a disappointment when a model I sub to uploads and it's a boring collab where they awkwardly poke each other or feed one of them a few donuts. there has to be some kind of purpose to the collab, something that couldn't be done solo. models can jiggle their fat solo, they can eat food solo, they can walk around in a bikini solo.
Probably because most of them are bad actors to begin with and do it for cross-promotion. If at least one of them actually likes being fat and doing fat things that saves the collab, but more often than not neither of them want to be there and don't even pretend to make it fun.

I liked the Ash & Kellie Kay collabs because it seemed like they enjoyed gaining at the time, at least
The purpose is incentivising you to subscribe to the respective other model, too, and be it only to fulfill your goal to have a complete collection of your favourite model.
Yeah, talking about Boberry and Kass, Boberry and Sadie, Boberry and Passion, and not to forget Boberry and her "good friend" Nadia. Mary really is the undisputed champion of awkward collaborations.
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Probably because she doesn't actually want to work with anyone and would be content to just be solo. Willing to bet she probably has a lot of restrictions when collaborating with her and the other girls have no idea what to do so they just sort of play nice, the exception being Nadia because she probably knows how to give an actual massage.

Her listening to Sadie having members of her family as big if not bigger than her, she looked like her soul was leaving her body.
>she looked like her soul was leaving her body.

lol, you're right. I just rewatched it.
I agree 90%. The sexy Brianna and Jae ones were decent. Brie and Jenni didn't light the world on fire with sexy chemistry but it was cool seeing two legit attractive SSBBW pears approximately the same size yet with different bodies. Rennaye and Ivy did some fun stuff together. I know they're not the most popular around here (especially Ivy) but they seem to genuinely like each other and get off on fatness, their own and each other's, so it doesn't seem fake or forced.
I think the queen of crappy collab content at the moment might be Reiina, The bulk of her content seems to be her just going off and doing collab stuff and most of it is never good. It's also had a big impact on the rate of her gain as well.
can someone post his video it would be sey and awesome to see

I tuned out when she started doing that summer of collabs bullshit. Between that and making people pay twice for content, she's honestly one of the worst models out there currently. It's one thing to put out mid content, but if she expects me to pay for an OF sub on top of paying for the clip, then she can go fuck herself.

>>It's also had a big impact on the rate of her gain as well.

She's not going past 300. She's hit her peak and will only lose from here on out.

Yep it's why she's now mentioning she'll be going for the strong fat look soon. The gain is done for all intents and purposes.
She’s not going to get strong fat. And even if she somehow does, it’s not going to end up like the body she showed a pic of. Strong fats are not squishy with rolls like that. They have big guts, firm-ish fat over their muscles. She just said that to build interest or deluded herself into thinking.

Her collabs are a desperate cling to keep the inrush of attention she got on her initial gain going. She just looks the same now, whether because she’s not gaining or because she’s so fat that it’s hard to tell because a few lbs are unnoticeable when you’re that big already.

Yeah there's almost no chance of her getting a body like Lichlings, the girl in the pic. What a fantastic body! It looks like she tried losing a year or so ago, but has gained it back and it looks amazing!
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people have an ideal weight where they look the best and indefinite weight gain isn't necessarily a good thing. The ideal weight varies from person to person.

seeing someone go from skinny to fat is hot, but after reaching about 400lbs or so you won't notice much of a difference for the next 200lbs.

you can't do anything good with a vore kink irl or in live action media. Men in Black II was the closest anyone will get.

"vore" is at least three different fetishes all given the same name for whatever reason. One is a weight gain fetish with a dom-sub element. Another is a Freudian oral fixation or a return the womb. And then there's the giantess thing. I'd like to see the term balkanize

most men have some innate preference for the sexual traits of chubby women, but they will never ever admit it. There's a reason thin women get surgery on their breasts, ass, labia etc and it's to look a little bit like a fat girl.

we're probably in a golden age of fat porn, hooking up with fatties, seeing them show off in public, but people in our online communities do nothing but gripe about it and shame people. If you're sexually illiberal and you're on a niche porn board, you have a mean case of double-think or a really bad porn addiction

I agree with all this
I agree with all of this.
although I'm not into vore I still agree with your opinions on it (the fact that I've never seen men in black 2 notwithstanding).
personally I think vore is kind of cringe but I don't want to kinkshame or anything. it always struck me as a purely masturbatory fantasy that is inherently divorced from reality
that girl you posted looks a lot like a girl I used to hook up with. but I know it's not her
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>we're probably in a golden age of fat porn, hooking up with fatties, seeing them show off in public, but people in our online communities do nothing but gripe about it and shame people. If you're sexually illiberal and you're on a niche porn board, you have a mean case of double-think or a really bad porn addiction

>hurr my life revolves around porn but the people who make it are evil and weird
No you don't have to join a polycule, but you also don't have to be obsessed with "punishing the whores" or crying about some imaginary thing called "degeneracy" while going way out of your way to discuss porn with strangers online..
I just come on here when I'm bored and to pass the time at work
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By definition, degeneracy is the reason we aren't speaking Latin right now, but a northern barbarian language heavily supplanted by Latin loans from higher learning later on in the cycle of history. The Roman Empire didn't collapse just because the people felt like its time was up.

That being said, I get your point but your fallacy is like dumping sewage onto a cancer patient in bed.

>You're sick already bro! Let's just make it worse because you're not perfect!

and like
said I come here mainly for banter.
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>By definition, degeneracy is the reason we aren't speaking Latin right now, but a northern barbarian language heavily supplanted by Latin loans from higher learning later on in the cycle of history. The Roman Empire didn't collapse just because the people felt like its time was up.

I hear the charlie brown teacher when I read this. What are you on about. I learned some latin in school and it sucked, ugly language

You're comparing casual sex to sewage and illness, and that's kind of my point.That's probably not healthy considering you hang out on porn boards, and there's probably deep self loathing there but I don't really care. I just want the sex police to stop shitting up the porn sites I visit. They should go to a nunnery or something where they'd be happy

Sierra is a doll
What the fuck is a Charlie Brown noise? Are you one of those filthy wafflestomp posters?
It's an old cartoon based of a comic strip. Boomers love Charlie Brown because it's funny. They hate thaf Amazon owns the rights to the cartoons, Pink Panther, and Warner Bros own classic MGM shorts. Tbh, they play old cartoons at 7am. Paradoxically cartoons boomers tend to be friendly with anime boomers and bond over their hatred of the internet. Zaslav is the kind of boomer who would release the DiC dub of Sailor Moon, OG DBZ if it made him money.
Not him, but that was

>I have the reading comprehension and intellectual depth of a kumquat and think arm chair psychology of a total stranger based on one isolated post on the Internet makes me look clever

the post
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I’m a bigger fan of Garfield when it comes to newspaper comics. I blame Garfield for getting me addicted to the humiliation of women who can’t even fit on most toilets.
>What the fuck is a Charlie Brown noise?

How much of a hermit are you when you're a so called American yet have never seen a Peanuts special? Some of you creatures have sad lives. Like that one Aussie in the other thread who's 25 and never even had a Girlfriend.
A "Charlie Brown" is the equivalent of a "Charlie Horse," it's the sound you get when the squish forms an air bubble that pops as the turd goes down the drain

No need to explain why it's called a "Brown"

> You must have memory lost if you think her little two and half year stint in this community is considered one of the best in recent times.

Name 10 other feedees who have had a quick transformation like her, you can’t, also it truly was the best because of the insane transformation
Zoomers at my job hate cape shit. They like Batman and Spiderman cause it's not cape shit. It doesn't help Amazon owns Charlie Brown. Who knows maybe Cartoons Boomers will air it, Sailor Moon and OG DBZ, and Pokemon. They were okay with Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu treating Mary Marvel as a milk tank in Shazam II
Oh shit, I totally forgot how much Garfield's gluttony and occasional blow-ups turned me on as a lad. Pre-internet, I took my feeder thrills where I could get them lol.
Garfield's artists drew fan art of Ana the black mom from Superdee. Then again, female boomers like Cathy are okay with fat jokes and making themselves fat in art. It's like Sailor Moon was okay with Usagi being fat. Maybe she sucked the life force out of Togashi, which is why he can't draw HxH or Hakusho. She could be fat. It's like how Shinji's VA is a fat woman with a deep voice
I sure as hell don't remember a milk tank mentioned in Shazam 2

1. Carmen Lafox

2. LaylaBBW

3. NadyaBBW

4. Edenn (post pregnancy)

5. Goddess Shar

6. Reiinapop (second stint)

7. Natty The Fatty

8. WoodsCafe

9. TayTay

10. Satanthicc

11. Lvee vids

>> also it truly was the best because of the insane transformation

Shut you bitch ass up and go suck queef.

I can pull up a laundry list of camgirls too since you want to act like Moochii is the only bitch to gain weight in less than two years.
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I’m more of a fan of early Cartoon Network, it’s heavily influenced my art style. Ed edd and eddy literally was me. Cow and chicken. Johnny Bravo. Courage the cowardly dog. Shows really had writers back then.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy tanked as soon as they went back to school. They turned Ed into an emotional sack of crap. They gave Double D too much confidence to the point where he didn't even need Ed or Eddy and could actually hang with the other kids. And Eddy was on an Island on his own up until the movie when he got exposed for all the bullshit lies he's been saying.

Cow and Chicken was a mid show. The character designs were more boring than gross looking. The Red Guy literally carried the show and I am Weasel shouldn't ever left the writer's room.

Johnny Bravo had no appeal whatsoever. He was a Beta trapped in an Alpha's body. Suzi and Karl were annoying. Pops was decent, and Momma Bravo had that bakery that eclipsed Dexter's mom.

Courage's writing was a lot better than it's art style, which at the time was just alright. There was nothing special about the art style outside of the special effects and creepy imagery that they inserted. It did make me feel bad for Eustice since he had a shit family growing up which explains why he took his anger out on Courage.
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I surprisingly don't see many mentions about it, but belly button piercings = instant erection. It's extremely hot to see or fantasize the gem gradually getting "swallowed" up by the model's navel or belly rolls as she gains more weight.
The hottest phase of a weight gain is when a skinny girl gets a little potbelly and eventually becomes somewhat chubby.

Somewhat agree. Though I also like it when she continues into obese and beyond.
I just got done trolling around Curvage and my latest unpopular opinion is that I’ll gladly take the self-hate here over the naive boundless optimism over there. Every thread where someone gains some pounds and it’s “wow must be over 250 now, bet she’s into it!” Jesus fucking Christ it’s a news anchor, she’s guaranteed not to be.

I get that gen can be a durge to some but it’s more realistic.
My thing is the liminal plump > FAT-fat phase. I'm thinking about models who've been around for a while like PP and Becca and have steadily gained. At some point their faces get moonish and their bodies become shapeless and blobby. It's like they're stepping out into the void.

If she's legit 250 or even 180+ I'm okay with dudes spinning off into LaLa Land. I could use some boundless optimism in my life. My gripe with Curvage is mostly the Fat Celebrities board, where most of the threads feature women who are actually quite thin and will never, ever be fat yet everyone pretends they're gaining.

There must be a middle ground between that and /Gen's endless "Woe is I, an FA" and "Fat Women are Actually Disgusting Whores" bullshit.
pot bellies are fucking disgusting.
fucking preg fetishists
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Kisame here. I can't relate. I tend to go for a balloon look with preg images to appear polished. Same goes for big boobs to get the feeling of cartoons. Preg artists think their sloppy stretch marks are better. Eddy from Ed Edd and Eddy is fat for the same reason Vicky from Les Nombrils and Clover doesn't care about being fat in Totally Spies. They get attention
Edd is popular cause he's intelligent. All the intelligence people in French society dress more like thugs similar to Double D. He also doesn't look like a fucking teletubby like Black April in TMNT 2023. I saw my nephew watching Trolls and I am currently debating whether I should let him watching Looney Tunes. I lost sleep learning GenZ is too bitch made for Disney
Most of these "unpopular opinions" are just normie opinions that are unpopular in the same way an able bodied person would be a freak in a land of blind people.
>Edd is popular cause he's intelligent.

No it's not. It's because he's not a complete dick like Eddy and actually shows remorse towards the others. If he didn't associate himself with him and/or Ed, then he wouldn't get the shit beat out of him every episode.

Eddy was the leach who needed others to do his dirty work. Ed's retarded and doesn't have a leg to stand on without someone in his ear giving him directions. Double D was the only one out of the three who could be on his own.
Holy shit zoomers are the most traitorous generation. Double D is not chad captain of the debate team. He's neurotic and a stickler of the rules. Eddy is just a harmless class clown.
I wanted to help the site by suggesting a rebooted website with less boards. Less maintenance = less costs = more time.

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