
(48 KB, 640x450, transit_death_spiral-1-640x450.jpg)
if you are still seeing the maintenance mode image where the captcha should be, clear your browser cache or shift+f5

OK Anons. It's make or break time.

Here's where we are at. We are never trying to get by on cheapo servers again.
In order to prevent this incessant downtime, I cashed out any remaining crypto donations we received in 2018-2019 to purchase 6 months on a pristine, Ryzen Processor, Raid 1 server.

I must make this clear: we cannot afford this. Our ad payout rate from a-ads.com has been absolutely BATTERED by this downtime and will take months to recover even back to our pitiful ~$150/month level. As of now, due to payout slashing, we will make about $100/month for the next few months until we get our uptime back to 99.9%. Our new server costs just over $200 a month. This is all math that does not add up.

Here's the deal. I hated begging for crypto donations and wondering every month if we would make it. It sucked. As soon as we could fully pay our bills with just the ad campaign, I stopped taking donations entirely. The time has come again to beg.

I need help making up the difference. I have other ideas for generating revenue, but for now, I am re-opening crypto donations. After all, it gave us this 6 month extension on life, perhaps it can again. Since the last time I had to e-beg, crypto has become even more mainstream. The friggen paypal app even has crypto now. So, if you're willing to buy and send crypto via the Paypal App, CashApp, or already have a coinbase or other exchange account, the option is here again if you feel like helping bbw-chan live a little longer.

BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25

ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f


USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f

I know based on the past few months you might hesitate to donate to a site with downtime issues like this, but please understand where I was coming from. Since 2016 I have taken whatever steps were necessary to continue this chan. Whether it's changing hosts, changing servers, changing chan software, changing mods, taking/restoring/losing backups, the server downgrade 6 months ago WAS necessary. We went from making double what we needed each month in crypto to less than half what we required to maintain a 1gbps server. Was I an idiot for not cashing out our ad-revenue bitcoin to a stable coin month after month as crypto crashed? Yes. Absolutely.

Had I done that we would have easily weathered this crypto winter, but keeping BTC as BTC,and being forced to use btc month after month to pay our bills, quickly turned our surplus into a negative. The cheapo servers kept us within budget, but I did not fully anticipate HOW shitty they would be. Two hard drive failures, one in a server THAT HADN'T EVEN RUN A FULL MONTH, just blows my fucking mind. The odds of it must be astronomical.

I have never been willing to associate my personal identity in any way with this site, ever. It's simply not worth risking my personal safety (or any other moderator for that matter) or legal liability. That means I CANNOT pay for this site via traditional debit/credit/ach/etc. It's how we've always operated, and it's the only way I will do it.

I'm really sorry about being an asshole about this. I simply won't pay out of pocket for this. Not just for safety's sake, but also, this is already a big responsibility managing server changes, hosting providers, front-end updates, backups, mods, CP filters, sha256 bans, it just goes on and on. To expect me to also pay for the privilege of doing it... yeah nah. I'm also at a point in my life where I can't really afford to spend money on it anyway.

You might recall, if you've been here long enough, people eventually got so sick of not being able to donate without using crypto I handed the site over to a new operator who was willing to take on the mantle and take traditional donations, with the hope that it could keep the site going. He paid for a few months of hosting and ghosted before he ever put his name on anything.

It's not worth risking ANYONE'S personal safety or exposing themselves to legal liability for this site. He figured that out just like I did. This is just supposed to be funsy-wunsy. So it's going to stay this way. This certainly smells like a death spiral, but we'll see. If it comes down to it, I'll make the offer to hand the site off again a few weeks before the deadline, and someone else can put their name on it.

Anywho, I need some sleep.
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BBWchan reminds me a lot of a "damaged" woman whom it seems misfortune after misfortune befalls, but she has an iron will that marches on despite everything, and maybe even recovers and finds a good husband.

I'm sorry about all this and I finally relenting and disabling my adblocker for this site (the Widow's Mite?). The more imageboards preserving web 1.0 spirit even for our big fetish, the better.

I'm confident the sun will shine on this site like it has before even when blocked out by gigantic wobbly asses. Godspeed and keep the ship steering out of the storm, Lieutenant. o7
>>31502 Hey, 4chan. Nice change of pants shorts!
Wouldn't it be possible to open a ko-fi or patreon for the website?
I'm pretty sure those services don't expose your real identity to anyone who decides to donate.
If only it were so easy. I'm not really concerned with any kind random anon knowing my identity. It's the payment processor knowing it. If some model got uppity enough, you know damn well they are going to subpoena Patreon / Kofi etc. All they have to say is the campaign is supporting illegal activity and boom, they are gonna know who I am.
It still exposes some personal data and anyone who has a legal claim to the content that is put on here could get pretty much most of the data of both the collector of the funds and the donating people (this one might be harder), because the operator of the donation service will shart and give everything as to avoid legal trouble.
Otherwise, it's very easy to use crypto nowadays, as Barclay said, we have crypto on paypal (wouldn't use it knowing their shitty policies on freezing accounts for no reason), shitloads of good crypto exchanges like Kraken, Coinbase and plenty more.
I'll probably drop in some USDC when I'll get my salary next week. To all jannies, mods and admins - stay strong, you're doing God's work!
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Just here to confirm the generous donation of ~$40 eth recently. Thank you so much, whoever you are. If you would like me to convert to USDC or hold as eth (since we have pre-paid the next ~5 months) let me know. Again, very grateful.
sure boss i hear ya but whoa the dilemma
shiny servers ain't free ain't cheap
i got my dollars and dimes and digits
and i've dumped 'em into that crypto whirlpool

see those virtual coins they swing up and down
like a rollercoaster in the virtual town
raided the stash from the heyday
when the coins were a-flowin' and the future was mayday

necessity the mother of invention they say
batter the downtime, break the dismay
there's a problem, alright, the math ain't right
gotta balance the books before we turn off the light

never wanted to beg, didn't like the feel
but now we're in a pinch, gotta cut a deal
got other ideas, other plans to devise
but right now need the coin, need the sacrifice

i've been there done that, in the crypto zone
sent some coins in, made a micro loan
now that same old song, playing once again
donate or die, that's the refrain

got paypal, got cashapp, got coinbase too
let's send some crypto, help fun-chan pull through
after all we're in this, for the long run
let's keep it alive, keep having fun

so i'm in, yep, done my part
donated my share, made a start
it's all for the community, that's the game
and if bbw-chan lives longer, that's the aim
I am ignorant of so much on line how toos and I am a dinosaur however I will try to learn/look into this blind crypto stuff bc I am totally about free speech these days and you certainly deserve support for the tremendous efforts you have made. Thanks!
i would consider donating if you accepted monero
Can you please do something about that psychopath posting You Know What on bbwdraw. He keeps using that one distinct phrase, just make a script to autodelete and ban any user who says it.
Honestly this pisses me off so fucking much. If you can't run your site without shit then consolidate your boards so mods are actually effective. Using this site isn't worth it if mods have more time banning cringe comments than actual highly illegal posts. All it will take it someone reporting it to shut down this site for something actually serious

Guys, if it was as simple as an autoban that would be the end of it. We're using one, first and foremost. However the key phrase keeps changing, the link changes, we're keeping tabs every time it's posted and what's different every time. Until then, you're going to have to report it and move on. Some of us aren't refreshing the site every 5 minutes so if you see something and it's not dealt with quickly, send a message on Discord and that will get our attention quick.

We don't like it either and we're trying to be as responsive as possible, but this was always going to be an issue with a site like this. Just trust us when we say we're working on it.
Got it, I don't go on the site often so maybe it isn't as bad as it appears. It just makes me sick thinking is my day going to be ruined by going to look at fat chicks. The time difference between 15e44b post and mine basically means it was up for multiple hours at a minimum. Just crazy how the top listed board can have something like that up for so long.
If anything, it being posted on the top-listed board means more traffic to sucker people in. They're not posting this shit on /ee/ or /bhm/ yknow.

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