
(291 KB, 600x600, Kisame[1].png)
I'm genuinely impressed with how much one person's unrestrained autism has ruined this board.

Congrats on corralling the schizo racism and Holocaust denial to one spot but there's really no reason to keep the off-topic-but-still-about-fat-chicks discussions on /gen/ if it's going to just turn into half-baked explanations on why Disney's new movie flopping is a rejection to wokeism.

Containment boards only work if people want to use them and wow do I not want to come here - at least the other boards being moderated means there's a chance a drama thread will stay on topic if it were posted.
Holy shit go back to reddit if you're this fragile jfc this post reeks of estrogen

He used some anime photo for the post. So already he's an unstable individual.
It's fucking /bbwpol/ specifically because of one fucking clown who I wish someone would find the coordinates of and snipe from an adjacent building
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I am a normie now. Crazy people are Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, and the whole UFC shitshow
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Joe Biden was elected in 2020 to make sure the world knows that those filthy gooks aren't going to blackmail Hunter. I grew up with Trump and Biden as leaders. You think they're nuts, we'll elect Fetterman as President
Do redditards seriously not know how to just not respond to bait, and ignore obvious fake schizo troll posts? This is why over moderation is a serious issue, it creates weak morons who cry and whine to jannies the second they see something off topic that's not the same lame pun or reference for 247th time. God, I hate Reddit so much, it's completely ruined the internet by coddling midwits so thoroughly that they are incapable of interacting with something foreign to them.
I just create low effort fan art of my favorite anime and comic characters funded by art money I make working a low paying job as a hobby. The system works well enough for me to cut back on art and purchase a car and pay rent in bumfuck nowhere.

My mom thinks I have no empathy, but again, I choose to be a normie. Post pandemic I am dealing with shortages of chocolate, medicine, air, but get by well.
naruto is just the dragon ball of it's day tho, its fans are hardly weebs
Nobody watches Naruto or Boruto anymore. Even Regal Cinemas go out their way to shill Demon Slayer and Nasuica. I merely think Disney is ripping off their fans by splitting Spiderverse into 4 movies. Even the zoomers and Gen Alpha kids think that new TMNT movie is lame. Miles is popular cause he's not a suck up or jaded
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It is my duty as to remind /Gen/ that conservatives cut funding and regulations for health care and education cause it made Americans socialist. All that federal money went straight to the military. Democrats aren't going to direct their army of doctors to stop me from believing I am Kisame17. At worst, I win a free trip to Disneyland like all the other misfits and free housing with a job coach like all the other misfits.
In their days fans of either were weeb. Anime didn’t become normie till gen-z.
Among millennials it meant you were an unathletic loser with no life.
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Kisame here. I am a millennial. I acted more like Kensuke IRL. Frenchies are the biggest weeb cause we're tired of Code Lyoko, Totally Spies. I just hate hyperpreg for liking Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Star Wars which is for loser Catholics. Blacks just see me as a herbivore man for not liking rappers, ballers, and I make fun of them for being sports boomers who shill Tom Brady and the Patriots. Even the downie at my job figured out that the Yankees-Mets suck and need to fire the managers
>>31370 Protip: Kisame's black. We don't talk about that.
Kisame isnt real. Way to take the troll bait.
“Kisame” is just a meme personae different people shitpost under
>Do redditards seriously not know how to just not respond to bait

You replied to it too ya dumb bitch.
I am now a normie. I flat out have no motive or need for chan culture.
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According to Mabeelz, Discord's cyber security is shit and infecting people's accounts with malware. Just like how Marrazan's account hacked with malware. I went back to nature and don't care for the internet. My name means rainy mist from a forest. The other Kisame means demon shark

So stop visiting the site then.
I am already barely on the site.
My mom just wants me to make more money. I told her that I am not allowed to ask for a raise cause that's against the rules of the private sector. I am already content with the $16 hour salary, 34 hours minimum as a fast food worker. We're not changing the rules again cause wealthy libs just want to feel powerful. I'd have to drive buses just to live in the wealthy and suburb. Keep in mind minimum wage was 7.25 when I worked at 15. Now it's going up.
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Deep down, libs want to be the Trump businessman who cheats on their taxes and get indicted by the feds. They're just mad that they woke up as a doctor at NYU
Adeline thread got cleaned up something fierce. Mentioning she's lost a lot of weight is apparently a no-no, but it was all about her. You bring it up here and exactly what goes on in this thread will happen there.

Why fucking bother keeping this site open Barclay if you're going to just police everything randomly?
There's just no good expansion content for me to get interested in. I just went back to making cartoons for fun
Obviously the main purpose of this site is for pirating fat woman porn. But there seems to be a lot of people who think the other main purpose is to have nonsensical, autistic arguments about nothing
If I was in charge I'd ban political discussion entirely ngl
Speak for for yourself, I am focused on enjoying the summer. There's no point in talking politics.
I am trying to save up for a shiny new car
Just talk about fat chicks and tune them out.

Anyone who comes to bbw-chan /gen to spew their political opinions is the lowest scum on the earth, and those opinions can be entirely ignored.

They're only here because no place else on earth would have them. The Walmart parking lot is too much of a "safe space" after security told them to leave for waving their gun in one too many Mexican's faces, and WWCR Nashville told them that their idea for a talk show was too extreme, so here they are trolling you. Ignore them.
My guy, MTG got booted from the Freedom Caucus and Biden's going down to her district to shill cheap Korean solar panels cause people are tried of the far right.
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>Pregchan gets rid of Kisame17. Now has to deal with their insufferable geniuses who wants to LARP as the working man

I dunno, I just wanted to get into Bolette's pants. I am in no obligation to comeback since my burger fool job pays well while CEOs like Danny Meyer argues against tipping on CNBC.
>>31299 (OP)
It's always the weebs. you're probably one of the no lifers who spammed UA votes in the chan bracket and have been worshipping hayley the big noodle in all of her fully clothed low resolution glory.
Weebs won't admit that J-RPGs are lame and got made to show off the processing power of Sega, PlayStation and Dreamcast. The limited technology allowed developers to tell complex stories. Even Evangelion was a fluke made possible by the budget being empty and needing paper and markers to tell a story. Now, Anime is just a summer blockbuster.
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There's a very good reason Frieza is popular in Japan. He's based off real life Japanese real estate speculators as opposed to being another demon king or space tyrant nursing a grudge against humanity. Sure he's a bigot, but he has no problem employing the lower class and being their father.
Macron is already trying to shut down the internet so that nationalists don't win in France. The left is shutting down Brexit stans bank accounts to make sure they don't fund nationalists in Britain. The reason Biden doesn't do the same in America is because he'd screw over expansion artists and fat models. The left needs porn artists and mentally ill people like me more than I need them to vote blue. That dirty hippie chick at the Tribeca Film Festival isn't going to save America now.
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To answer your question OP, getting rid of blacks like me with our delusions only drew attention to how sterile the expansion art community is. Whites keep releasing the most sterile paint by the numbers plots. Just look at how Skullgirls kicked Zone out and edit out the panty shots in the game cause fat gamer girls hate it. I know Call of Duty bros and Madden bros are hated by the expansion community, but there's a demand for Tom Clancy conspiracy thrillers or NCAA themed games. The expansion community is simply asking too much to take on the establishment while yearning for their approval. Even Anime can't get the Japanese to give up baseball as a sport.
Kisame who is the black Naruto
Who are you talking about? Thanks to therapy, I don't have an imagination.
Like is it N.O.R.E. I think it's N.O.R.E.
I would like to help but I have been advised not to vent my lust for Bolette's thighs on art to deal with stress. I am supposed to drink tea, do yoga and taichi according to the anti terror drills. Let artists in pregchan deal with their bitter custody battle in their dumb suburban homeowners association meeting.

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