
(239 KB, 1899x1868, Kaartnlvl.png)
>have you ever dated a BBW? what were the reactions like of people in your circle and did your GF take your liking for her being fat well?
>how frequently do you see BBWs in your area? name the province or town if you're OK with that
>how big was the heaviest woman you ever saw? compare her with a model if you can't guess weight. personal pics with perhaps anonymization may be shared as well
>for those who are into SSBBWs was the attraction there before looking up content on the internet? personally I think it would be really hard to visualize most of the girls on /ssbbw without reference material which is harder to come by in Europe
The Russian anon who made the same thread (but for his neck of the woods) didn't really have any takers; I'd be surprised if this thread did. I'd be curious about the experiences of Irish FAs, but I think there are only about three or four of us on this board.
I know a woman from Soest who is like 350+ now after several years from less than 180, although there's a small chance I could be falling for RP bait for ages. :(
If you haven't met her IRL or at least spoken via Zoom "after several years," you're being catfished.
last bump before I give up
(15 KB, 306x306, 20230506_225609.jpg)
People generally really don't give a shit. Specially young people. But really non of this has anything to do with the country, so your whole question is stupid. Reactions of the people around you depends on who you hang out with. If you're surrounded by assholes I don't have to spell out for you how they'll respond. I think you're just trying to get a cheap hack on dating here. It's just the same as any other place, get dating and find fat girls. They'll love you for appreciating them and getting attention, you can get them into feedism later. It's not that difficult a process, equate food and fat with positive feelings, fetish will develop itself. Fat girls are seseptable to a kink that praises them for doing the exact thing they might have hated themselves for doing all their lives. Taboo breaking and stuff turns people on you know the story. There will be more fat girls in places with more people. Amsterdam will have you see more fat girls than some random town, cause there's more people. Generally tho fat acceptance is going the right way and people care less and less. Anyway what a stupid ass thread I think your queastions are dumb and annoying but i hope i've been of help.
who is this? she's cute
>>31223 (OP)
Pic looks like a sneed brainlet woejack
why are kankermongools like this?
the Dutch language is much less complex than the English one (especially the modern one) which is invariably leads to less deep thoughts. If you were to directly translate a big English text to Dutch and pass it off as your own would come across as a 130 IQ autist, cause the average vocabulary Dutch people use is smaller and the sentences they write are simpler.

what he writes is bullshit too barely anyone is practicing feedism heer, i'm inclined to say that it wouldn't fly here.

there are enough fat girls here that you could end up with one in theory but not enough for them to have 99% chance to appear in your social circle, so if you're really dead set on a fat partner you have to start hitting on them and that's where shit gets difficult.

the slim guy-fat girl couples I see here seem so lopsided in terms of looks, with scrawny, balding men next to BBWs (emphasis on the first B) that I have a hard time believing the guys are FA rather that desperate. That's not always the case though and sometimes the reverse happens.

Add up the fact that I've never hard anyone state a preference for fat girls. It almost looks like the only men who select partners on fat seem to be black guys.

you can see her username in one of the shots, she appeared in a dutch dating show and was paired up with a FA hehe
What the fuck is this guy talking about.
Seriously disconnected from reality
From what I have seen in my service job, people are going nuts with planning out their lives by the minute. There's a lot of meticulous office drones who want to order in bulks to fatten up their spouse. The politicians are encouraging this mindset to keep people sedantry and unable to rebel.
I broke your brain brah. Show me the fat girls from your area and the girls you introduced feederism to if they're so plentiful.
Fetish Art is made by social misfits who don't know how to market their ideas. Gays can't even market themselves and accuse straight people of stealing their look. Even execs are clueless about their products. At my day job, we're just getting people who are sick of McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King. Only fat army boomers are physically active. Joe sixpack is too busy cutting back to care about fat fetish.
do you have a pearlythingz hot take
Not him but Pearl clearly has a masculine leaning appearance and frame for a woman, definitely strong peasant farmgirl stock that'd bear a dozen warrior kids.

And she's very insecure about that and chose to go the extreme e-trad grifter route to cope instead of usual unhealthy ways like becoming a tranny, drugs, etc. She's making bank and attention at least!
forgot to mention: ironically Pearl would be pretty sexy and more feminine if she fattened up. Her skeleton could easily hold a ton of lard well.

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