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What are some fattening foods/drinks I can feed my gf with? She’s getting tired of chugging shakes.

I’m sure there are a lot of veterans out there that have been doing this for a while, I’ve just recently started feeding my gf. I really have no idea what to give her beside obviously unhealthy things like coke and McDonald’s and cake, etc. Ik cooking with lots of butter and oil is a good start. I Could use some pointers and advice, if anyone is able to help. Many thanks.
Besides American?
Anything. I’m really just looking for the most effective foods for putting on fat quickly. Preferably subcutaneous fat
For subcutaneous you'll need healthy fat stuff, like avocados. She'll also need to work out to work off the visceral fat (subcutaneous thankfully takes longer to burn). She'll also need to graze, not binge (she'll need to constantly eat snacks throughout the day instead of eating huge meals twice or thrice a day). There are some great architecture threads here you can read up on for more info.
Healthy fats, got it. That’s really helpful with the constant snack advice, that’s pretty easy to do as well. I’ve never seen these “architecture” threads before, but I’ll look for one.

The dream physique for her is either Chloe or skylar/Candii, depending on how far she wants to go, if that helps.
Also, what caloric surplus should i be aiming for her to blimp ASAP. Im sure ~200-400 extra calories is a realistic number but I feel like that will take forever. I want to aim for a 600 calorie surplus, I just don’t know if that’s maintainable. That would put her on track to gain about 60 lbs a year. Any input on this? What surplus do you guys aim for per day?
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Look to traditional societies and customs that fatten up their women like Leblouh. When in doubt in life in general, Tradition can be an Occam's Razor of sorts, because it literally entails survival of the fittest (no pun intended).

Whether in the Sahara or that part of Southeast Asia where the guys fatten up their wives, it's largely the same: For a "healthier" gain that won't break the bank try cheap carbs like rice with a lot of oil, which can be prepared literally hundreds of different ways and dishes. With Leblouh they literally make these oil cake balls, like meat munchkins. Add fish to rice that spend a lot of time closer to the sun (instead of seabed).

Anyway, turn to some to the late great Dr. Ray Peat's advice to optimize her health for the long run. Make his famous carrot salad recipe, as well as probiotics that also spice up meals, like kimchi and kefir (you can make natural pickles, yogurt drinks, etc yourself of course for very cheap if both of you invest and it's good skill and bonding time).

Also get lots of oranges. And Mexican or Kosher Coke (natural sugar).

Use virgin coconut oil for it's myriad health benefits as well uses; fry a dessert panini in it for example then cover her stretch marks and hair etc with coconut. Heal any bruises cuts burns or whatever she may suffer from heft-related accidents too.

Try to minimize PUFAs and refined seed oils, but most of all avoid STRESS and that goes for everyone, as it's literal poison in many ways. That goes double for Miss Piggy. Cortisol oxidizes her lard.

Lots of rest, food, air, water, sleep. Simplicity is Key and King. If third worlders can pork up their wives into peaceful meatballs so can you with a Lil faith.
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Lots of good advice in this thread. I wouldn't go as far as mister return to tradition up there but a lot of that general advice is very solid.

To focus on that caloric surplus: if you're looking for that very soft physique it might be worth it to have a 1000 cal (or at least high) surplus combined with light excersise is your best bet. Excersising regularly will burn visceral fat but you'll keep building subcontentuos if the caloric surplus is high enough. This gives you a bit more flexibility so you don't have to put her on a diet of avocados and rice (though you should still focus on incorporating healthy fats)

The grazing advice is also good. In summary

-3000+ calories a day of mostly healthy fats
-These calories should be eaten in a few small meals but mostly through snacking and grazing
-Light daily excersise
-Oil in just about everything you can put it in or on

With this, you'll have the weight (and physique) that you're looking for in no time at all
Thank you, this is some great stuff. Didn’t know half the things you mentioned even existed.

Also, you said to stay away from PUFAs, which I looked up, and as far as I can tell are healthy fats. Why do you recommend we stay away from those?

You also mentioned specifically Mexican and kosher coke. Why is that? The only difference I could find is that they don’t use corn syrup, but rather cane sugar. Is that a health suggestion, or is the cane sugar better for gaining than high fructose corn syrup?

I find it interesting you suggest a very healthy gain. Will it take longer do you think than maybe a “dirtier” gain full of unhealthy food? I’ve seen many feeders claim that these piggish fast food diets coupled with exercise is the best way to gain quickly, and relatively safely. I don’t plan on letting her get to 350, or maybe even 300, so I really dont think I’ll have to worry about mobility exercises or weight training. I want her to be the mother of my children, so I’ll obviously ensure everything I feed her is within her best interests.
Thanks for the post. This is reassuring. I found a caloric needs calculator that uses BMR to find how many calories you need to eat to maintain weight, not even gain. I was worried that I’d have to feed her ~4,000 calories a day, but thankfully that looks like it’s closer to a 1,500-2,000 calorie surplus.

What do you recommend for the exercise? Just light cardio like walking, biking, mobility stretches, etc, or maybe weight training? I’d assume the former, but I just want to be sure.

Do you have any specific oils in mind? I know sunflower oil is a popular one and it is kinda tasteless so that’s an easy plus for cooking.
Honestly I could try to answer directly your questions but not only am I lazy but you'd be better off studying the data yourself, ctrl + F where you choose: raypeat.com

Note I'm not a Fanatic for Ray Peat and I take his stuff with a grain of salt but he's popular with high IQ Twitter autists for a reason that isn't totally retarded. And even I've felt benefits. His magnum opus of the carrot salad (grated with olive and/or coconut oil + salt, parsley + onion optional. A little apple cider vinegar and lemon too but not much) recipe even incidentally aligns with what a holy Greek monk recommended some decades ago who had no idea of Dr. P.

PUFAs being healthy is considered very 90s Boomeresque knowledge, like "low-fat" high-carb diet fads. Refined seed oils are bad because they're heated and oxidized to hell and back. Cold-pressed organic canola oil for example can be healthy in fact! But most of us are simply drinking literal industrial lubricant.

Wiki the Israeli paradox, also compare how the French and Dutch eat tons of saturated fat yet are healthier than other nations.

The natural sugar cola thing is less about HFCS per se and more considering Dr. Peat's data considering metabolism (bookmark and scour site). Most people now, even skinny, have messed up thyroids and overworked stressed brains (and mineral deficient). Top chess players burn hundreds of calories per hour and many of the greatest artists and writers had a sweet tooth. Minds need glucose!

I know this was an overloaded autistic tangent but I mention it because I wanted to be useful outside common advice, and, I presume you're not a death feedist and want to enjoy a fun life with your fat girl for as long as possible. I'm just the peanut gallery, so godspeed.
Last note related to the soda also explained in site: i love peak goyslop candy as much as anyone, but try to keep artificial dyes especially red to a minimum. My favorite red candy is naturally tinted chewy licorice for example.
Fellow Architect is right.

Only Addendum I would add is try to encourage her resistance training even mild lifting. Not just to haul her future blubber easier but for the sake of her joints, bones and preventing osteoporosis and other nasty conditions.
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Last points for real because why not spergout anyway:

>Probiotics benefits should be obvious, but also gut biome influences inflammation and neurology, both of which are important for a woman packing on a ton of fat, big lifestyle changes
>Inflammation in general should be avoided, the last thing her joints need. Make herbal teas regularly with even common spices like ginger, cloves, cinnamon, mint, etc. Use honey but only once it cools off a bit at least under ~110 F to preserve enzymes
>Train her brain as well as her body, which will help psychological adjustment and self actualization to further obesity. Make her binge read/watch/listen to educational media from history to sciences etc according to her taste. Get YouTube videos made by guys like us.
>Sauces add up, little calories add up. However if you're going to be paranoid about PUFAs (some is OK) this may not work well unless you make or buy more natural ones. Homemade mayonnaise is wonderful and easy anyway
>Just keep snacking even if she is discouraged. Stretch stomach capacity at first with vegetables and water for a few days (on top of regular diet), then try real stuffing limits.

I lost train of thought here so ganbatte (that's "good luck" in Japanese) with your future pig wife OP.
For this, light cardio (biking and walking, as you mentioned) is great because it's practical and always necessary. Aerobics are also nice and maintain health and figure withour burning too many calories

Your best bets are olive oil and canola oil. Dense, fatty, easy to use and will skyrocket caloric content
As I literally just said above, please do not consume REGULAR canola oil. That is literal engine lubricant and can get you sick in various ways. For canola/rapeseed to be good it needs to be unrefined/cold-pressed.

Olive oil, ESPECIALLY extra virgin (and check your sources if it's actually real 100% not mixed), IS great for you of course.

Olive oil and wine can do so many things and are proven since antiquity to be a healthier way to invigorate the body including growth.
All this advice is retarded. Snacking is the key. It will turn any bitch into a beluga. You dont need to compare oils and fucking rice. Keep snacks around and she'll pork out.
Would potatoes sufficiently substitute rice?
All starches are equal. Heavy cream and olive oil if you want calorie dense and good fats.
Starch + fat = weight gain. It's that simple, millions of Americans prove it every day.
The goal is to make permanent lifestyle shifts, not anchor on special foods. The gain needs to be self sustaining. She has to change as a person.

So focus on adding ritual calories. A piece of candy after every meal. Donuts on Sundays. Brunch on Saturdays. Chips and Netflix after dinner. Offer to pickup food on the way home. Learn to bake together. Share books and video games with her

Introduce activities that naturally pair with food. Encourage body positivity, self love, etc. If you don't build up a new identity, the adversity that follows a significant gain will ruin your good time.

Also cannabis. The feedee's performance enhancing drug.
Creamy Peanut butter, Fresh Avacado, walnuts, not salted cashews, regular cashews, oat meal, virgin Olive oil, Olive Varieties, Potato. a few OMEGA 3 Oils from supplments flaxseed, algae, or other plants. Include some Fresh Fruit, like strawberries, Peaches, blueberries, pears. Oranges, Citrus fruit, vitamin C is important. Garlic, WASH any Fruit or Vegatable To it clean from chemicals the farmers may sprayed on during production. SHE should INGEST LOTS OF CALORIES. Regulary eat till full, so it slightly stretches her stomach. This increases her stomach Capacity, and she's feel hungry more often.
READ the NUTRITION LABEL of every product. Calculate the amount of Daily Vitamin, Minerals she obtains from each food and drink, the combined amount of the foods and drinks should be 100%, per day, keep it around 100% , As a Larger body may need more vitamin and minerals.
Calculate Nutrient needs every 3 months. Try Organic foods. Drink Fresh Clean Water. Maybe get a water filter. NO FLOURIDE WATER, remove flouride water. Avoid Caffiene, and caffienated drinks, Stay away from Salt. Try getting air filter for home, removes dust and debris. Get an ALLERGY TEST for her, so she isn' t allergic to any food, drink, or pollen.
Look at SHAMPOO LABEL, Body Lotion, Perfume, Soap ingrediants.
Lipstick and Makeup have Expiration dates,
Don't put makeup in the Bathroom, makeup products should be clean dry area. Make sure teeth are clean, No Cavities. Look for Tooth Paste with NO FLOURIDE. DON'T USE GRAPEFRUIT, as it interact with many medications. CHECK the ingrdiants in sunscreen. Be careful of certain of fabrics , look at clothing material.
>>31102 (OP)
Lots of butter? YES!

Lots of oil? NO! Only olive oil. All the rest are industrial lubricants which will eff your feeder up
Embrace the gospel of Dr. Ray Peat (also known as Rayp Eat).

Miss Piggy needs 5 Mexican cokes, a bacon sandwich, and a huge carrot salad STAT!
oh and don't forget to wash some aspirin and/or methylene blue down with raw milk and ice cream (maybe Mexican coke float) after taking a lindy walk in the sun.
I get it. You're all here to make the rest of us look like niggers.

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