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Why is no one doing shit about that German kg guy? Everyone is fed up with him. If you can't ip van him, at least remove his posts. Do your job mods, he's ruining this board.
>>30946 (OP)

>>he's ruining this board

So are 95% of users here, but you don't see us bitching about them. Either ignore him or don't visit the site.

Like honestly, what do you expect us to do?
What the hell is the matter with you? If you are a mod then i expect you to do your fucking job and delete his posts. Everyone is complaining about that motherfucker, don't act like you don't know.
This 100%. Get the kilo the fuck out of here. Im tired of hearing that "X has ____ kilo" like some retard ESL mouth breather.
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>>30946 (OP)
This 1000%. Kilo-Kraut has got to go!
I've also noticed a new chucklefuck going around saying 'XYZ model' has died in every other thread. They're deserving of a long vacation as well.
I'm glad I'm not the only one driven to drink and drive by KiloKraut. I get banning is the harshest punishment and should be reserved for the truly toxic — death threats, doxxing, and such, but his shit really is ass cancer incarnate. The illogic and stubbornness in the face of objective reality... the claims of conquest around the Vaterland (with exact kiloweights) that inspire molar-cracking cringe... Like a flat earther, a religious fundamentalist, and a howler monkey were attached Human Centipede-like in a continuous circle. There are actually Nazis upon whom I wish kinder deaths.
>>31017 When are you going yo die you stupid nigger? Die and make America a better country. Not only are you sick but also literally nobody fucking loves you
1) Never, you illiterate honky, 2) America is fundamentally cursed, my dying won't help anything, 3) Both assertions are false, as is the paternity on your birth certificate.
lmfao shut the fuck up boot

>> If you are a mod

I'm not, but you seem like you can take some time to go outside for a walk. Preferably near a bust interstate or into the ghetto.
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I dunno. Despite getting banned from pregchan and Chounyuu, I found lolcow pathetic and insulted them for working from home while bragging about retail. Let this be a lesson from Kisame, don't be a loser who works from home.
I dunno. You guys will always get nutcases worse than Kisame17 because they have niches that are unreasonable.
>>30946 (OP)
just don't feed the Troll I gues...
I mean what else are you supossed to do. Many people here have already tried talking some sense into these guys with no effect. Some did even resort to adressing the problem in german to them (in case they were hard of hearing) and even cursing in german has been tried.
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here's another pic to put in perspective how strange his estimates are. this random girl says she weighs 77kg, she has no incentive to lie, she's a copywriter. plump princess and randalin look 3 times heavier yet the German claims they both weigh around 120kg and are "barely BBWs". I think overestimating weights will net you correct results way more than the opposite does.
That kind of thing (logic) has been pointed out to him 100s of times, he's immune to it. I'd consider him a master troll except I sense he really believes what he's typing.

Many among us forget the BBW modeling game is about selling a fantasy, just like any other entertainment. The girls exaggerate their weights because most of us are into that, and so it gets them more attention and makes them more money. Most of us can suspend disbelief and roll with it, at least with the ones who don't push it too far. Others consider it a Hague-level crime against humanity and feel the need to out these greedy lying sluts. (Don't tell them about reality shows or pro wrestling.)

I imagine he's one of those, but with some kind of neurodivergence or whatever that causes him to obsess on useless shit. He now fixates on the one time he found out some chick he thought was "really fat" turned out to be 90 kilos or whatever, thanks to camera angle or lighting tricks or whatever. He has since made it a holy mission to accuse every fat woman online of doing the same.

So like any troll, yeah, it's best to ignore him though I don't think it makes any impact on his impulses or his thinking.
A bunch of this guy’s responses were deleted but if you look at the Ssbbw Luscious thread, he claimed that she was German and some other shit that she lives in Austria or whatever.
In a her vids where she talks, she sometimes mentions she’s Armenian and her official feabie says from San Diego.
It got deleted but he tried to argue with me when I brought it up, I didn’t continue because another anon mentioned this guy was a regular who either trolls fake news or is really stupid.
Just my experience with the dude.
Who is this?
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sad but true

one of my biggest pet peeves about these weight guesser autists is that they almost always seem to fail at factoring in the height, which influences the numbers considerably. A five foot model at 300 lbs in general looks very different from a six foot model of same weight

maybe it's lack of real life experience with women or basing all their guesses off the numbers of the one hookup they've had, can't think of any other reason why so many of these guesses come across so wildly off the mark

Genuinely suggested that amazon amanda is a crossdresser

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