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So, I’ve known since I was like 14 years old that I was into BBWs. I realized it when I discovered porn tagged with “curvy”, then I started looking at porn tagged with “chubby”, until I finally realized that BBW was the way. Like many, I would get teased about my preference in girls in high school, but by the time I got to college I realized I didn’t care what people thought and I went all in on chubby chasing.

So now I’ve been with my partner for about 9 years. She’s been fat her whole life pretty much, from childhood onwards. When we met, she was probably like 220 pounds, and over the course of our relationship she’s now closer to 300 (not due to feederism, just happened with lifestyle changes). Now the thing is, I think she’s pretty much perfect at her current size. If she were to gain more or lose a little bit of weight, it absolutely wouldn’t bother me. However, I also thought she was perfect when she weighed 80 pounds less, so maybe my idea of “perfect” is just based on however she currently looks.

But lately I got to thinking… would I still think she looked perfect if she were to suddenly become thin? There’s plenty of thin girls out there that I think are attractive from an objective standpoint, but subjectively I feel absolutely no arousal from seeing them. It’s sort of the reverse problem that most men have, where they might enjoy their wife’s body for years, but they lose attraction when she gains 150 pounds— sometimes ending in a breakup.

I know that in a loving relationship you adapt to your partner, but I’ve been thinking about this lately and it’s been giving me anxiety. Given her lifelong history of being fat, I don’t really think it’s likely for her to get thin anytime soon, maybe never. She also obviously knows how much I like her fatness and she even thinks that she (and other women) just look better when they’re heavy. But while I tell myself that liking BBWs is just a preference, another part of me feels like it might be a requirement at this point, and weight is not a permanent feature.

Also, being in the situation that I’m in, it often makes me think about how wanting my girlfriend to be fat could very well be taking years off her life just due to the known health problems. Hypothetically, she might have a longer life if she were to lose weight, so liking her at 300 pounds might actually shorten our time together. I know for a fact that she’s thought about whether or not I’d be attracted to her if she were thin, so if it came down to her maintaining her weight for my preference, the possible health issues down the line would kinda be on me.

Have you ever dealt with weight loss in a relationship? Was it a dealbreaker for you? How do you cope with a fetish that is inherently unhealthy for the other person if you plan on spending the rest of your life with them?
I can definitely relate to your concerns and I sometimes worry that I won't get to be with somebody long-term who likes being big. How would I cope? I would say with my limited knowledge of medical science that exercise is a must. Even if you're big, exercise does a world of good for you.

Speaking from experience here, I'm around 295lbs (M) myself but because I do so much walking, I have a lot of stamina and can walk for miles with ease. Doing brisk walking, even if it's an hour a week can help to strengthen your heart, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. I believe it can also help with other things too.

I can't speak for the US in terms of medical costs, but I would also recommend keeping on top of vitals, like blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, etc. Even still, I would recommend opting for healthier choices (lower saturated fat, salt, etc.) where you can. You can have diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension when you're slim as well, so it's a good idea to watch intake of the unhealthiest foods regardless of your weight.

My ex was around 280lbs herself and she wanted to lose a little weight over time, but only for health reasons. (Split up for unrelated reasons to weight). I made it clear to her that I liked her big but I also wanted to support her. Even losing just 15-30 pounds can make a significant difference to your health, and that kind of weight loss may be barely noticeable, depending on her body type.

On the other hand, I suppose you could be slim all your life and get cancer at 40-50. Some people chain smoke and drink to excess. I personally abstain from that so I can minimise my risks and I recommend the same if you or her drink and/or smoke. I see it as a balancing act.
Unlike many posters here, I can still find skinny women attractive (although I obviously have a strong preference for fat women). However I do find it offputting when a woman has lost a noticeable amount of weight. Loose skin and all that.
I had a fling a while back with a girl who was fat but actively losing weight. The thing that bothered me was not the weight loss itself, but rather that she wouldn't shut up about it. I think I could deal with my partner losing weight if she didn't bring it up every five minutes. Maybe that's a weird attitude on my part.

OP, if you've been with your girl for 9 years and she's gained ~80lbs, I wouldn't worry about her losing weight any time soon. If she does decide to lose weight for health (or other) reasons, you're just gonna have to cross that bridge when you come to it.
I don't think a relationship with this fetish is possible long term, she will either die early from her weight or lose all of it and look like a 80yo grandma, which will make me not wanting to touch her anymore...
I have to agree, at least for myself. On one hand my girlfriend being out of shape is cute because it’s not truly limiting. On the other hand when I have to spend time around her fat mom who is older and has had a life of being lazy and deconditioned, it’s fucking aggravating how little we can do and how slow we need to walk.

Shit like, what do you mean, bring the car around? It’s right over there.

Future me couldn’t stand having to constantly put up with that and makes it very clear that I am not the kind of guy to dote on someone to the level an SSBBW needs despite fapping to deathfats all the damn time. I’m not actually willing to live with it.
My sister is well over 450 pounds and th e hardest thing is cleaning her. You have to sanitize between the rolls and wash pretty much 2x daily.
People have methods for bowl movements, such as a the tub, because bariatric toilets are expensive.
I prefer dating women who are ~200-250lbs (and, preferably, exercise at least sometimes - doesn't hurt that swolefat women are outrageously hot) because I'm thankfully not enough of a degenerate for this fetish to eclipse my desire to share a normal lifestyle, for a normal length of time, with someone I love. Hiking, going to the gym, going out or travelling without special accomomodations. Hell, just being able to walk together at a normal pace for a few continuous hours.

All the mobility/unfitness stuff is fun in porn, but porn goes away after I cum and real life does not. In real life arousal gives way fairly quickly to concern. It's hard not to be concerned when someone you love is already, in their 20s/30s, unable to do normal things due to their lack of fitness.
>All the mobility/unfitness stuff is fun in porn, but porn goes away after I cum and real life does not
Very wise words. A lot of the lads who jerk off to 300+lbs girls don't realise this, that if they were with the girl in reality, they'd run away the second she needed some help with something.
Your dating weight range is pretty nice, it's the weight category that does not really impact the health a lot (if she's not eating pure shit with tonnes of chemicals in it, but just eats good food in large portions and does at least some excercise). You can still have nice stuff like a nice ass, boobs or belly in that category, while not going into psycho tier shit like some of the guys in here with their obsesity with lipodema or how that fucking disease is called, where your limbs are filled with lymph fluids. That is purely disgusting, but eh, we all have our taste I guess.
Pics or it didn’t happen
At 300 they become pretty lazy. At 400 they are useless.
Is pooping in the tub that much better than just on the floor near a drain?
I’m not a plumber.
and as we can oftenly see, if a girl hits 300 and becomes lazy, then 400 isn't really that far away
holy fuck I hate those mutt imperial units with a burning passion, tie me to a sarmat missile and launch me at washington DC
“Call a plumber and tell them the shower drain is clogged with poop again”
I know more than 1 woman on feabie who expects to shit on the floor and have her man pick it up with a doggie bag.
I’ve heard that’s why the women on feabie are such miserable cunts, they’re screening for their next servantboy.
They make toilets big enough for the super large, I think. Any confirmation on the situation?
Mutt imperial units? Toilets are measured in gallons.
Well they measure in gallons per flush and liters per flush. Now they are limited to 4.8L max.

Some are pressurized to help deal with people who have horse dumps.
Hi --- I am fond of life reviews and some of them have been painful --- all my LT relationships (inc a marriage) my partner gained weight and I could not really handle it gracefully or fully enjoy it bc my wiring is weird and I did not know it or what I could do about it. So it was a bad deal for them. I have since put myself on the sidelines as I work it out in myself. It has been time well spent.
>I know more than 1 woman on feabie who expects to shit on the floor and have her man pick it up with a doggie bag
Maybe the russians nuking the US isn't such a bad option after all, they just have to hit the location where those retarded hogs are located in
It's a cesspool of retarded attention seeking slags, although there are still some good looking women there for you guys. For us in the baltics, there's maybe a few who don't look like some obese cartoon character with an ugly face.
>Mutt imperial units? Toilets are measured in gallons.
In the US - yes. In Europe - in liters.
To be fair, I've gotten use to the pounds metric. It's just a rule of thumb to divide the number in pounds by 2 and then just remove something like 10% from that number so I could get a number in kg.
It’s not that bad if you restrict her fiber from what I heard. The alternative is the low fiber high milk diet that slides down the shower drain no stomp required
Also fuck you Lithuania stop the invasion. Putin’s puppet here calling for the nuking of the US. SMH
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doesn't sound too hygienic, doesn't it?
>stop the invasion
>Putin’s puppet here calling for the nuking of the US
inshallah those drunk retards to our east nuke your cesspool of degeneracy, while providing us with obese women refugees
This Eastern European MONGOLOID thinks it’s hygienic to try and stomp a big fiberous turd down the shower drain
This put my feabie experiences in perspective, I always wondered why they acted that way. That's hilarious
I really can’t see why it would matter much if this were true, especially over tile.
You people are nuts with how quick you call anyone a simp who does anything to assist.
I didn't call anyone a simp lol. I thought what they said was funny and I always like a good feabie rant, that place sucks ass

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