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Maybe it's all dried up now but I'm cool rehashing old stuff too. Think the most recent BBW feud that leaked out was CaitiDee v LisaLou a few months ago.
>>30719 (OP)
Dish on the feud. I think the current business is with Rosie Jade and Reenaye. Ivy & Reenaye are notorious show-women and play up numbers and slobbish behavior for content, but Rosie is so self-righteous it's obnoxious. There are no winners here.
I remember it basically boiling down to LisaLou showing a few conversation screenshots that confirmed “Caitidee has a rural shithole town worldview that is unsurprising given that she lives in Bakersfield.”
Big deal. I get criticism for having rural town view of Long Island. My pastor says that Jackson Heights is home to cheap and easy Latin and Asian women. Bakersfield is safe. It's not Compton, which is murder capital.
Fat women oppress each other. My manager got demoted because the fat black mom devoured her to get more money. Said fat black mom went thru three boyfriends and has White men sending her gifts.
No one reply to the post two posts above me.

Wonder what the full texts were in that case. I always thought Caitidee's BLM activism was purely performative.
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BLM was performative. Many of them went to drama school like Julliard or drama schools. Baptists like Cornel West, Malcolm X, Kanye West complain that Raphael Warnock, LeBron James, Ice Cube are not getting the reparations check. It's not the 70s when black actor's joined to the Panthers and got into a gunfight with cops. That Rest in Power in Spiderverse is sloganeering.
Bob Finkelstein in 70s like ROn Desantis Long Island Hipster Onion Writer He's A jew Susan Sontag Essays NYC MAGA Preg
always is.

i just went to caitidee's ig and i love "anti-racism" in the bio.

wow, you hate bad things!?! what a fucking unique opinion. im anti-murder! give me social points now.
Black intellectuals are like nerd bullies. It's Princeton, Yale, Harvard getting into a slap fight over 4.0 GPA, owning mansions, or crashing their Corvettes
my favorite is the redefining of "racism" to mean "POWER plus prejudice" to basically insinuate only one hyper-specific group (the dreaded cishet christian white male!) is capable of bigotry.

i try to ask, if a black person targets and assaults or murders an asian person, exclusively for the fact theyre asian... is that... NOT racist? not a hatecrime because the "right" group didn't commit it?

they dont like that one.

weirdly enough if you flip it around to "what if an asian person targets a black person EXCLUSIVELY because of race" then they tend to comprehend it as being racism, despite it not even fitting their definition because of the lack of systemic power.

ugh, i was on the left for 8 fucking years and it just wears you down to see the hoops you gotta jump through to constantly justify your made up worldview.
Again, black intellectuals are nerd bullies. Black NFL players tend to be the nice guys with gay sons.
OP you tried to have a good thread. Fuckin shame Kisame had to cum all over it.

If I had the chance to nuke anywhere in the world, I would pick Queens just to make sure we would never hear from him again. And nuke it again just to be safe.
As someone whos 2nd language is English i'm wondering if his posts come across like nonsense to native speakers too? like the structure is so AI-like, in every text there have to be a dozen politician and celebrity names for no reason.
It's not your imagination. It's nonsense comparisons and slippery slope inferences with as many name-drops as possible.
I exist way outside of civilization to care about porn stars drama. It's Pride Month and everybody's flying the flag. I flat out don't care for celebrity culture.
Who are you talking about? Fat chicks have been ratting each other out to the post, Dr. Phil, or the TLC.
Adams is making sure braphogs don't drink in public in front of the children
>>When's the last time we had a good old fashioned gossip/rumors/drama thread?

Literally the Moochi thread. Half of the comments are speculating if she's dead or not.
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We're focusing on the fat Trump rapper. Adams is too busy partying with his rap friends to care about crime. Good luck hunting Adams down to find mochi

I must be doing something right when I have no clue why people are obsessed with some fat guy in a shopping cart. Then again, I give no fucks about the government or pop culture as a whole anyways. I show up to the polls, write my own name down on the ballot, and then go back home.
Fuck off back to /inf/ nigger
I am a director-producer. I don't make these stuff. I just got forced out of retirement.
If whites like Gnarly Otaku wants to be raped by the banks, let him
Bakshi was a hack that relied on shock and raunchy content to get noticed and is good in context of his time, which is why he's never seen as timeless. It's apparent that AI is going to replace animators since they're the most disposable workforce that whines the loudest.
What are you taking about? Everything's done electronically now. I am not an a animator.
I intended to just live in the suburbs, but got forced back into doing fetish art again.
No one whines more than standup comedians and by god I cannot wait for AI to start writing monologues so all these insufferable comedians will lose their jobs and shut the fuck up. Comedians have been whining about freedom of speech for YEARS before any of the right wing pussies started bitching about it, Elon musk etc, because while racist bigots just feel entitled to say racist bigoted stuff, comedians feel entitled to actually being PAID to say dumb unfunny shit. If you think animators are whiny you clearly don’t watch standup comedy.
Yeah, it's just as grating and repetitive to a native speaker.

I can admire his consistency in a way, he manages to keep me guessing whether he's a high-concept troll or an actual schizo/autist. (I think the answer is a bit of both.) If all he wanted was to derail threads, he could use his VPN to go the low-effort Ausanon route and reply with insults and flagposting instead of going to the trouble of creating and maintaining a consistent persona. But the actual content of his posts is too provocatively stupid to be entirely "real." If he were really just schizodumping, he'd occasionally say something about politics and demographics which was factually true, if only through random chance. To some extent he's clearly doing a bit and posting things that are flagrantly false so that he can bait people into replying with "WTF are you talking about?"

I'd love it if he disappeared, but since he won't, I've come around to sort of appreciating him as a local eccentric. (Maybe it's because I also took some classes at LaGuardia Community College.) But what baffles me is how after all this time, people still don't recognize him and will consistently fall for his bait.
Not really. I am focusing on other pursuits now like being normal for a change.
I don't know what you mean anon. You guys trade gossip like housewives
When a painter wants to create a painting, they can translate what they see in their mind's eye onto the canvas one-to-one, in theory. The only limits in the way of that are mechanical, ie: the skill of the painter.
No matter how many prompts you feed an AI, it will never be able to replicate what you see in your head exactly. You're passing it through a layer of interpretation that otherwise wouldn't be there. It doesn't matter what prompt you give, the AI will never make the exact same microdecisions, both conscious and subconscious, that an artist could.
It can almost certainly get to "good enough". Most of the time it can get something that's at least satisfactory on a basic level. If you're just using it to generate porn, that bar for "good enough" is probably a lot lower.

No matter what, an artist will always be superior. Art is an inherently human action. To give it to machines is a fundamental misunderstanding of what it is.
That being said, it will still replace actual talent because MBA ghouls would rather just make something shittier than pay someone a living wage.

Nah, the reasons the persecution parade of comedians whine about "you can't tell jokes anymore" is because they've been too rich for too long.

Chapelle, Gervais, Seinfeld, et al. are all observational comedians, and observational comedy revolves around you focussing on a common, relatable element of life and providing a fresh and witty insight on it. That's the entire structure of it, relatability is a key element.

Ricky Gervais has a net worth of £130 million and lives in a £11 million house. What part about his lifestyle could ever be relatable to a regular person anymore? It's why Seinfeld trying to play colleges in the US baffled me - what experiences does Jerry Seinfeld think he has that the average college zoomer could relate to?

So the crowds boo them, and they whinge about cancel culture, blah blah, press goes wild.
I wish AI would replace them, but unfortunately it's not like AI actually has any insights to offer either.
A zoomer told me that these comedian's play themselves and not a character when they get their shows.
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I am just a fat guy in a floral shirt outside the internet. To answer your question, people don't like change.
I am just ignorant about how the comics and entertainment works as a business. I am an amateur in the grand scheme of things.
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What does that even mean, and how is it relevant to anything whatsoever?
Real talk, I don't know why he hasn't been hired to derail model threads over on the other boards. Drama, shitposting, content-posting, it all comes to a halt when he's around and since he uses mobile networks to post, his IP is always changing and he can't be banned.

Certainly would be better than mods indiscriminately cleaning up certain threads and leaving others to fester. Looking at you, the one mod that patrols Adeline's thread like a hawk. One thread devolves into cryptocurrency shitposting for days, but talk of Addy losing weight gets pruned after a day? CP stays up for a half a day over in /draw/ but god forbid someone points out Sig ain't 700lbs no more!
In America, zoomers use the internet for education and porn. I head to the theaters since I don't use the internet that much. I am unproductive to a fault.
>he manages to keep me guessing whether he's a high-concept troll or an actual schizo/autist. (I think the answer is a bit of both.)
My money is on the latter. I really dislike him, not gonna lie. I know he changes his IP a lot, but I think we may have some copycats as well. Either way, it's almost impressive, the way he singlehandedly manages to make this website borderline unusable.
It doesn't matter what the thread is about, he'll just come in and start talking about completely unrelated bollocks and derail the thread. With the namedropping especially, I don't know who the majority of the people he talks about are. I never engage with him.
> by god I cannot wait for AI to start writing monologues so all these insufferable comedians will lose their jobs and shut the fuck up

You're going to be waiting a long time since A.I is slow af when it comes to current events. Unless you want all your jokes to be about Omicron and the US Captial being stormed.
Don't worry, America's going to make more of Kisame17 with AIs to annoy you
wrong flag. get your eyes checked
although our PM is shit too so whatever
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I swear, the Irish has the worst PR. Emperor Belos, Lord Protector, Ywach, Thatcher's death squads look competent standing next to some generic red headed child.
so, uh, can we ask a mod to nuke this thread and start over or what
Fucking amazing how there are 50 billion places to fart out your political views online but they have to do it in bbw-chan.
Someone linked a study in another thread a while back about the overlap between autists and fat admirers. Some people argued that this was an outdated study or some methods were suspect, but all you need is to spend some time on /gen/ to see it's got more weight to it than meets the eye.
ASD is very heavily correlated with paraphilias/fetishes in general, and autists also love pressure and weight like weighted blankets. The implications are very obvious especially if you've spent more than a month online. No need for clinical doubt here.
>hurrdurr why discussion imageboard have discussion?
This site would be dead if it was just purely sharing links (which barely anyone actually does), and swarthoids commenting "mm baby lemme see more that sexy ass" for the millionth time can only go so far.
I am the autist Kisame and I want breast expansion and pregnancy expansion. Not sure where scientists are getting their info.
I honestly think the left is gaslighting their braindead fanbase at this point. That's the only explanation I can give as to why Fetterman and Feinstein are vegetables. All the dumb people go to the right because fat idiots can't be brainwashed into being obedient
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Actually, fat troons in the military makes sense. It's the closest to super soldiers that America will get. Fat troons have the mental unstable behavior of Broly and can obey orders that Mark Milley can give cause the woman side would keep them in check. Oppenheimer in the Nolan movie already looks like a lesbian, presumably because Truman needed a woman to take orders. I honestly think Biden needs Ginni Thomas to redpill his fanbase. Trump has three aides redpill him when he got tired of MAGA
So back on topic there must not be too much interesting happening in the world of BBW models right now. A few gossipy things I’ve wondered:
1) Is Aliss with some new American now, she’s still always posting photos of being in the US, most recently Austin unless she’s pulling them out later.

2) There’s no way there isn’t anything strange coming out of Kayla, Dumplin, and Lauren working together, they’re all batshit crazy.
Dumplin having to issue a public apology to that weird skinny chick she was dating for airing their dirty laundry and having the sloppiest breakup possible was hilarious. I regretfully bought two of their vids together and they had so little sexual chemistry you could feel the unease through the laptop screen.
>This site would be dead if it was just purely sharing links (which barely anyone actually does)

If people didn't turn every thread into a politcal dumpster fire then maybe more people would be inclined to share content. Why should trolling and shitposting be rewarded?
O tempora, o mores!

It's 2023 and Western society is more polarized than ever. It's inevitable that social discussion will leak even here. It's not the 2000s anymore; the feds opened Pandora's Box a decade ago to divide people.

There can be a rule to ban political discussion, but then there's going to be a hundred fringe cases since, as your local gender studies major would put it, fatness is inherently tied to the social paradigm.

Anyway you're exaggerating and if anyone is dissuaded from sharing content because of discussion then idk why they're posting here and not uploading to coomer or... reddit (which is currently in crisis and may die).

You have to consider the nature of this fetish and how insular the "community" is too. There's simply, even if EVERYONE contributed media, not enough beyond the same old faces (whether models or art) and random candids for this site to not go half-dead with if, frankly, some weirdos don't occasionally start drama. That's the nature of an imageboard where all voices are theoretically equal. If you want safe mob rule then attend to Reddit in the ICU.
The gender studies major is pretty much getting fired from major colleges because it turns out, the soft sciences are making the left look incompetent at governing. The right knows that men are withdrawing from society, but don't care since these illiberal men have free time to do as they please. After all, if major cities are depopulating, it hurts liberals more cause shrinking tax bases means their voters feel the pain. Small towns can thrive if it's not populated.
jesus christ how autistic do you have to be to want to talk about politics on a fat fetish board
>There can be a rule to ban political discussion, but then there's going to be a hundred fringe cases since, as your local gender studies major would put it, fatness is inherently tied to the social paradigm.

True, but there's a big difference between discussing the social implications of this kink and purely off-topic slapfighting, especially when it's being posted with the explicit intent to derail. I like the perennial "how can I find a conservative BBW" discussions, but there's no reason to be arguing about Disney conspiracy theories in a thread about Mochiibabii or whatever.

I don't even mind political discussion if it doesn't shit up on-topic threads. Back in the before times (summer 2020) when a certain troll hadn't arrived on the board yet, we had a great /bbwpol/ thread of mostly reasonable and good faith discussion that was a lifeline for my sanity when I was cooped up in lockdown.
Libs are mad that their army of influencers are losers, so much that the transgender influencer got banned for flashing her tits at the white house. Chun Li has no compunctions doing risque dances, but libs fragile ego can't take their dirt bag left fanbase
I just talk politics cause conservatives are threatening to bomb retailers over Pride Merch.
I genuinely miss those days. There was some good discussion and Skellybro would show up with some based takes. Now that we need to put up with a handful of uncontrollable autists, we can't have that anymore. Which I'm fine sacrificing, I never wanted to be someone who argues civics on a porn board, but not at the cost of never having a single thread stay on topic for more than 10 posts. What's worse is he thinks his bullshit is welcome on other boards too.

Nuke Queens, NY.
That tracker trailer file destroying I-95 at Philadelphia is proof that the radical left is screwing over the moderates. I only have to do the 20 minutes commute in bumfuck NY on weekdays, 2 hour commute on weekends. My and my brother make the same amount thanks to BLM abolishing the 8-5 work week. Even at my day job and neighboring AMC, everything's done by electronic kiosks.
People are getting tired of fat influencers demanding the Biden Administration make jumbo size jets, green access a ride and gilligs, and practicing adultery at the Hyatt. There's a good reason Size Con is in small town NJ, Adams would unleash his army of fat cops to give fetish art man tickets for dumping on black neighborhoods
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I think you're making light of how bad the problem is. It's not so much the political discussion that is out of hand, it's how effective some people are at derailing entire threads with this bullshit that end up not being even remotely related to what the thread is about. Jae or Beccabae referring to themselves as they/them is obviously going to prompt some discussion, but if it somehow gets twisted into some diatribe about California is a blight on society, the future is cryptocurrency, or how liberals are cheering for Russia, you can see how that's ruining the flow of this place. You can tell these shitposters are having different conversations entirely with who they're replying to.

I know Barclay likes to keep a hands-off approach to moderating and only wants to intervene if it's CP or especially egregious shit, but this is a new breed of autistic shitposting that unfortunately no one has learned to simply ignore. Someone will always take the bait. We can't ban him, he's just going to come in and kick our sandcastle down and we don't have a better playground to go to.
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I should also mention there's definitely discussion to be had on topic. There's no shortage of that over on /draw/, the model specific threads on /bbw/ or /ssbbw/ are usually updates about what's going on with the girls, gossip, speculation, comparisons. /booty/ and /tits/ aren't bastions of high-minded rhetoric or anything but they're doing fine. There's always going to be some discussion to be had and it can always be contained to be about the subject at hand. It's when it gets beyond 2 degrees of separation that you can tell it's gotten out of hand.

What we're seeing in this thread alone is beyond X degrees of separation. It's a whole new line of thought, every response from this guy. There's no coherency. You couldn't get a straight answer if you tried. It's honestly why there's still debate over if he's a master shitposter taking us for a ride or a severely autistic man able to just function in society but unable to read cues.
Millennials and Zoomers are the most non linear and non conformity generation in America. It only scares baby boomers and Gen X cause their childhoods were outside and free. You guys just come off as elderly boomers. It's like the users who bring up Code Lyoko, Totally Spies. I don't remember any of those shows or Teen Titans. I doubt mods will do a thing. Discord and Twitter are barely functional cause the cyber security team was slashed to make some rich guy billions.
Remember how Best Wishes Chris and John Smith finally fucked off? Yeah, something like that again would be nice.
fuck man, don't jinx it and bring John Smith back. he must never be mentioned
Sorry for talking politics but people are complaining about Target Pride Merch. The thing is nobody's buying it due to inflation.

1. If you have to buy clothing to identify yourself, then you're an empty husk of a person.

2. Who the fuck shops at target besides Karens and overweight boomers?
Target is a surprisingly common choice for plus sized women. When you're big you have to look elsewhere than the usual for options. Torrid & Lane Bryant ain't the only picks out there.

But agreed - targeted identity branding is corporate bullshit and I hope no one buys into it. They'd pander to bigots if bigots spent more money, but they don't.
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Is it really that hard to just not reply? I've always heard that /k/ is the easiest board to troll but maybe it's bbwchan's /gen/. Is everyone here from fucking reddit or something? Instantly crying and whining for mods to clean up a mess that you can just simply step over and ignore? I don't like his posts either, but man, you're on a chan board for fucks sake, grow a pair or leave. It'd be like going on Reddit and complaining about updoots, it's a feature of the format.
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Honestly, Trumps fat jokes are on another level. He could just put Chris Christie at a Tim Hortons or those shitty Chinese buffets that seems to appear in main street. Instead, Trump Photoshop Christie at a generic buffet that sell lesser quality foods off the turnpike. I just think his aides are not telling him about fat influencers cause he'll go full Looney Tunes and Photoshop a fat influencer getting filled with a cement truck full of cookies batter. It's ironic cause Trump's fat man habits of living like a slob got him in trouble. The GOP are trying to pardon Trump out of fear he may turn into Jabba the Hut in prison, or indulge in his fantasy as Tony Soprano.

found the autist that has 7 pairs of blue jeans and 7 white t-shirts
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This entire thread reads like some sort of weird AI generated conversation.
I'm ready to sink the ship. Sage goes in all fields, gentlemen.

Mods have told people to sandbag and ignore, but it never sticks.
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>Is it really that hard to just not reply?
This is what I don't get. The upside of it being such a consistent schtick is that it's easy to recognize and ignore. But after all this time, people will still see a post that says something like "Ben Shapiro wants to censor Ferngully because Park Slope Liberals voted for DeSantis" and try to argue with it like it's a serious political message.
Don't bother. I asked lolcow what's their endgame. I get team appreciation day at my workplace that comes with free food and cake. My coworker says the movie industry want positive and uplifting stories about Pride. Unfortunately, producers are getting into a slap fight over Biden being a dictator. My talent is in directing and producing fetish art. Lol, Connor McGregor is already doing a good job of acting like a crazy person at the NBA game. Pride is just another get out of work and get drunk holiday. It's like how the Puerto Rican Day parade is St Patrick's for Americans. Everyone knows the mayor is a ceremonial position. I live in a wealthy suburb and we're hefty from barbeque and fish islander diet.
Fox News is a trashfire at the moment. They fired their producers for calling Biden a wannabe dictator. Fox doesn't even get good ratings in America. It's to senior citizens what CNN is to airports. The far right is just 15 people standing outside of the entrance to Disney and many of them are furries who got kicked out of conventions for supporting Ron, Kemp, or Ted Cruz. I know Tucker Carlson is still seething cause he downloaded breast expansion porn and sent it to his female boss.
Can you retards not have one thread that doesn't turn in to retarded political discussions by racist retards?
Fox is for elderly power craven baby boomers and their cohort, Gen Z AI artists in the states. It's been relatively quiet where I live. Really, conservatives want to be the big shot and dictate when the next 1/6 is going to happen. I don't want any of these shows, but ithe news plays on my job when the baseball game isn't on.
Alright, folks, let me tell you something. Trump, he was a force to be reckoned with. A true disruptor. He didn't care about political correctness or playing by the rules. And Fox News, they knew it. They were the ones who had the guts to give him a platform. Meanwhile, Obama, oh boy, he had his charm and his smooth talk, but he couldn't hold a candle to Trump's energy.

Then you've got Gen Z, all caught up in their TikTok dances and social justice warriors. They don't appreciate what Trump did for this country. They're too busy sipping their fancy coffees and preaching about climate change. But hey, they're the future, right?

And now we've got Biden in the White House. Promising unity, my foot. All I see is division and a president who can't even remember what he said five minutes ago. Thank goodness for people like Shapiro who aren't afraid to call out the left's nonsense. We need voices like his to keep us grounded in reality.

So, in this crazy political circus, it's important to stay informed, folks. Don't just swallow what the liberal media feeds you. Question everything. Look beyond the surface. And remember, Trump may be out of office, but his impact will be felt for years to come. Keep fighting for what you believe in and don't let the mainstream narrative silence you.
Trump in NY has always been seen as a spoiled rich kid using his father's money and business to buy his way into politics. The only bright point is that he's not flagrantly racist like Fred Trump. American conservatives think Murdoch is slipping or getting senile cause he cares about making money as opposed to telling the truth. I have said that Biden's biggest problem is that Eric Adams and NY Democrats are ready to screw him in 2024 cause they have the instinct of a paranoid schizophrenic. People in bumfuck NY don't care that NYC is burning itself to the ground. We're currently plotting for vacation.
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All that division you see is caused by Chinese people running the Elite Prep Schools for profit. Nobody cares about Horace Mann cause tuition is already 50k and it devolves into sex cults. Chinese people have the personality of the NTR man, but like Yang, they live Upstate or in New England. In the grand scheme of things, I am just Uncle Ruckus. I am working multiple jobs to support myself
LOL I used to talk to this chick on feabie
1. wtf is that Marilyn Manson fused with Type O Negative nonce
2. That first photo looks like it was taken in 2007
Lol. Industrial metal has always attracted hebes and fat girls. It's not heavy metal, which is conservative Catholic and about rejecting Satan. Industrial metal let's fat girls and tit cow teens cover up instead of revealing themselves.
Real men are being replaced by soft men and trans men in marketing. This is causing a moral panic enough to steer Gen Z and millennials who would be liberal shift hard right. Industrial metal gets all the women cause it's soft guys.
Ex female colleagues of mine who are willing to spend 15% more to feel morally/economically superior to Walmart trash shoppers. That's who. And since they're female, they're totally down with all the pride sht
How? The pride flag is all over the subway in NYC and tied to banks, Google Pay. Those same people are begging Biden to pardon Trump since Trump Republicans repave the roads, install new traffic signals, and operate the buses. Meanwhile, rainbow hair Tumblr whines she was misgender by the lady cop or bus operators
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It's rather telling that Miles looks and acts Republican despite being from NYC, a liberal bastion. He even has an immaculate figure. Ham planets would accuse him of acting white. The hambeasts are already putting in a black woman cause they can't handle Gwen Stacy being a 40 year old futa.
It's a 4 day weekend for Juneteenth. Gays and Blacks aren't coming up with food to appeal to fatties
>Gwen Stacy being a 40 year old futa
For once I wish a Kisame post was true
People think Gwen Stacy is trans cause of the colors, despite her being roughly the same generation as Peter Parker which puts her at 40 or 60. So Spider verse is about the clearly high school Miles hooking up with an adult
Don't worry, I told lolcow that their precious hyperpreg art was made cheaply and funded by my burger flipping money. I am in no hurry to help famous artists with their massive backlogs and demands for high concept. They can deal with their obnoxious fanbase
I recently heard Randalin isnt real. Shes AI. Could be true imo
Candence Owens is complaining that women gain weight after marriage. No shit, Trumpers like they hefty wife
Is Littlepumpkinssbbw doing escorting this summer or nah?
even if she was... would you really want to
Can you escort her to a euthanasia clinic or something? Thanks.
Lmao I just wanna make her dress up like a cat and piss in a box instead of on the ground
I think it's about agency. We don't look at browns as humans and don't expect them to conduct themselves as such.
So basically "Long March Through Institutions" theory come to life with you, everything must cater to the political because everything is political.
I don't care for Gramsci shit, get the fuck out of here with that.
This thread gives me schizofrenia
My alma matter of LaGuardia is on the news cause the black chick didn't respect the white woman at graduation. I don't see the Gwen is trans either. I am mad that Peter Parker as the Lizard wasn't expanded. I guess Disney doesn't want that furry porn money
Randalin aint real she AI generated. Thats why she talk like a retard
Women like Robots. I am listening to a robot woman sing Gorlillaz Feel Good Inc
She replaced the fat guy who did the rap with generic synth rock. It's like the Weekend. I thought I was listening to a robot sing A Simple Minds, or A Flock of Seagulls. Suddenly Kanye's sampling looks good
What the actual fuck is this thread. One of you yankee diddle fucks responds with nonsense then you are gay.
LOL I wouldn't admit to having gone to LaGuardia, even anonymously. Grads make Hostos seem like Harvard.
Moot point. Porn us already blocked in Virginia, Texas, Georgia. Kemp and Youngkin aren't going to listen to furry artists

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