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So I'm gonna do some traveling this summer and I was wondering...what is the best way to meet BBW's? Tinder? Hinge? Bumble? Doublelist? Or in real life somewhere?

Pics not related, just some of my favorites
This country has never been fatter dude. At first I thought you were posting from India or something. Even a skinny bitch will pork up naturally with you
Cover your dick in peanut butter and walk around naked.
>>30475 (OP)
All those apps/websites are fine.

I would also suggest grocery stores, book stores, bar/club, beach/campground.

If you're in America, visit the South, Appalachia, Midwest. Those are your best bets for finding your fat qt

pretty much this

people in the first world put in huge amounts of effort to not be fat, it's pretty much the default

every thin girlfriend i've had as blown up when they knew my preference because it tilts the pros/cons of not exercising/eating that cookie in your favor
I've honestly never been able to get a number from a girl out in public. I just cant believe it happens
I haven't been on the market for awhile, but from what I remember literally every dating site allows you to subset your searches on body type. Keeping in mind that women tend to underplay their weight, anything "curvy" and above should yield results.
Bro, you just need to stop being a pussy. I get it, rejection sucks but if you don't shoot your shot, then what else are you gonna do.

I have decent success with being affable and a little self deprecating. Making them laugh is a huge plus, be kind and cool. Let them know that "you're not cool, maybe a little awkward" or whatever. Be casual, not too serious. Ask them about themselves, what they enjoy doing, favorite restaurants in town, etc. Don't get like, too serious... asking complex life questions, their 5 year plan or whatever.

Literally just be cool and funny, don't act like an autistic incel. Guarantee you will find a girl this way.
This is retarded. Who is "them" in this scenario? Where are they?

I live in the largest city in my state with more people than I will ever be able to meet. And I don't see young women anywhere I go. I see them on the freeway and at the grocery store. That's it.

I like every type of woman. Fat, thin, black, white. You'd think I'd have chances but apparently not

I don't get any matches at all on the dating apps. This is not hyperbole. Actually zero. Used to be able to bang a fat bitch (ugly) or two ever year but for some reason the apps don't work anymore since I've been 25/26.

Every bar I go into, they're not there. It's just boomers.

I showed up at a big bicycling event with 3k people and the only women who showed up were brought by their boyfriends.

Last summer I literally spent 5 hours at the dog park every single day and made a serious effort to talk to everyone and not one woman showed up who didn't have a boyfriend

I went to bookstores every night and managed to talk to one girl who followed and then lingered near me for several minutes before i worked up the balls to say something but she fled almost immediately (perhaps due to her own anxiety I'm guessing). Eventually I stopped going to bookstores though because I bought too many books and didn't wanna get known by the staff

I am at my absolute wits end.

I think it's because even though I'm in a major city, I'm also in the Midwest and all the women want to fuck off to Chicago or LA or someplace like that. I don't fucking know

The "them" I'm referring to are BBWs.

Grocery store, bars (specifically country bars) are probably your best bet. Maybe take a cooking class or better yet a baking class. You are bound to find a fat chick there. Also craft stores or anything to do with a sedentary lifestyle, local clubs for anything you might find interesting. Sporting events too, especially groups that watch local teams at bars and go bar crawling.

A dog park isn't probably your best bet. Women tend to get dogs with their boyfriends/husbands, but walking around with a dog is a great way to meet someone.

Tbh, you sound like you have some issues with being in public and possibly don't actually know how to approach and talk with women. Don't stick to the city, try going to the suburbs or even a rural part of your state. The Midwest is ripe with fat chicks dude. Do you have a job?
Agree with this guy. Basically the only way to meet anymore is having a social profile of some kind...and preferably not tinder.
>Last summer I literally spent 5 hours at the dog park every single day and made a serious effort to talk to everyone and not one woman showed up who didn't have a boyfriend

I'm instantly wary of anyone saying cold approaching has worked for them at a non-enclosed space, it sounds like bravado. The reactions i've been getting have been seriously getting predictible. I just cut to the chase when approaching women by asking them if they're available if not - i'm not interested in having a pointless conversation. Women in relationships who are by far the majority just straightforwardly state they're uavailable. With single women however the reactions I've gotten can be summed up as silence, lies about having a BF, or shaming me. The knee-jerk reaction of unsuccessful women just makes them inacapble of admitting they're single to a stranger. Since i'm good at finding identies (don't ask) I literally know that all the women who rejected me are single to this day with no other companions than animals except for 1 girl. They're on the road to end up childless, their potential dates are getting up in age too, went trough several break-ups or have no game.

Ironically the easiest place to find a date is at the workplace, something you can get fired for. Bars? the women there aren't a ideal cross-section. College/University? You'll get 4 years to find a date, and to actually get in contact with women you have to take up the subjects with low income potential and weaker job prospects. I've never tried dating sites cause I don't want social media profiles of any kind so IDK about that but it doesn't seem like a good cross-section either.

"Dating" is completely rigged against men, heck people probably didn't even "date" in the good old days. Studies confirm women are content with not being as whealty as possible. Their libidos are low which is clear to anyone who doesn't want to rob men of their idenites. Effectively their primarily motivion for relationships these days are children.
Meant to quote >>30972
My guy, they're probably intentionally avoiding the guy spending 5 hours a day at the dog park trying to pick up chicks who are probably there trying to enjoy the day with their dog and not be bothered by some dude.

It sounds like you're trying too hard. Just chill, relax a little, and try to be peoples friend first and let a relationship develop. Go out and have fun with whatever your hobbies are, go to a comic shop, a baseball game, or take up a cooking class, something you enjoy so you're not focused solely on picking up a chick.

If you're still single after a bit, maybe, and this is a big maybe, try asking a friend if they know anyone who is single. Or maybe try going to a singles party. Or just, work on yourself for a bit.
idk about tinder but not on hinge or bumble, I doubt tinder has that option as well.

>I'm instantly wary of anyone saying cold approaching has worked for them at a non-enclosed space, it sounds like bravado.

You're correct here. Cold approaching is difficult, it's for more of a bar situation.
I'm not surprised that women lie to you about not being single if this is how you behave. I am referring specifically to your "finding identities" comment - that sounds like some serial killer shit.
I wouldn't necessarily call myself a "Chad" but I am decently succesful with women. And I am genuinely absolutely mystified by guys who just approach random women in public and try to chat them up. By "in public" I don't mean at a bar or club, that's normal. I mean doing it in places like a cafe, park, library, book shop, gym, etc. I can't imagine that ever working, and I can't imagine a woman being receptive to being hit on in that setting. At best it's some lame PUA shit. At worst it's Chris-chan and his "looking for a boyfriend-free girl" sign. And it's cringeworthy either way.

Look, I know it happens and I know it works for some guys (if it never worked, no one would do it) but still. I think cold approaching random women in public in a non-bar/club setting would make almost any guy (regardless of how handsome he is) come across as creepy/desperate.

The only time I ever did anything remotely like this, a woman outside a shopping centre (AKA a mall if you're American) asked me for a cigarette and I asked her for her number. It actually worked and we ended up going on a date. But that's a rare outlier. If I hung around there all the time asking random girls for their numbers, people would rightly call me a creepy bastard.
I've recently been hitting up a board room cafe place regularly for a weekly drop-in night, where anyone can show up and play some fun games with new people. And like 75 percent of the girls that show up range from chubby to hamplanet. And of those, at least half are actually cute or pretty lol. But it makes sense, girls with nerdy sedentary hobbies. And comversation comes naturally because at minimum you have to talk about the game you're playing and 9 times out of 10 that leads to further off-topic conversation.

I'm not single anymore, so I can't take advantage, but a gaming drop-in night would be my number one suggestion to someone looking to meet a fat girl irl.
Apps work fine. I'm very forthright in my profiles (along the lines of "I'm looking for a cute fat babe to take out for dinner") and in messages (telling them I find it attractive when women like to eat - unsurprisingly, many chubby/fat women like the idea of a free meal with permission to go hog wild and are curious about fat admiration/related kinks), and have had good results. Don't ask, don't get - and I've come to really enjoy introducing people to all this stuff.

Never bothered to put effort into meeting women IRL. Occasionally it happens incidentally but online is far easier. Also, for dating/potential LTRs, most people are normies of average or below intelligence and I'm just not interested. Would prefer to screen them out before meeting, and online dating works great for that.
Always with the "join a club" or "take a class". Literally nobody actually does these things. It's just something people say to unattractive men
>women have low libidos
Objectively wrong, women are horny as fuck
so where is the female equivalent of bbw-chan? why do I not see women do obsessive shit like draw erotic art and write erotic fiction or seek it out? (I know there are women who do this but my gut feeling says they are numerically dwarfed by men) Why do women don't even seem to check me out like I do with them on the street? not even cursory glance.

I got zero evidence for it, but I strongly doubt the female sexual experience is as enjoyable as the more explosive male one,
Men are more visual than women. Women often prefer reading erotica, fanfics etc. over oogling at fetish art. Or at least it's a mix to where it seems males barely read at all.
Maybe it's a US thing, but man, I'm shocked that no one has mentioned "the beach" or "the lake". Some of my earliest memories of seeing fat women were going to the lake with my family, it's always a visual smorgasbord. I can't take advantage anymore, but just today I saw a girl who had a body just like Hailey the Big Noodle.
>>31374 Just today I went by the lake and I have to be honest with you, back 15 or 20 so years ago there you wouldn't see too many rhinos or hippos but even the beaches these days are deserted compared to even 15 years ago. The only areas that I've seen that the population has gone up is in the popular parts of town where there's more tourist populations.

I had some of my wildest memories from the back of those woods by the lake in those hills. With the girls and cooking wild potatoes by the fire drunk as hell on a friday night. I always try to warn the younger generations that if there's 1 thing you should fear it's population demographic changes. In 10 years time heaven can turn into complete unrecognizable hell when migration brings large masses of the wrong kind into your town.
>>30475 (OP)
I cant speak on the viability of actually meeting them but I have seen more young cute and obscenely obese girls at six flags (The one in western MA for me) in one day than I do in a year anywhere else. The water park especially because none of these whales can even fit into the real rides. Its surreal when I'm coming from a more urban area. I swear the average woman there is white, early 20's, 200 pounds and wearing a two piece bikini with absolutely no shame. Tons of girls over 300, and a sizable number in the 400-500 range who somehow manage to waddle from a scooter into various pools. If they are this fat in an otherwise thin state I cant imagine what it would be like anywhere else.

You may not meet anyone but you'll at least cum in your pants.
Some you can also find I'm Disney land or Universal:
>Fat asses barely fitting into the ride
>Barrier thing squeezing their breasts
Just wonderful. What's the catch? Just don't look like a creep who's about to get registered as a sex offender, pretty sure everyone who loves attractions also love petty dramas.
There are fun and relatively cheap classes you can take, as I mentioned above. Cooking, wine tasting, beer tasting, baking, coding, etc. I'm basically saying put yourself out there, stop relying on apps. Grab your balls if you still have them and introduce yourself. Be confident, be funny, be relatable. Don't be weird and uncool. I'm not the best looking guy but I've had some decent success acting this way. Don't just do a cold approach, make yourself noticeable to these women. It's really not hard, your brain should be primed through millions of years of evolution to do this.
minor tangent but feels valid considering we have a board for it; any suggestions for meeting pregnant women?
The way I spit my drink out lmfaooooooo
Online is pretty much it. I have the same fetish but its nearly impossible to meet one not attached or not open to fuck.

I got on a swingers site and found a pregnant one, and it was my one and only one but it was hot as hell.

I would say tinder but all the ones on there know you have a pregnancy fetish if you match them, and they're probably less apt to fuck you until after they have the baby
Such a shame because on tinder, bumble et al I have no luck even finding them, legit a total of one on Hinge. I guess I’ll try one of those sites, any recommendations?
no idea because you're in sweden. maybe google swedish swingers or something i dont know how the culture is there about swinging.
>I don't know if there's swingers in x country.
Maybe a bad example but honestly if in the off chance there is a woman there, she would probably be a fatties and probably autistic. Bodes well for any guy who is desperate, which most of you seem like.

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