
(51 KB, 904x248, 6e1eed1c-a6ca-4419-8c2c-3fd1c9b99cca (1).jpg)
Alright lads I have been thinking about this for a while. With the recent boards talking about their wife and how hard this fetish is I wanted to ask all of you this. What is the lowest weight or Body fat percentage you could go, without feeling like you were missing out too much. Me I like the fetishy aspects, the feeding, the tight clothes, playing with a girl's belly, etc. The weight gain however is not always at the for front though. For me I think having a medium bbw who is kinky as I am vs an ssbbw who just sorta puts up with it, is better. At least for me. So again. What is the minimum weight for a gal that you would still feel like your Fat Adimirer needs were met, and could keep check your wandering eye. Pic is related: choose a panel starting from the left most pane. Or, if you wish to submit your own photo of the girl is in still in the bbw spectrum but still is pretty damn hot to you, do so.
>>30429 (OP)
my last ex was 5'3 and went from 170 - ~200lbs throughout our relationship and honestly at this point i think 200 on a shorter woman is the lowest i'd go from here on out.

maybe like 180 if she carries it mostly in her belly or thighs. but at 200 women just tend to fill out everywhere and if they didnt have before, tend to develop cute double chins and puffy cheeks
(77 KB, 1080x1328, Screenshot_20171013-125449.jpg)
This is probably the lowest weight/body fat I'd go with if I were divorced.

My wife is 5'11" and about 320, large ass, wide hips, c cup tits, mid sized fupa and tummy. She's probably on the other end, although I'm interested to see just how fat her ass can get. She doesn't like her tits and has mentioned she wants work done on them. I would be fine with her doing a fat transfer.
What is with people on here and bragging about their wives/gfs and describing them in uncomfortable detail?

We get it bro, you bagged a fatty, I'm happy for you, but why do you need describe her in detail on a porn piracy board?
First off, this is a discussion board and I replied regarding the topic at hand.

It's not my problem that you're a bitter fuck. Imagine being uncomfortable at the mere mention of a giantess with a fat ass smdh
My wife is 420 lbs
So I'm not one of those who didn't go for it when they had a chance for whatever reason (I left that phase behind in my teens, because I realized there's no other way but going for it)

The absolute minimum a woman should have for me is let's say between 260 and 280 depending on her height of course (tending to the latter if not really short)

Anything below wouldn't work at all
I'd simply be not (sexually) attracted to her below that
Skinny women have the same effect men have (no attraction at all, I can only say conventionally pretty and that's it)

It's not that I chose that or decided anything
It's just how my coding works ;)
My wife is 420 lbs
So I'm not one of those who didn't go for it when they had a chance for whatever reason (I left that phase behind in my teens, because I realized there's no other way but going for it)
I'm just stating this for information

The absolute minimum a woman should have for me is let's say between 260 and 280 depending on her height of course (tending to the latter if not really short)

Anything below wouldn't work at all
I'd simply not be (sexually) attracted to her below that
Skinny women have the same effect men have (no attraction at all, I can only say conventionally pretty and that's it)

It's not that I chose that or decided anything
It's just how my coding works ;)
That level of obesity is rare in Deutschland. Was she fat all her life, like what's her story, what's her daily life like too? You're so fortunate!
I don't even come here for porn, believe it or not. I like the banter. bbwchan is an imageboard first and foremost and the form dictates the content and culture. There are many sites that just give you pure images and limited commentary, like boorus.
That's true
Obesity is more common nowadays, but still pretty rare at this level

She's been normal as a child and got a bit chubby in her later teens, but nothing special (judging by her old pics), then she kinda blew up
I guess it was carbs, moving way less and office job with a bit of genetics blended with sweet tooth (even tho all her sisters and her mom are slim ^^)

Daily life is basically work and relax on the couch after work for her mostly ;)
She's still good at keeping the house clean and stuff like that tho, but any "longer" walk or sth like that is not really that easy going

And yeah I love coming here for gen and all these topics as well

Key feature if you ask me
>why do people talk about their experiences with fat women on the general discussion board of a fat fetish site

idk anon, why DO they share their experiences? i'm sure there's PLENTY of other places for them to do that since it's such a socially acceptable and popular preference.
not even that fat. my last relationship was with a woman who wasn't more than 150 but she was short and it was all butt/hips/belly, the parts I gave the most attention to. Plenty to grab. That relationship told me its not size that matters as long as i can grab ahold of my partner.
>>30429 (OP)

When I was dating, the lowest I'd go was maybe around 200, assuming a height of about 5'4". Highest was maybe 350, mostly for health and practicality reasons.

I'm married now, and that's a different game altogether. Wherever my wife's weight lands is what I'm going with. Since marriage is about more than physical attraction, and nobody has an ideal body forever, I fully accept the possibility of my wife's body changing to fall out of what I consider an ideal weight range. She's fluctated between 250-325lbs in our relationship and is closer to the higher end of that now, usually plateauing in the 290 range. If she lost a bunch of weight I wouldn't leave her, but it would probably impact my sexual attraction. That's life.
I date for love, so that includes skinny girls, but for me to have a sexual pull they probably need to be the size of or heavier than picrel
Pic didn't upload
And it didn't again. Forget it, she needs to be around 160 lbs or heavier basically
What's your wife's feelings around her weight and your attraction to her? My own wife vacillates between being devoted to gaining and devoted to losing weight - all the while eating regardless.

She's comfortable in her body, knows my preferences and will role play a little bit in the bedroom. She isn't interested in purposely putting on weight, but also doesn't want to be "skinny". When she's talked about weight loss she only seems to want to go down to 200 pounds or so (enough to mitigate most negative health effects), but the lowest she's gotten in practice is 250-260.

Right now it's hard to picture a reality where she gets truly thin, she likes carbs too much, but if we ever got there we'd have to cross that bridge together. I personally don't know how it would play out. If she got down to 180-200 I don't think there would be any issue, but below that I'm not sure.
And where do your preferences sit? Was she at her most attractive at 325lbs?

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