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Saw a thread about this a while back. How did you stumble upon this/what is your story?
>Like women
>Like Big boobs
>Like Big asses
>Like Breast & Ass expansion (morphs of celebs especially back in the day)
>Like real world breast and ass growth naturally by gaining small amount of weight
>Accept fat bellies as hot, but not fat faces
>Like fat faces and all aesthetics of weight gain

Not much of a feeder, just the end result of overeating.

Certain plotpoints in shows like Totally Spies and the occasional fat-suit cutaway gag had some effect

Also this should be in /gen/
Got into this when I was 11 or 12. Exactly how, I don’t even remember. Some of my classmates described nutting as the best feeling ever. So, naturally, I wanted to try it. At first I was watching hardcore stuff (all I knew of) and that wasn’t doing it for me, so I began to look for alternatives. Little did I know, the problem likely wasn’t my material, but my age. I found soft core porn like twerk videos, and fat girls that only showed tits and belly. Wasn’t really into the belly atp, but I did get off to it. Slowly, I started drifting from regular girls showing only ass and tits to fat girls in bikinis. I was hooked. I hadn’t even realized it at the time but I slowly rewired my sex drive to require belly play. This took like a year or 2. I was hooked. Never looked at fat women the same. I would walk past girls twice my size in public and was infatuated with their wobbling guts stuffed inside too tight leggings. Didn’t kick that I fucked myself up until I was 14. Have been “trying” to quit ever since.

All in all, do I regret it? Deeply. But ig this is what I’m into now, so I’m trying to balance my real life needs and sexual desires.

Does this ever get easier?
This thread will probably be deleted like last time, since it's not about sharing content. You're better off posting this in /gen/
>>30319 (OP)
> 5 years old
> watch Tim Burton Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
> my dick feels really weird at the Violet Beauregard part
> but only after she blueberries a little bit. After the first few seconds the feeling is gone
> wtf
> Fastforward to when I see Men In Black II at age 9 or so
> same feeling seeing serleena vore in this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH0_sSh2Ji4
> litterally had to go to the bathroom. so confused


at the age of 11, I saw the video above and couldn't figure out why my dick kept popping up. So I simply rolled over and laid on it until I came. later on I learned about masturbation and sought out similar videos. but her relentless jabber about how much weigh she gained and how fat she is stuck with me, so I always gravitated towards fatties.

when I was young I also found out I was into breast expansion. Mostly through content like bambii blaze and the endless stories on deviantart. I remember this one simple story about a girl who's boobs grew a cup size per day until they were the size of her head, and she magically stored all the bras she needed in hopes for this day to come.

I remember getting concerned though, I was concerned that I might not be able to get off to "normal" women. Early into my masturbatory career I weaned myself off of softcore BE and BBWs and focused exclusively on softcore models. I forget their names, but most of it was white women stripteasing on pornhub. I still revisit that sometimes.

I can get off to most kinds of women now. I sometimes jerk off to bone thin women without even thinking about putting more weight onto her frame. My ideal weight range is anywhere from 90-250lbs. anything above that and I usually grow disinterested. Ideally, my girlfriend would be somewhat thin and hear about my fetish and gain weight later. I'm not the type of man to obsess over a woman's weight, but I hope I end up with a woman who likes to indulge me in this fetish, and gets into it as well. It would be so awesome if I had a gf/wife who also got off to her own fatness.
William Shakespeare over here
Warner Bros classics Pigs is Pigs and Chow Hound were in regular rotation on TV when I was a kid. The original Willy Wonka movie was on all the time as well, and crude as it was the Violet expansion made an impact. That said, I clearly recall being 6 yo or so and lining up my stuffed animals in size order, pretending it was one toy being fattened up. So I'm not sure if those cartoons sparked it or if I was "born" with the need to feed or
Finally, AI prompting has been hard without the general thread. Hope everyone finds their way back to the thread.
>>30319 (OP)
Used to search "fat girl" on google images and 2006/2007 Youtube.
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Can somebody translate what the fuck this meme is? I have been offline for the past three or four years. Anyone who calls themselves Kisame is just a copycat who wants approval.
>>30397 (Cross-thread)
>my whole family more or less is fatphobic and has express so multiple times
what do you mean by this?
So basically picture this:
e.g. my mom: She was super skinny her whole life up until her pregnancy. After that she couldn't loose the weight and more slowly piled on. Highest point was probably 25kg overweight all tough it must have felt worse as she had always been at the lower end of the normal weight range. She still is hasen't been able to loose the last 10kg or so and just end's up dieting really strict for a couple of weeks just too lose some and then stagnates. She also constantly brings up her weight compared to her (extremely) skinny female friends and how she is just a pig for having no self control (she says so herself). Also being a middle age woman who grew up in a former Soviet country she just never moved on from all of the stereotypes about fat people e.g. fat women need to dress a certain way, they are gross/unhealthy/unflattering etc., have no self control/are lazy etc.. When she saw me looking at a picture of a young bbw she noted that: "This young girl is way too fat for her age etc. and how things will only worsen with time like I'm marriage or so".

my brother (about my age): Showed me some of these plus-size acceptance cringe videos multiple times and totally agrees with that. I just didn't really respond/know what to respond.

Aunt 1(skinny): roughly same as brother but the topic did only come up once or twice e.g. more or less fat people are lazy and unwilling to change/are in need of weight loss etc., fat people should pay more health insurance (in Germany we have sort of a centralized system for that)

Aunt 2 (my mother sister also a little skinnier than my mom): Also constantly dieting e.g. only vegetable diet with my mom (as a sort of quick weight loss fasting/detox thing), prepacked meal's specifally measured out for weight loss (hella expensive too). Also now huge weight loss progress in the last couple year's.
*Edit: meant to write 15kg overweight not 25kg
>stereotypes about fat people e.g. fat women are gross/unhealthy/unflattering etc., have no self control/are lazy
kind of/yes/by most of society
>no self control/are lazy
>my brother (about my age): Showed me some of these plus-size acceptance cringe videos multiple times and totally agrees with that
they are usually spot on. the fat positivity movement is sick in the head
>When she saw me looking at a picture of a young bbw she noted that:
how does this even happen? how old are you?
>fat people should pay more health insurance
fair enough. obesity carries various significant health risks that (are proven to) cost society
your mom and her relationship with her friends seem extremely bitchy and shallow, and your mom and your aunt obviously have toxic relationships with their bodies, going on lifeless "diets" because of their counter-productive self-hate. however, most of what you repeat here is objectively true and has been societal common sense everywhere, forever, for a reason. saying this as a fat fuck myself, outside of extreme minority in the perverse feedism fetish community that maybe you're in, or the ones gaslighting themselves in the fat positivity movement (really just justifying their gluttony and laziness, seriously), NOBODY really wants or really is 'okay' with being fat. completely disregarding social pressure (which is there for a reason): everything is just difficult. mentally, you are low on energy; it's hard to find energy to just do stuff and moving itself is obviously harder. it's hard to maintain hygiene. and just countless medical conditions that arise, especially with age
being fat fucking sucks and i don't get why you need to be a naive pathetic little bitch and use vocabulary such as "fatphobia" and defend leftoid lunatics just because you (and me) are attracted to fat women? here's the deal. if you want to do one night stands or friends with benefits with morbidly obese women, that's completely fine. but get into a relationship with or marry a fat woman? you better also do it because of her as a person. because she will sooner or later want to lose weight for aforementioned reasons, and so you should want to help her in a loving relationship. or else it will turn into a mess of insecurities, drama and trauma because of the fetishization of her body. if you truly love her and you aren't perverse fetishist she will still be very hot to you even if only chubby
Okay, maybe I should have been mor precise with my previous posts.

I for one am completely with you on the health implications of being fat, I just wrote this as I feel many of my family members seem to try and cover up being kind of disgusted by fat women with just commenting on their poor health. So I obviously know that it would be super hot to date someone like BoBerry or Mochii(disregarding the age gap etc.) but I know that day too day life would be a burden and that major health problems might be just around the corner. That's why as you stated yourself at the end anything which majorly exceeds chubby is probably not in the cards. I hope this somewhat clears up the naive part.

About my political standpoint I can assure you that I am actually quite the opposite of being leftist and fatphobic just seemed like it would
best describe my thoughts. And what I think no one can deny is that the whole plus size movement have many fat women some level of confidence. And I don't know about y'all but it's rather date a woman who's comfortable in her own body and has no irrational fears e.g. when going out to restaurant etc..

Also marrying or dating someone I don't genuinely love just because of this getting it's completely of the table for me.

I hope this clears it up.
>And what I think no one can deny is that the whole plus size movement have many fat women some level of confidence. And I don't know about y'all but it's rather date a woman who's comfortable in her own body and has no irrational fears e.g. when going out to restaurant etc..
one thing is self hate, which usually is counter-productive and likely means your mom will obsessively go on yoyo-dieting for an eternity. another thing is *coming to terms with oneself* and being confident, which is a necessary condition to make honest long-lasting positive change to oneself. another thing is being prideful (fake 'acceptance'), decadent and preaching in ones destructive lifestyle. these are the crazy narcissistic women you wouldn't want to have a relationship with anyway. notice how, "paradoxically", they often change their hair color, have piercings, tattoos
Yeah I agree with most of that and also don't believe this "health at any size" bs I however do believe that medicine has yet to crack the code on really understanding obesity. I also wouldn't want to date a stereotypical plus size influencer for many reasons.
Oh yeah? That's interesting. I believe that if you all would've shutted the fuck up, learned to mind your own business, and stopped causing harm onto others the world would be by now a much better place to live in.

Of course this would've necessitated that you all stopped being communistic whores.

Too bad. Only 1 way out now.
>medicine has yet to crack the code on really understanding obesity
curious, what do you think there is left to crack?
>>30439 What's left to crack? Wtf? No, nothing. Science will save us all from ourselves and eachother and also everything in this world is in the best and most highest quality it's ever been. In fact life has never been better. I love science. I'm a whore.
Multiple things including but not limited to:
- what role do genetics really play?
- what's up with things like insulin resitance, PCOS etc. and how do they promote weight gain and/or harm weight loss?
- why did so many young fat, but otherwise seemingly health people die from covid?
- How and why does lymphedema occur?
- Finding a better suited metric than the BMI which maybe even takes past medical history and genetics into account
- maybe how to prevent long term effects of obesity other than "just" loosing weight

But please keep in mind that I'me neither a doctor not a scientist.
>>30450 Gee I can't fucking wait! The future's gonna awesome!
while you bring up some valid questions that are more or less understood, i think we can both agree that the bottom line reason for prevalence of obesity is the indulgence in processed energy-dense foods and sedentary lifestyle
genetics and metabolism or hormonal disease is often used as a cope/excuse when it in the vast vast majority of people's case makes a marginal difference and it really is about eating less and better. heck, moving more isn't even that effective if you haven't really nailed the eating part first. one will become disproportionally hungrier to compensate relatively small burns
a big reason for the united states being leading in obesity is that have a they have no food culture (arguably, no culture whatsoever). that and combined with an awful public education system, we can see a bunch of neurotic mouth breathing retards doing whatever diet is trendy, taking whatever supplements are trendy. rather than just eating normal fucking food in moderation (as most europeans know it) and enjoying life (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_paradox). one outlier case of the developed world that one might think of is japan, and well do i need to say more? it's a society with very high social pressures, norms and traditions. they eat traditional and less
as for me? i can elaborate a bit if you're interested
there is an interesting discussion going on in >>30262 (Cross-thread) btw (i haven't contributed)
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American culture is essentially spiritually-gutted Germano-Celtic Protestantism (note the qualifier, as for example traditional Lower Scottish culture is just fine and beautiful. The American Revolution itself had a distinctly Presbyterian rebellion character too, but funded and led by a Deistic-Masonic elite). Immigrants from all over the world eventually either have to "double down" or wear this dusty moth-eaten suit. (Think of Hasidic vs. Reform Jews, or Amish vs "basic" mostly-German white girls, and their behaviors)

It is hollow because of a conga line of movements that hollowed out its core, from post-industrialization to mass media encouraging atomization of communities and loss of faith and traditions. The ones that remain are understated and arguably unhealthy as if it were better if Americans actually had "zero" culture so something natural could fill cream in the eclair. For example, note how polarization of ideologies seems to be more intense on both ends of spectrum in America than in Europe. France may riot harder (with little fruit), but Americans have more ZEALOUS wacky rebels, whether that's for LGBT or MAGA. Whether it's Satanist or Tradcath. The New World is a wide open laboratory of sorts, and that's why so many cults flourished in the 19th century.

The funny thing of defining yourself by rebellion or reaction, is that it's a "negative" and not "positive" attribute. A fire eventually burns out, and needs more fuel or is extinguished. The Founding Fathers felt that clarifying many cultural bounders in the Constitution was unnecessary, as so much of today anyway was unthinkable. Much of British culture was just taken as an eternal given.

Now, how does this all relate to fat chicks? Probably many pretentious ways, but this post is becoming too theorycel. I just hope Ozempic fails.
Yeah I do realize that some if it boils down to calories in etc. but I still remain curios about he bigger picture and how everything is connected to one another. Also how do fat women in Europe happen then? How do super fat women (ssbbw and above) happen? Do most (super)fat women have mental problems in on way or another?(because it sometimes sure seems like it :/ )
Do women like BoBerry just dodge the bullet(s) and then have to pay for it with all the bad effects hitting them at once?

Tbh didn't understand most of the post, but I am 100% with you on the ozempic thing. I've even seen a plus size TikToker i follow make a TikTok about "fighting the urge to start ozempic" recently :/
Sogar die Amerikaner, die aus Ihrem Land stammen (mehrheitlich Weiße), haben nur noch wenige Überreste der alten britischen Kultur (einschließlich der puritanischen), außer dass sie völlig gottlos sind.

und eine Technologie, die viele Menschen ruiniert hat.

hast du es schon ok?
Deutsche Musik und Tanz! Beobachte blasse, wächserne Kartoffeln, wie sie zu Techno in einem schwülen Keller tanzen.

Dein Gott mag tot sein, aber im Land der Freiheit herrscht die unbesiegbare Sonne überlegen.
>Also how do fat women in Europe happen then?
because of american influence in food culture and
>Do most (super)fat women have mental problems in on way or another?(because it sometimes sure seems like it :/ )
this. i was only talking about the physical equation of obesity but you're absolutely right that the moral decay in western society -> widespread mental health issues significantly contribute to obesity. it's all interconnected like you say. i grew up in a dysfunctional family with a retarded mother who spoiled and fed me too much. i've always been at least overweight. when i was a little kid i remember my logical stepfather actually trying to solve the problem for once and forced me to eat a lot of vegetables (tomatoes) before i could have dinner, and of course it worked and i lost a ton of weight. again, it's not rocket science. but sadly, eventually my whining and complaining got to her and she overturned the decision. and so, i gained weight again and have never been normal weight ever since
superficial medicinal treatments, weight loss surgery don't solve the root causes. as soon as fatties stop taking the medication they will rebound. like weight loss surgery, the majority of people that have had it eventually gain back to their original weight. what needs to be fixed is the relationship with food and body. deeply ingrained habits and emotions(trauma, emotional eating) need to be uprooted, but that's very difficult for most people, especially stupid whores on social media who will naturally opt for the quick fixes.
>Do women like BoBerry just dodge the bullet(s) and then have to pay for it with all the bad effects hitting them at once?
i don't follow boberry but even if she is truthful about her overall health, have you seen anyone morbidly obese over 60-70 years old? the life-threatening latent age-related effects of obesity start kicking in at 40-50
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Okay. Charlie in the chocolate factory got me. But I never developed a blueberry fetish. What got me was how her outfit stretched and balooned around the girl. It just ticked a switch. Ever since I always tried searching stuff up on YouTube. It led to deviantart. Then when I wanted see patreon exclusives without paying. It led me here.
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How much and what you eat is exactly what makes you far or not. Shut up about hormones and metabolism. 99% of you is determined by calories in (ON THE LABEL) calories out. If this doesn't work for you then either you are lying to yourself or need to see a doctor for an actual condition.

You'd be shocked at how often the average person is putting stuff into their stomach. You can't trust a fat ass to accurately gauge how much they're eating either, they'll swear up and down even if you put a gun to their head and demanded the truth that they stopped eating like shit, cut back how many meals they eat, and never lost a pound. What they're not telling you is that the meals they do have are HUGE, they're not counting all the iced coffees and diet sodas they're drinking, and they aren't counting all of CONSTANT between meal snacks as "eating a meal." It takes effort to be fat and people put in that effort and more and still complain about being fat. Never listen to a fat fuck who hasn't slimmed down bitch about how controlling themselves doesn't work and they might as well just keep being a fat fuck.

I knew a fat cunt who went on a diet, he thought that he could replace burgers with full size mixing bowls full of salad accompanied with probably half a bottle of creamy dressings, cheese, chicken, bacon, etc. Was obsessed with the idea of not eating bread anymore because that's what was making him fat in his mind. Needless to say he didn't lose any weight and is still fat some years later. Told him that I eat terribly compared to him, but I don't eat too much so I'm not fat. He metabolism coped "bro it's because you're tall and your metabolism is so fast!". All fatties are like this for some reason

Easiest way to get people to lose weight is to have them count their calories WITHOUT a calorie goal or immediate plans to change their diet. A lot of people don't realize they're over eating as a direct result of ingesting a calorie dense low volume food, especially if they drink the calories. If this man got a shake with any of his meals, even a small one, he'd be drinking more than two and a half burgers worth of calories in addition to the rest of what he ordered.

You just need to cut out the innocuous calorie bombs.
>How much and what you eat is exactly what makes you far or not. Shut up about hormones and metabolism. 99% of you is determined by calories in (ON THE LABEL) calories out
You are wrong, loudly wrong on a topic that you clearly care way too much about. Bodies are more complicated than 9th grade heath class believe it or not. For some reason in these days of capitalist cynicism people cannot fathom that the fitness and diet industry could be lying to you for profit lol. Even if you were right, you’re a fucking loser that doesn’t respect the women you beat your sad little meat to. There is no point in proving some stupid incel wrong on the Internet so you can mald over this all you want.
>muh capitalism
>muh industry
>ignores the nutrition soyience fatty cope industry
What a pathetic piece of shit you are. "Muh bodies are complex!!!". Our bodies are optimized to make the most out of every energy source. What kind of calorie you're consuming makes no difference in practice. Look across the world and you'll see wildly different cultures with different diets and no obesity, causing a million different health paradoxes bewildering keto schizos like you.

Nothing i say is controversial outside of this country, interestingly. Move, fat ass.
Admit that morbidly obese women in 90% of cases are nothing more than sad, stupid, mentally ill sex objects.
Guess what the consequences of PCOS and endometriosis and the side effect of many modern medications are you low IQ triple nigger.
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Do only american women have PCOS?
>Up to 70 percent of women with PCOS have insulin resistance, meaning that their cells can’t use insulin properly
>Obesity is a major cause of insulin resistance. Both obesity and insulin resistance can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes
PCOS is probably causing 10-20 percent of obesity in women. You can tell by their body shapes and vocal fry.
It’s one more reason to feed a normal woman into obesity, you want a fresh apple you go to the tree.
It's a gaining spiral. PCOS is caused by obesity in the first place.
>You can tell by their body shapes
Tell me more.
All sexual liberation and body positivity movement has done has made 5/10’s think they are 10/10’s and faggot simps vying for their attention for a crumb of stinky used pussy. Hooking up with a fat chick is harder now than it used to be.
>>30613 Fat chicks aren't what they used to be because girls aren't what they used to be, generations' cultures have degraded over time. There's more virgins, less babies, while also more sexual immorality and deviance from what was popular in previous generations. From my experience sexual immorality is the least of problems facing the west, imho, but I'm not of the politically correct popular opinions, and I hate pretty much everybody because they are utter failures and a dissapointment to Jesus.
Agree. But what are you doing on a porn forum as an indian talking about jesus? Genuine question, no ill intent.
>>30618 Your intentions are known only to you and God, and none of my business. I'm here because it was willed by a higher power and ordained by those that came before me.
Ok buddy, I was just curious on a personal level
>>30620 Did I not answer your question? I didn't choose to be born, and I didn't choose to be stuck here with the most stupid humans that have ever existed in history. If it was me in charge things would be very different, and much better for me, not sure but you would probably be in hell.
He's being friendly and just asking questions, no need to go all autist on him.

Forgive him. He's probably not used to "friendly".
I just thought of another early memory, the Beef Tallow Boy sketch on Ren and Stimpy. Basically he’s a deep fried superhero that went around deep frying household items and the dad kept eating them, then at the end he flew off while the daughter was giving him chest compressions. I was enraptured by that one. I guess even the deathfeedist thing goes back with me,

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