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people from the CIS and Russian-speaking countries. What is it like to live in your country with the Fat Fetish and the like? Are you embarrassed that you like this fetish? (To be honest, I wanted to create this thread for a long time, but I was shy)
I'm a filthy Yankee but I am incredibly, burningly jealous of any Russosphere anon who manages to score a qt plump/fatty Orthodox waifu. Like seriously these Ivans and Anatoliys with fat blonde wives have 0 idea how good they have it. I know it's harder to get as much food there but it's not like Africa. I would pump a plump Svetlana full of a dozen kids.
Flyover country here, lots of fat women, so my wife doesn't really stand out as being unusual, it's not obvious that I have a fat fetish. Can't really complain, lots of eye candy.
>>30328 Is there lots of fat white titties popping out? Or are they all tattooed and deflated?
>I'm a filthy Yankee
I don't believe you
Russia has its own problems with fat fetish
>>30162 (Cross-thread)

Yup, same happened to my wife. She was already obese (260) when I met her but she was always conscious of her burps. They were infrequent, real small, and she’d always excuse herself afterward.

5 years later she now weighs 350 pounds and is much more lax about burping, even in public.

At home it honestly feels like she burps every 5 minutes, and when she does they’re large burps. Not exactly deep ones, but she does have those conversation stopping burps every so often. Her coke addiction certainly contributes to that, and she doesn’t apologize for them either.

In public she’s still mindful of how she comes across, but recently I took her to see a movie and she was just letting them rip during the film, so I know that she’s getting closer to just being a completely spoiled, overfed house wife.

Really the only thing stopping her is her job. If I can get her to accept a work from home only job, I can really let loose and focus on growing a prize winning hog for the county fair.
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>>30346 (Cross-thread)
The difference is that in this fetish, an above-average guy with some earned confidence is a male 10/10. I dated a Big Cutie, and I had a shot (that I didn't take) at being the feeder to another well-known gainer model. No way in the world that would ever happen if I walked into a normie nightclub or tried to meet conventionally hot women on Tinder. In those environments I'd be a mid-tier average joe whose faults would suddenly become much more evident.
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Thank you as always for your hard work and fearless leadership, Lieutenant.

I posted this in the "state of bbw-chan" thread before the server fail, but I wanted to thank the current mods for keeping an eye on "serious" threads and pruning the shitposts. I'm a longtime /gen/ poster and this board means a lot to me as the only Internet space where we can have honest conversations about this crazy fetish of ours. The fags who try to derail every thread have been getting badly out of hand lately, and your crackdown on them is noticed and appreciated. Just don't let this power go to your head.
>>30319 (Cross-thread)
For as long as I can remember. I was always a horny little shit since before schooling, and always had it the worst for fat chicks. The bigger the better, f* yeah, etc.
>>30305 (OP)
not CIS, neither russian-speaking but I think we have a very similiar mentality in culture and etc.
Overall, I don't even know. Once I tried using feabie here and there were like 2-3 lithuanian profiles of girls, all without pictures and any decent info.
In reality, well, I do notice that with every passing year, there's more and more bigger girls walking around in town and they dress more openly, but that's mostly in the capital city or the 2nd biggest city. If you go anywhere outside, there's nothing much to see. Although, I did have few hidden gem girlfriends in smaller towns, who had experienced babushka's love through food, heh.
>Russia has its own problems with fat fetish
care to eleborate? your country has 145 or something million people, meanwhile we only have around 2.6, there's surely more chances to find some big girls than in here, no?
We salute you Barclay, thank you for serving the server and all of us as well.
>>30343 (Cross-thread)

That's a very specific compilation. I assuming she gets gassy after eating dairy?
>>30226 (Cross-thread) A shame tbh, I regret not saving a lot of the older stuff from the last gundam thread as there was some pretty good pics, but the new thread is way less focused on gundam.
>>26794 (Cross-thread)
Not sure why London is here. I think it's the same as NYC as people seem to be discussing, it's probably just because it has a lot of people it probably has a lot of SSBBWs, but as a proportion it's not high.
Cities in the north of England you have a much better chance.
In order to keep this thread alive, any video creators that could be one of us?
I mean I've found that any dating app is good if you know who to swipe on. The trick is to look for the classic fat girl angles, usually paying attention to the face shape and arms. Then it's just a matter of securing the date, and 90% of the time they show up looking 30-50lb heavier than their photos.
Same here. I see more and more young, around my age, fat or obese girls walking around in more revealing clothes.
But overall culture (in internet) seems to be stuck in 2000s. Most local dating sites on boards only talk like "ew they gross" or "some fat is okey, but over 65kg it's too much".

I actually found one SSBBW, who is model also (has tumble), she wasn't interested and she seemed to be a whreck anyway.
>>30305 (OP)
Is it true your country hosts female sumo championships? I've seen Ukrainians vs Japanese, but no Americans or Brits.

Not the problem with their people with overweight but with fat admirers themselves?
Lots of posts here deleted when server crashed but I just want a qt plump orthodox girl.
Inertia, the law of life. It's a blessing that Eastern Europe is about a decade behind, and hey at least there's more of an "edgy" aspect to appeal of having a FatWife still.
>>30305 (OP)
Balkans here. Never had actual problems scoring a fat girl, the problem is the stigma surrounding fat, all the girls I've been with hate their bodies or want to change something about it. You never have the "I am so happy you find my body attractive", but instead make them feel more insecure because you are attracted to the fat. It's kind of a vicious cycle, hope to some day break from it.
1.I have not heard of a sumo championship being held in our country.
2.the problem is that in our country, a fat fetish and generally fat people are treated negatively
(about feederism, stuffing and the like, I generally keep quiet)
Obviously Ireland is not an eastern bloc country (although I did date an eastern bloc BBW in the past) but your post describes my experience too
>me: I like your body
>her: I hate my body, but I like that you like it
I have had the above conversation, word-for-word, with two different women (one of them pretty recently)
Seriously lads, when a girl says that, what the hell am I supposed to do with that? The only part I hear is "I hate my body" and that makes my dick soft
From my experience girls with body image issues can't be really helped, it takes an awful lot of time to even start to have progress. Only viable solution is therapy. Even if you tell her daily she is the most beautiful thing, she is hard-wired to not believe it.
When you even get that far. In my experience, they hate themselves so much, that they outright don't believe or switch off when I try to approach them.
They like cannot comprehend it.

"No one likes me..."
Tell her that her opinion on her own sex appeal doesn't count, it's your opinion that matters. Maybe point out something that she thinks is cute that you don't like about yourself (big nose/ears, knobby knees, whatever) chances are she'll jump to say, "oh but that's so cute, I love that about you!".
"No one likes me" and "I hate my body" are two very different things.

My experience (it's important to highlight that it's just my experience, not the universal truth. I dated a 200 lb girl for a couple of years):

The fact that some guys like them doesn't prevent them to feel awful about their bodies because fat still means ugly and unhealthy and lots of negative things. That doesn't mean that they hate themselves 24/7, it just means that they don't generally like their arms, their belly, their thighs... Some of them will feel sexy from time to time. They will know how sexy you think they are because of the way you look at them or because you literally tell them, but self-image issues won't get any better without proper therapy. Sure, you can be there so that she doesn't feel worse, but there's no hope. You have to stay strong and tell her how good she looks... or dump her lmao.
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>there's no hope. You have to stay strong and tell her how good she looks... or dump her lmao
That's usually how it goes. I can't handle her insecurity so I dump her. She takes it badly and I feel guilty afterwards; we both wind up butthurt. Rinse and repeat.

Although my most recent relationship was a bit different. It was actually her who dumped me. I was seeing this BBW at least once every week for about 2 months. I didn't think it was terribly serious, we were kind of just hanging out and fucking. She hated her body but she had the common sense not to say it to me. We only ever talked about it once (on the first date) - I told her I liked fat girls, she said she hated being fat, and that was it. Never brought up again. Anyway, after about 2 months, she ghosted me pretty abruptly. I have no idea what I did to piss her off. I was butthurt about it at the time but I've gotten over it now. In hindsight I think she was just horny and arguably "using" me - but I have enough self-awareness to acknowledge that we were basically using each other to that end.

That was a bit of a long digression, but it brings me to this point: I think our lives would be a lot easier if more BBWs were able to make peace with the fact that most of the people willing to fuck them are gonna be FAs. I'm getting a bit sick of BBWs who want me to pretend they're not fat or "look past it". I don't think liking a girl's size and liking her for who she is are mutually exclusive, but that's how a lot of women seem to see it.
You pointed out really well how many fat girls feel about people attracted to them, they want to believe they are not sexualised, maybe as a coping mechanism for not being "commonly attractive". I think in general we should understand that there are people attracted to any type of body, but that takes accepting yourself first. And as for the therapy bit, it never is worth it sticking with a girl who hates herself, even worse if she dosen't do anything about it. I was in a 2 year realtionship with a girl like that, you can tell her daily, even multiple times a day, she won't believe/ accept. I see a lot of people blaming the fetish on every romantical problem they have, and sometimes I want to blame it too, but I think these problems are universal. Humans aren't perfect, fat girls aren't worse, and the fetish isn't the problem.
My theory is that when fat women say they don't want to be "objectified" because of their weight, a lot of the time what's actually happening is they dislike being fat and can't bear for attention to be drawn to it. They may not understand this is what's happening, but it's just deflection.

Being objectified to a normal degree in a sexual context is great. If you like your body, having someone else obviously enjoy it is a very nice experience. If you don't then it must be highly unpleasant.

You definitely made the right choice. I've been lucky in rarely encountering fat women who don't at least enjoy the novelty of having someone unreservedly enjoy their bodies, but I refuse to even hook up with women who have really poor self-image. It's really not fun for me, and I can't imagine it's fun for them either. Better to just jerk off.
>My theory is that when fat women say they don't want to be "objectified" because of their weight, a lot of the time what's actually happening is they dislike being fat and can't bear for attention to be drawn to it.
You are a wise man. I think this is very accurate.
There was a different girl I was with years ago, and I think this is how she felt (even if, as you said, she may not have understood it herself). And as >>30922 said, it was very frustrating because she wouldn't do anything about it. She absolutely refused to lose weight but she also hated being fat and wasn't willing to try to improve her attitude. Very frustrating. I get sad sometimes when I think about her because she was so gorgeous (very similar to Kayla Paolini except younger and even prettier), and I think if she had a better attitude I would still be with her. Alas, as >>30922 said (again), it just isn't worth being with a girl who hates herself.
Women who hate their bodies are not worth your time, boys. If she doesn't want to be happy and nothing you can say or do will change them.
>I see more and more young, around my age, fat or obese girls walking around in more revealing clothes.
Indeed, it seems the american obesity epidemic is spreading to us, although at a very slow rate. I did see a couple of pretty big girls (something like 130-140 kg) in pretty tight and revealing dresses, so that gave me hope that we're going somewhere, heh.
>But overall culture (in internet) seems to be stuck in 2000s
That is also true, especially the judgement from anyone over 30 or parents, who see you with a bigger girl. I had that awkward moment but went with the "she's good inside", though she did have a very beautiful face.
>she wasn't interested and she seemed to be a whreck anyway.
It's good that you avoided her, some of the BBW/SSBBWs are trainwrecks who need to be left alone to do their shit, because if you get with them, you'll be fucked.
Otherwise, I'm still interested to see a person who is at least near the size of models like Adeline, Dankii, Jae, LisaLou. I'm jealous that the americunts have the possibility of seeing those landwhales in reality, meanwhile we have to stare at the screen.
Strange question perhaps but would/does a visibly fat Russian woman receive a lot of bigotry in Lithuania/the Baltics? If one was your wife how would people react to you?
It's true, there's basically no way you can convince someone who views their fat as a disgusting flaw that it's anything else.

They might eventually stop visibly hating it just to please you, but if they hate their fat they hate their fat, I had to learn the hard way.
I think an exception to this is women recovering from EDs; in many cases it seems like a switch flips in their brain as part of the recovery process to take pleasure in what they once despised. Normie fats on the other hand are going to be more stubborn in their attitudes because of social consciousness. Just as with those tribes that practice wife-fattening like Leblouh, autonomy is a secondary concern at best compared to status (no matter what modern normie feminists may claim).

please do not push your fat fetish on women with eating disorders you fucking psycho
Please don't put words in my mouth. I was only staying observations of other couples.
In all fairness, there are a decent number of former anorexics in this kink/community. Two examples off the top of my head are Delilah and Ivana. I can't speak on whether or not their background (for want of a better word) affects the extent to which they're into it, though. I had one BBW ex who was a former anorexic and she was (surprisingly) ambivalent about her weight.
Delilah is a terrible example though because she’s an absolutely clapped basket case.
By ED I thought he simply meant “big girls who stopped hating themselves every time they have breakfast or feeling tied to the social pressures of people who just want to neg them in passing”
Neither here nor there but it sucks that these types of girls get confused with narcs so much just because they don’t stop and consider every assholes take on their portions or space they occupy (which always seems to come from a horrible crab like place 999/1000) but instead insist on peacefully (or you know otherwise) going about their lives
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Here's two more examples of former anorexics who had a "switch flip" and became gainers.
"Gainer Goth GF" and "Rose Marie Feedee"

To be fair, I think GG-GF was a feeder herself before becoming a gainer too.

This kind of knee-jerk reddit response is so lame, let the man speak, he's not wrong, it happens.
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For ex-anorexics and the like, weight gain to obesity is both insurance against another "episode" and also represents conquering their former trauma.

It's similar to like an ex-prostitute becoming a church girl who prays the loudest, to rehash an apparent old German proverb (thanks Goebbels). Laws of physics apply to sociology too.

Or for men, like a soy wimp with massive insecurity who becomes a roided-up gymbro. Insurance, overcompensation, catharsis, whatever you want to call it.

It's sweet relief, in its most primal and literal form.

>Wow I can actually eat whatever I want when I want AND never worry again AND even like the results????

Do you get it yet, Anon?
There's also all the ex athletes and gym girls who 180 and become gainers.

It's like having some level of self discipline for too long becomes traumatic for women.
You're right about that goth chick. She's a hardcore feeder/FFA and her husband is huge. Even though I'm straight and fat men gross me out (sorry fatbros) I like that she's genuinely into the kink-lifestyle/whatever you want to call it.
Yep, there are plenty of girls like this too. Can't think of any examples off the top of my head though.
that's indeed a weird question
>would/does a visibly fat Russian woman receive a lot of bigotry in Lithuania/the Baltics?
There's a lot of factors in here. If she would speak only russian, not trying to communicate in english or other language, she'd get a lot of angry stares and maybe a few comments from people, but more due to the fact of nationality, not the size.
Quite ironically, one of my ex gfs was a pretty chubby ukrainian girl, who spoke russian and didn't know a lot of lithuanian, so she did get some weird stares. Otherwise, nobody really cared, especially in the capital city, where a lot of people know russian or are of russian descent themselves.
>If one was your wife how would people react to you?
Well, as I've mentioned above, she'd get more attention due to her nationality, not her size. I'd probably not give a single fuck and would do the talking as to not draw a lot of attention, because a lot of people in here do hate russians with a passion. We're the butthurt belt for a reason, heh.
Dėkoju, that's a very interesting answer. Not far from what I expected. I asked because I do have friends from all these nations and imagined if ever lived in these regions and I have a think for of course fatties but also women of "Holy Rus" lol. I love when Baltic women are tall too though, one of my fave Curvage models was Cheeseburgerluvr (I think that's how it's typed) who's part Estonian and is an Amazon pear.

So thanks for the fantasy of me defending my massive devushka from angry Baltic Boomers.
>I love when Baltic women are tall too though
Indeed, if I'm not mistaken, latvian women are the tallest in the world, our lithuanian ones aren't that far behind, same with estonian women.
>So thanks for the fantasy of me defending my massive devushka from angry Baltic Boomers.
No problem man, like I've said, you'll get more attention due to nationality and spoken language, not the size. Otherwise, nobody will do anything physical, it's not the 90s or early 2000s anymore. Alas, the worst you might get is just a comment in lithuanian but that's also a very low chance.
As I've mentioned in this thread already, I've been noticing more and more bigger girls in here, especially the capital (I live an hour drive away from it) so it's refreshing to see some of them sometimes, heh.
Dude it’s not traumatic to diet and exercise.
These women are insanely lazy. They tried to make money off men by being skinny and couldn’t hang, now they’re pretending to want to get fat for money.

Rose Marie hasn’t gained shit, it’s like an exaggerated freshman 50 from eating like a normal american
Out of curiousity, do you see most in the capital because that's just where most people are or are a larger % of girls there fat?

From what I've seen here in Norway is that there's a rather big urban-rural divide here, with countryside having way more fat girls. I remember seeing a newspaper publish a picture of a graduating class at a rural high school and out of 8 girls 7 were on the bigger side, 5 of them were clearly obese.
I didn't mean to imply that I agreed with him about the "trauma" aspect - just that there are plenty of former athletes who (for whatever reason) decided to gain
>do you see most in the capital because that's just where most people are or are a larger % of girls there fat?
Good question. If honest, I don't know the exact answer, but I'd say it's more due to the fact that youth in the capital are much more liberal and not giving a fuck than the people in the rural areas or smaller towns. I'd say there's a bigger % of fat girls in the capital per capita than there is in the rural areas.
In most of our rural areas, girls still do diets when they go above 24 BMI and still are very fragile to comments from other people, which they receive much more than in the capital city. Also, when the town is smaller, most of the people know eachother in some kind of form and there might be some prejudices formed like "hey, that's the fat girl from X school or Y workplace" so it wouldn't really give more confidence to the girl and probably push her to go on diet or go to the gym.
>countryside having way more fat girls
That's interesting, maybe the food itself is different? Let's say, maybe these girls eat some kind of your national/traditional food, which is more nutritious than it is in the capital, where they eat all kinds of healthy avocado toast sandwiches and other "healthy" shit?
Lastly, I'd say there's a huge difference between our cultures. Scandinavian culture is much more relaxed, people don't really care so much about appearance or looking wealthy/successful/thin/etc., while here in eastern europe (with the exception of the capital cities, which lean more towards your culture), the looks and the status of a person are very important. You can probably see some immigrants from Lithuania work in a fish factory in Norway for 14h a day and then buy a nearly new 30k euro BMW here in Lithuania, while still living in their shitty 1970s built commieblock with their grandma. That's how status is still important in here.
>while here in eastern europe (with the exception of the capital cities, which lean more towards your culture), the looks and the status of a person are very important. You can probably see some immigrants from Lithuania work in a fish factory in Norway for 14h a day and then buy a nearly new 30k euro BMW here in Lithuania, while still living in their shitty 1970s built commieblock with their grandma. That's how status is still important in here.

I understand the insecurity since poverty of Soviet times, but dang, considering they are nominally more Christian the West this status seeking is very hypocritical, did Jesus not say it's extremely hard for rich to enter Heaven? Hm.

Anyone judging you on money, or appearance like weight anyway, does not have the cleanest soul and should not be heeded.
No offense anon, but this is such a weird right-wing burger fixation. As an American with recent EE ancestry it's funny to see heartland evangelical types buying into the meme that Eastern Europe is some stronghold of traditional Christianity. Don't believe the hype, you're getting memed by creepy fags like Rod Dreher.

People will honor the (Catholic/Orthodox) church as a symbol of national identity under communism, but for the average EE it's just an ethnic symbol, like an Italian-American wearing a cross on his gold chain while he does coke at the Jersey Shore, or a Southerner/Midwesterner praying at a megachurch full of American flags. Some people are devout, but no more or less than anywhere else.

Tbf am drunken Slav and can't speak for the Baltics
Surprised to hear about this cultural difference. Here rural areas are almost never walkable, and food is indeed more traditional "meat and potatoes", often high calories and less "refined" plus obviously way less options.
Despite the fact that they don't have 24/7 McDonaldses like the cities. I guess it's this sort of circle, once a culture has developed about having a relaxed attitude to food and the consequences a lazy lifestyle has on your body it spreads to others around you, when all your friends buy a pizza for lunch every other day you also stop caring.

You make an interesting point about how people appear to others. I'd say this is also a urban-rural divide here, but here it's flipped the other way. While the countryside certainly has gossiping and whatever like anywhere else, a part of Scandinavian culture is about not wanting to seem like you are better than others and this stands way stronger in smaller areas. Having lived in a major city my entire life I haven't really had any experience with it myself, so I'm not certain if this cultural aspect has anything to say when it comes to acceptance of bigger girls but I'd thought it'd be interesting to include as I imagine there's less pressure to be "perfect" as the ones around you that might exercise and eat healthy might not show it.

I've had a friend visiting from Russia that was shocked that parking lots here were filled with 90's Civics, Corollas and Micras instead of Teslas and Audis, and another Norwegian friend that worked in Estonia and was made fun of by the guys at work for renting a small commieblock and driving a lightly used Volvo instead of brand new BMW.
so despite times changing for both east and north there's still room for cultural shocks.
90s Corollas, Civics, Volvos are still popular where I live in the American suburbs. Teslas are for smug liberal douches who think it will save them time on the commute and money on gas. BMWs and Porsches are for Jamaican immigrants who have nothing better to do then harass McDonald's waitress. The only people who drive pick-ups are fat boomers who get into a road rage with the zoomer in his sedan.

Out in the boonies, cops are trying to crack down on rural teens racing their Ferraris, Subarus, and Civic Type R on the parkway. I am convinced electric vehicles are for Biden Boomers who think their shitty Honda Fit, Mini Cooper sucks. Trust me, there's nothing more humiliating than a fat man in a tiny car.
It's funny yet tragic to me that half-hearted "body positivity" BS aside, secular modern people don't seem less fatphobic, beyond the most superficial virtue signalling. In fact, since you mentioned stereotypes, we all know the own of the fat yet religious and jolly old lady, right? Actually a lot of young Christian guys on Twitter seem to complain the girls who tend to attend Church lean on the chonky side haha. Not that there aren't super ascetic young women but sadly they'll be prone to an eating disorder.

Anyway yeah as for Eastern Europe, from what I've seen online at least the truly religious ones seem to be so only after "waking up" from a like warm upbringing reacting to some incident or things they see, so very cultural. Although Western Christians are guilty of that too and truly faith-focused are rare, or at least very quiet which makes sense. O tempora, o mores.
Do you think your country finding like a trillion dollars worth of organic sulphates or whatever it was recently will change things?
Look, I would like to cast the blonde haired, blue eyes, slim man in the suit shown in American Conservative in a preg fetish, but Rod Dreher is boring. He converted to Catholicism to escape his past as son of a klansman in Louisiana. It's like how white supremacists like rural Japan to escape modernity. White supremacists always want Tory culture enough though they'd be fired and had their bank freezed by the UK for being a fascist.
Lol, that weirdo is actually Orthodox instead of Catholic now. Sorry Orthobros, he's your cross to bear now. (Don't google "primitive root weiner" btw)
Considering we're among Europes countries already, I wouldn't say so no.
Fat men in my area is already being accused of being the Gilgo Beach murderer. The feds caught the fat father of two by analyzing the pizza crust.
Lived just a few steps from Amityville, something in the water down there? Seriously though, Sunrise Highway from Valley Stream to Shirley has to be the trashiest 20 miles on the east coast, no? Even the wealthy people there are pigs.

>>31993 answered you pretty well, the "eastern europe is le heckin' based" meme is a dream, not a lot of people go to the church anymore, except for boomers or some families who are strongly christian in their tradition or something like that
to be fair, we do more celebrations and tributes to our pagan traditions and past, not the christian ones, because we were forced upon christianity in the middle ages

>I'd say this is also a urban-rural divide here, but here it's flipped the other way
That's quite interesting, thanks for the insights.
>so despite times changing for both east and north there's still room for cultural shocks.
Oh trust me, we're still pretty much stuck in the 90s era. I'd say it's just a cycle, in 20-50 years we'll grow out of it and if you fall into a deep recession or you actually go full socialism/communism, you'll have such an era too, after that shitty system will inevitably fail and everyone will be poor as dirt.
But as I've said, time fixes things and I see more and more acceptance of fat girls here, especially in the bigger cities.

I always find funny the hypothetical event of you americans caming here to eastern europe and realising what truly white supremacy is, instead of just accusing anyone not praising the current "peaceful" BLM protest as a WS.
In other words, we have no "slavery" card to pull against us, neither did we colonize anyone, we were more often slaves ourselves, so we're free to fling shit at all possible races, yet your funded NGOs, government aid programmes and other propaganda institution push that diversity and anti-racism bullshit to us.
Kisame here. I don't know what you mean. College Towns like Syracuse, Stonybrook, Buffalo, Albany, Cambridge are so far removed from the beltway. We only have Serbians and Polish people who work odd jobs and live in cheap apartments overlooking the beach. They just want to own their BMWs and care about crushing the city. Rural people like me just want to drive our Hondas and Toyotas. We're left in the sense that nobody wants to use Sunrise Highway or the fucking LIE and get sideswiped by a drunk driver.

The DEIs you seek are just loser bankers who work the office park and do Zoom chats from home. I don't think the Subaru Impreza, Honda Fit, or Tesla drivers are even working. They're getting fired from their high paying jobs for brandishing the machete at the NY Post man, or threatening NYPD. Desantis is only popular with state troopers and county Police who moonlight as NYPD cause they can't afford city taxes.
>>32507 Kisame, here. I don't know anything about domestic terrorism groups or the man behind the curtain from the wizard of oz. I don't believe they exist
Chilean here, there's a shit ton of fat girls, no one wants to gain, everyone wants to lose weight, it doesn't help that I'm a small city AND I'm a virgin coomer with no social skills due to actual autism, the models here are pretty chill when you paid the fair price
Great to hear about the acceptance. Rural areas in the Norwegian far south and north are probably some of the best places to find big girls in Northern Europe that many aren't aware of in case you'll want to go on a holiday or do some work lol. I only date big girls and only one of them actually was from my city, others came from smaller northern towns. I've been to both rural Sweden and Finland and girls were both thinner and the girls that were fat didn't seem to give a shit about their appearance which is a huge turn off for me. Would love to get a impression on the Baltics thought, my only experience with it is a day trip ferry to Tallinn a decade ago.
I do not hide the fact I like them fat, but young fat women here are rare as shit. Maybe there are some on dating apps but eww not gonna touch those with a 10 foot pole. Even then they want to lose weight under any circumstances and, contrary to the meme that relationships make you fat, the very instant I start communicating with even a slightly chubby chick, let alone enter a relationship, she loses weight near instantly
As Estonian, I must say that a Lithuanian guys answer maybe true for his country, but for Estonia.
Your description of rural Norge is very much same in here. When walk around Tallinn (Estonian capital) I see way more slim girls then in rural places or smaller cities (like Tartu or Haapsalu).
Maybe Estonia is more Nordic in that regard than other Baltics (of course I will say that haha)
>my only experience with it is a day trip ferry to Tallinn a decade ago.

What was your impression back then?
CurvyGothGF was never anorexic, she was just a thin feeder for a very long time and was into the contrast. After being in the fat fetish scene forever and fattening the crap out of all her partners, she decided to try gaining herself. One of the few who seem genuinely into it imo
In what regard? To be honest I don't remember that much, except it mostly looked like you crossed Poland with Sweden.
In regards of fatties
sorry to disappoint but I don't really remember that much, again, it was a decade ago. Perhaps a bit less than back home?

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