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Call it what you want - fetish, sexual preference, whatever.

It's frustrating.

Men with "normal" taste in women are used to the super hot women being totally unobtainable, so might as well settle. But hot SSBBWs are accessible to a reasonably confident and decently attractive man - if you actually go for it.

When I was in my early 20s, I wasn't confident. I didn't go after the girls I found truly attractive because I was socially awkward/nervous and sexually inexperienced. On retrospect, I definitely could have had tons of fun at that time in my life, but I was too anxious to try it out.

Now in my mid 30s, so much more sexually and socially confident, I could actually have fun. If I was single, I could be getting so much of the type of sexual connection that I want with plus sized women. I was out tonight with some friends, and saw some incredibly hot plus sized girls that I would totally have approached if I was available. I saw a blonde girl with long hair in her mid-20s with a crop top showing back fat rolls and tight jeans with a huge ass - must have been 300+. I did my best not to stare. I think she saw me notice her. Nobody else was paying her any attention at all.

But the reality is, I met my wife when I was 24 and that's that. She's mildly plus sized (220lb), great personality, I have no regrets about my life with her. I like being able to hike and travel with her and not worry about her health or stamina. We're married, and we have a young kid. I wouldn't give that shit up for anything. I'm never going to cheat.

But my eyes wander. I feel like I could have gotten that woman at the bar now that I have more confidence and game than when I was young. It's so damn frustrating knowing my dick wants what it wants, and it could probably get it if I gave it a whirl (if not this girl than another like her), but I won't because I'm not an asshole and I'm not going to cheat on/leave my partner or the family I've chosen. So I live my life with a wonderful partner but sexually not as fulfilled as I could be.

At least dudes who are attracted to the socially accepted model looking women can sleep at night knowing they couldn't pull them if they tried, so might as well settle. Knowing that with an achievable amount of effort that I could have sex with the fantasy girl of my dreams is so fucking annoying to process, even when I'm in a happy and loving relationship.
Honestly you sound a lot like me OP. I wouldn’t trade my partner for anything in the world either, but as someone else who lacked that sort of charisma earlier in life also, you do tend to wonder what “could’ve been”, especially with regards to getting an even heavier partner. Mine was up to 260 at her max before getting the weight loss surgery (which mind you I supported since I care about her more than my personal fetish), and she’s been maintaining around the 160s for a few years now after getting as low as 150. I guess I exercise any thoughts like that through wanking at fat chics online, so it works out pretty well. Still, the idea of being with a fat girl comfortable in her own skin (which mine never was since she ballooned more due to meds and bad food choices with it) is alluring sometimes to daydream about.
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Excellent post, OP.

I'll be the selfish asshole who bites the bullet and admits that he *does* regret it and is only staying married for the sake of his kid. Not a statement about marriage in general, just a statement about my own.

My wife is fat, mid to upper 200s. I think she's gorgeous at the size she is, and I would never ask her to gain weight IRL. But she's disgusted by my attraction to her (she was "faking it" when we first met because she liked me) and we've had a dead bedroom for many years. I don't need supersizes or IRL weight gain as long as I'm having satisfying vanilla sex with a partner who's fat enough to get me going, but being completely celibate is not what I signed up for. Great personality, great mom, but I feel like I'm slowly going insane with sexual frustration.

I'm her first and only FA (we met on a vanilla dating site), but I used to be active in the bash scene many years ago. I hung out with models and even dated a few of them. I know firsthand how if you're a guy who has his shit together and knows how to approach women with confidence, SSBBWs will respond to that. I also know that a lot of female feedees, women who have their pick of braindead simps and coomers, are secretly aching for a feeder with some game who can bring finesse and intelligence to flirting and bedroom fun.

I consciously chose to leave that world and settle down because I wanted to start a family. Finding a partner who I could confidently do that with was much more important than meeting a partner who had my fantasy body or shared my kinks.

But you've got it exactly right. This is the thing that's making me crazy:

>Men with "normal" taste in women are used to the super hot women being totally unobtainable, so might as well settle. But hot SSBBWs are accessible to a reasonably confident and decently attractive man - if you actually go for it.

I'd have to shuck my own "dad bod," and I wouldn't be banging college girls, but if I were to get divorced, I could easily have my pick of age-appropriate attractive women. And I might not even have to shuck my dad bod, if I held out for a woman who shared my mutual gain kink. (This was beyond the pale when I was active in the scene, but from my occasional trips down the rabbit hole of feedist Tumblr, it seems like there are a lot more women who are openly into it than there used to be.)

I'm not going to do it, but that's purely a cost/benefit analysis of what the impact would be.

>I'll be the selfish asshole who bites the bullet and admits that he *does* regret it and is only staying married for the sake of his kid. Not a statement about marriage in general, just a statement about my own.

Oh, to be the average married couple... I can only imagine. I hope you do better next time, dude.

Sounds shitty, sorry to hear you're dealing with that home situation.

My wife is aware of my preferences - she was actually curious enough that she wanted to see what I'm into, so I showed her some pics of Foxy Roxy (I'm into girls bigger than that, but I'm not about to show her pics of Ash barely able to walk or something, it would be too much). She supports masturbation - and I'm cool with that for her too, because let's face it, I'm not her perfect fantasy body either. We're both attracted to each other but also know that we might not be the other person's fantasy physical ideal. As long as we keep a healthy sex life between the two of us, masturbation is considered fair game on the side.

With respect to SSBBWs, she "gets" it, and isn't judgy about it, but also she could not be less interested in gaining weight herself. And I can't blame her - if you don't have the fetish, tanking your health for your partner would be really really stupid (and not something I'd support). She leans into the fact that I'm into her pudge in the bedroom, and I think feels mildly empowered by it and gets turned on in the moment, but I don't see a future where she gains any meaningful weight even by accident.

It's a bit depressing knowing I'll live the rest of my life never experiencing sex with the sort of woman I jerk off to. But again, the loss of happiness, stability, and the pain that would result from straying or ending things is not worth the fleeting sexual gratification I'd get.

So in the meantime, I guess I just need to accept the frustration of seeing hot fat girls out and about and knowing I could probably get them if I wanted to, but it isn't worth it. Sometimes I wish I could turn off my dick.

That weight loss is tough. Good on you for being a decent enough person to see past your sexual desires and keep things real with your home life.

The whole "health vs attraction" thing is another frustrating part of this fetish. If my wife did the same thing as yours, I think I'd really struggle - especially if she had gotten as big as 260 because that would be really fun in the bedroom.

Honestly though, the adult thing is to value the person and not their body. And if the relationship is strong, that matters more imo.
>the adult thing is to value the person and not their body.

What in the nerd?

"I have nothing better to do than to take swipes at the people in this thread without providing anything of value" - you
>>30280 I am more valuable than an opinion, and if you contribute to your country's economy then you have no moral room to talk about "values", not while the rich get richer through legal theft and the world of the innocent becomes more ruined with each passing day (suicide is a 1 way ticket to hell)

>>only staying married for the sake of his kid. Not a statement about marriage in general, just a statement about my own.

With the cost of divorce and alimony, you're better off just say fuck it and have an affair.
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>>30262 (OP)
There are two things I find frustrating about this fetish.
Number one is the scarcity of BBWs, with emphasis on the second B. Or at least it feels like they're scarce. I hardly ever see any on dating apps or at bars.
>she's disgusted by my attraction to her
Number two is what this guy said. I recently came out of a relationship like this, and not for the first time. Even though it wasn't my first rodeo, I have to say I feel pretty jaded with dating and life in general at the moment.
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>being completely celibate is not what I signed up for. Great personality, great mom, but I feel like I'm slowly going insane with sexual frustration.

Bro, I hate how much I relate to this. Met my wife on FF, great compatibility, very similar goals/values, and we are both weirdo hipsters, so it's shocking that we found each other and she's right at the far end of my minimum weight requirements. I wouldn't be bummed if she gained some, but she's literally perfect right where she is. I feel like Gomez Addams every time I see her, but she has completely turned off the sex part of her brain and devoted everything to the kids. Every smile and scrap of affection goes to them, I feel like the dog that people forget to feed, much less take on walks. I make ok money, I'm a good dad, I help with chores, I'm near where I was in terms of shape, I'm not mean or abusive. But I have to fight and beg for a kiss or any kind of touch, much less sex once a month. I won't cheat on her or divorce her, but it sucks to know that I could probably pull some fat woman right out of Walmart and she'd be nicer and and more affectionate to me than my own wife.
Ijust can't believe there's actually losers out there who have problems with women, to be frank. Hoes are literally the only good thing that's right in this God forsaken country at least for the time being
>Met my wife on FF

Shit, dude. That's even worse in some ways. Was she a vanilla fat using FF for dating, or was she into feedism when you first met? (I don't even mean real life gains, just as something to fantasize about.)

I mostly blame myself for marrying someone sexually incompatible and not paying attention to the warning signs. I can't even imagine what it would be like to marry another feedist and *still* end up celibate. That must really sting.

>I have to fight and beg for a kiss or any kind of touch, much less sex once a month.

Yup. No sex is bad enough, but sometimes the thing I miss most is just physical touch. There's a beautiful fat woman lying right next to me in bed every night, but she'll react like a startled rattlesnake if I try to touch her or kiss her.
No, she's a feedee, and fully cool with indulging my interests. I have my dream wife next to me, but my own spawn drive her so crazy that's she's turned into an ice princess. I just want some physical intimacy, even hand holding for fucks sake. I'm actually good with women, I used to do quite well, and now I'm an incel, LMAO.
>>30342 (Cross-thread)
Wait, what? It's not even 1 Gbps?

Could you post system requirements and average monthly traffic amount (in GB) I may be able to give you a far better deal you seem to be getting now.
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>there's an archive site for bbw-chan
The absolute mad lad.
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>>30347 (Cross-thread)
OGG format remains, and webm supports audio. I know it's a little annoying. I might be persuaded to add wav and mp3, if audio is really becoming a thing.

>>30348 (Cross-thread)
>>30349 (Cross-thread)
>>30357 (Cross-thread)
you're welcome homies

We need a quad core, 500GB+ HDD, 32GB RAM, and last I checked we average 70-80TB/month, tho it has been nearly 6 months since I last checked (we've always chosen un-metered plans so we never have to worry about it). We also, obviously, require no-KYC and crypto payment options, as well as being DMCA-proof. IPMI access is nice but not required. And we need all that for less than $200 USD a month.
>Wait, what? It's not even 1 Gbps?

Typical Ukrainian reaction when they are shown their new government-paid flat in Germany while Germans have to spend more than half of their income for rent.
I’ve shown signs my whole life. I had this obese preschool teacher in the early 90s -not hot though, old and trashy- and I must have babbled on a lot about how fat she was because my fat-phobic mom told me years later “wow we were happy to get you into kindergarten and away from that teacher, she was going to make you start liking fat women or something”

Around this time my parents also had this coffee table book of Norman Rockwell paintings they would put out at Christmas. One of them was a kid in a Santa suit stuffing it with a pillow and I was absolutely mesmerized with it to the point I wouldn’t look at it because it made me feel so strange.

Then by around 8-9 in the Web 1.0 days I was blindly trying all sorts of URL’s in hopes it would lead somewhere, like “fatgirls.com” and it finally led me by complete accident to the fatcelebs yahoo groups that predated the site. This was also around the time of the Freshman 15 project which IIRC was supposed to be bro-ey and funny rather than fap material but it was basically perfect for it.
I did say I hardly ever see any fat girls on tinder, but I have gotten lucky a few times. But the odds are so slim (no pun intended) it often feels like there's no point in trying.
I've never been able to pick up girls at bars. I only ever succeeded once, and that only worked because I was shitfaced and she was a friend of a friend.

I don't know if it's different in other countries but Irish girls can be quite standoffish; you generally need an "excuse" to talk to them. I think this is at least partially due to how cliquey and parochial Irish people can be in general.
If I just go up and talk to random girls at bars they almost always just tell me to fuck off (either politely or literally).
That's at bars. Clubs are a little bit different but you need to be very charismatic (obviously) and it's still a massive help if you have a mutual friend or some other excuse to talk to them.
Also you have to consider what kind of people you're going to meet at a club. The vast majority of Irish girls at bars/clubs (especially the latter) wear an awful lot of false tan, which I dislike. They seem to dislike me right back, so whatever.
>>30354 (Cross-thread)
I guess so, but I'd argue chubby girls/BBWs on the lower end aren't much different to normal/thin girls nowadays, at least from my experience.
For BBWs on the higher end or above, I guess sure, above-average guys have it better.
>>30400 (Cross-thread)
Thia works if you have really low expectations for life or marriage. Does it help to hate yourself and agree your fetish is gross/wrong?
It’s gotta hurt. It’s not even able “grass is greener” (it is, fucking obese women who are into the fetish makes life worth living). But how does romance work when anything tour attracted to is repulsive to your wife.
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Don't worry, Disney is making the fat fetish movie with the Hercules remake. Iger must be putting skinny chicks in bad remakes while fat chicks are on good ones.

Overly simplistic viewpoint. You can't always have everything, and you have to make choices. The perfect partner rarely exists (ideal physique, personality, compatibility, etc.) and you can drive yourself crazy looking for it. In all of my time as a single guy in my early 20s in Chicago, I never met a hot SSBBW that was also wife material. I looked.

Sometimes you meet the chubby girl of your dreams when you're 25 and you go for it and that's that. Maybe she's not 350lbs, but she's head and shoulders above anyone else you've ever dated in the compatibility department. It's not "settling" just because she isn't perfect in every way.

Sure, I'm not fucking the same body types I jerk off to. But my life is pretty great in other ways. I have a low-drama relationship with an emotionally stable and beautiful woman who I love spending my life with. And it's not like she's 130lbs, she is still hot to me.

It's not "low expectations" it's called accepting that there are levers to pull and doors to close/open in life and everything has benefits and drawbacks. I don't regret my choices. That doesn't mean I can't also get frustrated at my libido because I lust after huge women, I'm a human being.

I suppose if you prioritize sexual connection over all else, then it's not worth it to stay with someone who isn't your physical ideal - but that sounds like a lonely life imo.
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I disagree (politely) with both of you. This stuff is so complicated that there truly is no universally applicable solution.

I agree that even more than most people, FAs/feedists have to make tradeoffs. I spent my twenties figuring my sexuality out and came to the same conclusion you did. I don't need weight gain and supersizes to get off as long as my partner is fat, and my priority was to meet and marry someone who would be good wife/mom material. Plus, dating SSBBWs and seeing their struggles made me realize that if I cared about my partner as a person, I'd probably have to support her in losing weight at some point. For a while I dated a 500+ SSBBW with the body of a goddess, but it was a rocky relationship because we had absolutely nothing in common outside the bedroom. After that experience, I set a hard rule for myself that I wouldn't seriously date anyone unless I could honestly say that we would be compatible as romantic partners even if she were skinny. If I had met an SSBBW or feedee in my city who I connected with in this way, I'd have put a ring on it, but I never did.

So I ended up as my wife's first and only FA. I hated dating in the bash scene because it's such a small world, a nonstop game of "musical beds." Once you date or hook up with someone from a bash, you're just a degree or two of separation from everybody else in the scene, male and female. But in hindsight I realize that because I mostly dated women who were already part of the community, I took it for granted that whoever I chose would be comfortable with my attraction to her. I could tell from the beginning that something was "off" when my wife and I first met, but I chalked it up to inexperience and figured she'd get over it as we got more comfortable with each other. We turned out to have other sexual incompatibilities as well (women can be as kinky as men in ways that don't match up), and once the stress of everyday married life started grinding away at our relationship, sex became an uncomfortable chore, and having a kid put an end to it entirely.

We're doing our best to work things out and not get divorced, but if that ever happens, or if I step into the time machine and get a do-over, I'll hold out for someone who has fat sexuality as an active part of her libido. That doesn't mean real life weight gain, but she needs to *like* being fat and being the partner of an FA, not just tolerate it.

In hindsight I wish I had made good sex a higher priority, because I would have been more willing to act on my gut feeling early on that something was going wrong. My wife seemed perfect in so many other ways that talked myself out of being concerned about it, but celibacy is fucking me up mentally. Like >> said about himself, I went from an eligible, sexually active man to someone who might as well be an incel. I've been feeling my own mortality recently as I start to deal with chronic middle aged health problems and watch older members of my family pass away, and there's something profoundly upsetting about the realization that (if I stay loyal) I may never be intimate with a woman again. My fantasy life is getting more and more fucked up in the absence of grounding vanilla sex, and sometimes I literally feel like I'm going to have some kind of psychotic break out of sheer frustration.
Is this screenshot for real?
If you’re happy. Are you like her submissive and your kink is gross to her?
Fat enough is understandable, I could never be with someone who was anti-fat and not intentionally gaining.
Idk if I could ever stop with the constant fat jokes, fat humiliation, casual over feeding and occasional hardcore feeding (overrated, but if my girl were against it forcefeeding would occupy my mind).
What else is there in a relationship?
>What else is there in a relationship?
Personal compatibility, obviously. Good mom qualities, if you want to start a family. If you catch the one-in-a-million lightning strike and meet someone who has these things AND shares your kinks AND lives in your area or is willing to relocate, consider yourself a very lucky man.

This is a tough kink to integrate with everyday life even if kids aren't part of the equation. Gaining and maintaining are expensive once you get to supersize weights, and being the IRL caretaker for someone with limited mobility or fat-related comorbidities is serious work. If I hadn't wanted kids I would have held out for someone who wanted feedism in the bedroom, but living the dream 24/7 wasn't a priority for me compared to sharing my real life with someone, and there's no way I would ever bring kids into a "lifestyle kink" situation.
I’m not exactly pro wifing up some 500 pounder with the goal of having a family.
I’m only talking about sharing the kink and being attracted to the same shit. If she’s feeling ugly cause she’s fat my dick deflates.
Anyway, I’ve forged and sabotaged multiple relationships with attractive college educated women who were ready to gain 100+ in the first year or three.
It’s not hard to find someone with the kink, who can afford to feed themselves, and is a decent person. It’s america, every woman is trying her hardest to not be fat and plenty of them would be pro-fat.
>Anyway, I’ve forged and sabotaged multiple relationships with attractive college educated women who were ready to gain 100+ in the first year or three. It’s not hard to find someone with the kink, who can afford to feed themselves, and is a decent person.

No disagreement here, I've been there too. But that was the whole point of OP's post. For a man with good partner qualities it's not hard to find a feedist/SSBBW girlfriend, and this can be crazy-making if you're trying to stay monogamous and build a well-rounded life with someone who isn't.
There’s a huge difference between a girl who actually shares your kink and one who is willing to indulge in the kink because she knows that’s what you want. Not that one is inherently “better” than the other, but it is absolutely more difficult to find a girl who genuinely gets off to this stuff, both by herself and with a partner. It’s rare and that’s just the reality.
Disagree. It’s common af. Every relationship I’ve been in has been feederism focused and I made it irl, meeting at bars or online.
Most women never tried enough kinky shit to know what they like. If you get enough swings in with women, and are honest and upfront about what your after it’s easy to find women into fat and feeding.
I lift, I work to look attractive—it’s be weird if my girl didn’t want to be exactly what gets my dick hard. Is your wife at all worried you’ll step out to get what you need?
Lmao I bet you also think every girl can cum from penetration alone
There’s a difference between a girl who has this kink as part of her genetic makeup and a girl who will enthusiastically indulge in the kink because she likes/loves you. The second might genuinely enjoy herself when she’s engaging in it with you, but 99% of the time she will not seek out feedism content or get off sexually to feedism alone. The first one does. Again, not an inherently bad thing, but acting like it’s a common thing to find is just incorrect. You’re delusional if you truly believe you’ve awakened some deep rooted fat fetish in all of these women, but whatever makes you feel like a big strong man.
I do think it is "liberating" for some women to know that they don't need to stay thin for their partner. They can just let themselves go without worry about keeping up their fitness. They can be lazy, and their partner gets a hard-on... win-win scenario.
For sure, I agree! I’m definitely not saying girls that don’t have the kink are unable to enjoy aspects of it. I’m speaking directly to the “I masturbate to how fat I am or how fat other people are when I’m alone” part of the kink. Girls who are participating in the kink for their partner but don’t have it themselves are not doing that.
You mileage will vary. I’m 6’3” and wear a size 16 shoe. And like I said, I try to be attractive.
Basically every girl can cum from regular sex. Regular old penis in vagina sex. Even the ones who think they can’t.
It’s not her problem, it’s a you problem.
Does you wife want to be attractive to you was the question you didn’t answer in that bitch fit.
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Fatties in NY are staying indoors cause of the poor air quality caused by Canadian wildfires. Lol. Thanks to climate change we're about to get LA kino.

Yeah I think we're fairly aligned on this stuff. I think the degree to which not being with an SSBBW is bothersome correlates directly to how dead the bedroom is at home.

Sounds like I don't have it as bad as you - we have an infant right now so intimacy is naturally a bit on the backburner, but we do still have fun together when we have the energy.

When it bothers me most is when we haven't had sex in a little bit and I also haven't jerked off, and I'm out and about and see someone hot. Then the devil on my shoulder goes "YOU COULD GET THAT IF YOU WANTED" which I never actually listen to, but it's there and makes itself known.

To be fair to other people in this thread, this does exist for normies to a certain extent as well. Loads of married men with wives of all shapes and sizes feel certain urges when they have kids and get to middle age. Those of us who have happy home and sex lives are not immune, just less likely to actually indulge in those urges.

At any rate, a dead bedroom is a legitimate reason for a relationship to start to whither. I hope you can get to a better spot.

That's San Francisco
>>30262 (OP)
So you given up on barebones models and stuck with the leftovers? Idk but in my case, it's the other way around, I cannot stick around even with a failed 600lbs hampig even if I try my hardest, but skinny bitches blush whenever we see face to face.

>Too disgusting, even for the Disney audience
>Too unappealing for the chubby chasers
This fat pride was a mistake, they always get the ugly ass girls.
Oh. My bad. Either way, we're getting sun flare kino.
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We also have gay fat clowns during pride month. I didn't know that they were queer.
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>>30370 (Cross-thread)
increasingly hospitals are favoring the most effective surgeries. unfortunately the more they cut up the organs the more effective it will be. mainly lapband was the ineffective surgery, which they don't do much anymore.
there's lots of tiktok and instagram trends for WLS too, since that's easier than figuring out how to delete grubhub, buy groceries, do meal planning.
despite being so prominent in the body positive space, abyinreallife is about to get an RNY soon. good luck to her.
Doesn't that tiktok illustrate all the body positivity stuff is cope and fat women without the fetish all think they're disgusting monsters?
Eh "disgusting monsters" is strong, there are pretty fucking significant downsides to being huge. Reduced mobility, reduced lifespan, joint pain, social stigma, etc.

Even fat women who have the fetish sometimes want to lose weight for those reasons. It ain't black and white.
you could come up with a dozen contradictions and that can be one of them. if women are repulsive then bodpos is largely cope. if they can instrumentalize their sexuality then bodpos is a tool to extract extra benefits from society. like other internet social movements it's rarely just about what it claims to be.

fat influencers i've seen who made the WLS jump simply had no clue how to make normal food for themselves so always did some weird diet plan and failed (aby is currently in keto hell). they eventually go with whatever the doctors and WLS influencers are urging them to do, not even because they believe in the details of it, but more because they only understand things socially and nobody will show them how to coherently systematize until they get on the surgical train.
Fat influencers didn't have an Austrian Nazi father to teach them tough love like the Arnold. Fat artists like Lizzo are just spoiled man children who want approval.
This is basically my situation. My girlfriend is fully aware of my preference and is fine with it and is willing to play along to a degree, but does not share it.

At the end of the day she now has about 15 extra pounds that she wouldn’t otherwise (is naturally prone to being thin), is perfectly fine with it, but it’s not like she’s sitting there at work fantasizing about outgrowing her chair.
I'd considered making a thread over this but figured I'd start here. I'm like some of y'all. I've been in a happy relationship for about a year and a half now. This girl and I have had our ups and downs and dated before but things have gone very smoothly lately. I love her and don't want to give her up for anything, but lately I've been 'acting out,' I guess. I have a feederism fetish that my gf is not at all interested in whatsoever (I'd never brought it up to her but we watched the TLC special where they showed a feederism couple and she was absolutely disgusted). She knows I like bigger women and is fine with that though she's not that big herself.

A couple nights ago in a drunken stupor I made a Feabie account and shot some messages out to some girls in my area. I figured I'd never get a reply back and I'd just delete my account in a few days. Of course, one girl gets back to me and we've been chatting back and forth. She's into feederism and will send me pics of her belly when she's stuffed, etc. It's an enormous turn on to me, and I just cannot fucking say no to answering her messages.

I'm not sure what to do bros. I love my girlfriend but our sex life has tanked as of late. I know I'm just fucking up constantly by talking to this girl, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to stop. It just seems like a risk worth taking to act out my fantasies at least once since I've never had a partner willing to engage with this fetish.

Anyone else been through this?
not married? no kids?
you've only got so many chances to sow those wild oats, bro
Your country is literally burning to death (without "MAID" lol) and you promote degeneracy, ok canuckfag. How many more signs do you need? Covid 2.0?

It’s not really love if you can’t be honest and open.
But just cause it’s not love, doesn’t mean it’s not big feels— more of a needy clingy mommyhole feeling or something.
Break up. Go through hell. Figure out your shit. Get into a relationship that is sexually fulfilling and isn’t one big lie. Having casual regularly with different fat chicks is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
We're dealing with hazy weather at the moment.
I apologize for the wildfire smoke. It's even worse up here.
It's mostly due to forest management.
NYC sucks like and literally smells like ass. One moderate disaster and there will be blood in the streets. A biblical-level eyesore. One of few places on Earth I think would benefit from martial law. Then cut it off from the state as an autonomous city-state like Hong Kong; let it run itself into the ocean.
This thread is SAD. I appreciate the honesty of some of y’all home/sex life with your partners. I’m 17. Absolutely torn about what kind of women i want to be seriously involved with. I want a fat woman. 200+. But i know I’ll be shunned from my friends and family. I don’t want a girl under 160, I just can’t get off to that. I’m afraid I won’t be able to satisfy a 130 lbs conventionally attractive woman, because I know I won’t be into her. Reading these posts about regretting your choice of a partner has got me wondering. What do I do? Give up my social life for my sexual pleasures? Idek if I could do anything active with a 200 lbs girl. The thought then is, what about a compromise? A slightly obese girl, maybe 180-190? She’d still be visibly obese, and likely looked down upon, but I would be more attracted to her than a thin girl.

TL;DR my dilemma is this: do I sacrifice my sexual desires to pursue a conventionally attractive woman that I may be able to better connect with emotionally, OR, do I sacrifice my entire social life for the 300 pounder of my dreams, even though the only thing we may have in common is this fetish? Which brings the question: how deep into this fetish am I willing to go? I’m a lean guy and I work out. I want to be shredded. But if Lisalou told me to never go to the gym again, and get fat with her, I think I’d drop my life in an instant.

Sadly, I think I know the answer to my question.
If you think your social life is going to be ruined by you dating someone over 300 pounds when half the country is obese then you're a fucking idiot dude. Don't be a sap living life caring about what other people think.
You wanna know Something crazy, if you turn off Fox News, step outside, and touch the grass that is naturally growing out there, you’ll notice something beautiful! The world isn’t a liberal socialist communist Marxist hellscape waiting to torture you with trans people existing and kids being allowed to read books. It’s just a regular place filled with regular people trying to live their regular lives. Sadly you seem too addicted to the hate spigot (and too isolated and lonely) to do so and will spend the rest of your sad life watching millionaires on tv get paid to make you unhappy. That’s fine with me though; the less of you are out there trying to fuck fat hoes the easier it is for me.

I promise you, no one gives a fuck who you date. As long as it’s a girl no one will give a shit. I’m 30 and have fucked and dated many fat girls, 300+ 400+ pounds over the years, and no one’s ever said a thing to me. Still have all my friends and my parents love me.
Sex life is as important as any other aspect of a romantic relationship and it's almost impossible to have a healthy romantic relationship without good sex. If sex life has already tanked, how will it be in 5 years? I mean, everyone has phases and it may be the case, but it doesn't look good. As for the feederism, that's up to you. I'd give up some of my fetishes if I had the woman of my life in front of me, but I can understand that you need to give it a more important role in your life.

From my experience, girls aren't that fat when they're teenagers, they get fat in their 20s (30s, 40s, etc.). But, come on, 200 lbs isn't that much, there must be plenty of American girls that are even bigger than that. Right?

I get your point, "If I date an obese girl, I'll be seen as a loser", but as others said, you shouldn't care about what other people think about you. Your friends, your true friends will stay with you whoever you date.
the people who care suck ass. If they’re your friends and family you might need to man up or keep being a bitch
We're at a place now where people are used to very fat women being out in public. What matters is how put together/well-dressed/presentable they are.
If you bring a cute, nicely-dressed 400-pounder out to the pub, your friends won't care.
Look into polyamory but only if both of you are mature enough to handle it.
Please do not listen to this retarded evil nigger
The problem with nonmonogamy is that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Even if you're the most ethical person in the world, you can permanently fuck your life up if you misjudge someone and they turn out to be an irresponsible partner. Could be a girl with BPD who swears she's "hardcore childfree" and then springs a gotcha pregnancy on you, or a fuckbuddy who decides he wants to upgrade himself to your wife's primary, or a lazy partner of any gender who forgets to take their STD test.

In theory I'd love to have a discreet open relationship where we could get our kink needs met with other partners. But in practice, I've watched too many people (including one of my oldest and closest friends) derail their lives with "polyamory gone wrong" disasters, and I don't want to run that risk, not when there are kids involved.

I'm definitely not saying all poly people are like this. I have good friends who are poly, and if I hadn't wanted to be a dad I might be doing some form of ethical nonmonogamy myself. But this shit definitely happens.
>Idek if I could do anything active with a 200 lbs girl. The thought then is, what about a compromise? A slightly obese girl, maybe 180-190? She’d still be visibly obese, and likely looked down upon, but I would be more attracted to her than a thin girl.

Anon, you don't have a good mental image of what different weights look and feel like. 200 is barely a blip on the scale of American obesity. It'll be a different story at 300+, but in the 200s you can even find yourself a thicc powerlifting or rugby girl, if sharing a fitness habit is important to you.

As others have said, a lot of the self-consciousness you feel is in your head. This is normal for your age and it will get better as you get older and become independent. The vast majority of people in your life aren't going to care.

>But if Lisalou told me to never go to the gym again, and get fat with her, I think I’d drop my life in an instant.

Lol, you don't need to worry too much about this one. Fortunately for your health (and mine), "SSBBW but also an FFA/feeder" is the rarest and most valuable fat girl variant.
I wish this guy would commit suicide today

It's definitely a lifestyle challenge if you're conventionally attractive and want to date someone extra large. A lot of your loved ones might not understand it and will be judgemental. You'll get reactions from people on the street or coworkers or whatever. Yeah you can ignore them, but that shit can be tough to deal with and anyone who pretends they're immune to it is either full of shit or doesn't have social anxiety.

Another thing that sucks is this: most fetishes can be enjoyed behind closed doors. You can get off on feet, or peeing on each other, or whatever the fuck, and nobody else will ever know unless you talk about it. A fat fetish can't be hidden. A good looking dude with a fat woman is wearing his fetish on his sleeve in a way that takes self confidence. To society when they're out and about, but also to their friends and family who know them. Some people aren't comfortable being that open about who they are in the bedroom.

You're getting some push back from other people here in the vein of "stop caring what other people think" or "people who don't approve aren't people you want in your life" etc. and sort of hand waving that stuff as if it's as straightforward as just getting over it. People will say it's that simple. But I'd argue those people are either predisposed to care less about what society thinks of them, have done a lot of work to get past their social anxiety, or just live in an area that is just less weird to see people with very different sizes together. I'll admit that's the ideal self esteem to have, but it's not always that easy - especially if you have judgmental loved ones or parents who would be suddenly made aware of your sexual preferences in an awkward way if you have the choice of different types of normie girls and instead go for someone who's 350lbs.

That's not even to touch on lifestyle compatibility. Do you like hiking? Riding bikes? Walking around cities when you're on vacation? Sure, a 250-300lb woman could handle those things, but it's gonna get harder and once they're over 300lb it's going to get a LOT harder. Does that matter to you? It matters to me.

I made a compromise and married someone in the low 200s. Is it what my dream girl looks like when I fantasize about the perfect body? No. Do I feel like I made the right choice for my life when balancing all of my priorities and goals? Yes.

Life is about compromise. Sucks but it's true. You've got to figure out what your compromises are. You're young though, you've got plenty of time. Have sex with some of the women that are your dream body type. If you settle down with a smaller woman when you get older, you'll regret not having explored that side of your sexuality.
No, he's right NYC does suck ass, leave it for 6 months and you'll see. I lived there for a few years and I do not miss the smell of hot garbage, subway acrobats playing loud, retarded music almost kicking me in the face on my way to work, or paying absolutely retarded rents. It's a cope to say NYC is cool, it's not. It's a fun experience, but after your twenties, you're clearly an idiot if you're not a millionaire and still choose to live there. I do miss the old Chinese people playing that weird horizontal guitar thing and the decent pizza on just about every street corner. Otherwise it's wildly overrated by midwits, manchildren, and especially midwitted manchildren.
I'm really glad that my posts struck a chord with you, I felt much better hearing from others ITT. Man, this afternoon after work I stopped by a gas station to grab something and a young mother stopped to look back at me and gave me a big flirty smile. Not even my type, but as nice as that validation is, it is depressing that random women see something in you that your own WIFE doesn't, especially since you'd be hardcore scoping her out if you saw her randomly in a gas station, even in sweatpants and messy hair.
I used to be a housekeeper in NYC. It's hot garbage cause the owners micromanage cleaning supplies, making it difficult to clean all of Roc Center, Lincoln Center, or Radio City. It's a miracle we get everything done before the tourists came.
Bro. Turn off Fox News. Your children will start talking to you again, I promise.
A nice place to live if you want actual peace and community (that isn't totally insane), but also not the middle of nowhere Boomer dust, move to a county seat in a decent region. That experience ranges from lively tropical St. Augustine, Florida to quaint Brentwood, New Hampshire.
So you hate NYC because you couldn’t afford it but it’s a trash filled wasteland.
Cope harder pussyboy. I hear Alabama is pretty affordable these days.
LI and NYC are super affordable.
>>30601 You're pseudo intellectual, ontop of intellectually dishonest. Most people despise New Yorkers, and most of it is due to what we might call ethical reasons.

If you disagree I can bet that you've not been close with a person from New York in your personal life, perhaps choosing to keep them at a distance and with your relationship kept strictly to a more professional basis, which's understandable. Mingling with New York, California, and eith the whore of Babylon Silicon Valley/Hollywood ca
can be enticing economically.
New England and Middle America are more known for eggheads. Nobody cares for SUNY or CUNY. Those are for people who want to become cops.

Hey, asshole, I still have no idea what you're saying.

I might have to become a cop 1 day just to fuck your stupid old ass up. We'll see. Still testing to see where things lead.
Right? Can we get back to the people trying to cope with marrying a midsized vanilla.
>oven situation. not a braphog
I think it’s clear what it means. Now get back to talking about your wife’s near dead bedroom.
Nobody cares about Britain. Boris Johnson was asked to resign from Parliament. We're sick of his lies.
Agreed, while it’s funny we never have to watch Fox News cause the handful of their addicts who post here just ramble about whatever horseshit Fox airs, I’m bored of NYC discussions… I want to hear more from guys who ruined their lives by marrying a skinny woman because they were too scared to be themselves and be happy
We're trying to get rid of AM radio cause the frequency interferes with electric cars. It's cheaper to use Spotify or FM radio to get the songs we want. I might get a cheap car.
I’m a girl and don’t have a wife (yet)
The fact that you refer to not being able to cum with penetration alone as a “problem” is the issue in itself. Your replies have shown that you believe you have the power and prowess to “convert” these girls because you’re just that great. You and your partner come to the table with different preferences, baggage, abilities, etc, but it’s your commitment and feelings for each other that motivates you to have a relationship where you work to blend those differences. It’s not all about youuuuuu
Not him, but it IS all about him if she really likes him. Women will do absolutely wild things to conform to their man if they are really into him its almost like a magic spell. As a presumably gay woman, you've never had this experience from a man's perspective(being a man and having woman in the palm of your hand) and you never will.
Well here's my story from struggling in my youth to marrying an ssbbw
This is supposed to motivate people to not end up unhappy or not fulfilled

Fortunately I realized not giving a damn and just going for it is the only way to live with this preference early enough

In my youth I never had a gf at all, rarely did I talk about who I fell for with the friends I had

First of all I was too afraid to ask the fatties out and super afraid of being rejected
And I was also kinda scared of people shit talking about being with a fat girl (there was only 3 at my school and one of them was definetely into me)
It's especially obvious you like the big ones in this surrounding

I somehow hated myself for not taking any chances and not just going for it like anyone else would.. I just wanted sth different, that's all
A lack of self confidence and being very short didn't help either ;)

So I absolutely get what y'all fee like

When I was done with school I noticed the only way for me to be happy is following who I am and just accept the fact that I am "different"

Same for my job choice as a truck driver despite good scholar education, just on a side note

Finding ssbbw porn and especially forums like this helped me realizing I'm not the only one out there and it's way more common than I thought it'd be..

So I registered on a dating site for fat people and their admirers (German only in case you wanna know which) and met my gf that I'm gonna marry this year almost 6 yrs ago (met her at 330 lbs now she's 420 without being an active gainer)

Reading all this I can only be thankful that I made these decisions
It was probably also helpful that settling for a smaller girl or even skinny never was an option at all and I knew that from the first day on

I had 0 interest in that from the very beginning at all fortunately

I'm not trying to brag here, or make you feel miserable, I just want to motivate people at a point where they have a choice

Conclusion for other people who might find themselves in a situation like this:

Just fucking go for it and do what you want and what makes you happy!
Don't give a shit what other people might say or think (they care way less than you think anyway)
Go for bbws and ssbbws, make them and yourself happy ^^
There's nothing to lose when you think about it

You don't wanna spend the rest of your life thinking what could've been or imaginating what it could be like, right? ;)

And yeah I'm not even half as self confident as I sound here, and I wasn't at all some years ago
But I made it too
Jesus fuck. Is this lesbian bitch jealous she don’t got a decent dick? Anyway, big dicks only half the equation, attraction is like 9/10s of the game.
But about 7 inches into the vagina ida cluster of nerves, they’re hard to reach but pretty much an “easy button” for all things relationship if you can slam it.
That’s literally what I’ve been saying. A girl who is into you that is indulging in your kink didn’t just magically find fat hot because you introduced her to it, she’s doing it to please you.
Well, interests can overlap, gaining for your man can be hot if you are very into submission even if you don't find weight gain itself erotic. Most, I'd guess 75% of women, find submission very erotic and the submissive aspects of altering your body for him end up being functionally the same. Women with a genuine, male-like weight gain kink are probably pretty rare actually, it's just submission with extra steps usually.
What if most women aren’t aligned to skinny=sexy by nature. Fat positivity is natural, fat women are fertile.
Human males are programmed to find fat sexy because ass/tits are fat reserves for baby making.
It’s a historical anomaly to find bone thin women attractive, mostly related to the cheapness of industrial food and the obesity epidemic.
It’s not that my dick is magic, it’s that wives are brainwashed by society and trying to conform to an unnaturally thin paradigm.
Evil trips, but good advice.

I didn't "ruin my life", if I married an SSBBW I'd probably be on here complaining about how the sex is awesome but I'm worried about her long term health, ability to be super active with our young kid, and how she doesn't enjoy hiking in the mountains and biking and shit with me and wondering if I made a mistake there.

Literally no perfect solution.

Which is frustrating. Which is, like... the whole fucking point of the thread?
It wasn’t just about marrying a ssbbw, but at least someone into the fetish
That’s the point though. To see the duality of of solutions to the question. Some in this thread regret caving and getting w a smaller girl, while others will tell you to simply cope ignore the social pressures. Is a compromise worth it? Or are you left wanting a fatter woman, and still embarrassed of her slightly obese frame?

This thread was made to highlight and help answer a tough question. There is no ‘perfect solution.’ However, we can compare the our experiences.
“My wife isn’t trying to be fat and attractive for me because she loves dude sports too much and we’re such good adventure friends”
—You know you can be freinds with men who do fun stuff and have sex with a fat wife who wants to look good for you and it’s the “perfect solution.
>>30709 Is there a possibility of finding the solution in its entirety, though? The archive only has a few months of posts.
I get where you're coming from, hiking anon. I'm lazy and unathletic, but I'm an academic and read widely both for work and fun. A woman with a brain who could actually keep up with me in conversation was a non-negotiable. I could easily have had my pick of 400 pounders if I were willing to put up with a basic fat girl whose hobbies were watching TV and listening to true crime podcasts, but I'd go crazy with boredom if I tried to build a life with someone like that.

A lot of this stuff is just down to the random luck of time and place. I was ready to settle down, and after getting established in my career I had no desire or ability to leave the city where I was living. So when I met a girl who was fat wife material, I ran with it. If she had been 150 pounds heavier, or into feedism, that would have been great! But a girl who had those qualities, *and* met my other criteria for a partner, *and* lived near me, wasn't on offer. So I settled.

I don't even think I made the wrong call at the start of our relationship. I just didn't pay enough attention to the warning signs once it started going wrong, with the sex issue and with serious financial/lifestyle disagreements that only became clear once we moved in together.

>There is no ‘perfect solution.’ However, we can compare the our experiences.
Good post.

Perfect solution for you, maybe.

Some of us like to have things in common outside the bedroom that we share with the person we love most, and it is important to us for them to be a part of it.

I feel like people in this thread keep trying to solve the problem. "Just be like this" or "just think this way" or "it's simple, you just have to..." etc.

I'm not a moron, I'm capable of understanding what potential solutions are without guidance. I feel like a lot of you feel confident about your decision to either be with a fat or skinny woman and think your way of thinking is how other people should think.

The whole point is that this is frustrating because there is NOT a simple solution. These two things CANNOT be reconciled:

- I want to be married to someone who is the body of my dreams (SSBBW) so I am sexually fulfilled to my full potential
- I want to be married to someone physically active without concerns about long-term health or social stigma

Full stop, those are incompatible goals. Anyone who denies that is lying to themselves. And therein lies my frustration, which is not a solvable thing.

The only solution is compromise. And occasionally, when compromising, you will daydream about the doors you didn't go through (i.e., in my case, lusting after larger women on occasion despite my good home life).

>And therein lies my frustration, which is not a solvable thing.

You live with yourself 24/7 so it's hard for any of us to say anything about that that isn't stupid. I'm sure you have tried a thousand ways to overcome it or reduce the pain it causes. And I get it, completely. I'm not into SSBBWs, but I have an active life and I'd need a gf whom I can share parts of my active life with, such as doing a leisure trip and walking +30k steps every day to discover the places we're visiting. And, if I were into SSBBWs, I'd have to choose. Hard choice. You may not be able to overcome that frustration, but I'm sure that there's something that can help you ease the pain. Good luck anon, don't lose hope.

This thread represents what life is. Throughout our whole life, we all have had to give up things we liked because there were other benefits. Life is about choosing between options that aren't either black or white, there's a grayscale and we cannot know what's the best option. When we realize this, it's easier to feel inner peace because we are aware of the fact that we've done our best when we've had to choose with the information we had at the moment.
It’s fine that you prioritized having a gay-best-freind instead of a fat wife you’re attracted to. Most straight men would prefer good sex in their marriage, you picked hiking.
That other sad sap also, this is what happens when you settle. If you’d worked harder to be a decent catch you wouldn’t have married some mid-sized nagaholic who won’t gain weight to be attractive to her husband.
have any of you complaining retards ever heard of "friends"? Marry a fat ass bitch and fuck the woman of your dreams and do your athletic hobbies with other people it's not that hard

Dude you're so right. There are only black and white things in the world. There is no gray area at all.

Either "work harder" so you can have "good sex" or marry a "gay-best-friend" "nagaholic" - thanks for your insightful viewpoint. I could learn a lot from someone thoughtful and evolved like you, it's a real bummer we didn't meet earlier in life.

Have fun slaying braphogs my dude, I'll be over here crying myself to sleep every night with my nagging wife in my dead bedroom. I hate myself, I wish I was you.

>Some of us like to have things in common outside the bedroom that we share with the person we love most, and it is important to us for them to be a part of it.

Do you just not grasp the concept of people having different priorities than you? Or is it that you can't read?

Let me ask you this

>Do you just not grasp the concept of people having different priorities than you? Or is it that you can't read?

Ok since you're so smart and everybody on this board thinks so, now try telling me why I'm supposed to care about you having different priorities than I.

Am I more important because you said so because I'm a child, or are you supposed to be more important because you're the parent "looking out for my best interests"?

The way I see the situation you haven't the first clue what to do and the streets are out of control right under your nose with the population being terrorized by "secret" groups. You sit by and do nothing, never acknowledging the problem.

If you fail us there will be consequences.
Right? I’ll never understand these guys. I love cities and walking in them and I dated a skinny girl and we walked around the city together. And guess what? I’m a million times happier now with my ~400lb (she isn’t into feedism and doesn’t weigh often but she’s very comfortable and confident in her body) wife who I have sex with constantly. I go for walks with my other friends. No compromise necessary.
If I had to pick between ssbbw (400+ pounds) and into feedism but not necessarily willing to gain to that size, I would pick ssbbw. I guess I’m biased as that’s what I actually did choose but still. This thread seems more geared towards the perceived downsides of dating ssbbw as opposed to just feedism. There are plenty of 200 pound women into feedism who are just simply too small for me.
All this talk about having fat wives makes me want to make a fat wife mood board. Visualize what you want right
I mean vision board
This is legit sound advice
I agree with Dietrich's well written post, I don't miss riding bikes/hiking with my wife, I find the tradeoff for awesome sex(when it occasionally happens) and seeing a beautiful fat woman in my house all the time worth having over an activity partner that I'm not 100% into. It is sometimes a pain in the ass sometimes, but even when I've been very frustrated with my wife, I've never once wished she was skinnier. I have regrets about other ways that I've structured my life as I approach middle age, but my wife not running marathons is not one of them.
>Right? I’ll never understand these guys.
They've been lied to about women their entire lives, it's no wonder that people end up falling for the idea that women are just dudes with tits.
The happiest people I know married women that didn't share their careers or interests, they just happened to be someone around them whom they fell for. The ones who ended up divorced are the ones who thought their "other half" needed to have the same interests, job and passions that they have.
Saw some double Denise in there I see you’re a fellow man of culture

The fuck are you on about?

Having no shared interests with your wife is fucking bonkers. There is a grand canyon of difference between "no shared interests" and "spending every waking moment together doing the exact same things because we are carbon copies of one another" but it's convenient to ignore that so you can sound like you've got all the answers, I guess.

Anyway, this thread in a nutshell:
OP "I'm frustrated because I want multiple things at once and there is no answer, anyone else feel this way?"
Other people "It's easy you moron there is an answer just be a different person and want different things instead"
OP "I don't think you're fundamentally listening to what I'm saying"
Other people "Just fundamentally change who you are, idiot"
OP "..."
Dude stop your false equivalencies and strawmen. Your midsized naggaholic wife is calling to ruin Father’s Day. Get some respect and standing in your relationship brah.

please keep complaining about your skinny wife and how you wish you could fuck a landwhale, this is my very specific fetish

this thread is more like

OP: I wish I could have a fat wife but I have an extremely immature view of relationships and need my wife to share my hobbies and interests and do them with me all the time

Everyone else: just make friends to engage with your hobbies in, it’s ok and even healthy that your partner does not share all your hobbies and interests
OP: weh

Changing your mindset and thought process is not this impossible arduous task, I bet you don’t believe in therapy either lmfao
If you need a woman to share all your hobbies and interests, what you really need is a best friend... or to admit that you're gay.
(2.2 MB, 200x150, 3666633638.gif)
The pungent odor of males that have not experienced life hangs heavy over this thread: one hasn't fucked enough lobotomized pig-women to satiate his fetish during his youth - and now lusts after them despite her raising his children - and the other has proudly married the lobotomized bipedal swine during the only period in human history where western women en masse do not expect every sexual encounter to result in marriage. I shouldn't be shocked when I recognize how childish and/or insane you lot are yet here I sit.

It is utterly and inconceivably, nauseatingly preposterous that there are men in this thread that do not simply content themselves with lacking the willpower to strive towards the ideal, maximally intimate relationship but, in fact, reject the very act of pursuing it is nonsensical and worthy of irate ridicule. I can only presume that this is borne from either having never even so much as seen a loving, genuine relationship (that completes the triumvirate of intimacy, interest, and mutual accessibility) in one's life or being so utterly enthralled by animalistic desire - which, it should be noted, is the psychic dagger wielded by the universal commodifying force - that one has completely disregarded their humanity.

You should never, under any circumstances, *commit your life* to an individual whose necessarily premature death, by your very own will, you will be complicit in. If you *marry* a ridiculously obese woman, you would be truly lucky to get 2 decades together before she is unceremoniously taken from you. If you have not even unintentionally and unconsciously built a bond by this point, you never needed to *marry* her in the first place - she was an object to you, nothing more; if you, as is natural, became intimate during this period, a void will be left where her voluptuous form once sat - you deprive her of more time with you and you of more time with her (during the entire latter, most arduous half of your life).

When OP (here I presume rationality) speaks of shared interest, he doesn't mandate that she loves going to the shooting range or watching footy with the lads on Sunday but rather that she will partake in the universally shared, genderless interests we, as humans, possess as well as empathize with the trials and tribulations of life as they occur - a uniquely human and humanizing trait.

The implications of quite literally judicially intertwining your life with someone based solely on fetishistic lust is so comically short-sighted, so monstrously reprehensible that it exceeds quantification.

To all the young anons with this fetish reading this thread: live life to the fullest: find the fattest women on every continent a fuck them all until your dick falls off so you can enter you late twenties/early thirties perfectly content. You will be aware of your worth, sexually content, monetarily satisfied, and secure enough to put away your childish pastime and finally grow up. This is how you both live and die happy, and I pity those that have lost their way.
t. a man that has lived
>marry a woman because she gets my dick hard
>who cares if we don't have anything in common or spend any time together, if I want fun and companionship I'll hang out with the bros (totally not gay though)
Enjoy getting blindsided by divorce, lads
As someone who wants to live an actually fulfilling life and have a family, I know getting a bbw/ssbbw wife is incompatible with that, so I will probably be settling for an average wife. It sucks because as much as I would love to fuck a hamplanet with a giant beer gut and feed her to death, I know such a thing will only lead to a likely dead end life with me wondering what the fuck I wasted it on after it’s all over. I kinda wish I could be truly attracted to average women, but I find them attractive enough to hopefully have a nice family with one, so I am willing to give up my desires to fuck a fatty for something more fulfilling in the end.
Eh british with VPN, disregard
preach, the hyper confident morons in this thread who clearly have had no mature relationships are very loud

>"share my hobbies and interests and do them with me all the time"
>"all your hobbies and interests"

please quote where I said, or even hinted at the idea of wanting someone who shared every all of my interests or would do things with me all of the time. I'll wait

I don't even know why I'm responding anymore

sanity exists in this thread
You could always get w a normal/slightly overweight woman and feed her slowly over time. People gain after marriage all the time.

However, that death feedist stuff would never work in real life for obvious reasons. Could you imagine your 10 year old son wondering why his mother gains a hundred pounds a year and is suddenly on her death bed at 40 and on oxygen? Me neither. Call me a loser or whatever, I’ll stick w a woman closer to 200-250.
I don’t want to make someone gain weight unless they’re into it
That coercive shit really creeps me out and I could never do anything like that to someone
I also don’t want to be living out my fetish in front of my children
I get what you’re saying and I did what you are talking about. Your fantasy is never fulfilled. First of all it’s still work hooking up with BBWs.
If you find a really pretty BBWs they have guys hitting on them and they can be just as stuck up as a thin girl.
When you do hook up it’s not like the itch goes away. You will be longing for another BBW in a month just as you are now.
You’re all idiots

The ideal is to have an open relationship with a skinny wife and fuck fat women on the side
It’s fucking easy answer. The miserable SIMPs in this thread obvious just take whatever they can get from fat uggos, nagaholics and used up hoes.

Marry a good looking fatty
—whose into the fetish and shares your kinks.
—who you share the same values with (fuck sharing hobbies, those guys have no friends women aren’t fun or yours have more women friends)
—Preferably someone with a WFH office lazy girl office job who likes domestic shit like cooking and cleaning.

Half of Americans were raised by morbidly obese parents. It’s fucking easy to be a capable parent up to 350 pounds. If your wife can’t, that’s a her problem.
>share the same values with
>likes domestic shit like cooking and cleaning
Tell me you've never actually dated American women without telling me
Dude, hit the gym, get a good job.
Pretty much every American woman in major cities with a college degree is overweight and plenty are kinky.

Alternate play would be marry a skinny woman whose a good mother and poly. Dudes with obese hog wives would be down to swap everyday of the week.

Seriously considering asking the admin to consider banning cuckoldry because this is just downright evil insanity. As if we don't get accused of that enough with our preferences. Seriously, this is a time where "think of the children" is a real excuse. You got major problems and trying to spread them is beyond messed up. Go back to Reddit faggot (which is currently colllapsing). Touch grass
>Pretty much every American woman in major cities with a college degree is overweight and plenty are kinky
Yes but they fail catastrophically on the other two points
Poly with kids is dumb but if you've had a vasectomy and get std tested there's no reason not to
Wife no thotty is a hustlers creed
Imagine being so gay you’d be obsessed with another man’s dick while fucking a new and novel pussy.
I’m talking wifeswapping, you’re little dick went to cuckoldry.
Imagine being such a low IQ beastly black gorilla nigger you can't just hold muh dik in one sacred bond with a woman you actually love.
He was right about everything until he mentioned poly

Hit the gym, go out in public, be social and presentable. Don’t be too forward. Fetishes are “scary” to regular people. To teach someone to swim, you don’t toss them into the deep end. Start slow, in the shallow end, if you will.

Step by step guide to get a piggy wife, for dummies:

Step 1:
Get your stuff together. Good haircuts, cologne, over dress. Never leave the house in pajamas.

Step 2
(Extremely difficult for some present on this board)
Go outside. Leave the house. Follow the fat people. Go to grocery stores, clubs, church (if you’re into that) amusement parks, the movies, the mall, restaurants (only for top tier players), craft stores (fat girls love their stupid crafts).
Or, parks and gyms. (yes, I know. Bu..but… but… but fat girls don’t exercise! Wrong. They do. They don’t yet know there’s a whole world full of men who love them the way they are. In their minds, the are ugly, pathetic and worthless unless they fit the mold of our modern beauty standard. Your goal is to SLOWLY teach them the alternative life)

Step 3
Make a move. Don’t ask me the specifics, just literally start talking to someone. If you’re awkward or shy, practice talking to strangers. At the grocery store, ask an employee if they know where something is. Talk to your cashier. Ask a random shopper their opinion on the brand of mayonnaise you’ve picked out. Once you’re confident in your conversation skills, approach a cute fatty (if you see one) at a convenient time. MAKE SURE THEYRE ALONE. Talk to them about something random BRIEFLY and tell her this is random, shes cute, you’d like to take her out. If she declines, who cares. You’ll never see her again. If she accepts, get the number and get out of there. Do not stand around and talk. That’s awkward.

Step 4
Schedule the specifics of the date over text. You propose the activity, date and time, ask if these work for her. (Don’t pick a lame date. Don’t take her to the movies on the first date. Do something fun, where you can talk a little, (not too much) and get to know her. The important thing is to have fun. Make her want a second date. Go on maybe 3-5 dates in the first month. Nothing more, preferably not less.

Step 5
Remember, up until this point, she is just a regular person. Slightly overweight or whatever, but she’s a person. Once you two are comfortable w each other, invite her to your place for a movie night. Tell her to bring some snacks, and that you’ll be making some too. Make a ton of snacks. More than you want to eat. Tell her jokingly that everything you made needs to get eaten. Midway through the movie, if it feels right, make a move. Or don’t. Play it safe. Just don’t make her uncomfortable. Start with some eye contact, if she’s into it kiss her. If she’s into that, and y’all do the nasty, you’re on a roll. I would say the safest option here is to do nothing freaky or feederism related. However. If you’re feeling it, give her some of the food you had sitting on the coach, in the middle of the session. See how she responds. If it’s negative, wait months before ever trying anything like that again. If it’s positive, maybe you keep doing it. See how she likes it. Do it for a minute or two, then stop. Don’t address it, unless she brings it up.

This is only the beginning of the process, and a hyper specific example. I also don’t feel like writing any more.
>believes in true love
>thinks he's going to find that one special woman who has all his kinks and cooks and cleans and has never touched another man
>*waits 20 years*
>reeeeee why can't i get a waifu this is black people's fault
Meanwhile, ballers of all races are out here balling out
You'd probably come to the same conclusion I did - sex with 300lb+ women is fun, but no more than sex with 200lb+ women. As long as she's definitely fat then I'm good. Beyond that it's far more important that she likes her body, is good in bed, and is happy to occasionally indulge me with stuffing/feedism chat.

But if I hadn't tried it out, it'd absolutely kill me to be honest. I don't think I could ever really be at peace with it because it's such a major and achievable sexual fantasy. Probably I'd end up proposing some sort of open relationship.
There’s truth to it. If you’re told you can’t have a cake-fuck, slamming your wife’s head into a cake will eat you alive. Same with funnel feeding and the massively obese: it’s fun until something goes wrong.
But there’s something special about women too fat to get through daily activities without embarrassment and getting out of breath.
I am definitely not talking about going without feedism-related sexual activities/flirting. That would be really unsatisfying, and IME most women are happy to partake anyway (maybe how brazen I am about what I like just filters out the ones who wouldn't be?)

I do enjoy having sex with huge babes but, like I said, no more than merely fat ones. If anything a bit less because once you get over the novelty so many positions are off the table, it's harder work, and many of them are necessarily pillow princesses. And the real problem - as soon as I start to develop feelings for them it kills my boner thinking that, if we stayed together, I'd very possibly be bereaved or their full time carer before exiting my 50s. Even if that doesn't happen it's an unpleasantly limiting lifestyle.

For me smaller fatties are clearly superior for serious relationships. Fatass in the sheets, able-bodied in the streets.
Yeah. Idk. All of the negatives of ssbbws is the thrill. Why else go to the gym than to violently fuck morbidly obese pillow princesses that can barely navigate most positions.
>as soon as I start to develop feelings for them it kills my boner thinking that, if we stayed together, I'd very possibly be bereaved or their full time carer before exiting my 50s.

This. Actually being in serious relationships with women who were 500+, and seeing how much they struggled even when they were still in their 20s and early 30s, was a game changer for me. It forced me to confront the difference between fantasy and reality. I had to accept that if I was serious about finding a life partner, the ride would eventually have to end one way or another, either through helping her lose weight or watching her die young.

If someone (on either end of the dynamic) is truly up for the challenge and willing to trade long term well-being for a short but satisfying sex life, that's their decision to make. But even if you have the hottest relationship in the world, with a hardcore deathfeedist who's totally into it, 90% of your day is going to be spent outside the bedroom dealing with everyday struggles. I think a lot of younger guys are oblivious to the reality of what this looks like, and they get angry at being bonerkilled when more experienced FAs want to talk about it.

I wanted kids, so lifestyle feedism was never going to be an option for me. "Sorry sweetie, the reason Mom died when you were 12 was that Dad needed a weight gain fetish to keep his dick hard."
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>He was right about everything until he mentioned poly
I'll pay it forward and say the same thing about your post. Points 1-4 are rock solid advice for every male, not just FAs/feeders. But I'm skeptical about point 5. I don't disagree that this strategy works sometimes for some people, but it's not foolproof and I don't think it's the optimal strategy, especially if you're looking for a true BBW/SSBBW and not just a chubby girl. You call it
>a hyper specific example
So have you done this with multiple partners, or are you describing what happened to work for you in one particular relationship?

I've pissed and moaned about it at length in this thread already, but this is basically how I expected my own relationship to go. I made it clear in my dating profile that I liked fat women, and figured I'd slow roll feedism, just as bedroom roleplay with no expectation of real life weight gain. Instead, as she got more comfortable with me as a long term romantic partner, she started pulling back and admitting that she was uncomfortable with how I liked to look at and touch her body during sex, to say nothing of me being a feeder. She also has serious kink needs of her own which are the only way she can reliably get off, and she was hiding that from me at first by doing her best to fake an interest in vanilla sex. (I grew up on the Dan Savage advice column that made sharing kinks seem easy, and I had a lot of fun with previous partners roleplaying and trying new stuff, but in this case her needs were extreme enough that I couldn't do it.) Add on the usual financial/lifestyle shit that couples fight about and it was a rapid downward spiral into a dead bedroom.

From my vantage point, I see a lot of wishful thinking about how the power of love, or the power of dick, can solve all bedroom incompatibilities, but I don't think this is always true, and I wouldn't advise a younger guy to assume it will work. Personally, I don't see why more young guys don't get involved in the bash scene, if they're in the US (sorry foreignbros). I'm a mid tier regular guy, but by putting myself out there at real life bashes as an eligible male who had his shit together and didn't pull any closet FA shenanigans, I had more female attention that I could handle. If you're so broke that you can't travel to a major city for a long weekend, then you should be working on that first instead of worrying about getting your dick wet.

I got too easily spooked by scene drama, and I was impatient to pair off because I wanted kids, but in hindsight I probably should have stuck around longer until I found a waifu. Things get a lot more fun and less difficult when you're in an environment where women understand that you're there because you genuinely find them attractive, and are used to the idea that guys in the bedroom are going to want to touch and enjoy their fat. I always thought of pic related's line ("These sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man") when I went to bashes. And there's nothing like skipping straight to advanced bedroom courses with women who've already locked down the prerequisites, instead of having to cautiously teach a girl Fat Admiration 101.

If you're starting from scratch with a girl who's never heard of this stuff, you're pushing uphill against a massive media industry, centuries of cultural history, and the pressure she gets from everyone else in her life to be ashamed of her weight. I'm not saying it's impossible to do it, I'm just saying that it's more difficult than some people make it seem. Ultimately it will be as much about her and what she's receptive to as it is about you. For every woman who's eager to let herself go once she's got a man in her life, there's a woman whose internalized disgust with her body goes so deep that no Prince Charming is going to cure it.
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Black men don't want women with stretch marks. All the sigma males don't want hambeasts. The ones that do tend to have a well trained hog
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Trump literally got fat bearded guys to rap and join the militia. Biden can't be bothered to get Rick Ross, Killer Mike, Fat Joe, Twisted Sister, or KISS to support Starbucks or the war. It's rather telling troons are mald that Steven Universe didn't change the industry.
Lol. I am surprised Biden didn't just admit it was Hunter who fucked fat escorts, impregnated a stripper, and got kicked out of those LA clubs cause he grabbed the ass of a chubby escort. That would've shut up those cunny grooming Faith and Freedom voters

>I see a lot of wishful thinking about how the power of love, or the power of dick, can solve all bedroom incompatibilities, but I don't think this is always true, and I wouldn't advise a younger guy to assume it will work


>If you're starting from scratch with a girl who's never heard of this stuff, you're pushing uphill against a massive media industry, centuries of cultural history, and the pressure she gets from everyone else in her life to be ashamed of her weight


>For every woman who's eager to let herself go once she's got a man in her life, there's a woman whose internalized disgust with her body goes so deep that no Prince Charming is going to cure it

bro I'd say for every woman who's eager to let herself go, there are probably >10 whose internalized disgust goes that deep. a lot of us like to pretend that happy fat women are a dime a dozen but there is a LOT of scar tissue with female body image. probably 99% of fat women would choose to be skinny if presented with some magic pill.

I'm completely with you on this shit. people want to pretend this is some easy thing to resolve, and it ain't. some dudes in this thread may have won the lottery (medium fat wife who is accepting of the fetish and indulges in the bedroom, still active enough to stay healthy, and has similar values to them) but that's far from a guarantee. Hell, it's hard enough to find a good partner before you even consider fetish compatibility if you don't have bottom-tier standards for yourself.

anyway, sorry for your dead br. sucks
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What? Hollywood is panicking right now because summer blockbusters are flopping so hard that veteran actors are quiting and fleeing California for the south. Even Spiderverse is flopping because people want the Spider of murder and Bleach over fat artists. The only upside is that the medical industry is getting hit with lawsuits for trooning people's kids without parents permission just so doctors can larp as the social misfit with hidden good motives. Nevermind that scientists won't debate Joe Rogan or go for the jugular against anti-vaxxers. The only reason people don't focus on the media is because Fox News is self destructing so hard that people are going to the Daily Wire, Joe Rogan, or Tim Pool for news. Fox News can't even sell Dunedin man the culture warrior cause Trump successfully gained that personality cult he long for. All the messianic Jews and chabad aren't going to give up their decadent hefty lifestyles for Fox News.
The part girls leave out is she told him he had a small dick and was losing his hair. So the guy says something about them and the girls are mortally wounded and scared.
Bald bearded men are the ones who get the fat chicks in my area
Meant to reply here. Too hyper from double shot espresso to care for hyper fetish drama. The point is that artists aren't the heroic misfits in the black community. Black regulars just want to watch Spiderverse
Is it me or do fat girls have a thing for beards? Ever since growing my beard out I stg fat girls are the ones approaching me to talk, it's awesome
Fat women and their cohort pregnant women aren't going to give up modernity just so retards like DocGyara can larp as a dirty hippie. There's a good reason fat girls vote red while rainbow haired chick with the nose ring vote blue. Republicans will put fat chicks in law school where they can bully people as a judge and eat at fine restaurants.
Yes fat girls like bald men. I saw a bald man with a fat woman at my job. They aren't going to give up the Jeeps, Uber, or Dodge Rams
My mom is absolutely disgusting to fat people, will consistently make comments about or to them. Even then, I've dated a 200 lb girl, which obviously isn't huge but she was short so she looked STACKED and my mom didn't say shit, to me atleast.

Even if she did, who cares. Even my best friend who's all into fitness and stuff, he might think its weird but again, who cares.

Get with a fat girl dude, this country is obese as hell so there's less stigma, and again, who cares, its going on in YOUR bedroom, not theirs. I wouldn't ever want to deprive myself of some hot, heavy, squishy fat sex over some weird stares and occasional comments.

Even if you don't want to admit "yea I like her fat" when people ask just say she's a really good person and they'll leave you alone if they respect you.
>Ian Curtis quote
My man! Other guy married to a fat wife with a bedroom on life support, dude, I wish I had taken advantage of the bashes when I was younger, I was just a pussy and the first girl I met off of FF was the one for me. Oh well.
Seconding this, my parents are crunchy granola hippie types who hate sugar and fast food, and will never come out and say they hate fat people but totally do. They don't, and haven't, said shit about my wife's weight. Nobody does. At this point, with kids, who knows if I met her skinny amd she blew up after kids and I'm just a nice husband who doesn't care, or I like fat girls. I assume most people think the former and doesn't even consider the latter.
The comments my parents both make about lfat people when they're both overweight drives me insane. I hate it so much it actually hurts, but I know that they know not what they do. I'm scarred from reading too many horror stories about the consequences of eating disorders, including permanent damage and disability that makes me sick. Demons are real. Our tongues are swords.

Was gonna make a TND joke but this is just more proof about how African Americans were a prototype Guinea pig for all the psyops then unleashed on Westerners en masse. Think about all our modern problems and perceptions.
Good point on the bashes, honestly didn’t think of that. How would you recommend going about converting a regular fat girl into a feedee? It’s definitely not an easy task by any means. I think the only way is slow and gradual, right? To be open and honest from the beginning sounds would turn a lot of women away I think. Like you mentioned, some(most?) girls don’t like it when you even acknowledge their weight.

I also called that a hyper specific example because the concept will likely remain the same in another scenario, but maybe the delivery and the circumstances change slightly. I really can’t think of another setting where you and this girl would be alone, and you have an excuse to feed her during sex
Why would you waste your time with women who won't even acknowledge that they're fat though? That seems antithetical to our being sexually satisfied.

I don't know about turning anyone into a feedee 'cause I've never really tried (it has kind of happened, but it wasn't because they were into the kink - just greedy and liked orgasms/pleasing me. I don't think the idea of "selling" someone on feedism is pragmatic), but IME most people are receptive to the idea of isolated incidents of feedism (instead of full time lifestyle feedism) and that's perfectly satisfactory for me. I'm pretty open and honest. Make it clear immediately that I like fat women (it's on all my dating profiles), bring up kinks so you can disclose feedism/WG after a few days. Some people will hate that - fine, you're not a good match. Fail fast and move on. Don't take months to figure out that you're fundamentally sexually incompatible.

If they're going to get squicked out by me e.g. paying attention to their belly then it's not a good match for either of us. Relationships with women who (generally/usually, at least) like their bodies are so much more fulfilling and less stressful.

> won the lottery (medium fat wife who is accepting of the fetish and indulges in the bedroom, still active enough to stay healthy, and has similar values to them) but that's far from a guarantee

I honestly believe finding someone who's a good match otherwise is the harder part. There are lots of fat women out there, and lots of them are at least okay with their bodies, and enjoy food, kink and (perhaps most impactful) giving their partners pleasure.

I'm in my early thirties and have been in this situation several times, but most of them I just wasn't romantically interested. The times I was, eventually figured out we weren't compatible. But those partners not being receptive to occasional feedism scenes/me liking that they were fat was not the problem.
>but it wasn't because they were into the kink - just greedy and liked orgasms/pleasing me.

This is probably 75% of female feedees. Obvs there's some who have the female mirror image fetish to ours, but you're more likely to find a woman who wants to be submissive and make you happy and get off on the fact that she's changing her body for you and to make you happy/horny. I love that about women honestly, they can be so wonderful.
Spiderverse made $550 million against $100 million budget plus $100 mil for marketing… after loan/debt payments on the budget Sony easily booked $200 million CASH in profits… just another too online far right npc who talks about the media but doesn’t live in reality…

yeah, the only girls I ever met up with from the online fetish scene (all from FF or Feedism.net at the time, this was a decade ago pre-Feabie) all had some weird shit going on. either they were hyper insecure, weirdly possessive, or not interested in real relationships. finding a hot fat girl to mess around with wasn't the hard part, it was finding a hot fat girl that you would feel good about actually bringing around your friends and family.

I finally gave up and went back to vanilla sites and just looked for fat girls there, which led me to my wife. I prioritized personality fit over fetish fit because that seemed to be the hardest thing to find. luckily my wife is down with sexualizing her weight, although she is still insecure about it outside the house.
Kisame here. Black regulars don't know who Miles Morales as Spiderman is. There's more ambivalence toward superhero flicks cause it's mindless entertainment.
Just cause poor Blacks like Kisame watch these movies or fund fetish art, it doesn't mean we're engaging in performative theater with the fat right. Blacks will make big boob explosions while Whites get kicked out of DBZ Fighters Tournament for shouting n-word
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Do you now see why fetish artists are blacklisted from Disney, WB, Nintendo? They can't handle the fact that Spiderverse made it's budget back cause it was made with a 14 hour shift. Latinos love the 14 hour shift. Vizepop isn't going to listen to fetish art man. The suits fired the Boondocks creator cause he was too slow
I feel like I’m having a stroke listening to this conversation
I thought I was autistic but even I can't translate this schizo babble
Nope. I am.a normie. One of the unattended consequences of me being a normie is that I can't use craziness for good anymore. I even slept early, can't tell lies. No delusions.
This was a good thread, bumping so it doesn't die.

thanks retard, we were finally rid of these shitty “woe is me, life is so hard because I like fat chicks” threads
What a stupid thread.

Self-masturbatory bragging about how he could get any girl he wants but alas he's too good of a man

And the conclusion that guys with normal attraction couldn't land someone they're actually attracted to / someone conventionally sexy is just silly

No the reason this fetish is so frustrating for me is because I'm only attracted to women with fucking bellies which is firstly rare amongst women besides hispanic mums and old bikers and secondly something they are always going to be deeply insecure about, and expressing any of that attraction only deepens their insecurity and leads them to accuse you of fetishizing them, which isn't even mentioning the feedism and gaining which nobody outside of this fetish can understand or accept so unless you get extremely lucky and meet someone likeminded you're always going to be ungratified on some level, and even if you do you're probably going to feel some moral doubts about encouraging someone to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. And there's no getting rid of it apparently.
this fetish is funny because you feel blessed by God in that you aren't like most normies who think themselves and most other Westerners to look disgusting from softness, but then you also feel like a cursed freak because of the factors you listed. I guess it's a bit humbling. IRL though I will say, normalization DOES work, you just have to be gentle and incremental in the name of love.
Funny, I've never felt cursed. Compared to being gay or god forbid being into kids it's a pretty dealable fetish. Worst thing that happens is someone laughs at you or thinks you're a loser for being with a fat chick. No one's gonna hit you with a baseball bat or throw you in jail. Big fucking deal. Let's please close these oh-woe-is-me threads or at least keep it to one.

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