
We're all in this boat together and the availability of precious content is at the moment dependant on the good will of comrades to share a file only for it to last 7 days in the best case.

Hosting a regular video website conflicts with copyright laws and will get taken down that's without question. I believe we used to have this site where you could post you content for all to see but that was taken off the air 2 years ago I think. Great disaster. Coomer does not help, for it hosts only certain content, and takes much of the spotlight away from communities such as this one. Eventhough it's great in the short term it is problematic in the long run.

Now I know dogshit about file hosting and other web related stuff, but isn't torrenting the way? Can we post torrent links instead of the funny outdated encoded transfer links. Use the collective coomstash for all to access.

I have no real solution, as I said I don't know what i'm talking about. I'd just like to hear your thoughts on the issue? Is it an issue at all?

I do miss that purple site.. those were the days.

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