
(49 KB, 648x611, 2023-05-20 12_37_18-34adc58b-d801-4d0d-b6b0-54a13eb0ea0a.m4v — Mozilla Firefox Private Browsing.jpg) (1.8 MB, 3840x2880, this would be such a sexy photo except for the gigantic insane ugly tattoos 0f3a6255-b30f-4e4a-a2ce-b8df3fd32ec4.jpg) (99 KB, 640x800, satanthicc terrible tat.jpg) (155 KB, 487x451, 2023-05-20 19_07_19-c863bf90-5f72-4d47-af9d-43f3f46c5351.jpg (JPEG Image, 2208 × 2944 pixels) — Scal.jpg) (269 KB, 638x518, 2023-05-20 19_10_00-r8i1fckk9t771 _ StufferDB - The database of Stuffers & Gainers — Mozilla Firefox.jpg)
Kits got some good new clips up, and there's one... "Fat is so sexy, I love having every roll pinched"
I'm skipping through the video to see if it's any good, and the one part that shows promise- a nice close up shot of her belly and how squishy it is...
Nothing like seeing the smooth, pale skin on a girls belly only to have a dark-hair covered limb extend into the shot to grope, and on top of that, he's got TURQUOISE NAIL POLISH.
Like, thanks. Since snapchat filters and the ludicrous amount of horrible tattoos on people weren't enough to disrupt the gaze and despoil bodies.

When the boyfriends of creators wear balaclavas like they're in a Chechen terror militia it's odd but doesn't draw attention from the girl. Humorous too.
On the other hand, the nail polish and hair raising tattoos is like taking a dump on the floor because you need a doorstop.
I fucking hate 'em
While I'm bitching, some of the worst tattoos I can think of:
thatfatgemini - ridiculous pumpkin on the back of her hand.
Lux- ugh just covered in gross ink. what an amazing big round belly though.
Gisele bundtcake - when I'm looking at cute bellies, I don't like to be frightened by creepy medusas almost as big as the gut it's inked on.
alice mars - again with the good belly, but the leg tat of someone who looks like they belong in penal seclusion
ali89310 - getting "love has no gender" tattooed across your chest in big letters.. wow.

it really makes me sad when girls take otherwise beautiful features and ink them up like this. Breasts, bellys, hands, necks... instead of plump pale skin it looks like the bathroom wall at CBGB
>>30053 (OP)

America's the best country. Keep away from our holy daughters or else you die
Who remembers Lucious Amazon's frail BF Drazon? They actually made a video together titled "Lucious rapes Drazon" he was that beta.
>>30053 (OP)
Good god these tats are fucking awful.
Agree 100%. I don't like tattoos in general, but small subtle ones I can look over. But these huge belly tattoos, as well as giant thigh tattoos are so damn ugly.
>>30053 (OP)
Kit has a gf tho who cares if their nails are painted.

Idk these women are already going against what is socially acceptable by gorging themselves with fat and sugar, what does it really matter if they're leaning more into it.

maybe you'll find a fat tradwyfe one day anon but for now beggars can only be c00mers
(54 KB, 600x800, gisele-backtat.jpg)
Agree in general but I actually dig Gisele Bundtcake's ink. The combination of her neotenous girl-next-door babyface with the occult tats splotched all over her body low key hits for me. As a fetishist for burying my face in a fat girl's belly, I would gladly make out with her Medusa, and her "severed head of John the Baptist" back piece is legitimately good, although tell me you have trauma from your evangelical upbringing without telling me lol
tattoos are hot, seethe harder virgins
Is Kit's partner trans? Ngl I kind of assumed he/she/whatever was a crossdresser. I suppose it doesn't really matter. Kit is still hot as fuck
I love fatties with tattoos but her body is gross (not the ink, just the shape of it)
First of all you illiterates, that tattoo is like 98% chance of being the classic painting of "Judith Slaying Holofernes" from the Old Testament. Look it up.

I am Orthodox and tattoos are not inherently 100% always wrong PER SE, (ex. the Anglo Saxons after conversion for a time wore some Christian tattoos and some saints weren't opposed), but in a modern Western context it's pretty clear that not only are most trashy and cheap according to mass lack of good taste, but it's for pseudo-edgy faux-individualist purposes that actually aren't unique or special at all.

You know what's ACTUALLY transgressive? Wearing a modest headdress, even outside church. Now THAT'S scandalous, wowza Soyjak!
oh look it's one of these guys
If you're going to be a BBW you really need to invest in actually being attractive while fat. Zero ass and negative thighs. Very depressing oh my god.
ive had the depressing thought of like, imagine your gf gaining for you, and she just ends up shaped disgustingly, and you arent even attracted to it. like that would just suck.

i have like no standards when it comes to fat women, but this, this might be below my near nonexistent standards lol.
The sad thing is the way fat disperses itself is, while able to be influenced, mostly luck of the draw/genetic. You could just get a bad hand as a fatty and still have no tits and hank hill ass.
It's not totally random but also racially dependent. And I don't just mean like white vs black, but you have to get like autistic Nazi doctor levels of studying haplogroups and phenotype maps and the like to detect trends within ethnic clusters. For example, the fat distribution of Northern vs Southern Italians, more Nordic vs Arabid admixture... I knew a Sicilian girl who was such a pear, despite barely being obese BMI her knees had "fat caps". Legendary but she disappeared...
Who’s the chick in the last pic?
I am sorry but what?
One pro for tattoos is it usually results in someone thinking their body is already kind of "ruined", so weight gain usually ensues. Literally thousands of examples. Get bad tat, then get fat.
I understood everything he said perfectly, maybe reddit is more your speed?
You know it’s okay to have standards right?
>>30777 (Cross-thread)
Or maybe they don't live in the ranch guzzling midwest and thin women are all thats available. it's a weird problem to have, but for people in certain places health consciousness and being thin are the norm. its like theres no stereotype of the fat american here. just the wanna be influencer who has to look hollywood perfect while being seen talking about body positivity or whatever.
I can tell you as someone on the west coast dating would be a lot easier if I found thin women attractive
>so move then
have you considered there might be one or two major factors keeping us from doing that?
That's probably why she also keeps buzzing her hair and seemingly going out of her way to look as appalling as possible. Thank god she's got some nice fat because the rest is fucking groooss.
>>30053 (OP)
Chechen terror militia, my sides man. But besides the tattoos, i agree most bbw/ssbbw boyfriends and/or husbands seem such beta's man. Either insecure skinny dudes or chubby soy wojak persona's. Bonnie's bf seemed like a chad though

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