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That kid really changed the future of democracy, America, Disneyland and panhandle swampland with his hard work and investigative shitposting.
We salute you sir.
>>29978 (OP)
I don't think I've ever seen a presidential run so DOA. Dude's going to get fucked by Trump hard and Disney will be taking the video direct to DVD.
>>29978 (OP)
Desantis is alienating women and independents with his hard right stance despite Trump facing charges for sedition, threatening officials, and hoarding documents. All the data inflated his success meaning he's just six points behind Trump and Biden.
>>30000 Two words. Death penalty. We'll kill EVERYBODY. Sexual deviancy? You're done.

Vote Desantis for USA president. Pedos will die.

Drug dealers will die.

Death to all.
30K get means this is the truth. He's trying to pull from the Trump vote but frankly those voters just want one thing. So no, he won't be happening. It's much more likely Trump is allowed to run amid all of his legal baggage before Ron pulls voters into his camp.
Women and independents will just vote for Trump. Salwell, Schiff, Bowman, Sinema, Manchin, and Adams are doing a perfectly good job ratfucking Joe Biden. As for Trump, Guliani's going to be the fall guy for Georgia and docs because Guliani high on Viagra and drunk caused 1/6. Sad part is that prosecutors are screwing up Merrick Garland's 97% prosecution rate with their overzealous approach.
My guy, we literally elected a millionaire who banged playboy models and impregnate them. The Manhattan DA is just proving that Trump is some Norse deity akin to Odin by accusing him of fathering children at Trump Tower. Jay-Z could only wish he can birth children from his thigh like Zeus.
>Women will just vote for Trump

The same demographic that had 52% of the vote and went 57% to Biden and 42% to Trump, huh? They're going to vote for Trump? He's going to overcome a 15-point deficit?
Important note: WHITE women in general actually lean slightly Republican.

However, interesting intersection here:

When accounting for all races and demographics as one except for sex and marriage status: EVERYONE leans Republican EXCEPT *unmarried women*.

In other words: Even though all minorities lean Dem, if every ratchety cat lady/wine mom had a husband, Republicans would be constantly winning.

The "red wave" was a tiny splash because of catl-adies (present or future) mad at Roe overturned. It's really that simple and the family unit is that powerful an ancient force in society.
Women will vote for Trump. Boebert, Kellyanne Conway and MTG are divorced cause Reagan boomers outed themselves as cowards and not compassionate conservatives. Biden is punishing young Marines and national guards for disobeying him. The Pride movement pretty much dropped their boomer rockers for not bending the knee to the globobhomo. Desantis is GenX and Trump is the one Baby Boomer who's cool with Gen Z. I don't know what he's doing in Florida, but dancing to the YMCA and DJing helped immensely. Desantis is too much of a fascist who wants to punish the youth for dancing and is backed by family values conservatives.
I forgot how much of these political hopeful threads are just pure cope.
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Not really. Biden brought back 90s economic malaise. It's not Vietnam levels of nihilism yet. Putin just doesn't make for a good threat.
>Rat fucking Joe Biden
Are you like a legit Biden-Stan? He's your guy? The dude who helped make it illegal to bankrupt your student loans? The guy who used to be so cozy with credit card companies that he was known as "The Senator from Mastercard". Fuck Trump, fuck both parties actually(my platform is jailing everyone who has ever held a shred of power in DC and Hollywood/the media with no explanation, they are guilty of something and they'll know why they are there), but are you really defending Joe Biden of all people? How do you defend all of that shady shit in Ukraine with his fucked up son? And don't deflect by whatabouting on Trump, I want you to honestly defend that shit. How does a crackhead get a $40k a month job on an energy company board with no experience if his dad isn't a powerful and influential politician while average people are struggling? Fuck these scumbags, they should all be redacted.
Kisame here. I bothered to research Joe Biden. His grandad was a wealthy oil tycoon. His dad went bankrupt and became a used car salesman. Joe Biden has a net worth of 8 million, but because he spends premium on cars and houses, he's in the red. Trump inherited his dad's money and even with legal problems has 2.4 billion in business and 122 million in cash. I am defending Biden because there's a lot of wealthy families in the eastern seaboard who go bankrupt spending luxury goods.
Mike Lindell and Guliani are heading to prison cause they can't be bothered to pay their lawyers. Guliani even had the lawyer who bailed Trump out of impeachment and the guy gave up because he's impossible to work with. I am not stanning for Joe Biden. I am pointing out that socialists are doing a perfectly good job of destroying the centrist base by acting unhinged or like wrestling heels.
It's literally a fact that unmarried women and racial minorities are all the Dems have. That's why they promote both mass immigration and anti-family policies. They have literally nothing to offer except teasing selfish people with free gibsmedats (they never actually give anyway except if it's to hurt white Christians). It's all neoliberal smoke and mirrors.

If you could fix the problem with marriage in this country, and turn over Hispanics and Blacks to GOP (former group is slowly kinda turning), America would be red for the next century. In fact, GOP would probably be the new liberal party with a splinter off for Christian nationalism, while Dems turn "actually" socialist or pretend to be.
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The NYC Health and the Black regular are too busy fighting over a bike. White libs fear they'll lose their job and get death threats. Imagine how much of a disaster Chicago is going to be in 2024 because white libs, black regulars and illegals are fighting each other to secure Biden's win. The only bright spot is that Florida and Texas might flip blue because Desantis, Cruz, and Scott are the weakest conservatives.
Dude you are so gay. No one’s fighting over a bike, the world over hates bitchy white women who scream and cry over nothing.
Be more of a simp to those ugly loser women bitch boy.
Kisame here. Don't care. It's white lib vs black lib.
And rapists Trumps being so nice to Ronny boy Desantis right now.
Ron is going to lose cause he's too extreme on social issues.
It’s free speech conservative vs anti-gay conservative vs wtf Trump people believe
Conservatives can't even drink Bud Light, eat Oreos, or being their Publix and Hobby Lobbies without whining about the gays.
not American but DeSantis is gonna lose because he looks and sounds like a faggot, and not in the fun way like Trump. it's really that simple
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Tim Scott is in the race. Black people are generic
Everything you say about Biden +++, literally my last choice in 2020 among Dems (that includes Marianne Williamson and anyone else you can name) and everything that's wrong with the Democratic Party and DC in general. I told myself I'd vote for anyone who ran against Trump no matter what but couldn't blacken that bubble when the time came.

>It's literally a fact that unmarried women and racial minorities are all the Dems have.
Not literally, not a fact. If that were the case they wouldn't have half the Senate, nearly half the House, have taken the White House by a fair margin, and be in control of most major cities. Take away gerrymandering at the state level (that helps pack the House artificially) and Dems would have a solid majority there too.

If the economy is in the shitter this time next year DeSantis can downplay the right wing social policy shit once he's in the general. But he's not gonna make it that far because he has no personality. Worse than that actually — he's downright repellent unless your predisposed to his hardcore social conservative message, which most of the country isn't. We haven't elected a no-personality president since Nixon — seriously. The exception was George HW Bush, but he was running against Dukakis who was actually duller. When he went up against charm machine Clinton he got creamed.

Scott makes Republicans feel good because they're losing the demographic battle and I'd bet actual money he could beat Biden in the general, but he has no chance in the primary. Trump outed the Republican base as a bunch of white nationalists who will tolerate or even celebrate a token here or there, but only because it bothers Libs. They won't vote for a POC who believes systematic racism is a thing with an AR-15 to their heads.
I voted for Trump in 2020 and I say Desantis is not going to win even if he announces his run with Elon Musk tonight. Trump still has Trumpmania from the 80s and he rejuvenated the GOP by getting African Americans and Latinos to vote for him. Desantis is just too hardline to the point he alienates voters by copying Trump's policies without doing anything original. Biden's problem in 2024 is that he reverted America too much back to the 90s and brought back mass shootings, militia movements, conservative cults, and Y2K. At worst, Guliani will take the fall for Georgia cause the Mayor is too drunk and egoistical to be likable. Just look at how Boebert, MTG abandon their husbands for a country singer and a drag queen. Trump is empowering Christian women. As for Democrats, nobody wants to deal with a machete welding crazy chick who threatens journalists for questioning pro-choice. Libs just need to be Michael Moore or Al Gore levels of douche to win, not mass murderer.
You sound like a schizophrenic and it’s very depressing that you probably vote in every election.
I voted in every election since 2008. My options are limited just like the car I am saving up for. America is asking too much of a fat man like me to cram into an electric sedan just so liberals can shave 20 minutes off their commute. You know full well that suburbanites like me are going to get the light pickup powered by gas cause it's cheap.
Imagine losers talking about black lives in 2023. Rap was invented in the late 70s. You guys are still smoking and impregnating holes anyways so what's the big hoopla all about trying to change laws and trying to make laws when everybody knows you're ruining the nation on purpose out of greed.
Boomers still can't sell Chun Li in SF6 with Lil Wayne because investors restricted access to the consoles. It's rather telling that the zoomer at my job draws classic Chun Li on her napkin while Capcom is paying extra to make her look like WWE. Even the black zoomer knows the diversity hire in Mortal Kombat was a shill because he knows Johnny Cage is the MC
If you want a coherent thought, then the answer is still the same: Ron is too hardline to govern as a president and cannot leverage his wins in DC. His only chance of beating Biden hinges on the Justice Department being dumb enough to prosecute Trump. DC loves their conspiracy nuts like Bannon and Alex Jones or David Duke. It's easy to make 10 million broadcasting from Austin or Palm Beach.
>Checks the news. Ron announcement crashes cause conservatives can't do MPC Star or Divx for .avi format.
>Orange man who used Twitter to plot sedition orders the radical left to shit post while he's awaiting trial.
>The mouse thinks you aren't worth sicking their army of copyright lawyers after and would rather cancel their project to spite you.
>Polls show Ron losing to Biden by 1 point despite the hype.

Mark my words, Dems are going to get a blue wave 2024 cause Ron is pants on head retarded.
Go suck some more cock Ehh?
I’ve never once met an educated canadian who wasn’t an immigrant.
may god eradicate the degenerate C*nadian race
Ron will lose the primary to Trump because he's not Trump. His only hope is that Trump dies or goes to jail by this time next year. If that happens, once he gets to the general the country will be confronted by his toxic personality and creepy wife, and his policies that are too far right for the swing voters he needs.

He can't hide from those policies because as governor he has his signature on shit like the abortion ban, that alienates 2/3 of the country. The collapse of the Red Wave last year was 100% because of abortion and red states are making sure it stays in the news. Meanwhile fiscal conservatives who don't particularly give a shit about abortion because they can always send little Amber to Canada or California if she fucks up don't like how he fucks with companies who are too "woke," and denies settled science like climate change (that's actually costing the govt and corporations money — and they know it).

Linking himself to Elon Musk was a disaster, and not because Twitter farted out, but because Musk is a hyper-entitled nutcase normal (non-incel or terminally online) people don't like or trust. This is symptomatic of the hype about his very tight circle of hard-right fundamentalist Christian bubble dwellers, running on their only accomplishment: beating Charlie Crist. They know how to grab folks who love talk radio and Tucker — people with no guiding ethos but to fuck with "the libs" — but again, that's poison in the general.

All this goes out the window BTW if we have a massive recession this fall, as many predict.
My guy, all conservative women hit the wall due to their poor diet and lifestyle. If there's one thing blue states are good at, it's producing high tests g-milfs and cougars thanks to that Mediterranean diet. Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin all bulked up on Caribou meat was the best thing to happen to them.

I grew up in hard right fundamentalist circles before becoming Kisame and people were chill. Ron is just one of those politicians sucking up to Billy Graham's son, John Hagee, and Pat Robertson's son without doing anything original.
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Wth is Kisame is that a new VTuber or something? Btw become Orthodox
It's a moot point since Elon Musk wants Kisame's data. I am content to do nothing and let him crash and burn.
The Republican strategy is to shoot yourself in the food and stop being coy about how much you're inhaling your $500 steak. The abortion debate was a slow burn that could have been prolonged long enough to make it illegal without pissing off too many people at once. Now that the floodgates are opened, they are front & center with how much of a fuckin' meal they're making out of it. Straight up illegal, 6 week bans where it's not illegal, fighting the feds on the already-approved pill, the works - and all it is doing is riling up their opponents who have made it loud and clear THEY DON'T WANT THIS. And with the debt ceiling talks putting the blame squarely on the House Republicans, I can't see how they're going to spin this to blame Democrats; the threats of default were used before as a bargaining chip in the hands of experienced bluffers, and the current crop at the negotiating table watched an episode of Poker Stars and think they're card sharks.

I guess they're doing this because they know their time is up. Gen Z is overwhelmingly going blue and they're going to make that known next election, doubly so if Trump or Ron are the nominee. Y'all can pull speculation out of your ass how they actually will vote, but the talking point of raising the voting age to 25 didn't come out of thin air. The Republican party is on borrowed time, and it's delusional psychopaths like Don & Ron that are ripping out the IV while the party is in the ICU.
*shoot yourself in the foot
Ron says he'll pardon Trump and 1/6 of wrongdoing if elected as president. Decades of doing business with the mob, Russian gun smugglers, Saudi oil men finally paid off for the Donald. Trump's not dangerous though. The local interpretation of Trump is that he's a spoiled rich kid using his dad's money to get out of jail. Trump is pretty much what Hunter aspires to be: a multimillionaire who bangs hookers and do drugs. All Hunter had to do was pay off his ex wife and lay low while Biden did the heavy lifting. As for Joe, he should just stick to funding Amtrak and Greyhound while balancing the foreign affairs.

I do agree that conservatives are burning the NRA, CPAC, and Fox News to the ground. They're also destroying Target and Bud Light over Pride merchandise.
Bruh imagine caring this much and not posting anythingvthat seems like credible information.
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Ron is only popular with political consultants, strategists, and college educated people. Trump is popular with uneducated voters who hate the establishment. In the presidential election, Ron would lose to Biden by 40 points unless he has a hard counter to Harris. I am guessing he'll make Gaetz or Byron Donalds his VP. Trump's advantage is merely he'll endorse moderates and liberals who pledge loyalty to him
>>30205 Oh I see you're Kidame the "artist" that would rather waste his days stealing styles and talking shit for clout.
I am sorry but who? I don't steal styles. My style is way too rough to be imitated. Plus all the art is being replaced by AI, leaving me to sleep and watch TV. So artists can scream into the void about Kisame while DeviantArt is flooded with cheap AI art and other annoying clients. After all, I don't care if Elon Musk steals their data. Disney is going to ignore them for live action.
holy shit, somebody who makes actual SENSE.
>>30207 I am deeply sorry to hear about your livelyhood and I personally apologize on behalf of the 8 billion retards on this Earth. I take full responsibility, but understand that it wasn't my intent to cause you personal sufferance or harm. Not you or any other artist.

I love art, but I trusted the wrong anonymous group and they stole my ideas and have ruined everything while not only completely misunderstanding the message of my general vision, but also not succeeding in my original intention which was devising a tool for the handicapped, and fucking everything up in every way possible just as I expected them too. This is the reason why I no longer trust Jews or Blacks. Not only are they disengenous thieves whose selfish greed could start a legitimate war, but they're literal fuck ups.
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I flat out don't know what artists are talking about since artists have been talking to dummies the past 5 years. They have to deal with the high demand and crushing workload for preg pics left in my absence as Kisame. I am already downsizing my presence on the internet.
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Nobody cares about Ice Cube or Kanye cause they keep sampling work from musicians. I just get more demands for large breasted and hyperpreg characters. My autism prevents me from stealing ideas.
>>30210 I feel like you mean something cryptic here and something that could potentially help me out a lot in the current situation that I'm dealing with in my personal life, but I don't understand at all what you're trying to tell me. I know about their capabilities once they know your location/address, and I know that they have connections with Hollywood and other American media producers and have a reasonable degree of control of studios and online content presence that they can use for subliminal messaging and also for nightmare inducing photographic and vocational techniques that work best by using stress or fear against a specific target. Other than that and their obvious cooperation with hackers I know next to nothing.
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I forgot that Hollywood was a communist town. Even though actors and screenwriters were communist, the suits and directors were conservatives cause socialist flicks always flopped. The same holds true for books where people like the conservative Cormac McCarthy, Anne Rice, Tom Clancy over the liberal Stephen King and George R.R. Martin. I am trying to say that Ron Desantis isn't going win cause conservatives hate the arts. It's not hard to make Tidus a linebacker to sell Final Fantasy X to boys. The problem is that the left wants to make everybody a twink sparkledog OC or gay, and it infuriates everyone. Suddenly Tidus of all people is considered an alpha male cause he can juggle three Spira women and fight Sin.
I am not being cryptic in my conservation. I just don't see where I fit in Biden's America. I already got the job, healthcare, and benefits. I can afford to be bored and detached for a change instead of crunching to pitch more Li Li ideas.
>>30216 Last time I heard somebody mention boredom the conversation went a little like this... Boredom's bad for Americans. Boredom gets Americans into trouble. He was an older gentleman and I suspect he knows somewhat what he was talking about. He might. He might not. You, on the other hand, posted a PS magazine, Kisame. If you're not being cryptic, stick to art. If you're being cryptic, stop trying so hard because nobody understands what you're trying to say.
I am sticking to boredom and picking Ron. Artists already want me out of the picture, so I will do normal people stuff. Its up to hyperpreg to decide if they want Kisame back, assuming their egos can handle it.
There's nothing wrong. Pride Parades are St. Patrick's and Six Flags for gays. I saw fat lesbians on my way to church in queens. They were tired of partying in Chelsea
Gays in NYC dress like skaters and are trashy. SlickPen's, DocGyara are just tourists
Polls still show Ron losing to Trump by double digits. The factor is that people are tired of wealthy conservatives from California in Palm Beach and Miami acting like assholes. Biden will still lose cause there's a perception he's winning immigrants who vote blue, but those liberal immigrants will swing to Trump cause they don't want to troon their kids. Troons are literally the guy who got their legs blown off at Nam and said it was worth it on the Ken Burns doc. There's also gay conservative elders who vote Trump because they hate Pride Parades. Those are like St Patrick's for fags.
>useful idiot talking about mental gymnastics
You fags basically sweep the special Olympics gold in that category every election cycle.
Look at your president lol. Then remember the alternative was Bernie or a mayor who happens to suck cock with a political pedigree
>>31295 What are you saying? Are you saying Desantis panders to old, racist whitefolks for votes and popularity?

That would only make sense logicly in a state with a racist whitefolk majority and if the elections were a popularity contest. Or if for example there was a projected outlook or statistical inclination that predicts mathematically in the near future towards the next upcoming elections date predicting a Florida state with a racist whitefolk majority.
Damn I guess the holocaust really was a lie
>>31297 The holocaust's a lie only in your mind. You're doomed because you think you're greater than history, when in fact you're so insignificant that you're a failure in your own time of the present.
I find myself thinking "that looks like it smells" more and more when I see footage of USA. Like I used to think when I saw videos from India or whatever.
>>31301 Take it from me. I've seen a lot of shit. You're not as intelligent as you think you are, and neither are your parents. All of your favorite artworks are made by groups of artists and they're all frauds. They've all bought the ideas from underground black markets organized by those that have stolen the ideas.

The governments, aware of all these things that occur, deliberately keep all of them secret from the rest of us. There are secret groups that communicate with secret codes and they've been around a very long time but these days they use the internet and smartphones, and they organize and position themselves in institutions to watch everybody everyday and keep records of everything that they witness, then they broadcast these things globally to other secret groups.

Everything you know's a lie. Pray for yourself and your loved ones.
Wow learning that the holocaust is fake broke your brain huh. Some people should be medicated
>>31307 You're as stupid as a nigger. I didn't take part in the Holocaust, and I'm thankful for that. Thankful enough to risk my life for what's right.
No one did, it didn't happen. It's a myth and a blood libel. History is littered with them. Lampshades lmao
>>31307 Btw, what I really wanted to reply to your post was that if you went to that party you would probably be the stinkiest person there. They're always fun, always leave with new pussy, and
yeah sometimes the girls aren't very cute, but that's still better than no pussy. Nice butts, nice tits, and very few out-of-shape girls go to these parties full nude. Sometimes they're called different things to keep the snitches guessing. Pool parties, thong parties, topless parties, and some nsfw that I won't post.
I think you probably smell too. Probably brown. Living in germany lmao absolutely cursed
>>31311 I live in Cali. I was saying that you probably stink more than I and that when I go to similar gatherings the onlything I smell is me. Indoors all I smell's girl perfume. The tits are my favorite part. The butts are sweaty and moist. The reason you don't have a girlfriend's because you're a fuck up. There's pussy everywhere. I could literally get pussy at a gas station before.
My favorite thing about all of this is to see braindead commies side with corporations because Desantis to them is a dictator for not wanting to show kids porn in school.

Both sides are fucking idiots though.
>>31313 There's a School of Kid Porn? What do they teach there?
>"Both sides" poster still thinks they're showing porn in school

You can still breath with your mouth closed, trust me on this.
>>31315 He must be talking about Science class and Biology.
Imagine bragging about gas station pussy. It’s a step up from bustop pussy but not quite corner store pussy
Kisame here. I saw Spiderverse. Apparently wanting a big butt wide hipped submissive Dominican woman while raising Miles makes me the evil uncle. Lol. But seriously, Disney is ripping their fans off by splitting the movie into four parts. I can afford it since 40 bucks and PG movies are cheap when compared to my commissions, but Gen Z doesn't have that time. We're dealing with shortages of everything cause Republicans don't want to work.
I think it's more likely he's referring to fag propaganda and assorted parpahile acceptance i.e. men can become women
>>31321 It was 3 in the morning and I'm not bragging but she did come on to me. She was way drunk though. Huge breasts. I got pussy also at Walmart, more than once.
I had this debate with my mom yesterday. Those skaters you see on the Williamsburg-Maspeth area just stay there to party. Nobody's brainwashing kids. Republicans and Democrats are just not funding the schools.
>Nobody's brainwashing kids
>Republicans and Democrats are just not funding the schools

Holy shit, statements from Kisame that I can agree with? And are verifiably sane and accurate?
>>31322 Why are talkimg about your son Miles on here? And why don't you find a nice black goddess to marry instead of a Dominican? What is the deal with black men and interracial relationships? Then you go for the Hispanics ethnicity that look most black? You got issues.
>"don't worry about skaters in a place"

wtf? are you a bot? Talk to normal people

Worry about skaters in places?
No, it just wasn't a cogent response to me. Not that I begged for one. It just seemed like a bizarre non sequitur to what I had posted.
Gays in NY are into alternative, grunge or skating. The problem is again, Republicans and Democrats are cutting funding on schools for charter schools.
The One Where The Mick Learns About Kisame Posting
>>31334 (Dead)
The One Where The "Kraut" Learns About Kisame Posting
Ah yes, because you can make fake whole books and post pages of them to social media
I am being sane. Healthcare workers are doing 14 hour shifts cause of shortages. Biden's no delays tactics are exhausting the workforce.

>>31334 (Dead)
We've been dealing with conservatives threatening to bomb Target cause of that gay merch. Us retail workers are just focusing on getting that new car or getting a new job before culture war happens. Desantis is plummeting cause he won't stop acting like a special needs child, making Trump look sane.
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YES. Are your parents siblings?
>"books with actual names and awards don't actually exist silly, now accept the Gramsci propaganda bigot"
Then I can guarantee you, sight unseen, that what you're referencing is either not porn or made up.

All you've had to do by now is give a single book title, Mouth Breather.
>"descriptions of sex and/or pictures of sex are not pornography, it's about context"
Stop being a groomer and a gramscist, commie
These commies want a nanny state where you can’t even sell your 12 year old daughter into sexual slavery to get out of debtors prison.
>>31368 Quite accurately, indeed.
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Sometimes I am amazed Walt got away with selling Pinocchio to Pleasure Island where he ans the other naughty boys get turned into donkeys. It's like how Animal Farm got away with sending Boxer to the glue factory. Walt would approve of Magneto, Ansem, Xemans, Miguel, Prowler, and Capt. Morales as a stern authority figure mentoring inner city children.
>Walt would love my race-mixing propaganda
Spoken like a true conservative Americuck.
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Black Republicans like Clarence Thomas and Byron Donalds aren't going to give up their snow bunnies. They abolished affirmative action. Trump got fat men and Cherokee men to look respectable. Meanwhile Skullgirls are getting edited because fat troons don't want panty shots.
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White women ruined affirmative action by flooding colleges and jobs with lazy idiots.
India and China public high school teach a higher level of competency in math and science better than these White universities. White women make us all look bad. White men are massive simps who enable them.
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I can't relate cause I was always cold and indifferent before becoming Kisame17. I just want my pickup.
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Kisame18 here. Obese Americans are driving the well needed expansion of movie taverns. Fat midwestern housewives love remakes of movies they saw as children and are the only population buying raisinets at theaters. The geopolitics of Harry Potter films isn’t discussed
I don't care for middle America. That's what Yellowstone is for
I would like to commission Vanessa Love since I paid Satsumalord for her, but I don't get requests for her. I get requests for hucows.
Artists would have to give me creative control. They're just too lazy to do editing.
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Republicans voted 6-3 that gays can't force Christians like me to work on their gay projects and that I don't owe the money for their student loans. They should be angry at Ginsberg and Breyer for not retiring. Trump made Amy Comey Barrett respectable. He made Kagan, Sotomayor, and Ketanji look like clowns
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See, whites are just angry and impotent. They're not going to do anything but go back to aw shucks.
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>>31464 (Dead)
South Korea elected an incel president to combat the wave of bitchtits and lazy that Kisame18 sees taking over their men. Japans economy stalled in the 1990s and the hentai bubble saved its economy, but like the vegetarians in Korea, Japans boys are ruined by hentai and can’t form marriages. Republicans like Regean destabilized this countries economy for most folk and I salute him for sending towards a despotic capitalistic theocracy. The Catholics and Presbyterians cannot be trusted.
All the tough Koreans like Minka come from the army base. They love Trump cause he does Blue Collar work.
Hentai was created to get around strict censors. Hentai itself is not good since according to Japan, they're owned by private studios that do PowerPoint presentations and fast paced cuts. Fate, Taimanin, and Milk Junkies, Inyouchuu are the only three IPs that are profitable aside from Nami SOS.
>>31468 (Dead)
Anime is not profitable in Japan. Only Z-Era Dragonball, Shippuden, Espada Era Bleach popular. Kishimoto's wife hate him for basing Hinata on her when she liked Sakura.
>>31473 (Dead)
The creator of Naruto. According to polls, people like Sakura Haruno cause she's fun
>>31473 (Dead)
I don't do pretentious stuff. I do obvious stuff
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I was the one who commission the black Mona and Lola pics. Riddle August doesn't have the authority to put BLM stickers on my OCs as it would be akin to a slave brand.
>>31480 (Dead)
I am a graphic designer. Art is supposed to be imitated. This is why AI is taking over the creators. Nobody wants a fun hating Luddite.
>>31483 (Dead)
>>31484 (Dead)
The humanities in America are underfunded because people want European mythology instead of American Arts like Norman Rockwell. Another problem is Disney and WB snatching artists from art colleges.
WB gave women roles that's to the bore of it's animation head. He took the job despite being a pugilist who loves his great depression wife and didn't want grotesque stuff. It's not like Martin Goodman, who wanted to make Marvel Comics pulp heroes
>>31485 Dude, look up the definition to mythology. But before you do I will tell you that there are historical written accounts as to why "European art" was from it's very origins largely homogenous.

No matter which way you'd rather say the same thing all I'm saying's you knowingly copied an artwork for the deliberate intention to sell off the artwork deceptively as your own ideas and your own creation when in fact you're a fraud and a liar, but that's after you bought stolen work.

All of this means that you're still a copy and therefor you're gay and not a real artist. Give up the mantel. You're worse than a has been. You're gay. The first thing a gay would do now is deliberately try to change your life and be as unique as possible, except that's inherently what makes you gay to begin with. Go suck a dick fag.
>>31488 There's a reason gay's art sucksdick
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Kisame here. Not really. I specialize in preg and big boobs cause it's economical. Bojack is the closest to an inspiration I can use.
>>31490 Never change. You're the real inspiration here, and I a fraudulent bystander waiting for some reaction time.
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I am French Left. Marrazan is French Right. Nationalism is on the right in French society cause people hate Macron and his neo-liberal policies. The French Left loves to use police brutality. To be fair, the French Left ruined Code Lyoko by making it live action, they ruined Doofus with drama, and they ruined Astrix and Obelix by giving them a bratty daughter.
I give it four months before artist accuse Cross Crescent being transphobic. Thank goodness I am now an uncle.
Ami your country is on the verge of a military coup because Africans and Muslims are literally burning it down
Trump in America is hated for the same reason Roosevelt is hated by Republicans. He busted trusts and monopolies that the criminal rich liked. Desantis just wants to bust the trust of Blackrock. The problem is that Trump reinvented businessmen as mobsters similar to how Reagan made cowboys cool. Obama pretty much killed gangsta rap, commerical rap, nu metal, forcing punks to align with Trump. Now the counterculture scene has been exposed as shallow out of touch elites who hide in the suburbs and outlaw fun.
I'm not american, but I am fascinated by your politics. 100% DeSantis is fucked and I honestly think he brought it on himself. Fighting Disney in Florida is suicide because 1) Disney has a massive influence on the economy of the Orlando area and 2) He just comes off as crazier and more hardline than Trump. Trump's a fucking idiot but he's at least memeworthy and has a prescedr beyond bring evil. DeSantis just seems like he hates everything. I also think married women (who probably suck off Disney like it was a cult) won't appreciate their attacks.
Florida's economy is reliant on Latinos who fled high tax states and communist dictatorships concentrated in the South. Disney has no real influence. Pixar and Marvel are bleeding money because they're buying AMC and Regal cinemas and actors while wasting it on boring films. Spiderman, Captain America, and Kingdom Hearts are the only three IPs that haven't been molested by Bob Iger. Desantis really wants to be the hometown hero, but Dunedin man might not be a veteran. He's a military judge. On paper he should be a dictator. In practice, he just advocate for torture.
Exactly which trusts did Trump bust?
>foreign opinion
>Worthless gay garbage
Imagine that
Trump busted the trusts of big banks in America cause he lies to his employees to get a better deal. Trump's earnings come from Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and China to stay afloat. Joe Biden on the other hand gets his money from Ukraine and Shanghai.
I dunno. I think Dunedin man is right. Biden and Harris are just too incompetent to make an effective warrior.
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The right is only losing because they want tough guys to beat up Putin instead of gay rights. The problem is the right like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh made their bones bullying poor people. It's only a problem when Dunedin man and MAGA man team up to beat up Mitch, take their votes, and get nerds to vote blue that the GOP starts getting mad. There's a very good reason Connor McGregor, Joe Rogan, and Dave Chappelle are such laughing stocks. They're rich bullies who act infamously petty around children. Say what you want about Lex Luthor in JLU, at least he's petty to Superman and only Supes.
DeSantis' problem is that he has a bad personality, and charm is a requirement in US presidential politics. This is true going back to JFK (the dawn of the TV age) with only a couple of exceptions*. You may not agree with Trump or Obama but you want to listen to them. Or at least enough people do.

With DeSantis, not only do eyes glaze over as soon as he starts talking, but everything he says has a nasty, whiny edge to it. Even if you agree with him it's like, "Yes, yes, okay, now shut up." He's trying to use his TV announcer wife to fill in the gaps but she can only do so much. And her Stepford Prosperity Gospel-type vibe is its own turnoff to anyone who's not an unironic fan of the "Housewives of ---" reality shows.

(* Nixon wasn't "charming" by any measure but he was an unabashed hard-ass, coming at a time when the country felt out of control. Note that his bland VP and post-resignation successor didn't win election. George HW Bush, aka Bush 41, was a whiny, patrician slice of white bread but he was up against Mike Dukakis, possibly the only man in US politics more boring than himself at the time. Besides them, LBJ, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, Trump, and Biden all could hold a mic.)
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Daystar and 700 Club are both crumbling because they're tax write-offs that don't offer opportunity to Christians who want to stick it to Hollywood. Same goes for the Daily Wire. It's a shame because liberal leaning brands like Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, and Harry Potter are crumbling because science fiction and fantasy are the most unromantic genres. Ron could use the opportunity to save Disney by making more Patriotic content since people are hungering for a consecutive take on Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and anime. By which I mean DiC and Ocean Dub levels of cheese. The problem is Ron is flat out unlikable. Obama still has wealthy rappers at his call and Trump still has gangster rappers and rockstars. Fuck, Matt Gatez in a Nirvana shirt, jeans, and flipflops is more relatable than Ron Desantis.

As for his wife, she gives me night terrors with her stepford look. I think Sarah Palin set the bar by looking hot enough to mog conservative women in such a way that they feel intimidated. Same goes for Lauren Boebert. Even RFK Jr and Manchin mogs Ron Desantis because they look exactly like the kind of person who grew up in a blue state.
Oh my god thank you - people are touting DeSantis as the next Trump. He's not. He's a whiny bitch and has a sniveling quality to him. Like Ted Cruz. Guarantee you whole swaths of the country would rather gnaw their foot off than have either as President. Like him or not, Trump knew how to command an audience.
YW. Another problem is his echo chamber. Trump listening to anyone who's in front of him frustrated his cabinet and advisors to no end, but he took in a variety of opinions that way, isolated as he is. That allowed him to take the temperature of the base and mold a PR strategy to fortify his base. It's part of his genius. (Saying all this as someone who prefers him dead, btw).

DeSantis from all reports (and based on his actions) has his wife and a very small group of angry apocalyptic Jesus nuts advising him. That's how he went off-key on Disney, woke shit, and abortion and will now spend the entire primary season burying and backpedaling on those rather than pushing forth a positive message or going after Biden.

Florida is a diverse state and his huge win last election is seen as proof of widespread support. But he was beneficiary of a roaring economy t/o the sunbelt that's now starting to slow down, and prices in Florida are through the roof as that economy overheats. A lot of folks on fixed incomes down there...

Also Crist, his opponent, had lost 3x more elections than he's won, and is an ex-Republican with no base whom both party bases despise. Bottom line, he was a sacrificial candidate in a swing year, it was hardly a rigorous test. And DeSantis hadn't yet leaned into his Torquemada anti-woke bullshit. He was more a straight-up conservative.

My advice would be to drop out soonish and give Trump a big sloppy rim job to get back in the fold. He could make the excuse that rather than dividing the party he wants to help 45 finish the job of Greating America. In the meantime he can keep crowing about the great work he's doing in Florida and learn how to speak to people in a way that doesn't make them want to jam ice picks into their ears.

My prediction is that unless Trump dies or goes to prison by the end of the year he won't make it to Iowa either way.
Everything's expensive because boomers are doubling down on expensive pickups and SUVs while not going for the sedan. Boomers won't stop flying the flag, fighting gays, and bodying cops. Trump taught fat men the importance of cardio and pride while fat woman put their asses in leggings to make their ass look respectable. This is why the fed are afraid of Trump, he got a fat beaded guy to attempt to assassinate the Obama's with tweets.

Our local Republican party hates Desantis. They think he'll flip the suburbs blue when they're trying to make NY red. I have not seen anyone unironically like Desantis cause we're dealing with people spilling hot coffee at the gays, or freaking out over Pride cups.
Honestly, I don't think either Trump or DeSantis makes it to Iowa. Best case scenario for Ron is Trump is nailed hard on all charges and is made a huge example out of in court, labeling him the Benedict Arnold of our times. We're talking straight-up prison: no house arrest, no Presidential pension, no social media, just straight to jail. Even then, DeSantis won't be able to keep his message on point long enough to anyone think he has the cojones to take Trump's MAGA mantle. He's incredibly defensive and thin-skinned, and Florida is turning more people off these days. The constant fights he's picking with schools and Disney aren't helping his case.

Trump, assuming he isn't going to be locked up and somehow allowed to run, is such an easy target for anyone looking to "regain sanity" in the party. Ron's already gunning for MAGA candidate, so all it would take is a coordinated attack on Trump's actions after his time in office and the entire shitstorm concerning the documents he kept from the FBI. Make no mistake, as much as these politicians wants to keep the nutjob base, none of them do not want to be known as a candidate that propped up a felon going into the general election.
>Make no mistake, as much as these politicians want to keep the nutjob base, none of them want to be known as a candidate that propped up a felon going into the general election.

Trump is being tried in a Trump friendly county and a Trump friendly judge governed by Desantis. He'll get a slap on the wrist just like Nixon cause prosecutors made a deal with his aides to rat him out. Zaslav, Eric Adams, Biden are hated more by blue collar workers for telling union what to do and acting like a party boss. Conservatives eat Ben and Jerry's, drink Bud Light, and participate at Pride March. They'll swing to Trump because mobster president got them that promotion and doesn't listen to the government. To the Justice Department's defense, Biden sicking the FBI and CIA on suburban moms over mild criticism caused them to swing towards Desantis/Trump. Trump even got benefits. Greene already got the boot cause she insulted Boebert. McCarthy and Gaetz are the power brokers now.

Getting rid of Trump is bad because now people are focused on the fact that Blue states are crumbling and Kamala Harris is an office bully who alienated her staff. The plan is to get Ron to introduce mail in ballots, and election day to the GOP to cut Biden's lead along I-95.
Desantis is plummeting so bad that Fox News is panicking. Part of the problem is that he's alienating Gen Z by being a bully and pissing off the Trump Republican furries who fund pornography by equating them with animal fuckers. There's also the fact that people go to Florida to fight and fuck on the beaches. Despite Disney being hated for bullying fat women for having G-cups and their equally D-cup teen daughters, people still go to Disneyland cause there's enough Disney adults to keep people entertained and employed. Also, Iger got rid of that Mossad Pulmutter while cleaning up Stan Lee's legacy. The problem with Desantis is that he's not Maleficent, Pete, Hades, or even Judge Doom and simply lack the creativity they had to gain power.
Everything is expensive due to decades of low interest rates, followed by a massive influx of money into the world economy during covid recovery. Inflation isn't rising prices — rising prices are the symptom. Inflation is a matter of supply and demand: When there's too much money in the economy, money itself is devalued. It becomes a vicious cycle when people see things getting more expensive and spend more trying to hedge, while saving less because bank interest and stock prices can't keep up with prices.

I don't see Trump dropping out under any circumstances, including prison. If he loses badly in Iowa he'll just say it was rigged. There's so much to gain and nothing to lose in terms of raising money and promoting his brand.

>...none of them do not want to be known as a candidate that propped up a felon going into the general election.

Conviction for Trump will ensure he's unelectable but those ride or die MAGAs (as many as 20 million voters, by some estimates) will see it as martyrdom. I wonder if they'll then split the party. I can totally see Trump running 3rd party/write in or at best not endorsing another candidate. Maybe Haley if she licks his balls enough.

>He'll get a slap on the wrist just like Nixon

Most likely outcome, I agree. More than the judge (who appears to be playing it straight so far), I don't think they'll find 12 people who'll vote to convict, whatever the evidence. I'd think different if the trial was happening in Broward, Dade, or Palm Beach but it's happening in the part of the state that's basically southern Georgia.

I read the other day Biden plans to run on the economy, which shows you how out of touch he is. The stats that were meaningful when he knew what day it was without mainlining 10,000mg of Aderall have long been detached from people's actual experience trying to make ends meet and plan for the future. That, and the real possibility of a President Harris, are eminently exploitable weaknesses. So if I was DeSantis or any other Republican my campaign would be inflation, inflation, inflation, and illegal immigration when you need a break.

Thing is, Florida's economy is massively dependent on illegal immigrants (i.e., cheap unregulated labor) so he can only hit that so hard without pissing off the small businesses powering the economy down there. I mean, every landscaper, restaurant, construction contractor, etc would go bankrupt in a week if they had to hire legit employees. So instead he's all about Disney and drag queens eating our children. A slight majority of Americans are annoyed by wokeness but it's not enough to become president.
My hot take of the day is that Chris Christie has a shot at being president. Yes he's half a joke right now (or rather, a meme) but there are no other Republican candidates with Christie's political skill and chutzpah. Even if Trump tries to sink him, he might be able to grab a majority of the base who like Trump only because he's an aggressive straight shooter with winner energy. He'll also have a shot at peeling off enough moderate Dems who just want someone to get a handle on inflation — or at least understand that it's important to them — and not be visibly doddering. Yes, Christie is morbidly obese to Biden's decrepitude, but he's also not stuck with a VP who literally no one wants as president. A few other things have to break for him, including continued 5+% inflation or a massive recession/market crash in the fall.

(* https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/einstein-s-parable-of-quantum-insanity/)
>Florida's economy is massively dependent on illegal immigrants

There's a Latino boycott going on thanks to an especially strong anti-illegals bill that was just enacted in Florida. I just saw on TikTok how the beaches are empty, the orange groves aren't getting picked, and the hotels are pretty much deserted. It's more than just the workforce, it's the vacationers and tourists as well. DeSantis, in an effort to appeal to the base is holding his state's economy under water and it's fighting like hell not to drown. This is why you straddle the line and not just give the nutjobs what they want.
Trump voters will just cast their vote for Ron Desantis if he's not on the ballot. Biden flat out made too many enemies and alienated the left of center people like Manchin and Sinema. Activists are just helping the GOP break in their rank and file Marines at the Senate. Biden's problem is that he keeps trusting neocons and their flawed foreign policy advice. Just look at how Frenchies burn down the country because Macron wanted to be American. At home, the problem is that Harris is an office bully.
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Even fat Indian Nations are tired of dumb liberals moving to Vermont and occupying their land. The Indian Nations just want to watch the Bills, Patriots, Redskins play without seeing dumb libs parroting lies
arguing about politics in a site about fat bitches get real
>>31754 They wanted to put into the law cutting Pedos dicks off, but no, anti-illegal immigration! That's the true psychotic voter!!! You're beasts of the jungle, and the world laughs at you while you're playing political games and getting your big brains manipulated by the enemy they're plotting an economic takedown. And, btw, it's a planned future that's sort of very accepting of Pedos. Just FYI.
China sucks so bad that Chinese people would rather migrate to Canada and enroll their children in private school to live out their dreams of getting into the IVY League. Don't let the communist party fool you, they're failing hard
>Biden sicking the FBI and CIA on suburban moms over mild criticism

You feel that? They're scared.
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Yeah not really. One of the CIA tries to oust Stefanik last year and lost cause he insulted Nancy Pelosi. Even better is that the CIA drove a wedge between Pelosi and Hochul in such a way that Dems lost NY. This is why Preg Chan hates NY. Outside of NYC, we're a rust belt state with empty factories and malls that votes for Trump. Even our Christian cults like Trump because they believe G-D put him in the White House. Meanwhile DeBalsio crumbled because his black lesbian wife hates him and used him for her art ho projects. It's kinda sad, just as equally sad as gays outing Ed Koch, the last good mayor of NYC just to spite him. I honestly think Mayor Pete is the last gay role model Gen Z has who isn't spiteful.
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It's my duty to remind preg Chan that Biden and Trump won because they're that rare mix of Silent Generation distrust of institutions and Baby Boomer lust for power we don't see in America anymore. Men in the Northeast communicate thru violence. Dunedin man will never be president cause he's the governor of a senior citizen-theme park state. Desantis embodies that dress like a man, act like a fucking woman mentality that poisons the GOP. It's why I don't blame South Carolina for booing Lindsay Grahams at a Trump rally, or impeaching the Texas AG for his Dallas beauty queen tier drama.
y'all need pussy like a fish in the desert needs water you guys got self awareness at all?
James O'Keefe III was kicked out of his super PAC for being a vacuous succubus. Trump is also hated for being an adulterer. TBH, I feel safer voting for an adulterer over an Evangelical with terabytes of CP and beastiality, or that gay shit at CPAC. Nixon was that last bastion of hard partying hard drinking Republican.
Immigrants like me, Kisame17, are the only voting bloc keeping restaurants afloat before and after the pandemic. We're also more likely to lean Republican cause Democrats have no prospects. Those cheap Chinese Takeouts people liked are going out of style cause Asians can't deal with failure. There's more ambivalence towards influencers like David Portnoy, Ron Desantis, and Dan Bongino because they want to be the conservative alternative to the artsy fartsy NYC-LA dining scene. We're trying to introduce Rasing Cane's, Tim Hortons, and Southern BBQs to my neck of the woods.
I am friends with the far right. The far right doesn't trust centre-right cause they will obey the center-left and outlaw the Bible. Far right fatties tend to hate fuck their military husbands into submission while they wear trad wife dresses. It doesn't help that being stuck in Syria or Ukraine tend to bring out the animal inside military men and Fox News is giving them anxiety.
Only fat far left Mexican-Irish can stand up to the far right because they're a few seconds away from devouring Stacies. I don't know what's going on in these schools, but Gen Z has school shooter energy.
Biden keeps a copy of the Jeffersonian Bible on his nightstand. We need to run the Protestants and Catholics out of office, they can’t be trusted. I’d like to see someone with more backbone run for the nomination on a ticket of forcing the conformity of true Christian religion our founding fathers fuckin’ fought for.
>>29978 (OP)
If Iger is hotshit, how come the Disney threads don't last dick in both /bbwdrawn/ and /bbwalt/? What the hell happened, Disney-dolts?

Unless it's porn or rock bottom fetishes and if it manages to get fundings is because the project got sterilized to the point of just dumping into the preschooler section.
Only the Bengali population, Korean, and Iranian population are ultra right wing in my area. They tend to upfront about being pro Desantis. There's a lot of disgruntled progressives who want Ron because Biden's push to electric vehicles and solar panels could put them out of business.

Only Spiderverse II sells. All the other Disney Pixar shows are flops cause Disney Adults don't have children.
The problem with the DNC is that they changed too much of the order that states vote without consulting their governors or voters, causing libs to leave blue states for red states.
christ, this thread is the single most schizophrenic thing I have ever seen in my life, lmao
Desantis is confirmed to be 30 points below Trump in every state on polls. His only hope is if the federal government sends Trump to jail. The catch is that the move would make Biden even more unpopular. Everyone knows Desantis is too much of a bully and Florida has more death per Capita than blue states. Desantis is only winning in the sense that nobody wants Biden's EV or Solar Panels. There's so much inventory but less sales.
Biden is still his own worst enemy. He arrested the obvious Jewish communist looking man a s accused him of being a Chinese spy. It's like arresting the Rosenbergs or Oppenheimer and accusing them of being Soviet spies.
Turboaustis like Kisame17 are the only ones who qualify as middle class despite my lack of social skills. We just lean towards Trump because Biden's idea of middle class is unattainable. I am convinced Biden voters will go bankrupt with their EVs, solar houses, streaming, and eating vegetarians. Florida, Texas, Georgia is already getting NY levels of prices cause the billionaires moved to the South. I honestly can see Rust Belt states reclaim their affordability in the near future
Even better. According to data, more people are moving out of Florida because the state is expensive for more affordable red states. So while NY is depopulating cause normies don't want to take the Metro North, people are feeling Florida cause Desantis is making the state Commiefornia of the East Coast.
Desantis pissed off the gay republican crowd. Most white gays are conservative in the same way white women are: massive whores who hate poor people cause they can’t pay for sex. Most white gays would join the kkk if it increased their odds of being a top instead of bottom.
Inbred hillbillies like Satsumalord, CrossCrescent, and DocGyara had their chance to take my liberal money. Now they have to live in KKK infested South where they will languish in poverty cause conservatives hate pornography. Preg Community even devolved into incest, beastiality like most Southern Baptists and Catholics do when they don't make contact with modernity.
Inbred or not the south will rise again. You New Yorkers with your thin crust pizza aren’t reproducing nearly half as much as us. Without selling American land to immigrants you New England aristocracy would run out of people.
We’re pure of blood and by the way, that’s a myth, marrying your cousin is far enough away genetically and plenty of the historically greatest men ever married their cousins. Albert Einstein for instance idiot.
>defending incest
Who had that on their chan Bingo card?
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See, this is why demons are chads nowadays and I flat out refuse to make hyperpreg unless a demon is the dad. I flat out hate that repressed mongrel Baptist Convention incest garbage.
>>31965 Is your point your trying to prove that people don't give a fuck especially in the face of evil and tyranny? I don't find you necessary.
What point? Desantis is such a trashfire that Rupert Murdoch is now worried that Trump will win.
I am not crazy or anything. Republicans are so obsessed with winning that they'll abandon policy and common sense just to be right.
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On a lighter note. I don't get the hatred people have for Guy Fieri meeting with Trump.Flavor town diners are common in the bumfuck East Coast. All those artsy fartsy Michelin star restaurants are crumbling because Gordon Ramsay's management is driving /ck/ to do cocaine and bang waitresses.
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I am skeptical about being neurodivergent since it seems as if doctors really are using actors to promote their ideas. It makes no sense that Jonah Hill is painted as a creep for using anxiety and therapy to control his girlfriend while It's Always Sunny man is painted as a chad.

With all due respect: I worked in foodservice at some very non-Ramsey type establishments and we always did drugs and banged the waitresses.

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