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I have seen this posted a lot of places lately. I thought it that was Boberry. I looked up the TikTok and still thought it was her. But I guess she's kind of a lookalike. Either way, it's interesting seeing people post SSBBW and act like it's while I'm just sitting there. And my lips are sealed.
it’s just a boberry impersonator on tiktok using her pics bro
Oh look, another blob who acts entitled and thinks the world should adapt for her. She knew her fat ass was too big for that plane and still wants to bitch about it.

Know your limitations after getting that big.
Oh. I was very confused because the media reported it like a real person and I convinced myself looking at it that she looked a little different in her butt's build. But I hardly got any sleep last night.
Literally it's someone pretending to be her and ragebaiting commoners. And you fell for it on BBWchan of all places.

If their intent was to troll, they succeeded. The New York Post did an article about this faker.
>>29957 (OP)
Apparently she posted about this on her website. Weird situation.
Yeah she also posted it on her TikTok and her IG telling people to watch her TikTok. I don't know if there's more to it on her site since I'm not subscribed, but I wouldn't be surprised it's more of the same thing.
fucking normies
>>29957 (OP)
really shows how good these so-called journalists are for thinking that the account was real

can't remember the last time a similar story happened, but there was the case of models pics being used for weight loss adverts without their permission. guess that's a bit different tho
What are your thoughts: was this a fan getting off to the comments shaming "her", or was this a dedicated hater with access to her shit intentionally ragebaiting? I honestly believe it's the former that got way out of hand, but it still sucks for Mary.

What are the odds she packs up shop after this?
Normies are the worst. Can you believe these Schizos? All crazy and inaginibg things that arenxt really around them but only when they go to public places. It's bizarre. Very unlikely
>Videos of BoBerry spread like wildfire on the net
>BoBerry takes time off work to let the heat die down
>HR reaches out, says they can't have someone so disruptive in the office/someone may find out where she works and smear reputation of the company
>She sues and loses, courts hate fat people and enough leeway is given to the defense that they can fire her on those grounds
>Mary only has her VIP site for income now
>The money is good but not enough to support her extravagant lifestyle
>She needs to do a little more to boost sales
>An insanely-priced exclusive video is for sale on her page. No description given, but everyone knows what it is.

This might actually be the timeline Mary does hardcore, and not when she's 45 & past her prime.
>implying boberry will even reach 45
>What are the odds she packs up shop after this?

she posted a boob jiggle vid yesterday, make of that what you will
I guess, I'm just more worried about how this will impact future content. I don't know to what degree she was being mindful that her content would be seen outside of her fanbase, but it's possible she might be planning content in mind that the entire world might see now. Depends on how deep those comments cut.

Extremely doubtful we're going to get many more public vids in the near future.
>>29957 (OP)
She's deleted her response to all this from her TikTok and Instagram. Looks like she's trying to move past it and not draw more attention to it, since it's out of the media cycle anyway.
>>30354 (Cross-thread)

That's it exactly.

Like I said originally - if I was single, with an achievable amount of effort I feel confident I could sleep with the literal woman of my (physical) dreams. If I was into your boiler plate traditional thin hot girls, that wouldn't be the case at all - if I was single and going after normal women, I'd probably end up with people similarly attractive to me (not the supermodel women of my dreams).
This is because the reality of sharing life with a ssbbw is harsh. They can't do shit, health issues like up, mental issues follow. It's a headache long term. They age fast.

OO's 220lb wife is pretty damn fat IRL. Walking around with 80-100lbs extra is already a lot.
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>>30376 (Cross-thread)

That doesn't really emerge from the videos, but she most likely does ... I just like how "fat" the concept of eating/chugging a lot of cheese is
>>30277 (Cross-thread)

This is essentially where my life is at. Loving wife, very attractive, fully aware of my sexual preferences and pro masturbation as long as it doesn't negatively impact our sex life. This goes a long way into preventing the "grass is greener" feelings all over this thread.
>>30274 (Cross-thread)
I think you are living my life.
Married young to an acceptably chubby woman (topped out at 320lbs, but now in the mid-200s).
She hates that I find her attractive when bigger. Gives me a pity fuck twice a month.
The fat acceptance movement has been great for window shopping, but I'm stuck where I am.
>>30293 (Cross-thread)


There were a handful of skinny women I was attracted to and dated, but it was always in spite of them being thin. This ultimately didn't work for me.

My life became better when I accepted that I was attracted to fat women and started dating them. It took awhile to get over this mentally, but I eventually realized that people didn't care nearly as much as I thought they did. It's not something that defines me, I wouldn't bring it up with friends and family unless they specifically asked, but based on my choice in partners it's pretty self evident.
>>29957 (OP)
Is that really Boberry on the first video? Could've swear that was a completely different girl. Besides the MSM won't reveal the real context on why massive goddesses record themselves getting their juicy fat asses stuck god forbid, they must fit their Kool-AIDS agenda somewhere.

Or move on and start a family, her pregnancy will make her gain all that weight again and even more but she won't come back to modelling.
Yes all of the pictures are her. She posted the first video on her paysite.

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