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Did the age group of women you you find attractive scale in a parallel manner with your own age?

I feel like it stays quite similar from adult age age until (I suspect) elderly age when your libido decreases. When I was a teen I had more of an interest in women older than me but since being an adult I've become hyper-cognizant of youth to the point that even women just out of college look old to me, they're still good enough for a fantasy but I prefer to date younger when considering the baggage and the even more looming transience of their looks, not to mention fertility, something nature tries to signal earlier with girls than we'd like. Bascially 20 year olds look 25 to me and 25 year olds look 30 to me before women bring up their age (roughly).
>>29858 (OP)
If I’m on bbwchan and telling you to go touch grass you’ve really got a problem you fucking weirdo
Did you forget to post Chris Hansen&FBI memes? That's the classic NPC dialogue when you state the scientific fact that man are attracted to youthfulness in women,

feeling attraction to teens (14-18) is not comparable to feeling attraction to prepubescent persons, you can try to convince me otherwise but you probably won't be able to come forth with more than gynocentric bullshit. As an aside I suspect that child molesters skew more homosexual than hetrosexual.

Personally i'm attracted to women of all ages but I consider the ideal dating age-range 18-24 as a mostly inexperienced person, i've also experienced that I notice youthfullness more as i've grown older.

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