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So I often posture about not really giving a fuck about what people think, right? For the most part, I think this rings true, but I'm not exactly "out and proud" about loving BBWs with all my friends, not exactly because I think they'll turn on me or anything; I know it's an irrational fear, I'm just a paranoid person in general, and think that any piece of information I share can be used against me, so I'm careful with how I articulate things.

Well, anyways tonight I had some buddies over for talking and drinks, and for whatever reason the conversation went into ideal women. I answered (mostly) honestly that I liked women of all shapes and sizes, thinner and thicker with a preference for the latter (which is partially true, even if 9/10 times I'll take the chubbier chick any day), and my friends were all like "Dude, I love chubby girls" and "Skinny models don't do it for me"... Not saying I needed the validation, but it was kind've cool.

Obviously, they don't know the extent to which I've gotten off, but I frankly don't care.

I guess this is a sort've battlecry for hesitant FAs, especially Gen Z FAs who might be embarassed for whatever reason; you'll be surprised at how often people will be on your wavelength.
A friend of mine was recently married. Prior to his wedding, he and I went out for drinks and the conversation turned, similarly to your own, towards the build of women we both like. He complimented me on my own wife's almost 400 pound figure, and even noted that "Emily [his fiancée] has expressed a desire to reach a similar size. I can't wait!"

We then spent the better part of an hour discussing BBWs.
This is all very sweet, but I'll give you some better advice. Nobody gives a shit who you fuck. Your life is not that important to most people. Hopefully all you whiny bitches realise that sooner so you can get on with putting your dick in fatties instead of avoiding it because you think your friends will say something.
I'd rather not have many FAs, it means more competition, the pool of 6′0 > fat pears i'm fixated on is small enough already. In my ideal world fat girls are oblivious on the festish aspects until they meet a good partner, but is seems obvious that a lot fat girls will already have looked up BBW porn at that point, especially some of the more insecure ones to gauge interest.
>>29853 (OP)
I'm sure this rings true, but I feel like it does depend on the group. I notice some people have a different conception of what counts as "curvy" or "chubby".

Might be just my friend group though, since I quite often see fat girls get hit on in clubs etc. by groups of mates who clearly don't mind/care. It's weird, since inside my demographic it's still pretty frowned upon to get with a fat girl.
You know what? You're absolutely correct, but as someone with pretty low functioning anxiety, this made my night
Yeah, I appreciate the sentiment behind these threads, but their truth is completely dependent on class, race, country, etc. People are getting more accepting across the board, but the rate of change varies wildly. I'm in finance. Girls start getting called "chubby" at a 23 BMI. The size of some of the girls I've seen get called "fat" would truly blow this board's mind. Even a skinny chick with huge tits is frowned upon. If my friends saw me with some of the girls I've been with, they wouldn't be like "haha how was the slump buster you freak". They would be like, "Are you doing okay? Did you hit your head or something? You know you're torpedoing your career, right?" They would be concerned for my livelihood.
>I'm in finance.
There's your problem brah. "A size 6 is a Goldman size 16."

Agree with the assessment that this stuff is context-dependent, though. I don't work in finance, but I know people who do (plus I'm a recovering NYC art/lit scenester and that subculture has a similar mentality), so I understand your situation. But I do think it's an outlier compared to ordinary middle class America. My outsider's impression is that finance is a strangely old-fashioned industry where men are still expected to have a traditional wife-and-kids lifestyle if they want to look "respectable" and move up at the firm. That's not really the case in most white-collar professions these days, to say nothing of the working class.

I have the opposite problem as a marginal academic, nobody would care if I had an SSBBW wife but I'll never make the kind of money that would allow me to feed her the way I'd want to.
Expected to have a wife and kids after they hit a certain age, I should say.
What's so difficult about feeding an SSBBW for you? My wife was still gaining when I was only a student.
Yeah, it's for sure one of the worst environments. Very old-fashioned. But it would be much, much better to have a husband than a fat wife. And it's a big industry! And my sense from friends and acquaintances is that tech, the only industry I could reasonably pivot to, is similar. It's ok if they're a guy, but your partner needs to be in the Arcteryx/Lulu fit hiking with you.

I was also a Bushwick rat in my past life. I still go to see friends' shows and stuff and think it's changing a lot faster there. "Thick" girls are pretty in-demand. There are cute fatties around and though they don't seem popular, I think just their presence is a sign of change. I think the artsy lifestyle with American food is too unhealthy to keep women skinny without ED-type behavior. People talk online there being an ED resurgence, and maybe that's happening for them mentally, but I'm not seeing actual results on the ground.

Honestly, yeah, I'm with the Strayan (hoping he's not the annoying LARPer). Unless you're trying to Michelin-woman her exclusively with Michelin-stars, I don't think money is too relevant for fattening.
A fat broke women us a typical white trash American. A fat woman with a rich husband is an influence:
It's not that I literally *couldn't* fatten someone, but on my budget that would mean cooking pasta at home most of the time. It's a moot point because I'm married to a fat woman who's not a feedist, but if I were doing this IRL it would be fun and satisfying to go balls out and treat my partner to restaurant stuffings and unlimited takeout. Not talking Michelin stars, just enabling regular delivery orders to keep her fat and lazy. But that's more my own sense of what I'd like to be able to do if I went for it, I guess.

>"Thick" girls are pretty in-demand. There are cute fatties around and though they don't seem popular, I think just their presence is a sign of change. I think the artsy lifestyle with American food is too unhealthy to keep women skinny without ED-type behavior. People talk online there being an ED resurgence, and maybe that's happening for them mentally, but I'm not seeing actual results on the ground.

I've been off the market for a while so my anecdotal impressions are getting moldy, but in NYC it seems like the combination of boho lifestyle and American diet leaves women sort of sallow and unhealthy but not truly fat. Totally different in middle America, though, I was in a Big Ten college town for work recently and my jaw dropped at the sheer number of cute 350+ superfats I saw who had a good sense of art girl style.

As an old guy who used to be a teenage script kiddie it makes me a sad that tech isn't a haven for weirdos any more, but I guess that hasn't really been the case since the original dot com bubble.
Fair. I've never been into the whole "decadence"/"spoiling" side of feedism. The fat girls I've dated got that way from soda, TV dinners, and constant mindless snacking, so that's what I find hot.

Yeah, the sallow skinnyfat thing is still around. I don't think fat chicks are gonna take over Brooklyn or anything, but there has been an increase in the 8 years I've been around. It checks out logically: people around the country are getting fatter and NYC is getting more transplant-heavy.

Which town? I grew up in one of them and still go back to see family often. Obviously a lot more obesity than here, but I definitely don't see 350+ superfats.

To be fair I'm viewing it from the fintech bullshit side of the fence that I'd go towards. Don't think anyone would care about a SSBBW wife if I was an embedded superstar or something.
Yeah, the arc of history bends toward obesity. I'm an oldfag who was around for the original Bedford/Lorimer "indie sleaze" era in the early aughts and it was fatphobic cocaine chic top to bottom. (I hated that aesthetic even at the time and I can't believe the Zoomers think it's a good idea to revive.)

Not going to say exactly where I was, but it's one of the powerhouse schools in a lakefront state. Admittedly, "sheer number" means 3 or 4, but compared to zero that's a qualitative difference, lol. And this was in the course of a single afternoon that I had free to hang out downtown for a while.

>walk into a local independent bookstore
>SSBBW perched on a stepstool stocking shelves
>ass is twice as wide as the stool, almost as wide as the bookshelf
>boho style, hair in a bandana and she's wearing one of those "overalls but with shorts" outfits
>perfect skin
>I can see her exposed side rolls jiggling through the sides of the overalls

I'm an old married guy and she was probably just out of undergrad, so I wasn't gonna spit any game. But damn, that fried my brain for the rest of the afternoon. They live well out there.

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