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We must advocate for the decriminalization and support for MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons).
This way MB he society should progress on its way to the more equitable future.
Stnad up with LGBTQIAP++
No. Fuck off pedo. Get help
Only help they need is suck starting a shotgun
Society's a whore. Society is a construct that feeds on and victimizes a few slaves for the sake of the majority. Anything that society fakes as a good result isn't just over shadowed by all of the evil destruction and immorality, the same good can also done with greater results and possibly more efficiently through means other than a society or government. You are wrong and you're a failure in my eyes. Your deeds have caused me to consider you unfit to rule.
obviously this is stupid bait and normalizing pedophilia is fucking stupid but maybe this is an opportunity to have an actual discussion.

i feel really bad for non offending pedophiles. as someone with a fat kink that i've struggled with and haven't been able to get rid of and have spent decades trying to deny, i know that there's no escaping your attractions and you certainly don't get a choice in the matter.

luckily im attracted to consenting adult fat women, but holy shit it really must be a miserable existence to only get turned on by kids. if i felt like that, i would have to get some really heavy therapy, if not chemically castrated or even just rope
>>29724 This post's not just. Sexual attraction to human babies isn't and hasn't ever been a crime, but still, your post's not just. You aren't worthy.

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