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I've been seriously dating this big girl for two years now. She is 5'5 about 260 LBS with most of her fat depositing on her belly, tits and on her back.

She has no interest in FA stuff but she has never said anything against it either. She is one of those body positive people who complain about things being fatphobic but she isn't too obnoxious about it.

She eats way less than me and way healthier too so I don't know how she is so large. I've never tried stuffing her.

She loves me a lot and is very committed to me but I've always been too timid to tell her I want her to gain because I'm worried what her reaction would be.

I have been coaxing her in that direction though and building up her confidence about her current weight. Like grabbing her and rolling her ontop of me and telling her that she has gorgeous curves. I've gotten her comfortable with me grabbing and kissing her belly.

An obstical is that her doctor told her to lose weight a while back when she went to the hospital for something unrelated. I was super supportive of course. Thankfully she lost almost nothing.

Given this situation how do I get her comfortable with the idea of gaining? What have you done in the past to convince normie girls to gain?

All advice is welcome
>>29539 (OP)
You can't really. Best you can hope for (if you want that) is that you bring it up and she goes along with it for you. Until she gains to a certain level shes wildly uncomfortable with and calls it quits. Otherwise, no way she'll actually be aroused by you fattening her.
I'm in the same boat here bro. gf is 135, which is pretty small considering most of the girls on here. She was ~100/110 when we met, so that's nice.

That being said, she complains about her belly and bloating. She's got the cutest lil belly that is just barely enough to grab. I just wish I had the right words to let her know I love her belly.

I'm thinking of a having a bit of a 'coming out' convo, where I admit to liking certain things, ie foodplay/stuffing, belly play and then working up to weight gain or other things.

Best of luck to you
I went through this with my wife. She was about 60kg when we first met eight years ago, now she's 174kg.

When we first had "The Conversation," we began by talking about her being a cocksize queen, and what else I could do play into it. Then she turned the question on me and I told her what I was into and suggested that she try belly stuffing for a couple weeks. She has been hooked ever since.
I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Encourage her nonchalantly and wait till she gets bigger. She’ll eventually complain and ask for your help or opinion. To which you tell her she’s just fine the way she is. You love her regardless. Telling her you have a fat fetish could scare her off or ruin the relationship. Playing the long game is way safer if you really want this girl to stick around. If you do talk to her, keep us updated man
tell her about your fetish and see where it goes from there, that's really all you can do. maybe preface it by asking her what she's into, if there's anything she wants to try etc, then when she asks you drop it. don't say "i want you to gain weight," just tell her you find her fat hot and that you're INTO weight gain. small difference but a key one. good luck anon.
Luckily I’m already on that encouragement phase. Was giving her head last night and she complained about her tummy. I told her I liked it. Really, the next step is convincing her to get bigger, with an explicit request or otherwise
I wanna do foodplay with my GF. How should i go about that?
anyone who complains about anything "fatphobic" is already a lost cause, do whatever you want you stand to lose nothing
Talk to her about it? Preface it by asking her what you can do for her. As I explained here:>>29577
forgot to mention that because you haven't told her for two years it could backfire on you. that goes for everyone in this thread keeping their fetish a secret, in my experience it's way better to get it out of the way early
Yes, absolutely true. I think my wife knew within a month of our dating.

Yeah you got to say something. My wife has known for years that I was into her gaining weight, but she wasn't really keen on it. Over the last 2-3 years or so, when she would eat too much (which was only like 1-2 times a month) I'd rub her belly which eventually turned into getting her off. Started happening more frequently and I called it her "reward." That was about 120 pounds ago. In the meanwhile I gained about 80 pounds and I think that changed her perception a lot too. Maybe sacrifice yourself some.
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I've met this chubby 156cm girl recently, we've been on 2 dates, and she's really cute, and has huuuge tits. She mad attracted to me, and highkey caught feelings for me. She doesn't weight herself and doesn't look at the scale even at doctors office, so that's actually great for fattening because if a chick will see the number go to high up she'll panic.

She "loves pain" so apart from typical shit I suggested to help her "eat" (read as "fucking stuff her") before fucking, so she "can feel more pain off different kind" and she said we can try this. And I didn't push it to much, basically mentioned that food is my fetish. (earlier I said that i dig fat chicks so she could have connected the dots already)

Today she asks me if im okay with her sharing another of her fetishes with me, and im like sure. So turns out she likes ddlg and I play along, I never really did this before but Im a youngfag and don't have much expierience, and tried to tie in some feederism stuff, about how "I need to care for you", "You need to listen to ddy", "I'll feed you babyfood" and some other stupid shit. She fucking loved it. And agreed to try stuffing, hopefully my dick will deliver and turn her into a feedee cuz I think there is potential.

Any tips for what I could do with her?

Also im fucking binging on stims. so sorry if I talk total gibberish
Do you remember how you started that conversation? I just don’t know how to springboard into that discussion.

I don't know 100% to be honest. I cook most everything and I'm italian so it becan by saying it's in my nature to feed people, which is true. Evolving to spooning and caressing her belly and saying "I love that belly." It's just a lot of honest compliments and being open that you love tonsee her eat and a product of that. Remember, girls have it WAY harder than guys do so even if you're being honest about it and theyblike the attention there's a lot of years of repression and ahame.to overcome. Genuine, support love and affection go a long way. I mean that your partner and if they feel they're doing something for you, you had better damn well reciprocate the effort. I threw away 2 girls in my early/mid 20s that would of been 500+ because I was an asshole. Be nice, be loving and understand the struggles they have. Taking care of someone makes it easy for them to get huge, it's about hedonism at rhe end of the day. Enable it.

God damn the spelling errors and lack of proofreading.
just go with the flow poleanon, sounds like you've got it all in hand as long as you don't overthink it. just ease her in and don't go too hard to begin with, if she enjoys stuffing then you can open up about your kinks a bit more. don't dance around it for too long. good luck!
>be me, two days ago
>shower with gf
>lotion her as she eats skittles
>she complains an outfit she tried on isn’t fitting anymore
>doesn’t seem particularly upset by this
>she asks for an ice cream cake
>practically sprint out the door to get her one
>she has two slices

>next day / yesterday
>ask gf if I could feed her while she’s in some lingerie
>she agrees
>she has seconds at dinner

Things are falling into place
First get get addicted to blow or H, then when it’s not sustainable swap out substance abuse for food addiction. I’ve had an good 75% success rating here.

It went well. We started with typical date shit, so I'm not gonna bore you with that, but we've eaten out, she ate everything, and then we came to my place, I've put on a movie, prepared snacks, she's been munching on them throught the movie, but before the movie finished we started making out. She ate during sex and said that she enjoyed it, although she was so full she said she propably won't need to eat next day, but next morning when I was making breakfast for us she said that she can't eat because of her thyroid medication. I asked her why? And basically it's just the way those particular pills work (idk what they're called) and she said that she really enjoyed it but she's afraid that she'll gain weight and her thyroid problem will get worse.

Kinda stuck here now, on 1 hand she seems to be kinda into it, on the other hand she got health problems.

Any medbro can reel me in what could there be with her thyroid and how impactfull gaining weight could be? If it's bad I'll propably leave it at that and maybe mention someday "btw I like the extra weight you've put on" (if she even puts on any). If it's not that bad I guess I would push her more into what a feedee is and all this shit slowly.
sounds like she has hypothyroidism. if shes like most women she probably has hashimotos, which is an autoimmune condition. no amount of gaining or losing weight will change that.
either way, im fat with subclinical hypothyroidism and no doctor has ever mentioned weight can make it worse. its kind of the opposite, hypothyroidism makes it easier to gain weight, gaining weight doesnt make hypothyroidism worse. especially if she gets regular check ups for her T3 and T4 levels she should be fine.
also if the breakfast stuff bothers either of you, what I do is wake up 2 hours (if she doesnt take iron with breakfast she should be okay to only wait half an hour) before just to take my meds, then eat breakfast when i wake up for real.
Thanks brother, we've talked some more, and I explained it to her. She's had no fucking clue what it means to have a hypothyrodoism, she didn't care about how it works and what it affects just took meds. After some talking She became convinced to gain weight for me. Hopefully she will enjoy it as much as I will haha. Thanks down under anon I need to get you a beer
original down under anon here, i can't speak for >>29773 but i'll take a źywiec

in all seriousness tho i'm happy for you bro, wishing you and your girl all the best
Wouldn't telling your so that it turns you on when she's uncomfortably full and then only letting her cum when she's done that be a nice way of conditioning? Just brainstorming here
>. After some talking She became convinced to gain weight for me

Aleś ty trafił ziomek xd
Doesn’t sound like it. If she didn’t come into the relationship liking fat, it’s unlikely to change.
Good job pressuring a sick woman to go with your fetish tho.
Guys, I need some help

I'm confuse about my girlfriend and her relation with food.
When we first met, I notice she has an eating disorder. She stayed I'll never see her eating in front of me. But some months after that she became more comfy about it. Which me make feel good for her. But some weeks later, entering the last semester of college, she suggested almost everyday to buy junkfood. From monday to friday, we used to eat icecream, cupnoodles, greasy pizza with chips and lots of candies

It was weird in retrospective. And at the last months of collegue, she thanked me for agreeing on those plans, considering them something "special"

I have this urge to be honest and talk about my fetish, unfortunately, that will probably make her fell bad cause, in appereance, she doesn't like to be fat, and every compliment that I gave her comes with a "really?"

But then happened this...
Every time we got drunk together and there's food, she eats more and faster, even after saying that she's full

A few weeks ago I was touching her tits, so I raise her top to see her belly being discreet. At one point, I heard she hit her belly a little bit hard, but when I tried to look, she cover it

Another thing was that she touch my abs (kinda flat). And when she tries to zip my pants having a boner, she repeats "your pants don't close anymore" while forcing the zip

This is a resume, so I just want to know, what you guys think?

Should I tell her about the fetish?

I love her and I don't want to affect the relation but, in a long term, I'm afraid that if she lose weight my atraction for her will disappear
And maybe she will think that all the compliments were just because I like her fat
Barring a true feedee — a fetishist — it's going to be a long game, and a gamble. Normie guys marry a conventionally hot (slim) woman and she bulks up at some point. It happens.

Basically no sane woman wants to be fat, and trust me that you don't want to be with an insane one, even short term. Build a trusting relationship with a girl you like on all levels and if she feels safe and comfortable with you, she /might/ learn to accept herself fat. Age and entropy will lead naturally to weight gain and if she knows you're into it, she'll have an incentive not to do anything drastic about it.

Far as servicing a feeder fetish, again, if she trusts you you might get her to play around with fantasy aspects of it, role playing and such. From what I know, feedist relationships are way better as fantasy than reality.
I finally told my kink to my girlfriend of three months and she was surprisingly receptive of it. She saw it from the perspective that she would always be taken care of and said it was fine. I've mainly kept the discussion light, but she knows I like larger women and that I have an eating kink, burp kink, and got turned on when she was stuffed a few times. But my turn ons go much deeper (mutual gaining, force feeding, and more) and frankly more sadistic.

Anyway, I don't know how to proceed. I've been fantasizing constantly since she we talked about this, but I'm scared to actually indulge in this in reality due to her already having some health issues that would get worse with more weight. However, I can't help but get turned on cooking for her and bringing her extra food. Anyway to indulge in this lightly?

I also saw this clip from GoddessGlutton that explains how to talk to girls about feedism. Is anyone willing to share? https://www.manyvids.com/Video/4607245/How-to-Talk-to-Girls-About-Feedism/
Your normiemaxxing post is depressing. Also aren't all women "insane" anyway? What's your point in writing this anyway? What passes for "sane" in our time is a godless whore who's quadruple'd up on that Fauci lean anyway.
Reality is you’re both ugly and broke. If you were taller, better looking and had money you’d find women happy to get fat for you. End of story.
You are here because fat women make you horny. So, use your horniness as your best bargaining material. Once you convince your gf/wife that the sex will be white hot with feeder fetishism worked in, you will have her hooked. Btw it took 10 years to "confess" to my gf and that definitely made it easier. She's only gained 50 pounds but that's good enough for me. All she has to do is wear tight skimpy clothes from when she was lighter and that is good enough for me. That + fantasy talk which is harmless. Again, when your gf sees how horny it makes you, she will slowly give in. Women want hot sex just as much as men do.
Becuase the way the OP was written he seems sincere about exploring his fetish in a realistic way. So with benefit of hindsight I'm giving him a blueprint toward building a happy life with an actual woman, with caveats. Rather than cringy, one-handed cosplaying like you and >>33164.
There are no true feedees. What you need to do is find some way to break her mentally: addiction, abuse, enablement, bribery, etc. just wear her down until she’s too fat and tired to resist falling into the void.
There are very few true feedees, true, but it doesn't have to be abusive. I was saying women are hard-wired to please men they like and trust. Fat women in particular have been shit on all their lives, they're desperate for validation. Again, no guarantees, but guy can work with those factors and everyone gets what they want.
bump looking for the goddessglutton vid
>>29539 (OP)
Give her some treats under the guise of baking/cooking, and see how she takes to being spoiled. Since she's fat to begin with, unless she's using a scale she won't have a way to track her weight, and she'll just let it slide under you being nice. However, if she notices, you can just say you like her enjoying herself, and stop cooking for her or replace it with lower calorie options. If she decides to become a full-time gym bunny, call her bluff and support her - if she was born fat, she should give up soon enough.
Loser. Do not covertly feed someone to get your fetish fix.
Either your worth being with fat or not. Maybe she’ll be happy fat and doesn’t think decent men would like her.
Sounds like she would rather lose you and the weight. If you were a better catch she might happily gain for you if your honest.
It's not "covertly" feeding her if she consents to being pampered, dude. For a normie who's not aware of how feederism works, all she would know is that OP has a new hobby and she gets to benefit from it, if she chooses. That's why I said:
>However, if she notices, you can just say you like her enjoying herself, and stop cooking for her or replace it with lower calorie options. If she decides to become a full-time gym bunny, call her bluff and support her - if she was born fat, she should give up soon enough.

The only thing not accounted for is if she loses the weight, wants to keep it off, and can't be convinced otherwise. If there's no other way to save the relationship, then both parties should walk. But when you take into account most women are lazy and can't even cook, they'd take the easy route as long as their friends and family don't care. Women generally hate the idea of hardcore feederism unless they know they're into it, but being spoiled like a princess? That's every girl's dream as a kid, all you gotta do is be Mr. Snuggles at the tea party and be generous to her. If you reframe it as "fluff kink", as some women call gentle feederism, soon she'll ask you to make the cannoli to binge in her room later.
Semi related, my girlfriend just asked me if I would love her if she got fat, she’s currently thin, still very hot to me, but I would love it if she got fat. Do you think this was just a normal dumb girlfriend question or something more? She doesn’t know I love this.
It's definitely an acid test. If you'd said no, you'd have been screwed up, probably. She needs to know that you wouldn't dump her if she looked "bad" (fat).
>>36865 that wasn't their point. hiding your intentions behind a layer of bullshit is just fucked up especially since you'll be getting off to it while she could potentially get health problems or body image issues. it's a kink, keep it consensual retard.
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Great, a concern troll.
If you tell a woman she's going to gain weight on the first date, at least 90% of women will reject it on the spot, or reject you. You can take the risk with the 10% remaining, but usually they'll have a screw loose in other ways.

However, if you take your date to something like the Cheesecake factory or other high-class restaurant, she might feel compelled to have a bit of dessert of her own will, compared to some shitty flavortown dive. If she was worried about her health, she can just order something light, work it off later, or just binge and purge behind your back. Likewise, if you bake a red velvet cake for her, she might appreciate the gesture, and from there the choice is hers how she'll dispose of it. And if she wants you to stop cooking for her (I'm NOT saying put fatty shit in behind her back), if she feels like you have nothing else to offer, she'll get bored and leave you. She would be perfectly in control of her actions; if she doesn't want the bonbons she'll eventually say no, her health is her responsibility at all stages.

But, most girls don't see their health like how a /fit/izen see themselves. They just want to be worshipped without the social stigma of being fat: if they can still have their social privilege without putting in the effort, they would. If you somehow court a gym bunny, feel free to break up with them and tell them why it won't work out. But for a housewife, she'll eventually be on the couch and doesn't need to be beach body ready, she just wants someone she can vibe with for the rest of her life.

Pic related, not all women are dumbasses. If a girl is willing to put up with a Perfectly Normal Chef BF™, it means she likes them warts and all. Then, if you want, get her horny and ask how she feels about her weight and ease into it, like erotic eating. You'll hit a break even point most of the time, but if you're lucky she might go all the way. Submissives especially like the idea of their partner controlling them, but they have to let their guard down first before you can get to that trust stage.
I think there is a reasonable middle ground between announcing you're a feeder on the first date like a psycho coomer and waiting literal years of marriage for her to slowly fatten up. Also neurotypical women at least in the West often suck donkey dick, and not just literally.
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Also pic related. Give a woman a mask, and she'll tell you everything she wants. And I don't think a stacy like her was born into this, or had her boyfriend hit the ground running with a bad explanation. They can figure it out, and you don't have to be the bad experience that makes it awkward whipping out the tube before they're ready. Make her feel like she's getting her end of the bargain too.
Not years, that's too much. But certainly around the 6 month mark, that's when they usually get comfortable enough to be open in bed. Go in slowly, make it comfy for her. If she has no potential, then you can catch and release. But these things can't be found out before first base.
I mean, if your pro body positivity and openly kinky that’s a start. You don’t have to announce every kink out loud on the first date but being dominant, grabbing fat, calling her fat, and insisting she indulge in food can all set a dynamic that makes it less a deep dark confession and more an explanation for why you fuck like you fuck.
If you’re attractive and have a decent dick, she’ll be attentive to what gets you rock hard and shouldn’t be surprised. Make her indulge her kinks and explore her own depravity together.
If good kinky sex isn’t central to your dynamic why the fuck would she be obese to fulfill your fetish bro.
I had to stop fapping when someone called the Cheesecake Factory a high class restaurant.
The point is, it's a step above a fast food dive, and it has the basics: a well-rounded menu, bar, and a decent atmosphere without a sports TV blaring in the background. If you want to dive into the 5-star rabbit hole, your only choice is local and doing your research, as nobody else wants to be a nationwide chain that's above an Applebee's.

At least if you put in some thought into where you go for the first date, it'll break the ice until you're both comfortable enough to try out flavortown. If you somehow court a tiktok bitch that expects you to guess where she wants you to pick, then she deserves to get filtered, or she's just throwing for content.

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