
(27 KB, 400x400, b0dJ5fZi_400x400.jpg)
Check this out. This seems to be a really bizarre channel for "news" and drama about feederism but seems to also have a real hatred for feederism based on some of the language in the videos and on this person's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Silkevia

They seem to have a very particular hatred for Candii Kayn especially, couldn't tell you why, and thinks they're on some kind of crusade against feederism.

The part that really stuck out to me was the absolute uncanny nature of the whole channel and account. It has this incredibly bizarre, slightly disturbing avatar and what I can only presume is an AI generated voiceover for narrator.

What do you make of all this???
Hairy yet tiny pussies are really in right now... So I've heard.
They're appearantly extremely rare but can be found near South American villages and river shores. Tiny pussies with long blonde hairs.
Isn't this just that Milkrez fucker or whoever it was who made those weird bio videos on BBW models? I remember he had a hate boner for Candii too for some reason.
>>29472 (OP)
odds on OP being the guy who owns this account trying to get attention
>>29472 (OP)
the videos aren't even well made, you can be a dumb gossip channel so long as your videos are fun to watch. they're all weird moralistic rants like one part in the candii video where he says that candii 'knows the majority of her viewers are children' because she used the phrase 'kids at home' jokingly in a video lol. we should report his videos/poke him with a stick and see if Silkevia has an entertaining sperg rage as a result
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>introduced to the internet in 2006-2007
*laughs in oldfag"

Lmao, I've seen more regular porn stars die within the past 15 years than BBWs. He's going to get destroyed due to not fact checking alone.
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speaking of weird BBW youtube channels, the pic related dude is fucking shameless. I think i'd rather walk around naked once then out myself as coomer to this capacity. "bigcutie tierlist" lmfao. Curvy Shrine is up there ass well that guy must have posted hundreds of 10 minute orations on fat woman by now, but looking at the comments, women seem to dig it.

Kinda swag though
His stuff is cringe. As much as I am fine with people discussing tier lists of BC models, he is so fucking uncomfortable to watch.

I will commend him for having the balls to show his face instead of using text to speech and using some shitty looking avatar.
>hates Jenni Bombshell for looking allegedly mannish yet thinks Marilyn in clown makeup and literal balloon shape is "insanely hot"


Confused on why he put a man in the Godess section.
Isn't his Yt channel just a bet with his friend to get the most subscribers? pretty sure he said that in an earlier video
I can garuntee you I am not. This guy is an autistic fag, I just stumbled on him and thought it was too weird not to share
Don't give him you're views, the guy is a nutter. Hopefully he gets doxxed one day
>>29472 (OP)
wow thats creepy as fuck. anticipating some fucked up pipergate shit behind this
I guarantee you this man thinks publicizing his fat fetish will get some obese loner girl to hit him
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what he is thinking, but I believe it's just doing the exact opposite. I hope no one he knows will ever find that channel.

I told him once his videos were cringe and he got really upset about it
LMAO what did he say
I tried to find his answer but I think he deleted his video.

He said that usually he does not reply to mean comments but he had to reply to mine because he didn't understand it. He asked me what did I find cringe in his video, was it his English? If so it's unfair because he puts efforts in the pronuciation blabla
He sounded hurt and on another planet.
Found it. Look at that rent lmao

> "I don't usually answer comments and the hate ones that are purely negative and nonsensical like "you're fucking garbage" I delete them because they don't contribute to anything, but I didn't understand your comment well and I wanted to ask you:

From what I understand, cringe is an adjective always with a negative connotation, so I would like to ask you, why did you have that feeling? I try to create original and fun content for the community, while also talking about serious topics. The videos really take a lot of work, even if it doesn't seem like it, and each video the quality improves a little bit. Nowadays I don't think I make bad videos no more, even though they can be improved A LOT, especially my English. But damn, I try. I'm the only bastard in the community who does something.

Maybe I did not understand your comment correctly, and you meant that I am very shameless or something like that (that I am). I'd just like to know if I'm doing something obviously wrong/bad that I don't see. I am proud of my content even if it can be improved in a lot of ways. I don't understand so much hate. Like I said, I don't do this very often, so if you want to tell me something, now you have the opportunity."
>Isn't this just that Milkrez fucker

90% sure it's him yeah
>>29590 Some enjoy cringe. I wouldn't be proud of being cringe if I were you. There are worse things though, and you should always strive to be yourself. If you're cringe perhaps try to be less cringe while still enjoying yourself. Sometimes you may recieve accusations of being cringe that are unwarranted. This is the product of an evil society in a state of decay. A falling from its glory days. You should ignore accusations of cringe if they're false or depending on the matter deal with it in a most uncringe manner to disprove any likelyhood of the accusations being accurate. There's an old saying, letting them see you doing well is the best revenge.
I was quoting him. He is not actually on the thread

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