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Immobility is something often talked about in this community but I've never heard from somebody who has actually been a caregiver for a girl too fat too walk. What are the biggest challanges? What details do stories about immobility miss the most?
I imagine the smell is fucking rancid.
1. The stench and constant cleaning. Remember the funk and gunk that gets trapped underneath the layers of fat. Ignore it for too long and the skin will become scaly and brown.

2. Her bathroom needs. Is she going to piss/shit in a bed pan or are you going to risk busting a hernia hauling her ass to the toilet several times a day.

3. Maintaining good moral for someone who's bedridden. Can't just leave her in alone while you go out and have fun.

4. Constant medical upkeep and monitoring of course.

There's much more, but these are the main four that I hardly see anyone bring up.
Okay but, did you actually take care of a half ton woman before?
Cleaning a massive bedbound chicks fat rolls every day sounds hot in fantasy but in reality it actually seems pretty annoying to have to do.
>>29296 How beautiful is she? Or alternatively, how large are her breadts?

Does it matter? This is the type of things that someone with common sense would take into consideration. You're essentially an RN taking care of an in-home patient at this point. What, you think she's going to magically walk to the bathroom or be able to take care of herself?
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I've never been the caretaker for someone who was literally immobile, but I dated someone who was 600+ pounds and whose mobility was limited. She could stand and walk short distances, but it was hard work, and she used a scooter to get around when she left the house.

>>29289 has it right. First off, there's the smell. I'm not into gross/slob stuff even as a fantasy, but I wasn't prepared for just how bad it was going to be. It wasn't always at its worst, but when it was, it was *ripe* and you could smell it from a couple feet away.

And point 3 is an issue even before true immobility. If her mobility is limited enough that it's difficult to leave the house and do stuff, that means her range of hobbies and life experiences is going to be pretty limited. Maybe you can luck out and find an immobile but brilliant nerd goddess who uses the Internet to become a knowledgeable conversationist about a wide range of intellectual and artistic subjects... but in my experience, with pretty much every 500+ SSBBW I ever dated, her main "hobby" was sitting on the couch and watching TV.

If she has trouble leaving the house, how will this integrate with the rest of your life? Are you okay with her not being able to spend time outside the home with you and your friend group? Will you get bored being cooped up in the house? How often will you go out solo to pursue your hobbies while she sits at home? Will *she* be okay with whatever you choose?

And yeah, I never got to the point of moving in with her and being a live-in caretaker, but I thought a lot about what this would look like in reality. I'm in decent physical shape, but it was disturbing to think about how if she had any kind of health crisis, or if she fell and couldn't get up, I literally wouldn't be able to get her up and take her to the hospital by myself, I'd have to call EMS and tell them to send a bunch of people.

There's a lot about immobility that I find hot in fantasy, including the romance and intimacy of being someone's caretaker, and the sheer amount of gluttony it takes to reach that size. But after my brushes with the reality I accepted that this was something better off left as a fantasy.
How was the sex with her anon?
Hot except for the smell
Did she live alone? Could she drive a car? What was her body shape like? How did you meet her?
>Did she live alone?
No, she lived with her family. They weren't actively feeding or enabling her, or anything kinky like that, but I got the sense that they had made their peace with her size and were willing to help her out because she was part of the family. She worked as a receptionist at a small business they owned. I met her mom and her sister, but usually I would come over to visit when they were out of the house.

>Could she drive a car?
No. A family member had to drive her places.

>What was her body shape like?
Mostly belly and legs, not much ass.

>How did you meet her?
At a bash.
>>29305 how exactly would you describe the smell?
How old was she, roughly? Like most families won't want them living with them into their 30s...
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Same funk anyone gets when they haven't showered recently, just amped up

Early 30s. We didn't date for all that long so I didn't get to know her family that well. I can't imagine they were happy about it, but like I said, my impression was that they had made their peace with it, for better or worse. It probably helped that they owned a family business where she could make herself useful.
The bash part is crazy, was she nearly immobile at the bash too or did she put on a lot between then and when you started dating?
I've run into the smell issue even with a girl in the 400s. I'm not sure what options there are apart from daily showers. Lume kind of helps.
Aren't daily showers the default for everyone? O.o
You'd be surprised. It seems the fatter a girl gets, the harder it is on her to shower, and the more likely she'll skip a day, several days, or even a week.

I recall on Miss GG's episode of My 600-lb Life, her partner said she would go weeks without showering....
You're not wrong. I know someone over 600lbs and showers at most twice a week on her own volition. She'll absolutely shower if she's anticipating company, but otherwise not really.

Bruh you might love living in Japan. Just a suggestion.

He pissed off Japanese people so hard that his comment was deleted.
That’s a lot of showers. If you work out or do physical labor that’s correct. If not it’s just weird indoor kid clean freak to shower everyday.
This is really gross dude, you should shower every day.
I bet you fucking stink.
Anon please shower
Imagine being so disgusting that you have to shower every day lmao
Maybe men are just stinkier by nature but if I don’t do anything physically demanding showering every other day is more that sufficient.
Also this obsession with showering daily seems to be an American thing to me
>"seems to be an American thing to me"
>hides his flag

My fucking sides
If you didn’t live in the most basic ass generic country you would consider hiding it as well
What the fuck
I think he's got Asperger's.
So it's like a life of love shackled slavery? God forbid if you end up having children.
hey that's the beauty of this diverse country. He could be some illegal that just got in. Some greek uncle who hasn't learned english despite living here for 60 years. He could be some maniac sovereign citizen of "moonrock, crack county" who really doesn't trust water fluoridation (Hopefully you don't live in the SW US, where fluoride is so naturally abundant in groundwater that they have to REMOVE it.)
I feel the only way to deal with this would be in a cold climate and with a sort of atlantis system of swimming/wading pools. let her become like some giant semi-aquatic herbivores (except you know, obviously carrion-omnivore)

I don't know how someone can deal with watching television all the time. Jesis, I think social media viewing is bad... that's like injecting cocaine whereas television is like a marathon of bath salts, freon huffing, nutmeg deliriant with a hint of anti-freeze to wash it down.

id rather wait for the prison library cart to roll by.
although life locked in a single wide trailer in hick country is kinda like prison. Except in prison they surround you in concrete to prevent you from making an easy escape simply by burning down your cardboard/fake wood paneling enclosure. but imagine if there hadn't been a shower for like... real long, and the individual was so greasy that one especially virulant methane loaded fart reached an ignition source and torched the entire body like a turpentine soaked rag.
>God forbid if you end up having children.

The baby is either going to come out like a soft boiled egg or hard as a diamond. The kid is going to go through a lot of shit before it's even born
>>29805 I would be a fool to have children in this whore of a country. I would rather literally take my chances in the jungles of Africa than subject my child to the evil society that you call America. You can scare other's children into offing themselves, but not mine. Your group would be dead before you stalked my child. I'd be a better father than you've ever been.

Shut your retarded ass up. I'd expect this shit from the Aussies, not some syrup-sucking Ice-Nigger
>>29809 I love the retarded girl. She's better than you.

No I'm better.
Shut the fuck up Amerertard. Don't you have a mass shooting to attend?

Shouldn't you be scarfing down vegemite while getting your ass kicked by emus?


Lmao, the kangaroo fucker can't even win a war against poultry.
Let's fucking go!

Where we going?
>>29277 (OP)
I have have been pondering about what it would be like to have sex with Echo. In my mind it seems amazing. But I couldn't take care of her, even though she is really cute.

LMAO I forgot about the Emu war thanks for reminding me. Don't hate me Australia, shits too funny.
>>29918 Australia is 1 of my fave countries for more than 1 reason. Do you think it's possible that you're just an asshole? I'm sure there's ugly Australian girls that would let you fuck them. Don't be such a bad sport, sissy man. You're behavior is that of part of a herd. You're like cattle. Follow Jesus and be manly
Hey, I like the roo's too but the history can still be funny, and being manly pays off when Democrats are not fucking shit up nonstop making everything gay. Also, being manly might do France some good seeing as how you lot have not won a single war without help from other countries since the 1640s? At least France is standing up for its retirement age and telling Macron to fucking kick rocks so it's a start.
>>29920 I don't think you know anything about either of them war or retirement, but thanks for trying to not be a big sissy-man. At least it's better than nothing. Keep trying and maybe in the long run you will stop being like woman and btw at least France knows right from wrong and Frenchies know when to stand up for what is right despite the opposition or how difficult standing up for what's right can be sometimes
Why is american banter so shit? You don't know anything, so you never say anything interesting or funny about someone elses country.
Your humour is just the 1 to 2 things you know about another country, that isn't even necessarily true.
France = Surrendered
Australia = Unsuccessful emu cull
Britain = Bad teeth + Spell things differently
Canada = Cold
Whatever will you come up with next?
We don't think you're funny, and you get laughed at for all the wrong reasons.
You're like the new kid at school who doesn't know any of the in-jokes but is trying to fit in anyway.

I thought in-jokes were gay. When did gay become cool? Do you honestly think that you can get better pussy than I?
>Whatever will you come up with next?

1. Well for starters you niggas think beans and toast is somehow a meal.

2. You still worship an outdated monarchy and waste millions per year so those bozos and sit there and act like gods. No wonder your healthcare is piss poor. You spent all that money keeping a 95 year old hag alive for too long.

3. The weather is as gloomy and depressing as the factories that enslaved minors up over there until 100 years ago.

4. The whole country smells like fish and raw ass since you dumbasses don't recycle shit. There's trash everywhere.

5. I rather risk a mass shooter than some crazy wanker with a knife fetish on every other block

6. The xenophobia there is even worse than in the US

7. Damn near half the adult population has a drinking problem. Yeah nigga, don't think we haven't noticed this.

8. The bullshit council tax. I guess y'all still butthurt that we kicked your asses for taxing us too much so you end up taxing your own people.
UK's been quiet for a while. We finally got a moment of silence.

Oh I see. You don't just like men, you're also extremely retarded. That's cool. Keep up the good work, DETECTIVE. Don't getcaught!
Holy fuck we are here to talk about blobs can you nationalist retards go to your own fucking thread?

Kick rocks froggie and quit defending your boyfriend.


Shut up bitch.
You’re not wrong, the vast majority of Great Britain is a grim post industrial hellscape, especially once you reach the M6 and enter the grim north. Still, imagine being American…

>>Still, imagine being American…

It's the greatest feeling. You should try it for once. Life is more than horrible weather and bean toast.
>>29277 (OP)
Her coomer needs and update bad.
Do you have a foreskin though

Are you a retarded though
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>but imagine if there hadn't been a shower for like... real long, and the individual was so greasy that one especially virulant methane loaded fart reached an ignition source and torched the entire body like a turpentine soaked rag.

Lmfao what the fuck possessed you to type this
1) Yes Americans do tend to shower more often than everyone else — for historical reasons https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2013/05/27/are-americans-too-obsessed-with-cleanliness/why-do-americans-cherish-cleanliess-look-to-war-and-advertising

2) Having a pool is super helpful for cleanliness and life enjoyment with an USSBBW, but I still need to shower after because of the chlorine

3) I think the hardest part of being really big is the impact on your social life

4) There is a certain beauty to the simplicity though—food, rest, entertainment, it can be good too

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