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I am back on this site after 5 months of not taking part of this fetish at all, and unfortunately nothing has changed. I have only ever been attracted to fat/chubby girls. I'm not against dating fat girls, but I don't want to be reduced to only this fetish. Has anyone here managed to condition themselves to enjoy skinny girls.
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Lol. Lmao, even. You cannot avoid the Scylla and Charybis of either fetish inceldom or ending up with a FatWife.™
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>>29156 (OP)
Yes. Both have their advantages, obviously enough.
There is a broad range of what can be considered fuckable. But it must be human, it must be alive, it must be female and have an even body type with well-balanced features.
>>29156 (OP)
i mean? why bother? you want to fuck fat chicks and dont mind dating them, wheres the issue? feels like you're just making problems for yourself
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I find it rather easy to be attracted to both skinny and fat woman. I vastly prefer one over the other but one thing I learned is that intimacy is the a big part of attraction. That's just me though
>>29156 (OP)
Back when i was younger i had this best friend who would make fun of me for liking fatter girsl so i thought something is wrong with me so i trained myself for 2 weeks and only watched "normal - skinny" girl porn, but it realy didnt feel for me...
Today i fucking love them fat and cant get enough.
the only way i enjoy skinny girl porn is when they get some nice huge bbc. I know this seems fucked up, but those small skinny 90pound woman getting pounded by some monster bbc gives me something, the contrast is what i love.
Anyway nothing wrong with being "reduced" to liking fat grils, i mean if you dont get off skinny girls but dont like to date fat girls maybe you SHOULD date a bigger girl, otherwise whats the point?
>>29190 No nothing wrong with BBC. You MIGHT be gay though. None of us can say for certain. Fir example, I had a dream that I fucked a midget once and I loved it. It's not going to be my main dish everytime I go to the buffet, but even when I've cheated on my wife my heart's been in another country. It's the way real love is. It's true love. And when she looks at you you feel its presence. To denie it would be to try to fool yourself.
you're probably right, they aren't exactly uncommon at my uni

I am just spooked by a shitty high school experience, where there was mutual interest but it went to shit because I freaked out because I couldn't make myself into them. At the time I just wanted to be normal.

Guess I just gotta stick to my lane
>>29193 Yes. But also stop being such a technically illiterate nerd. There are groups with plans and plots against you. They feed off of you and they will not be around when the rent is due they will be long gone. Grow up and grow a brain. Stop being evil. The ones that truly hate you are part of movs and groups that track you. Just them. Stop being a virgin bitch and grow some testicles. I've butt fucked cute girls all the time. You're not really gay, and you don't have to be afraid of old ppl in society with money causing you harm. They're real, but you don't have to be afraid of them because you will be protected if you stay on the right side.
>>29193 Some of them are aliens, but they're not from outer space. They're human, but they are possesed. They're trying to scare citizens and bring about a revolution because they hate the country music.
>>29193 I meant the country's music but also the country itself. They hate the culture and they hate what has happened in the past since generations ago. It is a satanic origin and they are trying to desensitize you with IDs and cameras, but "it's only for your safety". They're criminals.
I fucking hate country music
>>29207 And I love breasts. I'm trying to find a lesbian young girl to marry.
I've been into this since before the internet was super common and I've never been able to kick the fat chick habit. I just bit the bullet and got a FatWife.™

I've never had anyone say anything about my wife's weight, but if you're a younger guy just remember that the intense social pressure you're feeling in your friend group will fade in just a few short years and you'll be alone in your garage posting on an anonymous image board dedicated to obese women on a Saturday night no matter what you do because all of your friends will pair up with some Sheila just like you did and no one has any time because we all have kids and are all worried about bills/work and definitely don't have a spare moment to think that anons wife/gf is a bit hefty.
I never eanted to get rid of the fetish, just took me over my 20s to date my FatWife. No regrets, except a few more pounds lol
>>29156 (OP)
I join that question. I really don't mind social pressure. I could be ridiculed for life for dating fat girls, that's not even a real price to pay. If obesity wouldn't affect on my SO health, i would be the happiest person on earth

But we all know HAES etc is bullshit. I dont want that fetish and need a way out of this, please

>i enjoy skinny girl porn is when they get some nice huge bbc

Faggot and cuck, congrats, this make you even here like a elite of degenerates
I feel that.

The dream is for my girl to be fat when young, then in our middle ages she starts losing to a sustainable weight.

But in most cases those who enter their middle ages fat will stay fat. The older you get the more reluctant your body is to change.
I mean, being attracted to fat women isn't a fetish, inherently. It's a preference. Wanting the find a girl you can fatten to fill up an empty warehouse? THAT would be full-on fetish. There's nothing wrong with liking fat girls exclusively, and there's nothing wrong with having a fetish or practicing it with a consenting/mutually willing partner.

That being said, I myself am exclusively attracted to fat women since childhood. BUT. I had one thin, one-time sexual partner. It was a person who I was in unrequited love with in high school (She was 'thick' by early 2000s standards), who lost contact for a few years, then came back into my life, thinner than ever. We had a moment of passion hookup immediately after a breakup of my own. I don't think it could have happened in any other context. It honestly was the perfect storm to get me to find this very thin woman attractive enough to sleep with.

Funny thing is, she's been in love with ME for over a decade at this point, and outside of that one night of passion, I have no remaining interest or attraction to her. Great friend, and I recognize she's a beautiful girl, but she dies nothing for me. She knows my preferences and dating history, and even said to me once "I wish I was fat". Can't say I would ever imagine hearing that from anyone not into feedism.

But I digress. I like what I like. I've learned I can't turn it off, I always have and always will love very fat women exclusively; bonus if I get to join in on helping to make 'em even fatter and they love it, too.

Don't sell yourself short. Just pursue what you like. It really is that simple.
Not sure why it's important to you not to like fat chicks, but that's your journey. I guess the thing to do is put yourself in a situation where they're not around, like move to Japan or Korea. A lot of attraction is situational — why you get ostensibly straight guys going gay on navy ships or in prison. Spend a few months around thin women and they'll become very appealing. Don't be surprised though if you marry one and a few years in you notice something missing.
I hae devised over the years a multiple step plan to not get rid of the attraction to fat chicks but slowly pavlovs dog yourself into liking skinny chicks. We talk a lot about how we started off liking chubby girls when we learned about this fetish, then slowly trained ourselves to like bbws too and then before we all knew it we liked top end ssbbws too, but it is possible to train youself to like skinny chicks in the same way.

You first cut out all ssbbws from your wanking habits and fantasies and focus only on bbws, then after this you have two paths depending on which way you are inclined, move on to solely jacking off to chubby girls, think candii kayn, or instead you start getting into musclefat girls, female strength athletes and the like, then eventually move to ripped but huge female bodybuilders, preferable ones that don't have a fucking dick and jaw like gigachad.

Then you keep progessively cutting down on size and rippedness with those girls and focus on your mainstream curvy fitness girls, and bam you are now also attracted to skinny chicks, but no you can't get rid of being attracted to fat chicks, can just become attracted to other types too.

Hope this helps bros.
>>29156 (OP)
One thing that can change you is having tons of bad experiences with fat women--which isn't necessarily hard to do--but it does mean doing more than just pump and dumps.
There's also undeniably an advantage to dealing with women who fit into society and normal life plans better. So when you start viewing things from that angle you begin to find their healthy potentials to be attractive and all the extra work that comes with fatties to be unattractive.
It's hard to avoid coming back to the porn and hard to not want fat sex because it can be so damn good. But just remember in real relationships these women come with all kinds of extra mess and hassle and you need to deal with harsh realities in the end.
>>29469 Do you ever read a post that gives you a headache? Incredible. I don't believe this.
It doesn’t go away. Don’t waste some of the best years of your life thinking it will
>>29156 (OP)
easier for me to say, but for me, getting with (fucking) skinny girls helped me become more attracted to them. i think part of my fetish to fat girls was that they were "easier" and skinny girls (who would be more popular and wouldnt get with me etc.). turns out they're all the same etc
Yeah. I met a bunch of women off feabie: it basically killed the attraction to fat women for a while. But for what it’s worth, my dick turtles at the idea of paying for sex or being treated like a bitch boy.
Being with aggressive, sad, grabby and mean fat women made me miss the sweet nice hearted skinnier women I’d dated.
I don’t think that you can get rid of this fetish, but you can expand your horizons, not just in terms of taste, but also in terms of what you value in a relationship. For tastes, you’ll probably always prefer larger women, all else being equal. If you reflect, though, on how your tastes have changed over the years (probably liking bigger and bigger women), you’ll see that there’s a large degree of conditioning - that the porn you were exposed to influenced what you’re attracted to. The fact that we’re able to be so selective over the porn we use and that in our fetish the body is so important, I think it gives us a very specific criteria for what we want, that makes us think that nothing else will do it. We reinforce this over and over by selecting our favorite models and developing those tastes. But in real life, it’s not really that way. For most of human history we have been fine with a broader range of mate selection (which isn’t to say zero preferences, just more open) and have taken into consideration more factors than just physical attraction. I think that this is really key for stopping worrying so much about your future compatibility with this fetish - what you value in a relationship in addition to sexual attraction is really important too. Having similar life goals, good chemistry, the same values, and so on, are huge for whether or not a relationship works out. Also, I’m too lazy to find the research on this, but I’ve seen it, that if you look at long-term compatibility values that couples will cite, it’s way more about good chemistry and personality than sexual compatibility. Basically, I think it’s important to see your future happiness more holistically, that there’s a lot more to it than just being able to engage in this fetish. If you dated someone into this fetish but they were a terrible person and you disliked being around them, would it be worth it? Of course not. Now, I’m not saying that this means you’ll be totally happy with a skinny girl, but maybe there’s a balance where you can date someone where you really love them for who they are, and they’re also thick. It’s that you’re taking into consideration more factors than just physical attraction. Another thing is that regular people deal with their partners not being ideally physically attractive to them all of the time. Normal people’s partners gain weight, which is the equivalent of our partners losing weight, and many stay together still. Sometimes it’s a deal-breaker, sure, but most of the time not. It’s not their preference, but they love the person and that counts for more. If you imagine yourself really loving your future partner rather than just in terms of physical attraction, that you’re happy in multiple areas of your life and your sexual attraction is in balance with them, I think you’ll feel less anxious about it. Try to stop worrying about it so much and pursue what makes you happy and live your life as best as you can, and when the time comes to figure this stuff out irl, deal with it then on a case by case basis. Don’t let your entire future happiness hinge on this one part of your life, and don’t take your exact preferences today as what they’ll always be. If you stopped watching porn and opened up to more things about women, it might help.

Best of luck bro

Sorry, I’m doing this on mobile so formatting and thoughts are probably shit.
If you prefer fat girls because they are "easier" you don't have a fat fetish
Angloids are funny in that they'll either be some of the finest people on Earth or just absolute NPC trash whom you are puzzled why God still keeps alive (yes yes humility first is important but still).

Anyway you don't have a fat fetish at all if you don't sincerely find the excess adipose tissue PER SE, the wobbliness and all its intrinsic properties and "accidents" in natural philosophical terms, to be sexually erotic. You can still grow it off a more normie base perhaps, but that's it.
Who knows what causes a fat fetish. But legitimately fat women showed such enthusiastic attraction to me growing up it’d be hard to not be attracted to it.
It’s got that forbidden doughnut energy.
>>29638 What's this? Doughnut energy?
Half the guys here have a fetish because they want to fuck the easy fat chick available to them but don’t want their bros to see. “Forbidden doughnut”
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Personally I have always been attracted to every body type not just bbw/ssbbw. When it comes to watching porn, fat women have always been my go to for reasons unknown.

I'm a fit and active man. I go to the gym 4-5 days per week. If I were to get into a serious relationship with a women in ssbbw territory, I know it wouldn't work out. I have gone on dates and hooked up with some large women, and I'm not concerned wtih social pressure or stigma at all. Mainly it's because of a difference in lifestyle. It wouldn't be right to impose my lifestyle on someone that obviously wouldn't be down to partake in the things that I enjoy doing. But like this dude said >>29469 one bad experience will kill your boner for a while and that is what happened to me.
>i enjoy skinny girl porn is when they get some nice huge bbc
seek help
I’m attracted to all sizes, been with woman ranging from 85 lbs to over 500.

It’s my dream to have a threesome with a girl 85-100lbs and a woman over 600 lbs.
A man of taste.

I'd love to fuck a skinny girl while we feed my fat-ass of a girlfriend.
I want to have a three way with a ssbbw and an immobile woman, it’d be a preview of what I’m gonna do her.
What the actual fuck did you just say. Holy shit your bare minimums are the barest of minumums.
>>29156 (OP)
when I was younger, I used to feel immense shame and negative feelings about how I felt a tad much attracted to women with such great width and adipose fatness to them.

tried to get off and make myself love skinny girls, and while I may have fantasies and dream of having such a happy life with a thin woman, heck even now,
however I can never make myself only love such boney women.. I can never resist or ignore my love and desire for women so plump and so much room for love. it’s just ingrained in my brain and I literally can’t help it. I can’t never ever stop finding them so pretty and so lovely, It makes me want my hands to touch and feel every single essence of them.. I just can’t stop such immense feelings..

it took some time, with talk with friends and mainly from me to overcome this issue and really, it’s something that’s just apart of me that I can never really get rid of. it doesn’t define me, it’s just an element of me that just is apart of who I am as a person.
>>30293 That makes perfect sense because if your post had a gender it would almost certainly be fem.
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Update 6/22: good thing I didn't delete the thread eh? We should not have lost any posts this time, but what I said about this replacement server holds true: these are servers with i7-4970k (a cpu from 2014!) with a classic spinning HDD. It is clear we cannot rely on these cheapo servers for our workload. There is a plan in place to upgrade once again. I will keep you posted.
‐------------original downtime messages follows:
Welcome back. So, since we switched from our premium server to a cheapo about 6 months ago, we've had random lockups. Nothing serious, every 2-3 weeks might need a forced reboot. Annoying, but manageable. Around 5/28, these lockups started to increase in frequency, and simple reboots no longer fixed it. The data center guys would have to poke it for a couple of hours just to revive it.

Crash after crash things were getting worse. Finally, one crash required hardware replacement. The data center guys took us down for 8 hours, swapped some stuff, gave it a clean bill of health, and I brought us back up on 5/31 to resume operations.

I had a suspicion that all might not actually be right in the world so I took a complete backup before we started back up, and lo an behold, when I woke up the next morning we had we crashed again, this time it appears fatally.

With the data center guys being unable to revive our old server for over 48 hours, I made the decision to come back up on our new server with the 5/30 backup and strike 5/31 from the record. That's unfortunate, as I know a lot of people put effort into their posts, but at the end of the day, a chan is ephemeral anyway and having no posts for three days just on the hope that we can save a quarter day's worth, just wasn't making sense. A.architect.coffee was archiving during 5/31 -6/1 so if you are interested in any of the lost posts, they are mostly there.

So, here we are. New clean server, though it must be said it is of the same design and age as the old one. Constantly re-used silicon like this tends to wear out eventually. It's all we can afford.

You might have also noticed the quiet removal of MP4 support. We simply don't have the bandwidth for every numbnuts to upload every little mp4 clip they have lying around. Webm support remains for those who want to take the time to convert clips to a web-optimized streaming format, but until we get our 1GBps pipe back, mp4 is out.
>>30352 (Cross-thread)
No offense, but I don't care if you guys fuck fat chicks at the Hyatt or Marriott. It's normal for men to have affairs with adult women.
honestly the worst feeling rn. I've made out with women who I'd consider gorgeous but couldn't take it any further bc they do absolutely nothing for me down there
>>29156 (OP)
Nah, for me fat and curves are so feminine and the essence of my sexual attraction to women, and I just get the same repulsive feeling when I see a skinny body as I do when I see a mans body tbh.

I've only had 1 fat ex though. I didn't date the skinny ones because I was ashamed to be with a fat woman or anything, I was just young and figured I should take whatever I get basically.

The only way I could have sex with them was picturing them fatter the entire time. Thankfully my one ex had some decent thighs, so I had a bit of squish to squeeze that helped out, but I was genuinely completely and utterly not attracted to them. Thankfully she ate like a fat person though so I could fantasize while she stuffed her face... idk how she didn't gain, she was completely sedentary.

Sadly my one fat ex who had the same amazing body type as LVEEvids (huge tits, huuge round belly and an absolute monster ass. perfect feedee body imo) fucking loathed and despised her body and would completely ridicule me and tell me I was an awful person for even hinting I find her attractive. Not finding her fat attractive, I never said that. Just telling her I thought she was beautiful made her freak out about her weight and how I'm not allowed to find her beautiful because she doesn't, she was fucked in the head.
For those saying "just date fat girls", do any of you have/want kids? It seems well documented that obesity increases the risk of various complications during pregnancy/childbirth. If I didn't want kids I'd probably just marry an SSBBW. If she was happy I think I could live with the fact that she probably wasn't going to live to 80. But I want to have healthy kids. It seems wrong to have children voluntarily while knowing they might have permanent health issues because I wasn't willing to sacrifice even a small fraction of my sexuality.

Yes, obviously there are cope stories like "I had 2 kids at 300 lbs and they're perfectly fine". I'm talking about statistics.

I guess the ideal situation is fat -> thin for pregnancy -> fat after pregnancy, but the probability of this happening (specifically fat -> thin) is probably astronomically low
Confirmed low probability of an outcome is cope? Dude.

what is this dumb bullshit, so many fat bitches have kids
Sure, but individuals aren't statistics. You have to use your own judgement about the women you're pursuing. For instance, thin women are statistically smarter, but going only by that you would still have to wade through a sea of skinny retards while passing up all the obese nerds.
Fair point. The trick is finding a fat woman who also cares quite a bit about being healthy. In my experience they aren't that common
Having kids won’t make you live forever btw you will die and there is nothing you can do about it

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