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Hello to all reading this, for the past few years now I’ve been really into fat ppl and discovered that I have a “fat fetish” or really just a preference to fat ppl when it comes to dating. Before then though I’ve always watched videos on YT of fat people struggling to get up, I just never realized I found them attractive till much later. I also used to imagine being fat and I still do today. But here’s where I’m not sure what to do, I really want to become fat. I’d love to see what it’s like struggling going up a flight of stairs, or not being able to see my feet cuz of my huge belly. But at the same time, I’m not sure how friends and family would take my gain and I’m also not sure at the same time if that’s what I really want. Cuz rn I’m a normal weight with a “skinny fat” build. So even now being in the normal weight range I feel insecure. So I want to become fat but at the same time not sure how I would handle it being even insecure now. Anyways, thanks for reading my bs lol if u have anything to say pls reply down in the thread.
How old are you? You're American, gaining should be quite easy unless you're under strict parents. Take it one pound at a time and see how you feel. If it helps you cope and sets a frame for later gains, try bulking anyway with lifting weights fat gain is inevitable.
A few details neccesary to fully understand your situation (we won't judge or dox or anything don't worry)
Sexual Orientation?
How long age did you figure this out?
I don’t know, man. You just gotta do you.

You’re fatsexual and you gotta figure out how that plays out in your life. My only advice would to spend less time agonizing over it.
I’m 19
Attracted to women
Probably found this out around the 8th grade “. Not sure what age that was maybe 13 of 14?
I would recommend gaining a small, loseable amount of weight. If you can find an overweight girlfriend (doesn't need to be a feedee, just chubby or obese) then you won't even need to do that, since that will probably release a lot of your fetish related sexual frustration. But I know the dating market is pretty difficult for young guys these days, so if that doesn't work out, try the latter option and see if you like it. If you don't, at least you can lose it/it won't be that noticeable

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