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Tony Martin in this old school doc is leader of the UK racist fascist party National Front

He was married to an american Anna, famous ssbbw in 2000s who died sometime in the last couple of years

foreigners ok as long as they r fat it seem
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Confirmation beyond the video that this is the same guy?

>I hung out with Anna a couple times at stateside bashes back in the day
>mfw I'm one degree of separation from the National Front
That's not fascist. That's the hardcore chav that wants to drink at pubs and supports Thatcherism. Labor is losing cause JK Rowling won't accept her troons and troons are sending her threats.
I first saw this guy in a couple of FA documentaries years ago and I recognised him later when researching the National Front. It's definitely him.

Considering he's a white nationalist, I wonder if his dick gets hard at seeing mixed race girls like BoBerry and Brianna...
>>29102 (OP)
What's wrong his head? And face?

Isn't it obvious with what's in his hand?
These chodes always seem to like brown chicks as long as they admire the dude for being white

Poor chaps apparently figure they have nothing to offer other than a genetic shortage of melatonin. You feel for them really
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about his dick?
You spend a lot of time thinking about this guy thinking about his dick?
Must be half brain dead from being suffocated under obese mixed race ass to align with the national front
No, not really, but it does track, I'm not at all surprised OP is thinking a lot about some other dude's wang.
Sounds like you're a fascist faggot thinking about OPs cock
Kisame here. Black nationalists are just sons of Vietnam era photojournalists. Kanye West, Roy Wood Jr, and Dave Chappelle have activist backgrounds. This is why they aren't funny while poor Christians like Herschel Walker and George Foreman are. People forget that George Foreman was a Texas thug in Houston before becoming a boxer
Nobody cares faggot
These nationalist parties have been popping up as of late. Is the Aussie mad that Murdoch lost millions due to commiting election fraud?
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Just look at this inspiringly handsome example of the Master Race lol.

That said, I have a huge thing for right wing fatties and their FAs so god bless this inbred fascist and his fat-seeking boner.
The "inbred" slur is so funny to me because statistically it's Pakistani Muslims and, ahem, "carriers of Tay Sachs disease" that are the most inbred people in the world, despite this chap looking a bit like he got his face smashed and flattened in a tragic rugby accident.
I didn't mean to say ~only~ the pale island inhabitants this man wants to protect from intermarriage are prone to inbreeding. Just saying his oversized forehead and overhanging brow are a big genetic signifier for inbreds in my neck of the woods. The ultra-orthodox Jews and tribal Pakistanis who fuck their cousins are for me the intolerant, backward equivalent of NF types, just in non-Christian flavors.

Telling that the Unite the Right coalition that rallied in VA in 2017 (US ideological allies of the NF) actually sent messages around telling the nonphotogenic among them to stay home. Yet the video and pics from that rally still show an overwhelming number of uninspiring Aryans.

Again though, this SJW Jewboy loves fantasizing about fat WP and other rightist females.
That's because neo-nazis and confederates hate each other in America. White supremacists are seen as flaming homos by the David Duke types and Trump supporters see the klan as louts. Just look at how Crowder crumbled because he didn't want sex with his pregnant wife in Texas. Your average segregationist just treated government like a 9-5, not a cartoon plot to take over the world.
This typa stuff usually isn't a fascist thing but go off queen i guess. they usually into gross stuff like piss shit kinks, but also gay stuff and sub domition stuff. The more rightwing you go the more likely you are to be interested in stuff that goes against things you care about like cleanliness, hierarchy or abstract cultural values. On the other side there's me for example, the communist who likes to engage in hierachy and the idea of ownership of a person. fat girl being entirely dependant on me, for me to control. Cause i hate all those things in real life, it being wrong is what makes it exciting. idk where i was going it's just interesting how fetishes are often linked to a person's political ideals. Just dumping text
>On the other side there's me for example, the communist who likes to engage in hierachy and the idea of ownership of a person. fat girl being entirely dependant on me, for me to control.

So you're a scumbag inside and outside of the bedroom. I find that quite interesting as I'm a reactionary monarchist and "yet" am submissive to powerful women (in reality this is not half as hypocritical as you think and your own history proves strong women are far more "trad" than many presume or are brainwashed).

Although one could cite for you also, empirical results of socialist experiments and books like Animal Farm, how hierarchy is always inevitable anyway. I admire the "tankies" who unironically own up to Stalin and Mao and think they're "based" and such. I just can't stand hypocrisy.

BTW God save King Willem-Alexander! 👑 🇳🇱
>Muh hypocrisy
Holy shit anon you are retarded. The left is losing the culture war cause Newsome, Macron, Biden, don't care about hypocrisy. The W.G.A strike is happening cause writers are tired of Trump jokes, Star Trek, Star Wars, and superheroes. Even in NYC, it's the radical left vs Eric Adams and Alvin Bragg because the DNC taught their army of college grads to question authority.

Your average fascist is just a lower middle class guy in his 30s working a dead end job in Texas or Tennessee. They just look well put in contrast to the homeless theater nerd getting wasted by the soldier in the subway. I know that the left blame society, but Yang lost for a good reason: nobody wants to over medicate children into being passive or obedient.
I remember reading about him and Anna on fat-forums. Heather introduced them to each other at a bash and Anna (aka Ms. BBW) eventually moved to the UK for Tony.
>BTW God save King Willem-Alexander! 👑 🇳🇱
Princess Maxima would make for a great BBW.
>>29102 (OP)
absolutely based. he is literally me. I love being racist and fucking fat brown chicks.
Dude we both know you’re a five foot something fat little Manlet with horrible teeth.
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Your average fascist in Great Britain is just a guy who goes to the pub. All Satanists want to do is brunch, but socialists want to destroy the pub just to erect condominiums. Naturally, heffers go for the fascist cause they conserve the buffet. see the media likes their diminished fascist like Berlusconi, Trump, or Pinochet cause they ate well. You can't be fat in Communists China cause it's a sign of wealth and greed.
Please see a doctor. Your brain could be less broken.
When I was Kisame posting, I had a revelation this morning: How are liberals functioning when the party is dependent on organized labor? The W.G.A are on strike and it won't last till 2024. It will hurt Biden more than Trump
You’re an idiot if you think demmys represent labor.
Demmys are more the US Torirs (republicans are more like Russian/South African conservatives).
Kisame here. I don't care. Joe Biden already benched Eric Adams for acting like a rabid cop and Yang turned everybody off with his talk of meds.
Kisame here. Libs were complaining that Republicans and Independents cheered Trump instead of CNN. Northerners always do that in theaters. Conservatives cheered when the Super Mario Movie finished in my theater cause it was good. The people who tweet on social media just don't want to take the Metro North or do the I-95 commute. They can't comprehend that people moved on from 1/6.
People only moved on from Jan6 because the Mayo Militants were a bunch of fat out of shape genetic-losers who embarrassed themselves.
>Netherlands talking about degeneracy
Checks out, too bad it also withholds you from coherent takes
We're pretty much ignoring Eric Adams cause he's copying Giuliani's tactics of dumping poor people onto the suburbs. It's going to be funny when those illegals vote Republican or Desantis in the general election. Just look at how Miami flipped red for Desantis cause DNC has no organization.
Can the admins plz ban this autistic retard? Pretty sure it's Ritter
Who the hell is Ritter? I am Kisame. You guys are just out of touch with reality. We already got rid of these fascists factions. Libs need a hobby
The internet is already tamed at this point.
I waded back into this shit show to point out that I got unacknowledged trips. Also, "the average Fascist" is such a funny thing to write because you're pretty much talking about people that you only interact with anonymously online with, so sharing your mental picture of that person really gives a glimpse into your mental state more than anything. Food for thought.
I mean, to be fair, spending anytime around Hassids disabuses you of the "Chosen by G*D" notion too. I've bumped elbows with a few of them when I lived in NYC, they are basically snobby hillbillies in minivans that are allowed to run more sophisticated financial schemes than redneck schemes like selling junky cars and copper wire stripping. That's about it. Have you ever read "A confederacy of dunces"? If not, you should, it's very funny. Set in the 60's, the main protag is a fat, autistic TradCath with a stuffed animal fetish(read, Furry) who lives with his poor, long suffering mother and has a love hate long distance relationship with a jewish communist girl from NYC. How the author predicted such a bizarre scenario and accurately skewered hyper political terminally online discourse in the 2020's is simply stunning.
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Fascism is banned in Great Britain because of Oswald Mosley was born into nobility and supported riots as well as Mussolini. The guy in OP's picture is just your average metalhead or skinhead. People like Rupert Murdoch will never be liked cause he just wants to put tits on the NY Post telling people to support Desantis.

Jews have Cartman tier neurosis. I didn't notice that was a kippah on Cartman's head until I did research. In seriously, religious extremism breeds intolerance. People just don't take Dems seriously cause they keep devolving back to Whigs.
The average fascist nationalist is a low IQ basic beta fag who knee jerk reacts to shit they can't comprehend because they're incapable of basic reasoning. Same as Trumpfags. In any reasonable society they'd all be hanged for wasting oxygen.
>complains about fascists
>In any reasonable society they'd all be hanged for wasting oxygen.
>becomes fascist out of hatred for fascists

Also have you ever actually taken an IQ test before? I took one once and all it did was test my ability to solve puzzles on a timer. No philosophy, no psychology, no existentialism, no history, no politics, no reading comprehension, just puzzles.
Sounds like you're a bit butthurt about having a low IQ bro
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>No philosophy, no psychology, no existentialism, no history, no politics, no reading comprehension, just puzzles.
Define IQ. The high IQ Eric Adams got booed by the 2.0 CUNY law grads

Trump supporters are smart. The military puts emphasis on hard science and not soft science.
The military is a government funded daycare/jobs program for the dregs of society who couldn’t hack it in the real world and need someone yelling at them to get dressed every morning
Ben Shapiro and Ron Desantis are law grads. Trump passed that SATs, went to Wharton. Trump is a Truman liberal. Truman fired Patton and McArthur cause WWII bloated their egos to the point starting WW3. People tend to forget that Nazis had an IQ of 200, but lost because they were too clever by half. Then there's Japan losing cause the navy, military, and air forces competing for research grants
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Truman also insulted the eight ulcer a day writer. Trump is just Thomas Dewey and Fiorello LaGuardia conservative with Gotti like ethics
>when you can't write one sentence without mentioning US politicians to save your life
Journo boomers are whining about Patriot Front in DC. I've been down there. The food is overpriced. It's a 10k bill for steaks
>>29795 Don't buy steakes then.
It's easy to get steaks for $20. Boomers can't cook
>>29799 What the fuck is this post talking about? Did you reply to the wrong post?
I am a millennial. You're just being an uppity boomer
>>29801 Go suck a dick. How's that?
Bend the knee to the globobhomo Frenchie.
>>29803 You're either talking about satanists, secret surveillance agencies, or the wealthy business elites, and I don't like any of them.
What Satanists or Elites? Your average Satanists is a guy who does LSD out in Suffolk. They don't care for Wall Street
>>29806 You're old and tired if you think that you can choose whether you're a satanist or not. You're probably also a fool. Believe me when I tell you that there's a place in hell for stalkers and harassers, and that you're a satanist. You may not know it, but that's okay. You're a satanist. If I had a say in this things wouldn't have gotten this far is all I'm saying.
Nah Satanists is just five point Calvinism. They just see Satan as a lawyer who minored in women studies to control women. The Big Devil's a KISS, Twisted Sister, Motorhead, and Ozzy Osbourne fan. He doesn't do that mumblerap that the Weekend or Sam Smith does. JK Rowling just used those lame Screwtape demons from CS Lewis books.
>>29811 You're hoing to sit there and tell me what is or isn't a satanist? That's the type of shit I would expect from your American mother, and I'll have you know that I'm a 6th generation Evangelical Christian. The only thing you know more than me is the evil shit that you're always up to and it's every fucking day.
Kisame here. I grew up in Evangelical circles. They're the biggest hillbillies second only to Jews in LI. All they do is crash their hummers and trucks while getting salty that the drunk driver clipped them on the expressway.
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These Satanists, parading their pentagrams and inverted crosses, indeed resemble cringeworthy, edgy toddlers who have stumbled upon their parents' cosmetics and now strut about, faces smeared grotesquely with rouge and lipstick. Their attempts at grotesquely playing wirh diabolic debauchery is, at its best, a shallow pantomime, one that lacks both depth and subtlety, and at its worst, a pitiful spectacle of misguided juveniles appropriating symbols they scarcely comprehend.

To truly comprehend the infernal, one must peel back the veneer of sensationalism and delve deeper into the profound labyrinth of spiritual exploration. Satanism, as practiced by these, shall I say, enthusiasts, is but a kitschy caricature, a grossly oversimplified version of a philosophy that calls for sophisticated understanding.
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You're just saying the same thing the hoteps and Muslims say when they issue a fatwah against DND
Again, it's the same uppity rhetoric that Ron pulled to swindle his supporters. Psychologists love Hitler cause he controlled the masses thru media, industry and art. He improved the German citizen by giving them jobs. After WWII, Germany still has the resources to tank anything. By contrast, Putin and Xi can't put up a decent fight cause they're still using WW1 tactics, meaning it easy to mow down hordes of youth. The Taliban put up a better fight and used their tactics to form their own government with Saudi Arabia.
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Productive populations need deep cultures that match their genetic predispositions in productive ways, and this takes a very long time to develop. As successful as Hitler was, he was nonetheless invoking a deep revivalism (e.g. Aryans, Romans, German unification) in an attempt to make explicit what was already present in the German people. In that sense, we give too much credit to him as a singular force when everything before him had already set the stage for economic miracles.
Putin and Xi, on the other hand, don't have the advantage of such culture and genetics--they instead are faced with prisoner-peasants who are more properly controlled via lower order objectives and governance.
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China has 5,000 years of history and culture. Communism has only existed for 100 years. The country just shifted from constitutional monarchy to a federation. People like prisoner-soldiers. I know people want Kisame to be optimistic, but cynics make better protagonists. What Ron is essentially asking is for America to be like Seventh Heaven. Writers want conflict and turmoil.
All of you should begome Orthodox :DDDDD ☦
Jews like Mara Wilson complain porn sites sexualize her all the time. She's Ben Shapiro's cousin. Just look at how he whores his cousin sister Abby. They're hillbillies who drive SUVs in the boonies and set up McMansions
NYC an aide companies that Guliani made her strip and give a blowjob while on the phone with Trump while the mayor was on Viagra and booze. It's better than Hunter smoking coke and banging ten strippers. I think Dems need to admit they are squares
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I brother to check who is grooming kids. It's just an elderly couple from upstate selling juvenile fiction to private schools. /lit/ really wants the Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games audience but they are losing the conservative James Patterson and socialist F.Scott Fitzgerald and Kevin Kwan, audience. Tyler Durden, Forrest Gump, and Hannibal Lecter are the successful literary villain turned film characters. The problem is democrats want Atticus Finch and can't handle Atticus being Cocaine Mitch with respectability. /lit/ is still mad that Walt Disney made fairy stories for profit. Just look at how JRR Tolkien's jimmies were rustled when CS Lewis made the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.If there's one things Brits are good at it's channeling their anger into writing letters

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