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This doesnt happen a lot, but sometimes yiu just get unlucky.

I vote Ivana
Ok let's build, but lets build clean. A new world without secret societies and without lies. No? So you don't want to do that. Instead you'd rather continue spying, lying, and inciting paranoia on innocent victims? Suit yourself. Doesn't make 1 lick of difference to me and my kind.
>>28919 (OP)

Go be gay somewhere else, faggot
>>28935 You're not yourself when you're hungry. Either shut up or do something
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I prefer thin(ish) faces contrasted by a big soft body so even though I still think they’re hot now ThickHungryHoney and Bigsoftie are two models who I think looked better when they were smaller. Moreso Bigsoftie, she got more fat in her face and doesn’t look as cute
agreed. there's a point where the gains in the face negatively outweigh the gains everywhere else
>>28919 (OP)
>I vote Ivana

Imagine having a woman end up falling in love with this fetish and decide to gain with passion. You assholes are quick to turn on her and call her ugly despite 90% of the women here look uglier the fatter they get.
"Passion" is real poetic stretch if you mean the British Ivanna. She just reversed her bulimic ED to the other end of the spectrum, when she was entering middle age. She just fetishized the results to cope. She's also a grifter.

So she exchanged one unhealthy lifestyle for another and decided to embrace it instead of dying a skeleton. And name one woman in this community that isn't a grifter. Ironic you knock on me for stretching. You're just looking for an excuses at this point.
I don't think you know what gay means, retarded incel
also Aliss she's still hot like the other two i mentioned but chubby Aliss was honestly perfect
Fuсk off gayboy and take your autism with you
>>28971 Talk is cheap and so is low quality bait (and so is your face). Your art stink.
Couch queen
You say that like it's a bad thing.
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We ARE still talking about this girl, right? This Ivana? Coming from someone who likes their girls Echo-sized, who wants nothing more than to see girls pinned to a bed from their own obesity, triple digit BMIs... I can't see it. She doesn't look better fatter. Barely looked good fat. She's just straight-up homely.

You just have shit tastes. I'd pork her over half of these butterfaces this place jerk off to.

Niggas out here acting like beauty is a priority here.
I wish I had your fortitude but a pretty face is just the #1 most important feature on any woman. I don't care if you have Mal Malloy proportions, if you have a busted nose and weird small eyes I just can't imagine anything with you, not even with a bag over your head.
>face is her best feature

I used get offended when my ex gf would tell me that I talked like an old lady when I was horny. This is emberassing. Facial feature. Lol.

Cringe. Aliss just gets hotter

Probably because she had none of those disgusting tatoos she keeps covering herself with yet, ruining her skin
I don't mind the tattoos it's more or less the face gain
If you wouldn't suck and bite on that glob of a double chin you're NGMI
>>29016 agreed. in the last few years there have been some absolutely hideous girls that have become popular, and people have a problem with this girl?
chubby was when she looked her best. something about how her chin grew ruined her face for me.
> a pretty face is just the #1 most important feature on any woman.

Because personality and attitude is nowhere near important. Yeah she's a total cunt who's emotionally abusive to everyone around her, but hey she has a pretty face so that more than makes up for her bitchy attitude.
Spheres > Blobs
You can't change my mind.
I like Ninjah and I agree, she does look worse as she ballooned to her current size. What makes her hot is the fact that she ate herself to blob status with such reckless abandon to me.
Ninjah is fucking ugly. I don’t see the appeal
Can't say I've ever thought that about any model. I love fat faces and woman who can take up a lot of space. Lol

I would say the rare cases like Echo or Patti, where their fatness looks like like their skin is leaking various fluids, then I've gone from attracted to disgusted. Don't like either of their content, but I guess I get the appeal.

That being said, I love the likes of current Ninjah, Jackie, Brianna, Reenaye, and Adeline. Hoping to see Roxxie catch up to them someday, since she seems to be a true blue feedist. Also loved Kellie Kay, Ash, and Luna at their peaks, and wished to see them keep gaining before various health issue caused them to lose weight or stop modeling. From what I know about Kellie, she wanted to keep going, I wish we lived in the timeline where she hit her highest weight goals before calling it quits.

So to me, the bigger the better- with the caveat that they're not an active biohazard.

Disagree. Blobs are peak
early mochii fuels my fat filipina niche... love those girls when they're chubby
I'll let you in on a secret: no one thinks mochii's pretty. people like mochii because she's a sideshow act.
>>29647 You post that on this site because you're a hoe, and also because you didn't see her when she was an 11 years old slut. Now stfu. You're boring the cute girls
Speak for yourself, I think she’s super cute - at any weight
>>29650 Hey man just something I heard.
>>28919 (OP)
Fatter girls get uglier because their immobility is keeping them from wearing make up.

You don't need to be immobile to not wear makeup. By that logic, dead people would look fucked up at their funeral instead of just "sleeping".
least depraved canuck

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