
(96 KB, 480x640, 20200415043213-0fddfb40-me.jpg)
Was wondering what other sites anons use. I used to use spankbang a lot but for some reason the past couple weeks have been pretty dry.

Since pornhub banned people posting other people's videos it's nowhere near as good as it used to be
Not super bad but most stuff you find there is old content

What else?
>>28917 (OP)
What, may I ask, is the point of this thread?
I think he wants to know what tube sites have a reasonable amount of BBW content.

I'm also interested in finding out, since I agree spankbang's been really slow for BBW stuff recently.
>>28924 Isn't spankbang a tranny site? For bbw vids I use this site but if you want softcore content? Or more hardcore? There's always curvage and feabie. They're the more popular 1s. If you're looking for professional hardcore vids for example if you search google for bbw porno it's always going to send you to pornhub.
motherless is pretty good. u have to wade through some weird stuff sometimes though

> Isn't spankbang a tranny site?
no? Unless you are specifically searching for it. Are you?
If I had a nickle for everytime I see a pic in bbwdraw or booty board and in my head plays the rap theme "D.K. Donkey Kong!" from that meme I would have about $10,000 right now.

>>28930 I didn't know because I don't use that site.
>>28917 (OP)
I just use coomer.party and stufferdb.

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