
(105 KB, 807x679, TheBBWchart.jpg)
Not sure if the model you are about to publish belong to SSBBW or to BBW thread? Just check this chart
the person who made this has a warped view of how fat people actually are. 99% of people go through life without ever seeing a girl as fat as adeline or boberry in real life. realistically, SSBBW territory begins around 300 for women of average height and around 400-425 for USSBBW women.
OP picrel is a glorified BMI chart. I personally have been saying that should be the standard for these classifications anyway. Before it's been generally accepted that anyone over 250 or so is a BBW, and SSBBW starts at around 350.

If we had a girl at 5'4" on this chart, they'd be a BBW at 200 (which I'm amenable to that being the start) and an SSBBW at 375, which is a feat but attainable.

If we went with BMI and stuck to round numbers, a 35-65-95 rule would work fine. At those weights, that same girl would be 35 and 64 respectively. I don't think anyone would deny that she'd look huge at that size and nitpick her status.

I take issue with the line for USSBBW here and on the chart. You're lowballing - USSBBW isn't meant to be a somewhat attainable for most of the fatties we see posted online. From what I've seen the threshold is 600lbs, but we've primarily seen that from taller girls and someone like Jackie (currently at 570 or so) is definitely Ultra-sized at 5'2".

Using the same girl from before, she'd have to be 675lbs to be USSBBW, which is a staggering 115 BMI. Even if you knocked off 100lbs she'd still be almost triple digits. For 95 BMI, a 5'4" girl would need to be 555lbs, which is still staggering, rare, and a sight to behold. Short of the typical 600lbs threshold but more forgiving to shorter girls. Maybe 35-65-100 (585lbs)?

Either way, the USSBBW line on this chart is absolutely laughable. You'd be confined to just Adeline and FatMissT being the only USSBBWs in the game if that were the case, and though they'd definitely earn that title, there's plenty who have reached that level of "Fuck I loved her stuff but she's gotten way too fat for me" you see too often on this board.
This chart is just plain stupid!
An average 5ft 4" us woman would need to weigh almost 700lbs to be considered ussbbw. And just because someone is a couple inches taller this does not mean they can carry hundreds of pounds more... Just because vanilla hippo was 900+lbs at one very brief point at hospital and
with major health problems water in her lungs etc. She is in now way a good point of reference but rather a one in a million case
(158 KB, 1120x2018, 13-5649F38B-9E11-44D8-BEF6-D0F04B47AD84.jpeg) (210 KB, 1100x1100, E01589F9-3287-44A1-B14F-ABB5C76B8F53.jpeg.8ace13bde079b037536c505581e57660.jpeg) (197 KB, 1075x724, 0c02b09aa41c60eb3198b57d663c161582db3fcd3adb9fabc55c28702886041b.jpg)
I actually think this chart is pretty good. Obviously every woman is different, and they way they carry their weight influences things too. But in general,

BBW is “fat”
SSBBW is “holy shit that’s a huge woman”
USSBBW is “she fell, call the fire department”

I’m not actually joking lol.
Not only that, but its missing a few thing.
The height axis should start at about 4'8" since I know I have meet SSBBWs that short. And even 300lbs is a lot on a small frame.

Secondly, 5'2" and 500lbs should be where the USSBBW line should bisect. Since with this chart women like Boberry and Jackie would not even qualify as USSBBW even though they really should be at the boarder or just past it at their heaviest weights.

USSBBW and echo-tier immobility should be different categories entirely.

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