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Background: Fair and open to all people, never been a racist in my life and have no desire to be. I also don’t want racial or gender initiatives shoved down my throat. Let everyone be, be inclusive, and let people make their way based on merit alone. Diversity initiatives are intentional racism.

Question: Major breeding affinity here. The most natural want in the world. Well, I’ve been realizing lately that a major turn on for me is the idea of flooding the world with my woman’s and my beautiful blue or green eyed, reddish brown haired, pale babies. Only my woman fair skinned with her green eyes and red to brown hair will do. In other words, whitest white only. So, is this a normal type affinity and a man’s love of breeding and growing his house, or am I a eugenics minded Nazi racist?

I really don’t care about labels, I’m into what I’m into, and it feels right. Release the opinions please anons, and thank you anons.
Good for you
Preferences are preferences. Nothin wrong with it unless you're hurting other people. Were you actually worried anyone would give a shit, or did you just want to tell internet strangers for some form of perverse gratification?
Neither. I asked the question because I was curious how this lands objectively. I don’t care about your interest, I care about the question. If you’re not interested, don’t respond.
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brother you will rot in the shadow of the sun until you are bleached and so will i

agents of mossad corrupt even in the dark and silent substance of the brain

zion with out borders so tiny as a salt of sand where all senses converge

and you will walk it forever

you it’s you it’s all for you
go play a video game

lana speaks against the rabbi in the era of our end

but we are late too late

>>28675 (OP)
i think the word you're looking for is 'fetish'. not normal, not weird
while you're taking it a bit to the extreme and fetishizing it, wanting to further your ancestry is only natural. it doesn't make you an eugenicists if you don't want to forcibly replace others, and you stated in your background that you respect other ethnicities
future genghis khan over here?
Not sure what OP wants
I was part of preg as Kisame17 and I still don't get white supremacy. My ideas come from daydreaming and not rooted in dumb archaic ideas. Left to my devices, I'd just like to see more of Zdemian's Hisui or curious as to when Cross Crescent's Bolette get a daughter. I am not into extremist viewpoints.
Sorry but I am still operating under the directions of Jewish pastor to not humor anti-semites.
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>>28675 (OP)
You’re white and you like the idea of marrying a white woman and having an impossible number of babies. If that’s the sum if it, then no, it’s not racist.

If it’s rooted in some idea that you need to “save the white race” or that your genes are actually superior because of your mild albanism, then yes it’s racist.
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Pregnancy fetishism doesn't sell. I think it's more that demons and aliens in hentai are polite that they get all the women. At worst, the tentacles keeps the woman busy and the chronic need for stimulation keeps them at a low level threat. It's why I want to see where the Hisui pic Zdemian drew get a sequel or a prequel.
As Kisame17, I can't really relate to Fox News. I am the foreigner who is replacing the Americans Tucker Carlson is just entertainment for us.
Thanks anon, this was actually helpful.

No, nothing superior about any race’s genes. Genetic diversity is healthy. I don’t subscribe to any of that nonsense.

So you’re telling me it’s not racist when I say I want to have beautiful white children with blue or green eyes and reddish brown hair? Sounds racist.

But the dirty secret is… I respect all peoples. And genetic diversity. And science.

So it’s just that I sound really fuggin racist.
Yes. I'm interested in watching all anon in this thread get kicked in the balls. What would I have to do
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what a stupid fucking thread
>>28675 (OP)
>But the dirty secret is… I respect all peoples. And genetic diversity. And science.
>And science
>So it’s just that I sound really fuggin racist.
now, you're obviously being pretty weird fetishizing it and taking it to an extreme but wanting to further your own ancestry is nothing but natural, throughout history (of the world, all species)
it's only until very recently that it may sound RacIsT and you're letting yourself be brainwashed faggot
you're not an eugenicist or racist because you do respect other ethnicities and don't want to forcibly replace them
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lol, of all things, a breeding fetish is not weird. You literally said it yourself.

I agree it’s only recently this question even comes up in our hyper-sensitive woke society. But I am asking it because I am curious. Brainwashed? Aware of the zeitgeist, only. But I try to relate as objectively as a subjective person can.

No u

>you're not an eugenicist or racist because you do respect other ethnicities and don't want to forcibly replace them
Everyone should be able to have children. I just want to have more than everyone else.

What do you say to that?
>lol, of all things, a breeding fetish is not weird.
yes. of all things this is a very vanilla fetish, but it's still PRETTY weird. it's not normal to sexualize having children and fantasizing about flooding the world with your babies (genghis khan lol) but it's definitely not rare and there's nothing "bad" about it either
not sure what you want to hear??? do you want a friend or something buddy? :(
First, you need to find an actual definition of racism because most diversity initiatives don't qualify. Racism isn't just about race, it's about race-based power dynamics.

Second, you believe in "meritocracy"? Well show me an actual meritocracy and I'll agree. They're a fantasy created by those already in charge. Power structures are always weighted towards those with money and those who belong to the dominant demographic (usually the same). This is thanks to both explicit and implicit bias – nepotism, and plain old tribalism. This leads to an oligarchy that makes it that much harder for those on the outside to compete. It's a vicious circle that (ironically) leads to mediocrity at the top and disenfranchisement and poverty for everyone else. And so here we are.

So is it really that "unfair" to give those people outside the inner circle a slight boost, in an attempt even things out? Or are you gonna whine about "fairness," which only seems to go one way?
>not sure what you want to hear??? do you want a friend or something buddy? :(

Nailed it. He's an open wound of insecurity and resentment, pretending to be all "hey man, don't get mad, it's just my o-pin-ion..."
>resentment, pretending to be all "hey man, don't get mad, it's just my o-pin-ion..."
resentment? what resentment? seems like a confused but decent guy seeking approval
stop projecting you mentally ill leftoid and fuck your soft racism
Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox News cause news boomers hate the far right. They want their glowies. I think NY Post doxxed his apartment in Virginia. Don Lemon got fired, but only because he's some kind of Batman villain that lives in a mansion with fellow villain Cuomo. Apparently Biden Boomers forget that they red pill their audience to vote blue because their army of professors are boring. I honestly think Trump will win only cause communist and Nazis purged so many people that it won't be enough to give Biden the slim majority they need.
>>28987 Ahhhh not tucker! Man, that's gay.
Him and Don Lemon scare the suburban women demographic that news boomers want to court. They're like rock stars for journalists. Conservatives can pretty much boycott their shows better than the radical left teacher. Republicans forgot that policy wonks like Paul Ryan are repellents with their boyish charm
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See the problem with Dems is that AOC and Schumer has the personality of a teletubby. That scares people into voting red cause people need a stern adult to talk to. The party needs the charisma of R.E.M or Evanescence to carry interest. Lady Gaga, influencers and troons just don't have the charisma Elton John had to get gays to vote blue.
>>28989 All I read was everything's fucked up. I agree. Everything. When they die and go to hell, these ugly ones, will it be better or worse? I can't wait. I love it.
Tucker 100% got ousted because Fox had to pay that settlement with Dominion, and with Smartmatic's lawsuit on the horizon it's blindingly obvious they're trying to do some damage control before they lose majorly.

Trump's lost one of his biggest soundpieces on the waves. Fox is absolutely trying not to inflate his presence any more than they'd like to. Guarantee you'll be hearing less about Trump come primary season.
I'll pass on BBW content for now if someone would kindly post Tucker's NDA with Fox and Murdoch on we.tl or gofile! ;0)
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Polls after polls show that Desantis is losing the GOP primary to a thrice divorced and twice indicted one term president. If Fox is held liable then it means that CNN got rid of Don Lemon cause they too can be sued for millions of damages. It's most likely Tucker and Don got fired cause they own multiple properties that eats into the budget of cable news so the guy with the most expenses get shown the door. It's possible that Peter, Jesse and Sean are willing to do the I-95 commute from Virginia to DC to NY by car. Don Lemon can't be bothered to do the 4 hour commute on the LIRR just like how Mr. Rogers used the subway to get to work so he got fired. As for Tucker, like most far righters he most likely got too expensive instead of driving a Dodge Ram 1500 or a rusty Chevrolet Yukon like most fat conservatives.
Tucker is the #1 news anchor on cable and is seen by the most people. You don't get shown the door when you're in that position, you decide when you're leaving. I can't explain Lemon and neither can you.

If Trump becomes the nominee, he's getting there without Tucker's help and that's an uphill battle if I've ever heard one. DeSantis is going to flop and bow out, and we're going to get a number of candidates over the summer announcing because the field is weak af right now.
>>29004 Stfu. The biggest threat to your country is America itself. It's called "stupid", and you're derailing the thread.
Don got fired for insulting the pajeet from the G.O.P, proving that Biden is making racism classy again. He just doesn't have Obama's charisma to carry the show. Obama at least LARPs like a federation captain in Star Trek. Don Lemon is a fucking super villain.

Tucker got fired because he's friends with Alex Jones and Steve Bannon.
The far right and far left are on equal terms in NY. Tucker's problem is that be doesn't have restraint.
So you’d hire the bad candidate because of his color.


Hide it behind justifications of subverting perpetuated racial power dynamics in the institutions.

It’s still racism.
> So you’d hire the bad candidate because of his color.

Thinking or acting in absolutes is stupid.

>It’s still racism.

It's not. You don't understand the words you're using.
>You don't understand the words you're using.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group
the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability.
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Companies want AI run art and ads. Basically the less effort the better. Why have Kisame's problems when a computer can be me for free?
>>29044 Don't blame Biden for all of your personal failures. You're stupid because of you're mental sickness and evil.
Joe Biden is almost 80. Progressives hate elderly politicians. Also, I live in a blue state. Not my fault leafs are eunuchs who castrate themselves for Macron. Be a good wage slave and bend the knee for Bud Light. I benefit from the 32 hour work week while libs go broke taking out a loan to go green.
>>29046 Yeah but what good is it when at the end if the day you're still gay? Go be a nipple elsewhere, faggot.
We're bringing back firing extremists on Monday for a good reason. Biden doesn't need cheese eating surrender monkeys in NATO.
>>29048 What in the gayness are you talking about?
Even Nate Silver got fired cause nerds outlived their usefulness to Uncle Joe from Scranton
>>29056 I don't think any majority group should want to start conversations about who has or hasn't "outlived" their usefulness. Not that it ever mattered, but not very smart.
Dawg, stop responding to Kisame-posting. You are so far from where you originally started because his schizo-flavored style of arguing doesn't have an end. Marc M has more coherent conversations in his uploads than Kisame.

Just drop it, acknowledge you took the bait, and find something else to do.
>>29058 Okay nipple just.... wtf are you talking about? Everything I said's accurate so what's the issue here? Do you not believe that there's a group watching your internet traffic and trying to steal technologh by guessing? I told you because I know it's real. Or is it that you no like the fact that I said Google was a corrupt organization? Do you want to hear the story, or are you going to call me a liar because you'd rather live in a fantasy where corporations actually love you and care about your children? Don't call me a liar when you're not sure.

Around 2008 me and my roomate would spend a lot of rime together. We were basicly partners in crime. We discovered together 1 day that somebody from Google got access to his phone's contact data remotely. The way we found out, because I witnessed it with my own eyes, was that thwy programmed a tease into 1 of the google software of the time. They were purposely trying to frighten him by letting him know that they had access to his phone data.

His parents went to the cops and the cops said that there was nothing they could do. His parents got lawyers and still nothing came out of that. No news headlines because Google will either backup their employees or falsely blame a hacker for it. People try to be nice or do the right thing because they want to help you so the same thing doesn't happen to you. That is all. There is evidence that there are malicious groups in the US and elsewhere and that they have potentially infiltrated law enforcement. What you do with that information isn't my business. I'm only telling you the reality of what I had to live many years ago because nobody else cares to say anything.

I would love to hear more stories from people but searching on the net I haven't found anything.
Never mind, you two can continue going at it. Have fun shitting up another thread.
Kisame here. Ignore him. There's nothing wrong. People are just browsing porn and 4chan while at work.
>>29068 Hey, Kisame can you please tell these schizos that demons don't exist and that nobody is monitoring their internet traffic? I'm getting really tired of hearing about demons and witches and corrupt government authorities when everybody knows it's not true.
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Kisame again. Demons dont exist. It's just leftover data or copy of leftover data. Even Battle Network admits that Torchman.exe is just data seeking a rematch. Funny you mention this cause I thought Owl House failed cause nobody wants horror with lesbians.
Also Crowder is go thru a rough divorce.
I will see if I can retool my characters that I created as Kisame to remove the fantasy elements.
>>29075 wow thanks a lot, Kisame. You're very helpful to humanity. You are awesomer. I hope you get a just reward sometime soon.
>>29078 Ohhhh I get it. You're talking about something but you're REALLY talking about something else. Oh. So you're using the word "retool" wrong, and what you're really saying is you're going to make the code refactor your programs to assembler?

Why would you want to do that though? Do you not know programming? That's what a compiler's for. That's the compiler's job is to take away the fantasy elements. I got to say. Not very smart, Kisame. I expected more from you.
I have a two year old nephew now. I rather keep my artwork super lame and get rid of fantasy.

I play console games and was an atheist before becoming Kisame. I didn't believe in gods or demons. I just don't believe in organized religion.
I also sabotaged that right wing site KiwiFarms.
Do you believe evil ppl exist and do a lot of mischeveous deeds coordinated behind closed doors? Do you think there are crazies right now plotting and scheming in secrecy and spying on you without you being aware?
Hiring the bad candidate because of his color is discriminatory against the more qualified candidate, racist.

Just like assuming people who don’t agree with your racism must not understand the words they’re using is insanely pretentious.
Hiring the bad candidate because of his color is discriminatory against the more qualified candidate, racist.

Just like assuming people who don’t agree with your racism must not understand the words they’re using is insanely pretentious.
The worst are either suit and tied or hidden in plain sight.
in some ways (often lIbErAl white) soft racists (look it up) are much worse than open honest racists. it's all under the guise of good intentions or means to an end, it never works and absolutely leads to hell
anyone with slightest bit of common sense can see that things like affirmative action or quotas will not only lead to actual resentment, racism between ethnic groups but also total delegitimization of black people in academia(among other).. people are already starting to think "you're just this or just got in here only because you're black" etc etc.. what an ironic paradox!
asian americans are not shy about taking up the fight against affirmative action in cali .. and so according to his mentally ill leftoid logic... are they the opressed or opressor??
No. I don't believe in these simplistic good and evil plots.
I flat out admit that I don't get marketing and focus testing quota. The internet is merely being restricted in the West because Disney really wants that fanfiction.net and DeviantArt audience, but they don't know how to use the web.
Are we discussing whether some of us are bad people or not in this thread? The answer's yes. Some are. Who cares?
You are bad for contributing nothing meaningful to this thread.
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>>28675 (OP)
>circle tool.jpg
Yes, yes, sweety, you're disgusting nazi bigot CHUD, nothing short of that.
If it wasn't the case, how did the aryans ended up slapping every unaryan cuckold starting from the pillars of Hercules and all the way to the Indus valley? And than even more, from Americas to Africa and Australia. Might be a coincidence.
>Genetic diversity is healthy.
Sure it is! That's why it's importing to protect it from getting diluted with genetically unrelated peoples.
>But the dirty secret is… I respect all peoples. And genetic diversity. And science.
Exactly, that's why everyone should stay in their ancestral homelands, and not engage in the mutual destruction caused by the global intermingling.
>Power structures are always weighted towards those with money and those who belong to the dominant demographic (usually the same). This is thanks to both explicit and implicit bias – nepotism, and plain old tribalism.
I patiently long to see the wicked destroyed. Whores.
No, fetish artists have been asking why there are no sexy characters in cartoons on 4chan. The answer is that adults don't care for old cartoons like Teen Titans or Looney Tunes. I am living paycheck to paycheck. It's like Jerry Springer. I forgot he existed until I found out he died this week. Younger Millennials like me aren't nostalgic for the past.

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