
(40 KB, 428x720, c88fb8c1-964f-4245-9d6b-4f8fc2ea2fd8.jpg)
Does anyone have some good suggestion for BBW's and SSBBW's on the younger end of the scale? I'm 19 myself and I want some variation from the ladies on /ssbbw/ that are closer to my mum in age than myself.
>>28636 (OP)
as a fellow britbong the only ssbbw in that range i can think of is Bigbellybridget
if you're asking for ssbbw's that are 18-22 then you're basically seeking out people with incredibly neglective parents
babygothipz, gingerbunny. plus some of the prominent models started out at freshman age, roxxie, becca, adeline, courtney, jackie, luna, kellie etc.

you might find some obscure ones not talked about here on reddit on some relevant subs. is is it really nessecary to be so hyperfocused on a specific age-range though? you can also focus on what you find hot in stead of numbers.

>as a fellow britbong

you need to get your eyes checked. Thatfattgirl is British BBW who entered the scene p early.
I like your optimism.
who is picrel?
Lana2002 is only 20 and she's tripled in size
>>28636 (OP)
You'll be finding them on tiktok not here. This sites just filled with mentally ill boomers who are still cooming to "the classics"
>This sites just filled with mentally ill boomers who are still cooming to "the classics"
That was also my assesment aswell. It doesn't explain the lack of posts of classics content, and the boomers are likely lurking and planning plots, but yes, they're likely mostly boomers. Their mums are whores and possibly possesed by the Devil. Their kind whores though. Nice whores that support Government and tyranny, both, and also worship the biblical god of money. This is my guess. They don't know love
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This is correct, this site and fetish is mostly full of millenials and boomers still thinking sites like BigCuties are viable markets. They have no interest in anything after the early 2010s.
MAGA's awesome. Just saying. The cuter a bbw is the more likely she votes Republican. I love Republican sluts and I may not admire every life decision they make, but they're none-the-less girls that I love. I also love the fact that Republican girls such as in the state of Texas tend to be family-oriented hard-working, passionate, independant thinkers and usually don't waste their most youthful/fertile years pursuing ludicrous ideals or attending over-priced Universities made expensive by artificial inflation helped inflated in part by their own U.S. government.

It's mostly none of my business, and I don't have a fetish for MAGA girls (even though I made a short comic by that title); I have a fetish for Texan girls but that's just because they're hot, and think Mal Malloy. I love most sexy pieces of ass, but when I see a 10/10 with a red cap on I don't think to myself "Sheeple", I think she's probably a girl that doesn't give a fuck about nothing, and it takes her from a 10 to an 11 instantly, peaking my interest furthermore. I would certainly fuck that giant behemoth in that pic. No doubt about it. She looks hideous with those tats but she's still a sexy, voluptous being full of emotions and a heart. It's the other type of girls that I'm most worried about, not racists and perverts. At the very least racists and perverts can be reasonably considered actual people. Those others are barely living shells belonging to the anti Christ.
>viable markets. They have no interest in anything after the early 2010s

I forgot to mention that I have no interest in having a debate here about "viable markets" and the quality of pornographic material produced by the industry, and have even less interest in debating art because most likely you don't know a single fucking clue about any of it. Yes, everything is fucked up and it will get worse still. Blame your parents or grandparents. Maybe when they're dead things can hurry on and get even worse. We'll see.
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This is completely unrelated to anything I just posted

Ah I get it, you're just a weird schizo christcuck that comes to a porn site despite hating porn
(2.4 MB, 2256x2856, rep-archive-jerry-nadler-04.jpg)
Conservatives in America hate pornography and will ban it outright if they had their way. MAGA is made up of independent contractors or social media influencers larping as the middle class while trying to revive the John Birch Society or the Heritage Foundation. All Trump did was peel the youth away from democrats and got them to vote republican. The only decent looking ones tend to belong in the ministry. Republicans hate Fox News cause their pay their fat men like Jason Whitlock and Charles Payne to devour some blonde titcow to get people to vote red.

Before anyone says anything, progressives hate Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden for being old. They also hate Adams for bringing back the nanny state and wanting fatties to go vegan. Even fat progressives like the Young Turks are complaining about going into debt going electric and driving Tesla cars. Just look at how Jerry Nadler got devoured by Manhattan residents at the crime summit by his voters. Fat Jerry Nadler would've eaten MAGA for breakfast and intimidate Jim Jordan
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>saying christcuck unironically

Not entirely sure what your post means but I want more fat republican women and more fat wholesome chungus public figures who also happen to be quite based and tradpilled (think of G. K. Chesterton, etc).
Cope, I hate puritans of all kinds and will call them what I please
All I've ever known were conservatives. Even the druggies and hookers were secretly conservative. Some things have changed these days with the way political alignments and biases have become a focus in the population's mind and there are more liars than there used to be. Other than that, it's the same old same old. This is the first I hear of anybody wanting to "ban" pornography and I'm not so sure how conservatives would feel about that idea. I would keep an eye on a conservative who says something like that. He sounds like a snake.

Did I say I hate porn? You took everything the wrong way. Why would anybody hate porno? That's stupid.

>The only decent looking ones tend to belong in the ministry
That's the type of girl I grew up with. The rest were liberals from Democratic states that moved in and were great at parties but I didn't get to know them closely. Many large asses.

>progressives hate Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden for being old
Everybody's mostly old.

Nobody loves you.
Have you simply tried not being a faggot?

Also newsflash btw many of even the most leftist zoomers hate porn for social justice reasons. And I use "leftist" in a tragically ironic sense as the actual Old Left, the Soviets and their sphere banned LGBT and porn literally up to the end. In China its still technically illegal and they're officially atheist.
Good. It means I can double down on pregnancy and breast expansion while SJWs shoot each other in a fit of sexual neurosis
When I say "All kinds" I include leftoids, learn to read
>I'm allowed to make any thread I want political even though politics were never brought up in the first place
Nobody loves you either
>>28735 When did I do that, and is there really such a thing as making a thread political? I was talking about sexy sluts and how many of them had conservative views, but how even if they didn't I would still fuck them if I was sexually attracted to them. I don't enjoy political discussions or neither hate them the way you do. I'd fuck a girl even if I wasn't sexually attracted to her too if I had to, but I would much rather be sexually aroused and in love... especially sexually aroused.
Since this thread is kinda derailing I thought I'd go back to the original topic

I don't have any suggestions, but it seems like with the rise of OF and much higher obesity rates in young adults and even children we will soon see many young ssbbws as well

Young bbws are there already in huge amounts, just look at stufferdb as an example, plenty of young bbws on their journey to grow bigger
Ssbbws will certainly follow since it's a lot easier now to create your own OF and just sell clips right away..
Little anecdote
I sometimes wish I would've met my future wife even earlier
Some time ago she showed me some pics of when she was in her late teens and early 20s
She was a cute bbw already back then and grew all the way from what I would guess was 200 to 220 lbs to her current weight of about 420 lbs within approx 10 yrs
(She was 330 when we met 5 yrs ago)

Just to think about that is pretty hot to me and taking into consideration that we're both German (and not in the US where it's probably a lot more common) it's quite exceptional..
Randomly referencing fucking MAGA here >>28722 in response to my completely apolitical reply. Does your mind automatically connect the term "boomer" to "right wing" you ESL?
>>28717 Sometimes coming onto this board I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Who is she?

who is this??
we need to know bro, spill the sauce
Celest1ta on feabie
Check out Amarena on feabie she’s 18 and weighs around 170kg and she just needs money to gain more. You’ll get rewarded I promise.
>>28900 I would have posted pics but I've already almost ended our relationship over sending them to a wrong person. So you need to pay, or try to get access to private photos on feabie, or wait for me to convince to start curvage or whatever account so I don't lose all my fucking money trying to keep her appetite in check
Very cute and motherly physiognomy and fat storage even though she's not my usual type. Would pump 3+ babies
Thanks for the replies guys except for retarded german guy, kinda forgot about this thread but now I have lots of models to check out lol
Can I get a woman with all this ink?
2 years old with hairy vagina? That's interesting to me.
I think she nuked her insta cause her page doesn't show up anymore. Shame really.
Can confirm, I think she got scared off. It looked like she was leading up to opening a site or something since her last post was a "preview"

I’m glad I grabbed those pics when I did, but god damn does her leaving burn. Could have been legendary.
oh man I really like her face in that shot with her hair down. shieeeeeet.
and under five feet? That's bride kidnapping material to me.short little butterballs will always be my first selection
although I just realized that there's nothing past these two photos.
Who is this- your girlfriend? just some chick?
If it's your girl you should def get some snaps of her where you can see her height- in unbuttoned tight jeans with a tee riding up, auburn hair down, and those plump lips and chubby cheeks well in view.
although that's just what my snap-covet demands hahaha
(626 KB, 722x497, babyphat_red.PNG) (278 KB, 721x408, babyphat_blacktoppinklights.PNG)
babyphat on feabie. Exactly 143kg/315lbs and 152cm/4.98687664 feet (4 feet 11 27⁄32 inches) She has a snap also on which she's really keen on showing a lot. But you have to be quick or she will delete it

(you muricans really should adopt a not retarded measurement system for everything)

>29580 The girl, that I posted earlier used to be my gf,

That short girl is just a fat whore. Right now im dating a girl that's 5'1 and only chubby, but im working on it, I'll send some pics here or on some other thread when she's gonna be ready for showing
why not the big girl
lovely! have you got more pics? I guess not much can be found is she disappeared
This is probably one of the cringiest posts I've ever seen. You don't have a fetish for Texas girls, you're just attracted to their twang/drawl and attitude. It would be weird as fuck if you needed to fuck only Texas girls in order to cum.

Also MAGA is retarded. They are big government statists who just happen to be pro life and hostile to trannies. They all bend the knee to Xi and Netanyahu.

Daily reminder that Republicans have never actually decreased the size of the government or cut government spending.
In my view pretty much every political position short of anarchism is statist. Libertarians still hypocritally plead for police and military cause when your rich the only threat is crime. We really just need a mix of some elements of liberal democracy and libertarianism with a anarchic slant but even if that were to happen soon i'd still have a % of my life compromised by a shitty political system that I'll never get back, almost as if life is pointless.
Libertarians and Anarchists tend to bond over their mutual hatred of centrism. Libertarians just believe in acting out of self interest. Anarchists just want to abolish the state and live in Seattle, LA, Austin, and Brooklyn while getting fat reading books and eating brunches. MAGA are just neo Nazis and neo confederates who can interact with Black people.

I don't know anyone who cares for Netanyahu.

Joe Biden III aka Beau is your rich man. Hunter just became a lawyer and do drugs to get dad's approval while fearing he's not good like his elder brother. It's like how Jeb is in the shadow of George W. Bush, HW Bush. Trump has two dead brothers, a dead father, dead mom and he turned out great. Holy shit, the East Coast is fucking Aspen for rich kids.
> MAGA are just neo Nazis and neo confederates who can interact with Black people.

this one got a chucke out of me
MAGA hates Christians like Mike Pence, the Daily Wire, and Fox News. There's a perception that Republicans are merely out to protect corporations. It doesn't help that Clarence Thomas got a fancy new RV paid by United Healthcare exec
Her insta is back up I guess lmao
No new content though really. I'm not exactly sure why she put it back up. I'll be keeping tabs though.
What’s even funnier is the the non-neo nazis got along with with black people pretty well. Even the confeds from a absolute angle lol
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As said in the title I was curious as to who this women is if she has her own site? I wasn't able to find her name but if any of you gents could help me that would be grand, please & thank you.
Amy Curtis. She doesn't have anything beyond a wishlist but she's on Twitter and insta
she isn't in that 18-22 age range, no way.
WTF is the appeal of a woman covered in tats? She's going to have her tits totally covered. Clearly she's "broken" ( that tat on her thigh) I don't how one can get aroused when she has no skin that's not covered in something.

Is her appeal because she's clearly insane and you think you can manipulate and have total power over her?
What is the appeal?
What if she has Kermit the Frog tattooed on her ass? Do you find Kermit arousing?
Thank you so much also who's the woman at the very top with the AR on her tshirt
I don't know, when they're totally covered up like that it actually starts to get kind of fascinating again, like the circus tattooed lady or something.
Where did you get those pics? Does she make videos???
She has a other insta it's graceful0147
Who is the asian girl with the russian hat please ? Any of her social media ?
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Guys shes not a model but a girl ive been with this girl for a while she’s 18, 5’11 and weighs 245. Told her abt all this feeder stuff and now she’s interested. Says she wants to get even bigger!
>>28636 (OP)
My bad im kinda autistic so sorry for the bad grammar
Has there been any more findings?
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Don't forget, studyingria_1122 , She's 19 and was once a dancer with a raging fat fetish. She has a cute face, big tits, and wants to get huge., definitely will take all the encouragement she can get.
Where did you go about meeting her, how did you two meet?
She lives quite near me it seems, but the photos make it look like she lives in squalor. Do I hit her up anons? Or do I just wank it in peace
Take a look at xfatqueenx or piggyclara. She's 21 and really fat.
>the photos make it look like she lives in squalor.
You can fix her, Anon. Hit her up.
I like the younger side of the is age range. Can anyone point me in the best direction to find legal age young bbws IRL?
NM. Found out I lived near a JuCo whose cafeteria is open to the public.
chickennugget on feabie seems pretty fat from her pics
Celest1ta on Feabie. I don't have feabie so if you do could you post her pictures here please?
Does anybody have more images of the girl in OP's picture? I know that her alias, she is Celest1ta on feabie. The thing is I don't want to make a Feabie account, that is why I am asking here.
You realize Feabie is free and takes 10 seconds to sign up for, all you need is a phone number. If there wasn’t a limit on how many pics you can view daily I’d help you out, but even then her public pics are nothing crazy. The OP pic in this thread is a little deceiving, honestly
I feel like this is a good age to be grooming women to be a feedee. If you can find a needy 20 something and mold her into being a growing fat slob it’s best that way.
Once they’ve hit 24-25 it’s unlikely they’re ever going to be able to adapt to a new fetish. By 30 it’s game over.
Guys hit up chickenugget, she is seriously massive despite her profile photos showing otherwise. I’m talking 340+. Complete land whale, seems to gain really quickly and has a huge perfectly round belly

Does she still exist on feabie?

What a complete disaster
That union has zero media prescene and no golf or fishing because they want to keep you silent & opressed. Why would that union make activities for members to connect and over ride the racist delegates that lie every fucking day for years!!!!!!

Looks like she created a new feabie under the name luvrgurl, she claims to be over 400 pounds at 5'1 inches tall
I love when a new feedee is 18 or just turned 18, means she's been fat or gaining for a while and had no chance out of high school. Fat, ripe little pigs
Dude you probably should try and say more normal things next time ok?
chickenugget is fucking massive, definitely hit her up. Girl literally snacks on fried Oreos. Anyone had any luck with her?
Bosses better be scared of AI. Collecting all data using it against those corrupt union leaders. Resign.
unions with good leadership lead us to the great global union of socialist republics, with a Marxist-Leninist orientation.
From brazil lmao
How about you delegates retire and get a life stop fucking up current members families. Dick heads
I support and continue to support the strike of federal public servants, against Lula's opportunist government. Little by little the working class will wrest its rights from the State.
They need to resign no one wants them in the office anymore.
Even though he was totally against Lula, his resignation would only help the fascists.
We have to continue encouraging the extreme left to have the power so that one day we ourselves can take over the Brazilian states in a communist revolution.
we're on a fetish chan-site
Just remember, all commies are below average,. That's why they covet people's success and belongings. Once they start using the State to take people's stuff, succesfuls stop trying, which always ends the same. Lolcommunists
What a Jewish thing to say.
Jews are the communists. They were 90% of the bolsheviks that obliterated Russia in the 20th century. The IDF trained and armed the south African blacks against the white beers who made that nation great. You must be one of soros' paid stooges. You just can't be this stupid. Then again, you are communist.
>jews are communists
Anon only gets his opinions from stormfront and it shows
Never mind, the Jews sound pretty cool.

Whatever you are sir, that is the blight on this nation and its gene pool. Goodday.
Anon is Jewish in denial
And Israel is literally Nazi Germany, go figure out how a liberal mindset works.
Yessir! Supreme said stop fucking that bitch years ago lmao
The Nazisraeli’s have really made it hard to watch war videos of people getting exploded.
War was a lot more fun when they focused on fighting military installations rather than families, schools and civilian infrastructure.
They are neither your wife or 21 years old.
You certainly know better than me how old he is and whether he is my wife, you don't have to believe it
>he is my wife
the world has changed
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Emohottopic on Reddit claims to be 18.
Have fun getting fat republican women when the patriarch demands skinny women as the proper image of a woman..

Actually wouldn't leftists be for porn because sex work is a valid work force for them & most of their criticism is how porn is flowing in an exploitive capitalist state?
Do you actually know any politics or just see Hitler call himself a socialist and go along with it?
Crazy to think that she was born in 2005 or 2006
Probably not 2006, because it seems she hasn’t been active in 170+ days
Pretty sure it’s done again
BigChubbyBea has some videos with SoftestBasil on OF, a few years old tho afair since the coomer is not updated
She looks 35
Is she transgender?
Not likely, young women need attention and it's a fad now to do pronouns and change your name even if you've got no good reason to.
Which doesn't mean shit she is a woman
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@Kaikaibaby111 on Twitter is currently 20, but retired from posting content because she got married. You can still find it on her Twitter though, and she posted almost all of it when she was 19. Her personality is very slutty and bimboish for a girl of her physique. Photo of her at 19.
TIL: US ID cards show the weight of their subjects
Some states do some don’t. And it’s just self reported so a girl could weigh over 500 and put 300 and no one is going to stop her.
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Currently a bit outside the specified range, but Hinano Miyata is a Japanese BBW who is currently 23 and started her porn career when she was 20. She's famous for the contrast between her pretty face and obese body. She has stared in four or five full length porn films. I recommend this one: https://thisav.com/en/myt-230003
Any weigh in or feeding vids from her?
I hate when sexy bbw don't want to share their weight like wtf we all know you're fat and you're making sexy videos of your fat so just share it like cmon fatty just step on the scale and yiu can have more food fatty
Holy shit
For the longest time, I was bummed about Sara Aikawa not being active cause she is without a doubt my favourite Asian BBW, but damn if Hinano isn't a worthy successor. Hell, might be even hotter.
Hinano might be the prettiest Japanese SSBBW pornstar ever, especially with that striking blonde hair look. I really hope she sticks around for a while and doesn't retire anytime soon.
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@babygirlgrey on Twitter started posting when she was 19 and is currently 22. Left photo is from when she was 19, right one is current.
What happened to flourishingfatty? She was a prodigy

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