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Hello to my friends in this community, I hope you are well.
Over the years, Curvage and bbw-chan have had a strained relationship but I have always strived to keep it civil.
In spite of my best efforts to keep things under wraps at my end, many of my models are complaining about the increasing amount of piracy happening on this website and several are even leaving the community entirely as a result. I am hoping I can appeal to your better nature, as someone who has been in this community for a long time, to ask that you all cease from pirating material made by my Curvage models because it will eventually lead to the demise of the community entirely.

I will also take this opportunity to invite you all to come have a look at the new and improved Curvage with new layout and a refreshed look.

Thank you
Is this bait? Gives me ESL vibes but I also don't know if the guy in charge of Curvage is ESL or not
Pirates? What? How would that even possible?
>>28587 (OP)
>the increasing amount of piracy happening on this website and several are even leaving the community entirely as a result.

hahahahahahahahaha. Remember when models were supposedly leaving because Goddess Shar was scooping up their customers?
Just like the Farang Ding Ding guy who owns the Bearchive, Smudge, Chounyuu, and Pregchan, Curvage is operated by one guy. Porn only makes 50-70k in the states. California, Nevada, and Texas eats into their profits, followed by bribing politicians leaving them at 30K.

So you're telling me all of the money the top models make on that site is being used as hush money?
Yes. If fathers found out their daughter was a whore then they'd cut the funds in a fit of spite. Or worse, some wife with their ape strength will fight the model.
If this is real

Please add either Paypal or Sofort (as seen on c4s) as a payment option

I couldn't buy any clip at all with the payment options you offer right now

That would be a huge help and could also prevent some pirating I guess
As well as adding some cryptic name to the transaction (so it doesn't say what it is directly) on somebody's bank account maybe
I guess that could also help a bit =P
hold up, the farang ding dong dude owns BEArchive??
Duh. BE and Chounyuu are always sending their copyright lawyers to own pornography. They think they can hide away from civilization. It's going to be hilarious when Biden goes after pornographers, or one of the troons blab to the attorney general or progressives.
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Influencers like Gnarly Otaku only average 34 views according to Twitter, which means that smut is inefficient. Yes it's accurate since you have to pay Musk to use his site.
This is the internet my dude. Some poor sod on Chounyuu wants to impersonate Kisame as a prank. I don't care since I am on vacation. Me thinks this guy impersonate Curvage is a teen
Hello, this is the REAL S77.
As part of a sustained attack on Curvage in recent weeks, Russian (or possibly Ukrainian) hackers have managed to gain access to Curvage several times.
While I have managed to regain full control of Curvage, I am still locked out of Twitter. I know the location of the hackers because of the IP addresses they arrive from.
They have also gained access to Curvage DMs, the image database and my CCBILL account for Curvage Clips (this is about which I am most worried).
Please have patience while I increase the site security and continue to make Curvage the best place on the internet to celebrate curves.

Thank you
>Russians and Ukraine hacking into CCBills and BBWchan
I don't know what drugs these conspiracy nuts are on, but I already picked reality. I'd understand Cross Crescent and Alex Jones if they just admit they want their Serial Experiments Lain daughter, or big ass Trinity gf. I don't know how Farrakhan and Scientologists are doing it, but they're excellent bs artists

This absolute faggot actually just posted on Twitter
“We do not post there” right before commenting on Bbw-Chan.
He also blocked out the word “Bbw-chan” from the screenshot as though anyone gives a fuck haha
Conspiracy nuts are on drugs today. Just ignore them.
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Don't worry, Kisame's congressman is codifying a bill of rights for the police. This pugilistic approach to providence and governance means that Queensbury rules will be in effect if passed thru Congress. G-D Emperor Biden and King Charles III support authority before the Lord. Like Leviathan we are a nation of rules and order, governed by strong central body of parliament.
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I think Gnarly Otaku is one of those loser IT contactors for the Air Force. It's going to be hilarious when Merrick Garland runs out of 1/6 ers to prosecutor and goes after the fifth estate workers. Institutionalists like Biden and Garland like giving 20 years sentences for white supremacists.
I dunno. You Brits are on way too much fentanyl. Plus us New Yorkers like Kisame are encouraged to talk like monarchs cause it's fun. Paralegal speak is supposed to be repetitive.
Plus there's so much pressure to respect authority up North so writers go to town with commonwealth regency English.

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