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Going on a trip to Amsterdam - does anyone know if there's a particular part of the red light district where the BBWs are at?

Also my friend who is going on the trip likes Asian girls so if anyone knows where they can be found that would also be appreciated!
My hard dick longs for you. I want your arms around me.
I think it would be MUCH easier to find an Asian prostitute than a fat one.
I've been to Amsterdam twice but never bothered with the prostitutes, partly because there were no fat ones
I saw a cute prostitute there once. She seemed sweet and not too ugly. I assumed that what the clients payed for was great sex. Some girls are natural good lovers.
Nosey, nosey. Who's got the nosey
the area where you'll find more BBW women is Oudekerksplein. there's a decent amount of options but in comparison to the rest of the Redlight not so much. also they're not too big I didn't see any women that looked over 225 lbs.
There are barely any girls in the red light district let alone bbws, when I went there were two in the whole district, and the district itself is only really one tiny alley, you won't even know you've been through it when you walk through, everyone overhypes it.
I hope you get arrested by the Dutch police and the King decrees an exception to the death penalty ban just for you. Repent degenerate. Just get a fat wife, they're a diamond dozen in the West.
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>Le "Degenerate" talk on this site of all places

Anon, if you're browsing this site at all, I hate to break it to you, you're a degenerate too
Schizo. Your neighbors are not payed to spy on you. They are not sending subliminal messages about you on the internet using models' pics, and they don't hack computers or cameras. Demons and witches don't exist.
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I only lightly indulge in more vanilla stuff these days at best and come here for the bants.

Just because I like chub, which was the historica norm and trad anyway, that equates me to an Anglo sex pest who wants to fuck a flabby Dutch whore in the worst city in Europe (saying a lot)?

Projection btw but demons and witches literally do exist and we have empirical proof. You believe your grandpa was a half-hairless monkey, and his grandpa was a mutant fish. Take this L.
He’s right. It’s one thing to be a degenerate. Buying sex and being a John is the smallest sick shit a man can do.
These simps throwing money at whores have destroyed the world and turned women into whores.
Being nice and kind really goes a longs way, guys. I hear the girls dig it.
OP should be nice to the prostitutes by not encouraging sex trafficking industry.

BTW a fat one is more likely to have an STD
>>28857 Is it because there are more fat women alive than thin women? You seem like a smart fellow. Can I ask you something? 2 things actually.
No I don't answer to Canucks. Québécois, Albertans, Eskimos, and some Newfies excepted.
That is such a weird thing to be racist over but since you believe in demons and witches I'm going to just go ahead and assume you probably haven't been around people other than your caretaker in months and we can ignore your contributions.
I was joking/sarcastic because the tone of the Canadian ostensibly was looking to bait me. :/

To clarify though, fat prostitutes are more likely to be diseased from various factors like not being "premium" fare that have more pressure to be on the up-and-up concerning health.

Also on a similar note, we have literal ex-prostitutes and other trafficked women who confirm ad nauseam that Satanic Ritual Abuse is real and practiced by very powerful, smart people (ergo demons are real). This isn't even schizo territory it's just basic historical and contemporary sociological reality. You probably do not have a higher IQ than many people on the Epstein logs.
>we have literal ex-prostitutes and other trafficked women who confirm ad nauseam that Satanic Ritual Abuse is real and practiced by very powerful, smart people (ergo demons are real).

lol literal gullible dipshit ^^^
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Here's an ancient Anglo-Saxon proverb for you:

>Takes one to know one.
>>28560 (OP)
yeah, they're up my ass. Please get hit by one of those yellow trains while you're there, one less brit in the world make it a happier place
Don't listen to this guy. Every generation's more sissy/fuckboy than the previous.
prostitution is more trad than liking fat girls

demons aren't real, retard, satanism is an ideology for contarian losers

Why would a fat one be more likely to have an std muthafuka
She wouldn't, ignore self-hating FA incels.
World's least retarded Dutchy on both counts.

BTW explain the super spooky Epstein Island shenanigans by a whole lot of super smart and powerful people across industries, including those invited from yours.


Complete lack of critical thinking + copium overdose

There are few things more foolish than throwing away your virginity for what are realistically 20 seconds of pleasure, and PAYING FOR IT to boot, and supporting a misogynist industry that is literally slavery. It was as if Covid and all the other chaotic crap in the world right you nothing. WAKE UP!
> explain the super spooky Epstein Island shenanigans

A lot of guys like the idea of fucking conventionally attractive, post-pubescent teenagers. Dare I say most, based on conversations I've had, and man am I glad I'm into fat MILFs. Though it's actually not the same thing as pedophilia, despite being immoral and rightfully illegal in most civilized countries. Thankfully most guys will never get the chance to live this fantasy, but as usual power and money finds a way. No satanic rituals necessary, sorry to bust that bubble for you.

> throwing away your virginity

I live in a post-medieval mindset where virginity is not a commodity. If your first time goes badly because of anything from nerves to coercion to an STD or unplanned pregnancy, it just kinda is what it is.

> 20 seconds of pleasure

You're doing it wrong. Explains a lot.
>>29051 Don't listen to this faggotry. They're mostly Indians and they work for google and steal your data for the highest bidder.

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