
Is there any better pics that you have and can share, being as to how you're religious about visceral fat. This isn't good pic.
>>28336 (OP)
Nah, I prefer that soft, jiggly, double belly and tons of rolls creating fat (sub sth I think)

Nothing beats a big double belly and all those side and back rolls you can play with in a hypnotic way :)

Much more attractive to me than "hard" visceral fat and a pregnant like belly
I never really cared much until Big Cutie Marilyn got me hooked on visceral fat. I definitely prefer the rounder, fuller look. Just need a big fat pair of jugs resting on it to top it off. Perfect combo.
>>28336 (OP)

I've always called it 2nd trimester belly since every woman who has it looks 6 months pregnant.
This is why Mochii is one of my favorite modern bbws because she almost all very dense visceral fat that is slowly choking her. Her organs must be like that of a 50 year old smoker already. I do love fluffy lard too but the round butterball look is so darkly hot.
Half and half. I love round tummies; anything that is 2 tiered is bottom tier for me. But I also don't like beerguts that are round where everything else is skinny; might as well be a dude at that point
>>28336 (OP)
Visceral fat tends to happen when the weight gain happens really fast right? I got a post over here >>12969 (Cross-thread) and there's pics in this thread too about a waitress I knew who gained 60lbs in 3 months
Nah it's based on the balance of hormones as dictated by genetics. The balance can change due to age, pregnancy, or certain conditions and medications but it's basically decided by nature.
White women got shit genetics then.
It's not entirely based on genetics. It also largely depends on what they eat. From what I remember, high-sugar diets tend to increase visceral fat.
......................Everybody wants to be the star player. Shine on, falling star. You crazy luciferian, you.
I don't understand either of you cause I don't have a compass. Nazis and satanists are both dumb.
Wobbled fat on the ass. But that’s just me, I’m not into trans and gender fluid looking people.

So pregnant looking bellies then?
who's the shapeshifter- nazis, satanists, or the owner of the chubby belly in the picture?

My security screening method is that the girl must be short, hips bigger than shoulders, breast size implausible simply from excess body fat alone. and the pussy.

so unless there's a lot of young, sane, good looking danny devitos (interesting concept) trying to flip flop, I feel protected.
absolutely, fatties that look like they're carrying twins or more are the best
she's some woman that thinks she's a man or something, but hasn't chopped her tits off or by any metric done anything to look like a man, so I'll still get off to it
>>28336 (OP)
agreed. Out of all the girls I know who are on the heavier side, almost all of them are tit-heavy and it annoys the hell out of me.
exactly right. rolls and cellulite are uniquely feminine
Such women have good potential to be all tits and belly if they keep gaining.

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