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So I’ve been with my wife, pic related, for 15 years. She’s 29, I just turned 30, high school sweetheart situation. After all this time, she’s gathered that I have an “eating fetish”, eg. she recognizes I say “gat damn” when she throws her head back and aims spaghetti into her mouth when she’s trying to see if pasta is done. She’s gained 100 lbs since we met, and I’ve done my damnedest to make it clear I find her attractive at any weight, but I’m fairly sure she’s still ignorant of this whole community and how this fetish works. I don’t know how she’d react to it. She has friends who make side money on hand and feet pics and always says she wants to do that but never follows through, and I have no interest in that, so it falls by the wayside. Girls like Mochii puke after 80 McNuggets. Not this girl. She stops eating when she gets bored, not because she feels full. She’s my wife and mother to two children so I don’t even want her to be as reckless as some models. But fuck sakes, she has it in her. And I can’t bring myself to start to even show her how she can cash in on her stomach capacity. Am I retarded or is anyone else trapped in this box?
I'm a kissless virgin in my mid 20s. Be grateful and bold I don't really think the devoted FatWife(tm) is gonna leave you if you tell her her gluttony turns you on.
Bro just tell her and report back. You’ve been together this long, worst case scenario she doesn’t play into it. It’s not gonna wreck your relationship
totally agree
I would split the difference. Let her know about your fetish because obviously you guys have a good thing going and there's no reason to keep it from her. Plus it'll improve your sex life. Even if she's not into it, women like to please men and so she'll likely incorporate feeding/stuffing into her repertoire.

But I wouldn't encourage her to go into modeling unless she brings it up. Too many downsides, especially for a mom. You hit the FA jackpot in a way so few of us do. Don't try to monetize it, just enjoy.
Yeah. I figure I'll pick up a box of wine on my way home today to loosen her up and find a good way to bring it up tonight. We generally have a robust sex life otherwise. After this long I just don't know what is or is not potentially there.

And as far as the modeling thing, I was more looking for a way to really make it worth her time. I'm fairly sure she'll never get off to eating or gaining. Which sucks because her stomach really is a natural wonder but she only goes all out a few times a year. And again Mochii puked after shy of 3 lbs of nuggets but she is literally like those youtube girls who eat an 18 lb tray of breakfast food in 45 mins. And when she does go all out, she feels guilty. Idk, I'd just love to normalize it for her.

Exactly. If she's not weirded out about her friends doing foot fetish work, then she shouldn't be wierded out about this one.
I'm in a very similar situation and I would tread lightly here marriedanon. 15 years is a long time to keep something like a fetish from a spouse. My wife has gathered that I like fat chicks (her words) and I'm fairly certain she doesn't know about anything BBW related. She is fairly open minded however, as in she's always down to put her ass in my face because she knows I'm obsessed with her sizeable butt cheeks and perfect asshole.
>mother to two children
Automatic no. This will haunt your kids foe the rest of their lives. Don't put that burden on them
Millions of mothers become fatter all over the world, anon. Unless you mean making clips and stuff and having them exposed to fetish spaces, Lord have mercy.
how anyone can be in a relationship and not tell their partner about their fetish is always a mystery to me

having said that congrats anon, wish you luck and happiness
Have you been in a long-term relationship? Because it's easy. You meet the person and want to be perfect for her. That means not talking about your "weird" fetish. You fall in love and the incentive becomes that much stronger.

Plus true love tends to cover for a lot of other feelings. Sexually, you're so into the person during that honeymoon stage that the fetish drifts into the background. They're enough.

You move in together and time goes on. You're still very into each other in other ways but the sexual aspect cools a bit. The fetish reasserts itself and you think Yeah, I should tell her about this, but now time has passed — a year or two, or five — and you worry how she'll react to your keeping it from her. Basically a gigantic Catch-22.

I'm not at all saying this is ideal or forgivable for that matter. Just that it's not mysterious at all, nor is this kind of behavior restricted to fetishes. Partners keep all kinds of things from each other for various reasons, for decades, or til death. Humans are complicated.
>That means not talking about your "weird" fetish.
This post adequately explains why you're alone and on this board. Girls must loathe you. Booooooring. You should probably fuck a prostitute or something because you don't know wtf you're doing.
And though you're on this board too I can totally tell you have all kinds of LTR experience, and a six pack, a ferrari, and two MMA belts. You're definitely not irrationally hostile because you're afraid of women and live in a weird-ass fantasy world, at all.
Oh brother, I feel you 100%

Met my GF in college, she was a freshman, i was a senior. She used to be such a plump little thing--she's 5'2" and was already 200. Its been about 5 years and just like you, my girl has also put on about 100 pounds, teeters high 200 low 300.

In the inverse, I was like 220 when we met and now im like 180-190 (5'8") tall

Dynamic is completely different. We use to both eat big but now she eats more than me. We go to restaurants and she helps me finish my plate now.

A few years ago, i took her to Universal Studios in Orlando.....she ate everything....basically ate the entire funnel cake we "shared." Then ate lunch at the Krusty Burger, she had her own burger meal. Then for Dinner we decide to each a turkey leg. She finished it, no problem. I took a few bites but was so full with beer, i just couldnt do it. She finished it for me.

She's got IT!

But she hates herself and yeah, ill love her no matter what size but GAWT DAMN when she puts it down...we're both under a spell
Nah nothing wrong with having a fat mom. I myself have a fat mom (Frued stays winning) and I turned out mostly fine. Yeah, I am referring to posting fetish porn online as something that should be avoided at all costs
yeah i have, and i've never hidden my fetish from anyone. if she doesn't like it then she's not right for me, simple. best to just be open about it straight up an move on if she's not interested, nothing complicated about it
LOL Right and so at what point in your, uh, relationships do you hand out that particular ultimatum?

"Hi Sheila, my name's Bruce. You're very beautiful, just like your profile pictures. But before we look at the menu, you should know something about me."

"Um, what?"

"I have a feeding fetish."

"What's that?"

"Well pretty much like it sounds... I like to feed my women and make them fatter."

"How fat?"

"Sky's the limit, Shiela."

"Ah, okay. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back..."
>"Hi Sheila, my name's Bruce. You're very beautiful, just like your profile pictures. But before we look at the menu, you should know something about me."
This is the most autistic thing I've ever read. Have you never been on a real-life date or the early stages of a relationship, where you get to know someone as a person while you low-key feel each other out for mutual sexual compatibility? If you can't imagine handling these things with finesse, that's a failure of imagination (or experience) on your part. Handling the conversation with finesse doesn't mean you'll always get it right, but it's the first step.
>I'm not at all saying this is ideal or forgivable for that matter. Just that it's not mysterious at all, nor is this kind of behavior restricted to fetishes. Partners keep all kinds of things from each other for various reasons, for decades, or til death. Humans are complicated.
Yup. I've experienced this from the opposite direction, with a woman who soft-pedaled the fact that extreme kinks which I don't share were the only way she could reliably reach orgasm. (If you're not a tradtard, you know that women can be just as kinky and sexual as men.) She downplayed this when we first met because she was into me as a romantic partner. It caused an enormous amount of heartache in the long run.

The longer I live, the more convinced I become that life is too short *not* to seek out a partner who shares your sexual kinks, unless you have other responsibilities that prevent you from doing it.

All that said, trying to make your non-feedist wife into a public fetish model is a very stupid idea, and OP shouldn't do it. Just get a side gig if you need the extra income that bad. Maybe be more open with her in private about your desires, but trying to turn her into MochiiBabii would almost certainly be an embarrassing disaster that would nuke your marriage.
confirmed virgin
Don't know if this is the same dude who got baited into the arguments above but yeah this take is real and exactly how it's been for me. After a relatively short talk that resulted in her agreeing not to diet again but that she won't introduce it into the bedroom, I'm mostly where I left off with an awkward conversation under my belt. She did eat like 4000 calories today though so I've got that going for me.
Yes, I’m the same dude. I found it weird the Aussie incel relationship expert would react with such hostility, but I guess my real-life experience with women as human beings punctured a precious fantasy. Sorry, mate.

It reminds me of relationship advice that promotes honesty über alles. Really…? Should we be honest with our partners all the time? Sounds great in theory but in practice relationships require hundreds of micro-lies and a few macros because 1) even people in committed relationships need private spaces, and 2) frankly people often don’t want to hear the truth. “Ignorance is bliss” is not just a cliche. Not all lies are created equal. It’s the curse of being human that most moral decisions are in shades of gray.

If one has a fetish like ours, which would be abhorrent to virtually any woman if put into practice and has a pretty strong sadistic component to it, the best thing is to manage it. This doesn’t fit into the fairy tale ideal of two people being everything to each other, but realistically, what in our lives is ideal? Our careers? Our families? Our bodies? A partner who’s loyal, supportive, fun to hang out with, fat and not cripplingly insecure about it is a pretty good deal. That she isn’t down to clown with feedism seems an okay compromise.

I’ve found when other aspects of the relationship are healthy, and life is good in general, my fetish fades into the background. It’s there but isn’t obsessive, and I find sexual fulfillment in my partner on a higher level than feeding my fetish (npi). When we’re not getting along, work is a pain, the house is falling apart, my family is giving me grief, etc etc, my fetish comes roaring back into the foreground of my thoughts. I’m not otherwise an addictive person, but I imagine it’s the same for an alcoholic, or compulsive overeater for that matter.

Yes, this is a cope. Life is a cope. Welcome to adulthood.
As long as she's eating and not complaining about her weight going up, you've already won the lottery. Of all the guys into this fetish only a tiny fraction ever get to experience it once, let alone be with someone else who is into it. If you have a fat woman who likes to eat and doesn't want to lose weight, and you love her/ get along/compatible etc., you're already doing better than 99% of guys into this fetish

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