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Wife wants to go on a vacation one of these days. Her preferred resort atm Hedonism II or Hedonism III for the fact that you can basically fuck anywhere and she's been telling me about how she wants to get fucked in front of people. My wife is a BBW, 5'11" about 350 lbs.

Does anyone have experience at these types of resorts? Are BBWs mocked at there places? Everything I've seen, it's all normies with tight bodies. Are there BBW friendly beach resorts? I saw one called The Resort in the Bahamas but I haven't seen much else about it. I considered mentioning a BBW Bash but I'm not sure if she would be down with that. She knows I like fat girls but as far as I know, she's oblivious to what BBWs/SSBBWs are. I hesitate to bring it up because she's kinda self conscious about her weight and I don't want to seem like a pervy fetishist. I'm merely a FA.

Pic is of Vanessa Blake who looks very much like my wife in the face and body.
I would recommend going on Hedonism's TripAdvisor page and asking outright: "My wife is fat — is it gonna be a thing?"

FWIW, the Mayan Riviera and PR resorts I've been to had more than their share of BBWs, and a few SSBBWs as well. And the swinging/sex-positive folks I've known are also extremely BoPo. I suspect her size would only be a thing at the super-luxury or Gen Z-oriented party resorts.
>>28314 (OP)
> she's kinda self conscious about her weight

> she wants to get fucked in front of people

She can't have both. If she wants strangers to gawk and record her getting porked, then she needs to suck it up and stop being ashamed of her body.
Honestly? Who the fuck are you to say what's in her mind? You can absolutely have it both ways. Its more about me protecting her anyway. I don't want some strangers to body shame her is all.

>>I don't want some strangers to body shame her is all.

So don't take her outside then faggot. Otherwise grow some balls and stop being a pussy.
>>28314 (OP)
Yeah I agree with the sentiment generally but will put it in a nicer way. No matter what you’re doing, where or who you’re with, there’s going to be fatphobic people and there’s always going to be tolerant and accepting people. 99% of the time when you’re worried people are judging you in public, no one is even looking at you let alone caring at all. If you and your wife are willing to take the risk of maybe one person making one rude comment or getting a few nasty looks, then go for it. Otherwise no, the answer is no you should do this.
Thanks bro

So I did some pretty in depth research. Hedonism II and III are basically fuckfests, filled with swingers, nudity is mandatory in the "nude side" while clothing is optional on the "prude side" however the facilities are not great. Not terrible, but this is not a luxury resort.

I saw another couple resorts in Cancun. Desire Riviera Maya and Desire Pearl. These are slightly more tame, as clothing is optional and there are designated spots to fuck. The facilities here seem a bit more luxury oriented. Since my wife and I definitely wanna let loose, we both agree to try to do some molly (she's never done it), smoke a shit ton of weed, I'll probably do a psychedelic if I can get my hands on some, maybe coke too (we've both never done it). It doesn't seem her size will be an issue, which is good. I do think we will get some watchers when we do fuck outside as she has a giant Armenian ass which only got bigger after our kid was born. From what I gather, the cartels are very much on top of all aspects of drugs there, however I don't plan on venturing off the resort, so I'll just try my luck with a resort employee.

We're both very excited about it, cannot stop talking about it.
5'11" Armenian woman? I think the tallest Armenian man I've seen was 5'9". I really want to believe but...
Well she's half Armenian. Her Armenian father was quite short, while her German-Irish mother is pretty tall for a woman, if I had to guess she's about 5'8.

I'm 6'1" lol
Just buy molly and blow before you go and throw it in your bag.
Seconding this. You might find a cool bartender or concierge who'll hook you up but I wouldn't bet on it. And buying drugs on the street in a tourist area is just insane — best case scenario you get burned with fake shit. Too much risk you'll get shaken down for big money, robbed, or wind up in jail.
Lol I'm not boarding a plane and going through TSA with a bunch of coke from some nigger in Detroit on a plane. I would risk just asking a couple resort workers. If I can't find anything, nbd tbh I'll just smoke weed which is legal and drink a lot of liquor.
>>28576 Where is weed legal on planut Earth?
"Nigger"... Wow, so edgy, yet so unnecessary. I should've known not to take your LARPing ass seriously. Well if any aspect of this is true I sincerely hope you wind up gang raped in Quinana Roo prison and your imaginary wife leaves you for an African-American gentleman, one who can remember whether she's 5'8" or 5'11".

Your country, for starters, and my state.
Is this really what the Turks almost exterminated her (half) people for? To be a fat public whore in Mexico?

Hey Enver Pasha, you missed a spot...
So the new mod is a nigger? 2 posts mentioning the n-nigger were deleted on /gen of all places.
New mod isn’t 14 years old and his dad paid attention to him as a kid so he doesn’t have to act out with bad words.
Yet he keeps some Kebab's anti-Armenian spiel on the board. Interesting.

Go fuck yourself, you mudslime Turkish piece of shit.

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