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I love it when BBWs and politics collide! Post more fatties taking advantage of their First Amendment right.

Also, anyone got a name on her?
It took longer than I expected for a politcal thread to show up considering the current cirumstances. Although I like it when my BBWs have a working brain and aren't fighting over colors and old geezers.
>>Also, anyone got a name on her?

Random ass woman?
Don and Don Jr's supporters have been threatening the D.A, the judge, and the judge's daughter over the past few days. We don't have enough McDonald's or Burger Kings in Manhattan to calm these autists down. Dems also thought it was a good idea to go after MSG cause the owner has facial recognition technology to block them. Without happy meals, arcades, or benches for fat people to sit on, the state has to put up with a BBW with good cardio.
I am convinced that AOC or Cuomo will attempt to oust Gillibrand, and hand Zeldin his Senate seat. Hochul would rather put some Trump supporter on the bench to not scare off the few farmers, realtors, and railroad staff keeping the state afloat. The center left and radical left have been flashing over gun control as well as Chicago or NY as the DNC convention. I can see Chicago winning cause Obama is clearing out his voters to make way for the presidential center. Adams is too crazy and he's scaring the fat Hillary and Obama supporters with his handling of crime as well as talks of veganism.
I'm thinking of heading down to Foley Square this afternoon with a sack of Chik-Fil-A sandwiches spiked with Xanax. That'll chill them out for a few hours at least.
>>28311 (OP)
From the Blue end of things, in 2017 attended the pink pussy protest/parade in NOLA (where I lived at the time) and the BBW/SSBBW ratio was off the charts. NOLA's a fat city to begin with but TrumpHate really drew them out of the woodwork.

Hence why I only go after fatties with working brain cells.
Eric Adams and the judge says no violence in his town. This is what happens when the city elect those ineffectual black Christians from baptist circles moonlight as a mayor and felon.
He's Christian like I'm Zoroastrian. He's a dumb, crooked cop who got lucky, running amid the first real crime wave in 3 decades that made an ex-cop not just electable but desirable. This was also the first election here with ranked choice, where a moderate has a built in advantage.

Primary-wise he lucked out as well, as a known (if untested) quantity running against two negative-charisma technocrats, Garcia and Stringer, after 8 years of the same. The only other semi-credible candidate was Maya Wiley, a hard-left academic with no government experience, best known for her MSNBC appearances where she nods her head to whatever Chris Hayes is saying.

Yes, Yang had name recognition and charm but is also a gigantic putz who is less connected to the city than most tourists on their third visit. He called a Westchester convenience store a bodega and spend most of covid in Dutchess County because his 1,800sf 2br apartment (gigantic for NYC) wasn't big enough for his 4 person family to comfortably pod within.

Primaries happened and Garcia and Wiley split the prog vote, Yang grabbed the Asians and libertarian left, and Stringer did middling single digits. The only big demo left were black folks, whom Garcia and Wiley badly misjudged as BLM True Believers who'd never vote for a cop. Turns out you can't judge a 2 million-person demographic by the 3% of bourgie hoteps among them. Mr. and Mrs. Black Regular Person don't like getting shot, mugged, or burgled any more than Joey MAGAdonuts in Staten Island. Defund the police? Fuck no — send a cop to my corner to get rid of the drug dealing thugs who hassle my kid on the way home from school every day.

Then comes the general and Adams is up against the worst Republican nominee in NYC history — nutjob cat hoarder and fake tough guy Curtis Sliwa. A Republican running NYC? Yes this is the deep blue apple but we've had 24 years of Republican mayors within my not-that-long lifetime. It can be done. Thing is with Sliwa, even as founder and head of the infamous Guardian Angels was no match for a guy who actually carried a gun and badge, rather than strut around the subways in satin jackets and berets observing and reporting.
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It's a moot point. The judge has been threatened because Adams and Bragg thought it was a good idea to arrest Trump in the part of NYC that's accessible by bus, train, tunnels and bridges instead of secluded upstate or in Staten Island. It's why I don't care progressives voted to put tolls on bridges to charge themselves $100 to enter Manhattan just to fund mass trains. NYC likes to Joey MAGAdonuts because crazy people will make sure the trains run on time.

Every progressive I've met is a fat Black lesbian or a black guy with Eric Cartman tier neurosis. I don't blame Joe Biden for ignoring them. The poor man wants the warmth of a hefty Amish woman from Lancaster or a portly Drexel student from Philadelphia. Merrick Garland doesn't seem to care either cause progressives are fucking up his far right trophy. I just can't imagine progressives drawing Steven Universe or Star Wars telling their anti-war fan base to buy war bonds for Ukraine. I was watching old MGM shorts and I was amazed at how moralistic Harman and Ising shorts were. The modern left has the Whale, but Brendan Fraser got an Oscar for playing a fat gay Trump supporter with compulsive eating.
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I am already covered till December. I don't expect artists to understand that blacklists hurt sales and nobody going to art with restricted access. Then again, pregnancy stans are so effective at playing doppelganger Kisame or copycat Kisame that I can pretty much use the chaos to plot for vacation. I already got the 32 hour minimum at my day job thanks to progressives. They're such useful idiots. Thank God we fired the radical left at my job.
I have to disagree. You seem to have no grasp of reality or the world around you. Open your eyes.
>Every progressive I've met is a fat Black lesbian or a black guy with Eric Cartman tier neurosis

This is the kind of brain rot that happens when you don't even pretend to meet people outside your bubble. You get Kisame posting.
The reality of the situation is that Eric Adams and Alvin Bragg are incompetent. We don't have enough heroin and weed to tranquilize Trump supporters cause the cops got rid of the drug dealers. Biden had the right idea to ignore Cuomo because progressives make up 3% of the state population.
I am from Queens. Everyone I've met is Sikh, Korean, Hindu, Muslim, Chinese, Vietnamese, Polish or Greek. Why would I care that Manhattan liberals voted to rehabilitate their war criminal Donald Trump? Trump is one of those old school liberals and communists like David Horowitz and Curtis Silwa. It's rather telling that Eric Adams is copying Trump's playbook by letting his billionaire friends take over Manhattan. Trump's out of state fans hate the city for banning transfats. Adams forget that he needs Republicans to operate the bus, subways, and railroad to transport Trump BBWs to their weekend getaways in CT, PA, NJ, and Boston. Right now hamplanets are fleeing Florida cause Ron Desantis is pretty much fighting Disney, and arresting idiot liberals who flipped South Florida red. Even Wisconsin is flipping blue cause conservatives can't get their voters to use mail in ballots.
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If you want reality, Clarence Thomas is the most powerful conservative judge cause Texas billionaires gave him his heffers like Virginia Thomas, luxury trips, and cash gifts to overturn Roe v. Wade. Its like how Amy Chua groomed JD Vance and Kavanaugh. The Brotherhood of Death aka Skull and Bones Society aren't going to give up their monopoly on conservatives because Biden won. I am convinced Elaine Chao is some kind of succubus that drains the vitality off neo-confederates like Mitch McConnell and she's waiting for him to die to inherit his power. The left could have their Lucy Liu Democrat, but she scrambles their brain with her valley girl accent that Asians have in Queens
>Texas billionaires gave him his heffers like Virginia Thomas, luxury trips, and cash gifts to overturn Roe v. Wade.
doesn't make any sense, dropped.
Fact is conservatives have abandoned the constitution and are playing like kleptocratic oligarchs
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Clarence Thomas was an aide to Reagan before becoming a Supreme Court Justice. He was mald that his sister waited for a handout while he got crushed under student loan debt. To his defense, modern conservatives have no goals beyond winning. Ron is betraying Florida for the presidency next week to tie in with Memorial Day. Democrats are going to get crushed cause Nancy Pelosi is using the still beating corpse of Feinstein to save seats.

Adams, Hakeem Jeffries, Bowman, and NH are doing a good job ratfucking Biden by copying Guliani's tactics. We're getting Raising Cane's in NY cause Dems want to ratfuck their high end dining spots.
nah, Roe wasn't constitutional and even if it was McCorvey literally lied about being raped and admitted to it for years after even if you bring she felt she was "used" by activists before she died.
Its perjury.
Pelosi definitely wants Feinstein out of her seat, its California, where they legalized ballot harvesting, and Feinstein is one of the few allowing the filibuster to remain.
>California remaining blue

When you remove Los Angeles and San Francisco and the capital, California is a conservative state. People from Bakersfield don't care for LA because it's murder capital of the state. Newsome is alienating the Napea Valley wine mom vote with his mandate. If either Pelosi or Feinstein dies, the whole state flips red cause there's still enough Houston, Phoenix, and Montana people who want nothing to do with Hollywood.
>When you remove the places where most people live in a state, it's part of my sports team

There's a lot of retarded shit on this site but God damn you're really racing to the bottom here huh? Land doesn't vote, you inbred hick.
Land absolutely does vote and you failed civics
California just voted for reparations for Blacks to the tune of $100 billion. Those wealthy Asians, Hispanics, and White libs aren't going to fork over the cash. They'll just flee the state for Texas or Arizona.
You know they’re rich because of a Californias economy.
Ohhh right, welfare’s only good when it’s blue states funding toothless hicks in red states whose economy is fucking goats.
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Kisame here. I doubt it. Ben Crump tried to gaslight a pregnant white NYC nurse over a bike because liberals men have the principles of Brian Griffin. I know shit on Peter for being lowbrow, but he's easy going and can adapt to society. Libs with their electric cars and co-ops will just be pugilistic over etiquette. Florida outside of Palm Beach and Miami aren't getting anything cause Disney is too petty to do business.
Right, Disney is the petty one. Not the governor of the state engaging in a pissing match with a corporate juggernaut over gay laws. That project folded because while your narrative is people can't wait to leave California, no one with any sense wants to pack up and move to Florida and would rather quit their resume-maker of a job than be relocated.
Walt was a hardline conservative and would approve of Desantis. He'd be okay with a Disney and Final Fantasy crossover, but keep it a Sora, Kairi and Riku without that gay soap opera.
Bob Iger is infamously petty because he has bipolar disorder. Disney Plus is flopping cause they can't sell Mickey Mouse despite black regular collecting the keychains and merchandise. They're dependent on Florida for cheap labor.
Bob Iger doesn't have bipolar disorder. His father did. Your research is as bad as your reading comprehension.
Walt doesn't care. You're acting as if Walt wouldn't vote for Trump and Desantis. Walt fired and named communists, then participated in the lavender scare. He'd be okay with Disney Plus, Pixar and Kingdom Hearts without Chapek
Walt's dead. No one cares. Only you do Kisame. The current board isn't keeping his seat warm and run the way things he would so he can ease back into things.
But I don't care either. I complete my anti-shooter training at work. The rules say that I can't really endorse any extremist ideas regardless of merit. Ron the retard is stuck in the past, so is Disney.
According to these shooter drills. Kisame here is just supposed to do taichi and hide while the authorities arrive
Kisame doesn't care about the board and their revenge against Dunedin man. Disney is losing money because they harass DD cup women for showing cleavage and fat ass women for wearing thongs. Disneyland is synonymous with couples brawling over line.
>>30052 This faggo-hater hates faggos so much that he constantly bashes Disney and anime in loli threads. I'm starting to think he's a virtue signaling LGBTQ
>>28311 (OP)
is this the city? I've seen only one maga hat and it was a rabble rouser literally standing on a soapbox (milkcrate)
>>30055 Don't you get it? He's in the closet
Kisame here. Nope, I am straight. It's just that women have no personality besides condos and equity in NYC.
MAGA supporters are around 15. Ron supporters are around 600. People want to move on from the Donald, but Ron is making too much errors to be governable.
Right you don't care thats why you respondedbto this post multiple times lmfao low test faggot
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>Anon still mald that MAGA man and Ron are going to lose to Biden.
I am hopped up on a large cappuccino right now. I am saying that Biden is going to skull fuck conservatives so hard in 2024 that the party won't win till 2060.
>>30060 I can almost guarantee that he doesn't care. Nobody cares. We have to kill Drug Dealers because they sell drugs to babies sometimes I've seen babies loving the drugs

Drug Dealers must get death penalty and also incesters and incestors I'm not crazy
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So? The entire eastern seaboard is full of criminals. What's the point of paying tax if the left isn't dealing drugs and the right isn't stealing from Washington. Look, I know NY sucks but we're not losers like Gary, Indiana.
I feel bad for you lone wolf terrorists. At least creationists like Ken Hamm built that arc and left. What exactly is Bannon or Lindell after?

>NY sucks but we're not losers

Go live in NY then I don't give a fuck what u do faggo I'm not your stupid American mom that fucked your life up like the fuck up that she is why are youmad at me for
Wow. Conservatives are babies.
I love how move to nyc is an insult, it’s the most expensive place to live because everyone wants to live their for the amenities, culture and relatively low crime (look it up you inbred idiots, it’s lower than most red states)
Kisame here. That worked cause you tourists had counter terrorism units and state troopers guarding the entry points. Now people don't want to pay their fair or tolls even though libs raised taxes on themselves. Conservatives like me can afford the tolls and EZ Pass, but not libs with their extravagant lifestyle.
gpt: the thread
All those fancy pride parades from PFLAG and Trevor Project cost money.
I joke about BBWs upholding their 2nd amendment right by concealed carrying Desert Eagles with their fat rolls.

Cranking my hog to fatties on the chan while sipping an IPA right now actually. P good life TBH
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Conservatives like Eric July hate fat women for liking comics while manga is dominating the sales. Keep in mind the most iconic manga character is a pink fat alien beating Super Saiyans. It's rather telling that Majin Buu comes closer to beating Moro while Super Saiyans got beaten by a furry with a vore fetish. Meanwhile, Naruto cannot sell fat Anko and Bleach can't sell Omaeda despite the latter being a lieutenant and a noble.
Kisame have you ever touched a woman
Sorry but Kisame is gone
Assuming I do touch a woman, it would be a Latino, Asian, or Muslim woman. It's not going to be an infertile American roastie
Look at it this way: do you really want super asshole Kisame Jr running around on the internet?
There’s a bit of wisdom in his shit.
Seeing people simp for aged out white chicks in makeup is sad.

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