
(2.4 MB, 298x318, malefanty-1.webm)
Do you pay for a reliable VPN?
Do you have an iron stomach?
Are you willing to sacrifice your mental health to maintain the chan?

Recently, the site has been under near constant attack by CP spammers. We've all seen it. It's the worst. It would seem no amount of automatic banning before posting is working, so we must try to onboard more janitors to keep the place more clean, more of the time.

Let's be clear here: this isn't for the faint of heart. Did you know there is a very high turnover rate for even trained FBI professionals in the field of CP investigations? This shit takes a toll. It makes you feel...empty to know there are people out there like that, so determined to post this terrible disgusting shit day in and day out.

You must have even MORE determination than them to survive this position. To put it down, to snipe it, to have a hateful, ROARING abhorrence for it that drives you day after day. And to do it for the greater good of the site, even though it will hurt you.

...Anyway, if you've read all that and are still interested, message me on discord. Your first competency check is to find it, as we don't advertise it much. I will conduct interviews and try to onboard as many as are willing.

A few things. Look, I don't mind if you take breaks. A login once a week on the site and a simple check-in on the discord every two weeks at least and I'm happy. This isn't a paid position. I don't expect you to sit there all day every day monitoring. But hey, if you want to go the extra mile to setup RSS monitoring for new threads to some kind of phone app that will give you alerts so you can stay on top of things, that'd be awesome.

Looking forward to the help.

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