
(437 KB, 857x1200, purge the filth.jpg)
Sorry Barclay, but this site is out of control - CP, doxxing, and spam staying up for hours. How long until the Feds start knocking or the site's webhost drops us?

You need more mods ASAP. I've seen several posters volunteer, please consider trying to contact them and also putting out a recruitment PSA. I get it, they aren't paid and do this in their free time, which is all the more reason to have enough moderators to cover the spread.

It's sad to see bbw chan in this state, and I hope it can get better.
Instead of bitching here and ironically spamming threads, go to the thread that's pinned up and complain there.

And if you're so concerned about this site, then fork over the money to help it stay afloat instead of begging for coomer updates and reups.
>Instead of bitching here and ironically spamming threads, go to the thread that's pinned up and complain there.

Multiple people, including me, have tried that for months to no avail. If this is the better way to get attention, so be it.

>instead of begging for coomer updates and reups.

this has absolutely nothing to to with the CP and doxxing problems. And I'm also not a beggar.

>>Multiple people, including me, have tried that for months to no avail. If this is the better way to get attention, so be it.

It's not a better way retard. Honestly what do you expect them to do? Again, this site is already bleeding money and has next to no income coming in.

So you can either

A. Send money to Barclay to help the cost so he can get the proper maintance

B. Shut up and deal with the CP and Doxxing.

C. Don't come here anymore.

Take your pick and quit being a hypocrite. You making spam threads is just worseinng everything.
>>28170 "shut up and deal with the cp and doxxing" lol, they're gonna shut us down before long, all the copyright violation is already treading on thin ice with the server host. any model who cared enough could definitely get cloudflare involved.

the money situation isn't relevant to all the people volunteering to help moderate for free
Nobody cares what a bunch of spinsters think.

Projection. You seem to be the retarded one since you don't understand that adding more mods DOESN'T cost money. "Maintenance" doesn't fix the illegal content problem.

>Shut up and deal with the CP and Doxxing
Yeah that's not how this works. If CP continues to sit around undealt with, this place gets shut down.

>You making spam threads is just worseinng everything.
It doesn't get worse than CP spam.

So I guess you're going to complain some more without putting in actual effort then. Enjoy the CP and doxxing then.
>"shut up and deal with the cp and doxxing" lol, they're gonna shut us down before long

You don't even contribute here you leech. Talking about "gonna shut us down". Bitch you got nothing to lose, and you'll bounce to another site if/when this place goes under.
man what crawled up your ass and died that you feel the need to defend the doxxing and kiddie porn. as users all we can do is publicly post and plead with the mods

call your mom for some validation or something.
>>28177 and ive definitely shared more than you pal ;)

>need to defend the doxxing and kiddie porn

That's rich. How about you cheap bastards put your money where your mouths are and pay to solve problems instead of bitching and moaning and projecting onto others who even dare not agree with you.


>>ive definitely shared more than you pal ;)

Shared what? Hot air?
How do you know who has and hasn't contributed exactly?

I'm really not sure why you're so mad about people literally volunteering to improve the chan.
>I'm really not sure why you're so mad about people literally volunteering to improve the chan.

Not once have I seen a person volunteer themselves as a mod. They want change yet they want OTHERS to clean up the mess. And don't even offer to pay for the help.
ok I can only assume two things here. Either

a - you're Barclay or another mod on anon venting, which is understandable, or

b - a retard full of impotent rage defending kiddy porn for no reason other than to be contrarian.

there is no in-between

>>a retard full of impotent rage defending kiddy porn for no reason other than to be contrarian.

How stupid can you be? This is why this shit hole is full of child porn. You people try to act smart, but you end up looking idiotic. No one here is defending the doxxing or child porn you fucking dumbasses. We're trying to figure out why you people think spamming every single thread is going to get Barclay's attention even more.

The guy is barely even here anymore, and the all but one mod doesn't have time to police here 24/7. And the one mod with the free time, guess what has a life and job to attend to.

And yes, let's make a bunch of unknown fuck nuts moderators and surely they won't go mad with power, be one sided, or end up fucking up the site in some way shape or form.

None of you can even go a full day without bickering or turning a thread into a shit show, so explain why the fuck should any of you volunteers become a mod?

You noticed the pinned "state of bbw chan" thread that's been pinned for months that you clowns ignore? How about going there and voice your concerns there like everyone else who has a functioning brain.

And you cum stains have the nerve to call others retards.....
Christ on a fucking cross. I visit this site way more than any man should and I am sickened by how much spam, CP, aimless rageposting, and content-devoid new threads are. Literally if I was made a mod with just the ability to delete posts that fall under these categories I would feel better about the chan I'm leaving behind for everyone else, and I know I can't be alone in that sentiment. Anyone who is of the mind that this is fine is lazy and feckless. This website has its problems but that doesn't mean it can't be better.

And to have the audacity to complain about someone having a thread in /gen/ to bring this up of all places is retarded at best. This is a major issue and goes beyond Barclay updating us on the server switch. It's a crisis and it's gotten worse in a few weeks' time.
*how many content-devoid new threads there are

Sorry, am drunk.
>And to have the audacity to complain about someone having a thread in /gen/ to bring this up of all places is retarded at best

We don't need several different threads that all have the same damn meaning you fucking moron.


God you people are so fucking stupid and stubborn.......
>how many content-devoid new threads there are

Literally all of them. And dickholes like the faggot above you aren't helping out.
real talk though, where would the communities relocate if this site went under?

/bbfurries/, /bbwai/, /bbwalt/, /bbwdraw/, /preg/, /inf/, /ee/ > dedicated 4chan threads, bbwdraw might pull enough interest for a dedicated board

/tits/ > tits in tops

/bbw/, /bhm/, /booty/, /ssbbw/ > reddit, where they belong.

/gen/ > r/weight gain talk

/elite/ > idk
yes it's us who are the stupid and stubborn ones, even though the most recent comments on the pinned thread you keep referring to are also us begging mods to fix the doxxing and cp problem, along with volunteering to help

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