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I need your help brothers.

My gf has recently started taking venlafaxine to help with her anxiety and depression, and it's working brilliantly for that. Unfortunately one of the side effects she is getting is losing her appetite. Because of this she's dropped from 298 to 284 in 2 months.

Does anyone have any advice/tips on stimulating her appetite so she can eat more again?

She knows I'm a feeder and is quite happy being big (she always has been), so it doesn't need to be done sneakily.
She should start smoking weed

Ah yes, give her weed while she's taking venlafaine. That surely won't make her even more drowsy and have her heart beat out of her chest.........

>>28120 (OP)

Don't take advice from the brainlet above. Your girlfriend's taking powerful medication. Don't try to add something that'll mess her up. Ask yourself what's more important; her mental health or her weight.
this guy thinks you can’t smoke weed while on anti depressants, it’s the only thing that gives me an appetite.
>this guy thinks you can’t smoke weed while on anti depressants

Considering the average IQ and behavior most users have on here, yeah it's such a good idea to mix drugs and anti-depressants.
Unironically? She needs Jesus. I know UK is a relatively godless nation now but I'm serious. Make her into le heckin epic BASED tradcath orthodox fat wife material. She will overcome her trauma and find true peace with God. You too.

Ignore at your own risk. Weed encourages schizophrenia btw
>>28128 I don't know about that, but if your schizophrenic it probably isn't going to help your situation any.
>>28120 (OP)
I’d suggest maybe going for smaller, more frequent and more calorie dense meals? Either that or going for more liquid solutions (ie weight gain shakes)
Yeah, I’m not so certain being tradcath increases appetite lol. Unless you’re hoping that repressed sexuality leads to eating as a coping mechanism?
It's really not that powerful, it's a standard anti-depressant and she's taking the minimum dosage, 75mg. But she wouldn't be interested in smoking weed at any rate.

Yes it is a mostly godless nation now, thank fuck. I'd leave her if she ever turned into a Jesus freak, fuck that noise.

Thank you for the first sensible idea in this thread. I think you might be right on the little and often approach. I'll float the idea of some milkshakes too, but don't see her being as keen on that. Maybe some high calories hot chocolate drinks, she loves that shit.
>>28120 (OP)
I'd say try not to worry about it tbh man 10lbs lost in 2 months isn't much and if the meds have been working then hopefully she's been feeling better. I guess if it's bothering you a lot then try and go for more meals, have more snacks around and try whatever kinky feedism related shit you're into but relationship wise it just sounds like a win that she's got stuff to help her mentally. maybe she can try different meds but I'm not her or her doctor so I think you 2 should just talk about this shit
It'l go away trust me
just sit it out
(7 KB, 500x500, mirtazapine-powder-500x500.jpg)
here's a fun weed study excerpt:
In 1971, Hollister examined..offered chocolate milk shakes at 30 min intervals over 2 hThe drug signifi-
cantly increased intake at each time point, with no evidence of the gradual fall in consumption
seen after placebo. These changes were accompanied by consistently higher hunger ratings and
greater appreciation of food as judged by appetite questionnaires
Abel (1971) reported that inhalation of two cannabis cigarettes (of
unknown potency) caused subjects to eat as many as fifty marshmallows, compared with only
four by control subjects

this is probably irresponsible to share here, but since this is the internet...

here are the drugs besides weed reasonably guaranteed to pack it on your woman. Remeron, and zyprexa (mirtazapine and olanzapine) cause significant and sometimes dramatic weight gain, often manifesting within days of initiation.
it's not hard to find narratives where people have gained 30 pounds in 4-6 weeks (usually discontinuing due to that reason)

Both those substances also cause dis-inhibited eating, an increase in the desire for sweet foods, and have weight related outcomes due to metabolic reasons both during the course of treatment and with measured, but vague after effects.
Oh, and young women are most likely to have the most severe weight gain from those drugs.
doesn't have to be given daily to cause effect, but the more regular the dose, the more substantial the result.
Both substances are prescription only in the US, but relatively easy to get, either via diversion or via indian online pharmacies.
also, antihistamines are significantly associated with weight gain. most notably cyproheptadine- again, script only, but easily shipped and not controlled.
the photo is of straight remeron from some indian manufacturer.

If you drug anyone, but especially your girlfriend, that's some deviant and scummy shit. id say even be worse than giving some girl a roofy and fucking her.

if I even seriously suspected you did this to anyone I knew, I would poison you in a much more exotic way, maybe even resulting in some kind of physiological maiming. Which you're somewhat likely to do playing uninvited home pharmacist.

if SHE really wants to offset the effects of her current meds (like, she's the one that goes and gets the stuff, not you), a normal dose of either antihistamine is probably not a bad course of action.
If you know someone that's willing to part with some of their zyprexa, taking a dose of that in the evenings should precipitate some quite noticeable effects and anyone that enjoyed and did well in their science courses should be able to manage that with relatively low risk,

I've always wondered what the effects would be from initiating weed, zyprexa and alternate days of an antihistamine for a two week period.

If you do it, please record your results.
If everything is on the table and people are serious about bio-hacking then I think simple bio-identical protocols are actually the best route.
Insulin, estrogen, and progesterone are very good at producing the desired effects. Medicine tends to frown upon these things because of how the industry is captured by various interests, but they are so useful that they tend to be fairly widely available.

There are different ways of getting these, but here is one example:

- Estrogen and progesterone are ridiculously safe because during pregnancy women get like 50x the normal blood levels, so essentially there's no such thing as an overdose.

The psychotropic drugs you mention are still very effective, though it's hard to recommend widely because the neurological effects can be quite debilitating if used improperly.

If you want something that’s legal in most places in the states, you could always try CBG. It’s the part of weed that causes the munchies, but without the high (caused by THC) that comes with it. Putting a small amount under the tongue should induce effects within 15 minutes.

If your girl doesn’t like the taste of the natural dirt flavor that comes in most tinctures, you can buy the flavorless kind. Then it can go in almost anything without tasting gross.

Unlike the drugs that require a prescription, CBG requires none. You can buy it online legally.

That being said, unlike weed and CBD, it hasn’t really been tested in combination with other drugs. So if you or your girl takes medications for anything, do some research first.
Thanks for all the advice guys. She's decided she doesn't want to take the pills anymore, for unrelated reasons, and in the last couple of weeks put on 4lb, bringing her back up to 288lb. Fingers crossed for 300lb in time for the beach season.🐳
In my experience pure CBG doesn't cause a high but it doesn't cause hunger either. It kind of just makes me sleepy, which could be great for people dealing with certain conditions.
On that note, full spectrum CBD, Delta-8, and Delta-10, are easy to get and they each produce a weed-like high along with the typical "feed and breed" impulses.
can confirm those remeron predictions. My woman went onto it for sleep reasons just over a week ago. Even the very low dose is causing enormous hunger. Looking into it, the drug causes quite extreme leptin resistance and leptin is the hormone which is sent from fat cells to the brain to inform fullness. But what I don’t understand is that there are studies saying lower dose can cause greater sedation and greater leptin resistance.
she is absolutely driven to eat, especially in the evenings and will complain about being too full but then eat again within 10 minutes. recently went to a buffet and she didn’t seem to be able to stop herself until her trousers started digging into her and she was in quite bad belly pain from the pressure. I need to get her into some bigger trousers before next time as I strongly suspect she could have kept going if not for that. On the way home, she was truly stuffed, out of breath, stomach fully distended, muttering “I can’t eat anymore, I can’t eat anymore” as though arguing with brain which presumably was still telling her she wasn’t full.
I’ve also noticed that she will try to curb the issue by eating fruit, but these meds cause cravings for carbs and processed sugars so this leaves her wanting more food anyway. Nothing seems to be enough until she is too stuffed to move. I also noticed her speed of eating has doubled. Polished off a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s in about 1 minute recently, ate as though she was starving even though she ate 15 minutes before just before we left home.
I suspect her daily cals are getting up towards 2800-3100 now and she is only around 162cm tall so it’s going to catch up with her quite fast I think? She gained just under 1kg in the first week but hasn’t weighed herself again yet. I suspect she won’t keep up that rate for the whole 6 weeks, but at 70kg I wonder what she weigh at the end?
She’s quite a fussy eater but I’d like some suggestions about how I can really help her form some long-term habits here and maximise wg as much as possible. also what foods I should get in for her to snack on. She loves fried chicken and a particular kind of chocolate. But I wish I could get her more into liquid cals(milkshakes or something).
And the other thing is, she is only prescribed these short term and she’s already said she’s worried about not being able to sleep after she doesn’t have them anymore(not to mention it’s helping her with anxiety) so how do I buy more once they stop being prescribed? Nothing on eBay that I could see.

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