
I don't think it's necessary nor even ideal for a couple to share every interest. I'm not active "all day" but I enjoy hiking, biking, and other outdoor physical activities 3-5x a week and she doesn't. She likes hitting local big box stores and the mall on weekends and I'd rather drink drain opener. But we both like good food, at home and out, binge watching TV, taking long drives and visiting parks, museums, and stuff like that. She's fat and I'm way less-so. It works.
Yeah, what do you do that she HAS to be doing?

Couples have different interests all the time. You bike, she shops, and then you come home to make dinner together and watch something you both enjoy.

The bigger she gets, the handier it is that you’re active anyway.
>what do you do that she HAS to be doing
Being able to take care of multiple kids,to walk and maybe even run
I've found some studies which say that obese women have a harder time breast feeding which is not good
You’d be surprised at how many relatively active fatties there are. Not my thing, but might be yours
You have a wife and you still hang around this shit hole?
I've never seen one before
They are all permanently out of breath
They are always eating something
And if they aren't eating you best be sure they are complaining about how full they are
I've never seen one before
They are all permanently out of breath
They are always eating something
And if they aren't eating you best be sure they are complaining about how full they are
Yep. Any my other vice is scotch. I try to keep it to two.
I'm married too, I dunno, I mostly like just discussing this stuff with you guys.
>>27994 why would you?
“Never trust a man without a single redeeming vice.” - Winston Churchill
How do you deal with the difference in lifestyle and activity?
I love my wife, but I don't need her in my garage when I'm doing woodworking or when I'm fixing something outside, she likes to spend that time cleaning, rearranging the house for the fourth time that week, or some other silly thing that I have no interest in. When you're young and first in love you want to do everything together, but it's natural for that to change as you get older. Think about your parents or grandparents, are they literally attached at the hip, or do they spend time apart doing stuff that appeals to them as individuals and then come together for dinner in the evening with a few shared activities (church/social club, etc)? I don't get this notion on this board that every woman is an avid rock climber or regularly takes 10 mile hikes. Maybe it's because I'm an American, but most women I know(fat or thin) are not super physically active in general. What activities are you thinking about doing that a BBW wouldn't/couldn't do that make the idea of dating one a deal breaker? Honestly, and this is the biggest one, I think couples need some time apart occasionally, if you suffocate a fire it dies. You can't leave it unattended, but smothering it kills it too.
You wife’s pretty active with me
>Think about your parents or grandparents, are they literally attached at the hip
>What activities are you thinking about doing that a BBW wouldn't/couldn't do that make the idea of dating one a deal breaker
If it is about dating then it would be no big deal but I am thinking about into the future
I am reffering to her being able to rear 3+ children all on her own and without them turning into fatasses like herself
I’m sure everyone’s experience is different, but almost all married couples I know, if they are in long healthy marriages, tend to have a mix of stuff they do together and stuff they do apart.

I like watching football and soccer, she likes doing brunch with friends. We both like travel and fine dining. Sometimes I’m out with the boys and she’s home watching something girly on Netflix. Sometimes she’s off doing an excursion with extended family while I work on the cars or the house. We both like sex and stand-up comedy. Honestly, it’s nice to have a mix.

I don’t think going on long hikes together is as much of a marriage killer as you might think it is. In fact, I know plenty of “non-fat” couples who don’t exercise together at all, quite frankly.
Do you even have a gf tho anon? You might be putting the cart well, well, before the horse if not.
No, no, you're doing it all wrong, you have to date a girl who agrees with you on everything, shares every single one of your hobbies, with none of her own, and is painfully co-dependent to the point of breaking into tears if you leave her line of vision for more than 15 seconds. Basically, you need to find another autistic man trapped in the body of a woman who is fat, but not too fat, and able to gain/shed weight at the drop of a hat. This is a totally realistic goal, and I know this because another childless anon with no gf on a weird, niche chanboard dedicated to images of obese women told me so.

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