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Let's talk about artists in general!
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Picasso was pretty overrated. What the fuck is wrong with this woman's nostrils?
>>27937 (OP)
As long as it is related to the topic of the chan.nl as a whole.
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Botero paints fat people almost exclusively but I find his stuff sexless. I kinda doubt he's an FA; I think he found a schtick and ran with it.

A top NY art critic tried to make the case a while back that Rubens actually used male models for his namesake fatties. I'm not sure, but look at the lady on the right. Huh.

Renoir let his FA flag fly in his later period. I'm not a fan — I think 90% of his stuff is kitschy hotel room shit — but hats off to a brother in chub love. Also many of these big babes were painted while he was crippled with arthritis, had to tie his brush to his hand because his fingers were useless. Keep that in mind the next time your favorite DA artist is taking a break because their "anxiety" is acting up.

Photography was invented in the 1850s and by the early 20th century had become ubiquitous. Being able to make a "perfect" 2D rendering completely upended the role of painting. Artists no longer had to be representative, because who could beat a photograph? Besides, 19th cenutry painters like David and Ingres were so fucking good at it, what was the point? Are you gonna go out in your driveway and shoot hoops 6 hours a day so you can compete with Lebron?

Picasso was actually an excellent realistic painter, but came up at the turn of the 20th century just after the Impressionist revolution (Manet, Monet, Van Gogh, Cezzane, Gaughan, etc), where artists were exploring a world beyond representation. We see it in the loosening of technique, big blurs of paint rather than fine detail — an "impression" of a subject rather than a pefect rendition.

A big part of this was exploring the definition of what it meant to "see." A photograph captures what your eyes take in. But human beings use many different tools of perception far beyond our eyes. In fact our eyes are a tiny part of the equation.

Cubism, pioneered by Picasso and his buddy Georges Braque, was all about that exploration, how we "see" in multidimensions, including symbols, emotions, and impressions generated by our other senses. Putting both eyes and nostrils on one side of a face seems "wrong" but isn't that how we "see" a person, as a complete being, even if our eyes are only taking in one side of their face?

Think of Picasso and other abstract painters as explorers, trying to find the truth of how humans interact and understand the world through art, knowing they'll probably never get there. They were well aware "your kid could do it." And if you asked Picasso himself, he'd tell you your kid could do it better than him. In fact he said he spent the last 60 years of his career unlearning how to be "an artist."
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Fat women in Hollywood were used as side show attractions. Sometimes I wonder if Tex Avery had a fat fetish. Fat characters like Von Hamburger and Porky weren't painted as jokes. Porky was an eloquent poet in "I haven't got a hat" and the fat woman in "Daffy Goes to Hollywood" isn't painted as bad. Fat Elmer was more pitiful. Then again Bugs was more of an asshole. Even the fat grandmother from the subversion of the Red Riding Hood was painted as able to body a wolf for fur coats.
That was a shitpost, my friend
I dunno. Picasso fled Europe because of fascism. Abstract Art in fascism is the sign that boys are peace loving and not tough for Franco. He had a rivalry with Matisse over how to express women in art.
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Um, no. Picasso moved to Paris in 1901 and lived there through WWII. He later moved to the south of France and died there. He was peace-loving and though a staunch communist, refused to fight for either side in WWI, the Spanish Civil War, and WWII. He and Matisse were friendly rivals, as the two most important artists of the 20th Century.
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Only the second part of it, and I stand by my general crusade to educate the genpub on abstract art.

Good characterization of fascist views toward abstract art, though.
No, I mean my Picasso post was a shitpost, deliberately stupid reply in mockery of a low-effort OP. Irl I am a modernism appreciator.

Never saw this Picasso fat chick before but I'd bomb her Guernica ifyouknowwhatImean
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Huh, never heard that Rubens theory before but I can kind of see it in this particular image. She looks like a male musclechub with breast implants.

I want to love Botero, for obvious reasons, but you're right about him. There's a winkingly commercial "this is my gimmick" element to it, like he's Warhol or Murakami or something, and there's rarely any genuine sensuality there, although sometimes it slips in anyway; I have definite "discreet eroticism of bourgeois primness" fantasies, which he *should* be giving me more of, and I really vibe with this one. But for the most part, like in the one you posted, there's something that's simultaneously too distanced and too kitschy about it, especially when you're viewing it through the eyes of an actual fat lover.

Look at the eyes and facial shape, I think this is a painting of GoodGirlGrow lol
i look at pecasos' arts and it so stupid! who TF has nose holes and eyes on one side of face???? NOT ME NOT ANYONE I NOW SHIT I CAN PAINT SO MUCH BETTER THAN HIM AT 5 YEARS OLD AND I SUCK AT PAINT EVEN NOW

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