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I say this as a cryptogay fag myself but its interesting how so many of us embody this niche. Any theories on why this is?
>>27905 (OP)
Too much drama. Frankly, I will never understand this whole LGBTQIAXYZ++++ stuff, so I have resigned myself to "Frankly, Don't give a shit" mentality.

With that said, as long as the model has a NATURAL slit in the middle they can be whomever/whatever they want to be. Bigger the better.
For me at least i find all sexual organs disgusting i just wanna fuck a deep bellybutton or the ass of an obese woman
we're all autistic and that tends to draw people both to weird tech shit and weird kink shit
do I have permission to answer you honestly even if it hurts your feelings?
This is the actual answer. Social awkwardness and failure to absorb male social norms means that autists read as gay or effeminate even if they're attracted to women, and there's something about autism that predisposes people to acquiring weird paraphilias. It's not just us, it's furries, AGP trans, etc.
It's the nature of fetishes — transference of sexual feelings towards (ostensibly) non-sexual things: shoes, comic books, latex, pain, etc. I don't think it's absolute, I think most people are on a sliding scale where there's a mix of traditional sexual feelings and fetishy ones. But the type of person who hangs out here a lot and is compelled to post is probaby towards the far end of that spectrum.
Not OP, but I think he's asking why so many feeders come across as weird and effeminate. Look at the guy feeding Purplewings in this picture. His creepy smirk, unfashionable haircut, his waxy skin. You can imagine him having a sort of high-pitched and awkward voice. He probably doesn't fit in with a group of "regular bros."

Autism and general weirdness is definitely part of it. (I'm not an autist, but I'm a chronically depressed literary fag, which is a related failmale phenotype.) Another part of this is selection bias. Guys who are ordinary functional males with normal social skills have the common sense not to be photographed doing their weird fetish as part of a news story. I sure as hell wouldn't. I've been an uncloseted FA for decades to friends/family and have never taken shit for it, but I still wouldn't share my depraved feedist fantasies with them, much less with the general public.

Again, not a pattern unique to feedism. Lots of people have kinks that they keep private in the bedroom, but people who make being part of the "kink community" a major part of their public identity tend to be pretty weird, whether it's furries, BDSM, or whatever. There are exceptions to this, but it's definitely a pattern.
>His creepy smirk, unfashionable haircut, his waxy skin. You can imagine him having a sort of high-pitched and awkward voice. He probably doesn't fit in with a group of "regular bros."
Lamo talk about projection
>>27905 (OP)
I don't think the majority of feeders happen to look that way, but just a larger percentage of them compared to the regular population.
POC feeders also never look like that
How is having a kink autistic? to be autistic you have sensory processing issues, problems with socialization and a tendency for routine and structure and to learn as much as one can about their interests. How is having certain kinks autistic? Maybe if your sensory issues make it so certain activities seem pleasurable/unpleasant, or someone researches their interest to an encyclopedic degree. Perhaps the need for routine can lead to one to be drawn to activities with rules or them in control.

If you're sincerely curious, just read the data on this site. Actually study the tabs and pages. I'm serious. Then you will know the link if ASD to paraphilia and how Neanderthal DNA causes neural mapping errors and other effects. Do it faggot
I wouldn't trust parts of it, some of its information is out of date and it says stuff like how most autistics are asexual and dislike sex which isn't true.
I would prefer something that is filled with more modern information concerning autism. Not stuff from over 20 years ago.
The site was updated literally a couple years ago. I'm sorry but this is the best resource I've ever seen over years of study Also it never said most autists are asexual. A lot (like me) in fact get horny but through fetishes while finding aspects of vanilla stuff to be somewhat off-putting.

You can thank the Allies for bombing Austria so much during ww2 much of Hans Asperger's work was lost. So it's still a quite mysterious condition in many respects. Yet the Neanderthal theory seems to be the most convincing by far. Look at the evaluation tab page and scroll through the physiological questions.
I don't know about autism but fat girls cure my anxiety.
Yes let’s blame the Allie’s for the third reich

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