
(330 KB, 572x1413, 2021-05-31 (1).jpg)
I am really attracted toward my mom .She looks so attractive and also i have seen her naked many times. How i can approach her ?
Please help me ..
>>27884 (OP)
first thing’s first- I wouldn’t put pics of my family members on this side of the internet but maybe that’s just me? Idk. Seems reckless.
Maybe we should have let Britain keep this one.
Get erect and grab her hand then move it to your cock then if she retreats lift her clothes and put it in her pussy but she will probably put her pussy around your cock before you have that opportunity also involve food and fattening her so she knows your fetishes from the start
bhai what are you doing stop embarrassing
our people
Dont fuck your mom dude...
>>27884 (OP)
Meh, I've seen hotter moms. You can do better.
>>27884 (OP)
Sigmund Freud jerkin it in his grave
Or Madea and I'm not talking about a black dude in a dress.

I highly doubt that's his mother. Nobody's that retarde.....actually never mind I forgot what site I was on for a second.
Blessed to be on the most degenrate retarded website on the internet

>>the most degenrate retarded website on the internet

Yeahh no. Not even close. Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, CNN, Facebook, and even YouTube puts this place to shame.

You people don't even try anymore. hurling nigger, fag, and sperg at each other wears out its welcome after the first 1000th time to the point where I end up hearing better bickering on group chat on Xbox Live.
For those of you who are new, this retarded incest pajeet has been here multiple times before and used to regularly post this shit about his mother on the bbw board, had 3 threads open at one point. Definitely a troll since the images of his 'mother' change every time, unless there are multiple incestuous indians on this board, which granted, is a possibility.
Fuck off .. i have posted this first time here .
I saw your mom fucking 1 day and proceeded to take a photo of her. She didn't coward in fear, she got excited and enthused by it. She started riding harded. I just wanted to tell you that your mom's cooler than you.
(11 KB, 440x293, Flag-of-Khalistan.svg.png)
Pajeets are so sex crazed that they conservatives look normal. A lot of them just drive around in their jeeps, muscle cars and go cruising for pussy. The catch is that indians are neeta who smoke weed and don't want to work. Indian women would rather date black or white men with while studying at NYU. It doesn't help that med schools encourage liberals to be dumb sorority jocks, feeding their ego and need to face fuck patients
Ah nothing better than a skitzo race rant on a fetish board to lighten the afternoon
I could just cum right inside your asshole right now.
You're gei

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