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I cant name anything specific but i remember reading about a chinese guy who would appoint the fattest women he could find as administrators in 5th grade and it got my little dingaling going
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I've literally been waiting my whole life for this thread.
To start off with: Ibrahim the Mad, sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Pretty inept guy, but also the most likely of any historical figure to be a feeder, for one reason. When searching for a new wife, he asked his court to find "The most obese woman in " Who they found was Şivekar Sultan (as she would later be called) the 300+ pound daughter of an Armenian merchant. She quickly became the absolute favorite of the Sultan and wielded undue influence over him, acting as de facto ruler of the empire at certain points, all while he showered her in gifts of food, servants, and jewels
The most obese woman in Constantinople*
>>27801 As a Romaboo still malding over 1453 I gotta say this man is my kinda emperor. Fat Armenian Chicks are so hot too goddamn im Jealous
My wife is Armenian and pushing 350 lbs. It is fucking awesome!
Not sure if she was fattened per-se but Eugenia Martinez Vallejo was part of the Spanish royal court's freak show: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenia_Mart%C3%ADnez_Vallejo

(Yes I know the famous Prado portraits show her as a 6 year old but she lived til 25 so let's concentrate on the post-18 years.)

I wonder if Caligula or another crazy Roman emporer ever fattened anyone, if just for fun. Seems like it would be up their alley.

As recently depicted by 3000 Years of Longing: https://we.tl/t-IdD2mfHnRS (discussed here in the historical fatties thread)

The Miller film was the first time I'd heard of this dude and now I'm obsessed. Fat fetish fic come to life.

Armenian girls make great fatties indeed, and like a lot of central Asian/Middle Eastern cultures it seems the men like it that way. The women grow huge hips and asses — (pre-plastic) Kim Kardashian was not a fluke.
Thanks for this thread OP. Remember, you're not the WORST, you're actually the BEST.
>become ruler of one of the most powerful empires the world has ever seen
>order your janissaries to scour the land for BBWs to bring back to Istanbul
>spend all your time fucking BBWs
>run the empire into the ground
unfathomably based
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Nobody has anything to add to this? Come on folks, this is why we're here. Don't let this thread drift off into oblivion.
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Another one:
I've posted this in a different thread before but I'm going to post it here again. Not technically a ruler but for sure a historical figure
Diamond Jim Brady was an American Industrialist and philanthropist of the gilded age. Perhaps most notable, however was his long-time affair with Lillian Russell, the most famous actress of the time.
Even more notable is that the nature of their affair was largely him showering her in gifts pf diamonds, and the two eating out together at all of New Yorks best resteraunts. Brady was already overweight himself, but when Lillian came along, his encouragement and her natural competitive spirit meant she raced to catch up the obscene amounts of food he ate, well over 4000 calories a meal.
As a result of this, the lithe Russell blossomed to well over 200 pounds, going from stick-thin to plump and weighty. This was all in the era of photography, so we can gaze upon the fruits of Jim's efforts.
I'll end off with a super hot quote from Lillians biography:
"Pounds and pounds were accumulating on her already stuffed figure. But what of it?"
What of it indeed
These first two pictures are from early into her career, the latter two are from well after she met Jim
Wonderful — thanks! I've heard of Jim Brady and Lillian Russel but never knew the two were an item, or that he was her feeder. Wow.
Sucks we dont get a good look at her belly. Shes so gorgeous I wish she got even bigger
>>27844 (Cross-thread)

See, I could have sworn I read a thread on either Dims or FF like maybe 15 years ago now where people agreed the line was 300lbs. 350 might be some inflation but 400 seems like some porn-addled stuff. Even tall women (thinking 5' 10'' here) are very fat at 300lbs, even if they work out and have a bit of muscle underneath.

If you don't think that, I think you're out of touch with reality. you need to look again at healthy weight, merely overweight, or even thin women IRL, they're tiny.
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So to keep this thread i made alive (inshallah) i been doing some reaserch and the tang dyasty had a preference for bigger women in the court (twigs by my corroputed brain) the idea of heavier women meant a noble had more wealth and there are plenty of artifacts showing this fad. Any Chinaboos feel free to add more commentary.
Not too much to add on the greater sociopolitical context, but is worth noting that one of China's "4 great beauties" who hailed from the Tang era was the well-fed Yang Guifei, notoriously described as plump, round and fat. She is depicted here both in something a little more accurate to history, sporting a hefty stomach, and a much slimmer later depiction, which nonetheless prevails in popular culture despite being much less accurate to the heft of her figure.
Not too much to add on the greater sociopolitical context, but is worth noting that one of China's "4 great beauties" who hailed from the Tang era was the well-fed Yang Guifei, notoriously described as plump, round and fat. She is depicted here both in something a little more accurate to history, sporting a hefty stomach, and a much slimmer later depiction, which nonetheless prevails in popular culture despite being much less accurate to the heft of her figure.
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Not too much to add on the greater sociopolitical context, but is worth noting that one of China's "4 great beauties" who hailed from the Tang era was the well-fed Yang Guifei, notoriously described as plump, round and fat. She is depicted here both in something a little more accurate to history, sporting a hefty stomach, and a much slimmer later depiction, which nonetheless prevails in popular culture despite being much less accurate to the heft of her figure.
Just realized I spammed the shit out of this thread my apologies I thought my posts weren't uploading
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Not a historical ruler, but still. HP Lovecraft's wife may have been a feeder. She fattened him up to over 200lbs (which was a lot back in those days), although he was able to lose the excess weight after they separated.

>>which was a lot back in those days

The US president at the time was 350lbs. And the previous president was over 200lbs.

Lovecraft didn't have a feeder for a wife, he just ate well. You can tell who was eating good back then.
Lovecraft's wife was a Ukrainian Jew. HP Lovecraft was a Northern racist, but thought Hitler was an idiot while supporting FDR. He hated modernity but liked that Jews in NY stuck to tradition. I chalk up his perspective being old money New England. They still exist in NH, Rhode Island, and CT.
Bill was Arkansas trailer trash. It's only old money like Rush Hudson Limbaugh III of Missouri who hated him. Rush was disowned by his rich family for flunking school and wanted to provide to dear old dad that he was a worthy heir. At worst, Bill had poor self control not helped by Hillary being controlling Goldwater conservative mom. I saw Bill at Lincoln Center and he's only 3 inches taller than me. I think Hillary lost cause of the auto tune. She could be liked if she went with the drawl in her voice and reminded people she was Arkansas heffer.
>Ukrainian Jew

Yeah and eastern Europeans know how to cook food that's filling. Go back and look at photos of middle easterns and you'll see how husky and bulky they were.
She divorced Lovecraft cause he was poor. It didn't help that Lovecraft's old money relatives were all sent to a mental hospital and went broke around the 1920s. Lovecraft wrote pulp, which was capeshit for Americans. Curiously enough, she died as recent as 1970s.
She divorced Lovecraft because he was an asexual weirdo who refused to get a job. She supported him for most of their marriage and was eventually forced to move to Cleveland for work, leaving him in Brooklyn. He went to join her, hated Cleveland and moved back, kind of forcing the divorce issue.

True about his family, he had a small trust fund that would have allowed him to go to university and write in modest comfort but it was taken away when the family business went broke when he was a teenager.

He wrote "pulp" (for Amazing Stories) because they paid. Literary fiction was a rich man's sport back then (and still is, mostly). He was respected by better-known, better-paid writers for his imagination, though his prose style was overblown and old-fashioned even in the 1920s. This probably didn't help in terms of moving up to the next level.

But "Capeshit" is a ridiculous characterization. Second only to Poe, equal with Welles, his stuff was the foundation of modern horror and sci-fi and influenced several other genres as well.

WTF are you talking about? Hillary Rodham was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs, from a middle class family. She campaigned for Goldwater in high school but became a Democrat while an undergrad at Wellsley. She met Bill Clinton at Yale law school and only moved to Arkansas once they married.
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Liberal leaning Hillary Clinton voters are infamous for banning science fiction, horror and fantasy cause it's malevolent. I am consistent that fat fetish artists and pregnancy fetish artists should be more upset at Hilary Clinton for attempting to censoring American literature. Dungeons and Dragons was created by Gary Gygax, who's from Chicago. Even though he loved medieval warfare and dark arts, parents didn't like it cause it was violent. It doesn't matter because Dungeons and Dragons got replaced with J-RPGs. There's a very good reason mullet demon is popular with the bobby-soxers: he's patient, aloof, and isn't a fucking nerd. Mullet demon also uses time travel to enroll his daughter in private school. It's like how Goku does his best to make sure Gohan gets into school.
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We don't have Ukrainians in NYC. They fled back to Europe after selling the parking lots for realtor money. Now they're deserting Zelensky with their Russian counterparts. Only Bavarians and Germans like Drumpf are fat. His niece hates him cause he let his brother die. To Trump's defence, Fred Trump Jr attended the protestant boarding school for white anglo Saxon protestants and Trump attended Kew Forest. Trump got kicked out of private school cause he punched a teacher in the face. Tuition is 21 K per year so he costs Fred Trump roughly 140-300k depending. Trump got shipped to military school (that's live detention and prison for autistics). We just stopped locking autistics in military school cause parents can't afford the rates.
Trump blames Reagan for cutting mental health services which lead to his brother's death of alcoholism. Trump lost cause he refused to cut social security, but Ron the insurance agent and Biden the car salesman want to bring back Reaganomics. Oh well, progressives will bear the brunt of the realtor bubble that's about to burst.
shut the fuck up about current politics and bring this thread back around to historical fat fetishists >:(
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Go back to touching the fat wife. Say what you want about Doug, he fucked the fat one and got a baby out of it. G-Dspeed Doug
How fat is the girl he fucked?
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He married some beer heiress/social worker. Chicago women are heffers like that roastie for the Highland Park shooter. It's like how Lindsay Ellis attracted Moviebob because Bob subsist on a 10k or 5k calories diet from McDonald's. Some Boston Chinese investor married his fat sister.
I remember reading that while he wasn't a feeder. Edward VIII (Queen Lizzie's fascist-leaning uncle who was forced to give his throne up ) had a special bench made specifically for fucking fat hookers.
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Ok a lot of Off-Topic nonsense so let's get this thread back on track

Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (Not to be confused with Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern, another historical German queen who was also fat) was the Empress of the HRE and Archduchess of Austria.

She was known as one of the most thin and graceful beauties in Europe, but she and her husband Charles VI soon realized that they were having fertility troubles. This was a huge issue because Austria literally NEEDED a male heir to stay in charge of the HRE. Needless to say, this two were trying very hard, but nothing was giving.

And so they turned to alternate treatments. First, wine. Elisabeth drank a lot of wine. This didn't help with her fertility at all however, just made her chubbier, and gave her a bit of a permanent rosy complexion in the cheeks.

Desperate, Charles perscribes a fatty and rich diet to his wife, hoping that would activate at least something. This actually worked, and she began to pop out more kids (unfortunately for her and Charles, all daughters) but this now consistently impregnated state and a rich diet made the once thin Elisabeth fatter and fatter. Soon, she was literally too fat to walk, and perhaps the most corpulent and overfed woman in all of Europe, no exaggeration. Of course these incredibly flattering portraits don't show this, save a notocable dofference in the plumpness of her face from one to other as she got fatter, but make no mistake. There are many, many accounts of this.

They never would get a surviving son, by the way, partially because at some point Elisabths extreme obesity became a hinderance, in case you were very interested in the political aspect of this story. That's how Maria-Theresa became Empress of Austria, which means the 7 years war, and, indirectly, American Independence acn actually be pointed back to a woman getting really fat. Pretty fitting honestly
Idk why these are spoiler images BTW. First one is Charles, second is younger, thinner Elisabeth, and the third was taken after she got fat (As I said in my post, very flattering in terms of downplaying her weight)
>>28060 How fat does a chick have to be to be totally immoble? Any estimates on how much she weighed?
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>After this, the court doctors prescribed a rich diet to increase her fertility, which made her so fat that she became unable to walk, experienced breathing problems, insomnia and dropsy and had to be lowered into her chairs by a specially constructed machine.

Holy shit why is this not more well known among the fetish community? People have jerked off to far more mundane fat topics.
It's pretty impossible to guess given we don't know her weight, but women in general, especially aristocrats got a lot less exercise back then, so I'd say maybe 400+ given the standards of the time. This is pure guess work though, not historically backed
seems pretty reasonable considering the size of the wheelchair in >>28094
What's with the OP posting a picture of the magic negro? I thought he's balls deep in Big Mike's ass
Oops, I meant Big Mike is balls deep in the little socialist
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Black paralegals like Clarence Thomas are infamous for having billionaire friends who happen to have an interest in dictators. It flips the stereotype of men Barack Obama as a conman swindling Chicago out of millions into black elite using the judicial, legal, and executive branch to enrich themselves. It doesn't help that Malcolm X liberals often larp as Egyptian pharaohs, Japanese samurai, Hindu deities, or Africans. They're mild in comparison to black supremacists who LARP as Adolf Hitler or even Frenchmen. There's a subculture that likes House Windsor, but hates Harry, Andrew and Charles cause their ugly. Just look at how Eric Adams and Alvin Bragg LARP as Europeans instead of Americans.

I chalk it up more to the get out of the hood types up north pressuring their children to be successful rulers. It's not like the Midwest where Joe Jackson or Motown pressure their children to become stars to escape Gary, Indiana or Detroit to become Hollywood stars. It sucks if you are Southern Black cause you have to bend the knee to Black Republicans like Clarence Thomas.
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Socialists always want to be the emperor scientists or philosopher king. Just look at how the French are rioting because Macron used voodoo economics to cut social security, or how Biden wants to cut access to fossil fuels to raise energy prices in a bid to go electric. Going green will put the auto industry out of business and make them work for below minimum wage. Thatcher-Reagan knew full well old economy wasn't working and didn't care. Biden just didn't fake politeness enough to distract socialists from their own failed policies. Best part is that America and Europe fast foods to keep socialists from rioting, now with all the health foods we have the Million MAGA march at 1/6 able to brutalize an armed guard.
I mean, to this day Michelle gets lambasted for her 'masculine' weight gain in the latter years of her husband's 'effeminate' 'low energy' presidency.
What? High energy rockers like KISS and Twisted Sister are being dumped by pride festivals because the effeminate 70s glam rock refuses to troon kids to appear on Bud-Light or on principle. Low energy Obama is even hated by the radical left for indirectly leading to the Trump administration. After all, the center-left isn't going to give up their BMWs, Hellcats, Hummers or McMansions just cause activists day so. Cocaine Mitch gets the same criticism when he married Elaine Chao for her money, but it doesn't matter cause she sucks the lifeforce out of him to appear younger.
>>29552 Sounding like an old latina. This is the exact type of manipulation tactics they employ. I often joke about them learning everything they know from the very US government that they used to "fight" against (because they fight in secret).

You've twisted the truth in this post and you have no idea what you're talking about and should shut up before you continue ro make English speakers look stupider than they already do to the rest of humanity.

Why don't you instead worry about the present issues facing society? Things happening outside your door literally right now yet you continue living unaware of these things that are happening infront of you everyday. You don't cry for these victims. You post about the stupidest shit you can think of.
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Look, I am a center-left guy and I say progressives only make up a small share of the DNC. We have gun stores too in NY and it's not expensive to own a gun. The elites you idolize are just socialites who stay in Manhattan and go back upstate to the Adirondacks or Catskills. Why would I care that the elites voted to raise taxes on themselves? Like Trump, the elites will move to Florida or North Carolina.

The number one issue in America is mental health. I am skeptical cause Dr. Oz, the pharma boomer from NJ, lost to Fetterman cause people like their drug dealing and gun totting rust belt politicians. All people are talking about is the marine who killed the hobo with his bare hands in the subway, but that's like every Monday for us. I merely think that newscasters have bloodlust, but the suits don't want to scare their conservative viewers into another 1/6. I don't care for these mass shooters either. When I was a kid, it was just Columbine and the Unabomber. Now there's one shooter per week to the point I have to take active shooter drill training at work.

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