
(1.9 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-10-15 23.54.05 - nature photograph of an angry fat little bird wearing a bowler hat and vest and smoking.png)
Serious reply: are you sure it's just the fetish, anon?

I've struggled with serious depression on and off throughout my life, with one bad suicidal episode, but I've accepted my desire for fat women as an integral part of who I am and not a big deal. There's other stressors in my life (mostly career/money related) that still make me depressed sometimes, but when I'm managing those and leading a stable and balanced lifestyle, my niche sexual interests don't even register as a problem. You haven't said anything about your specific situation and may have baited me with a shitpost, but "get as many other problems in your life under control" is good general advice anyway. If your problem is that you're not getting laid with the fat girl of your dreams, having the rest of your life together will make this easier to accomplish. If your problem is that you feel ashamed of being into fat girls, having the rest of your life together will make you more confident if you're worried that your buddies and your family are going to give you shit for it.

It is a factor in the equation,besides other things
I hate that the only way to feel sexual stimulus is by indirectly shortening the lifespan of another
No, actually, and I'm with my countryman BirdAnon above: It's not the fetish but that you're depressed, and depression makes even manageable stuff unmanageable.

I won't sugarcoat it either, a fetish can be a burden, particularly if it becomes compulsive. But there are all kinds of burdens in life, it's part of the deal. The good news is that we don't have to shoulder them alone, especially you residing in a country with an NHS. Go get help.
I live in Romania
don't look at it as all good or all bad. yes, part of it is related to poor health. but it's also related to good, beautiful things like joy, indulgence, satisfaction, growth, fertility, and the assumption that the girl is enjoying it too and is a consenting adult who has the right to make whatever choices they want with their body.

and if it's a cope, yeah, you gotta cope to keep going.
How is being a morbidly obese young female more fertile than the same female at a much less heavy weight
>>27622 scientifically nothing, but prehistoric statues like the venus of willendorf are long thought to be fertility statues potentially encouraging weight gain. feel free to leave that part out if you think it's bullshit though. i don't have moral qualms with enjoying women enjoying themselves
It’s true that an amount of fat is positively associated with fertility, probably everything up to morbid obesity.
The health implications are over play in moderately fat women. Not all fat is unhealthy, look up “free fatty acid sink” effect of leg fat for instance.
Plus, you’re a dude, you’re already gonna die 10 years earlier than women because of what women expect out of you, so it’s not even imbalanced lifespans.
I'm nowhere near suicidal but I was feeling a bit down about it. Mostly because my family were giving me shit for it. I have dated and fucked quite a few fatties but I still live with my parents and they've given me shit for it a few times. I eventually grew a pair and told them "look, this is my preference, you're going to need to learn to live with it".
The funny part is that I went to a therapist and told him about all of this. And you know what his response was? He said he was an FA too. He definitely made me feel better about it, but I can't shake the feeling that he's not exactly going to give me an unbiased opinion.
Your parents will respond best to a slow skullfuck, please send me their address. Once you remove the sensory organs I think you’ll find the sensation cathartic.
Why care why others think?
That sort of mindset takes time to develop. When you're younger you crave the adoration and respect of your peers and family. When you start to realize how exhausting it is to fit in and you're happier just being who you are, you don't care as much about your circle shrinking, but what remains is worth holding onto if anything.
I never cared what others though
Which is why it is not a factor as to why having this fetish makes me feel bad
>Plus, you’re a dude, you’re already gonna die 10 years earlier than women because of what women expect out of you, so it’s not even imbalanced lifespans

I think about this a lot, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Honestly, my wife was fat when I met her and uninterested in changing her lifestyle, she definitely fatter because of me, but she would still be an unhealthy weight without me.
Not kill myself bad, but absolutely loath it.
Gf has lost 9ish stone and I’m barely attracted to her body. Still look at her old nudes praying she gets fat again, hopefully marriage and kids help.
Damn, how long did that take? Mine has lost about 3 or 4. It's ok, but I just hope no more 😭

Wtf do you mean how long it took to write? Do you think all artists are autistic and spend hours writing a post?
How long it took for her to lose 9st, obviously.

Mine is down to 21st from 25st since the summer.
Over the last 3ish years. She’s happier and healthier now obviously but I miss having a 21 stone gf but hey ho. Fingers crossed for a fat wife in 10 years time.

Yes. Never saynever. I always say
Calls someone autistic yet completely misses the point. Amazing.
Eeshhh. Morbid obesity to a little bit chubby. I hope she gains too. Fingers crossed!

I thought his reply was posted on the thread that I had posted in previous to it.
The only 2 friends I have confessed my preference too literally died, ever since then I just keep this whole thing to myself. My mom noticed me scrolling past a conspicuous amount of (SFW) fat girls on my timeline but I made up an excuse for that quickly.
It can be a rough ride for sure, but compared to what gay people or mixed race couples go through I think it's manageable. I dated the second fattest girl in high school and some of my friends were pretty harsh at first. We went out for a year and a half though and she eventually became "one of the guys" so that kind of thing ended. I'm sure they talked behind my back but as long as they respect me to my face I don't give a shit.

My parents were cool overall, and always treated my girlfriends and later my wife with respect. That said, both are pretty fat-phobic otherwise which made it a little daunting at first to bring my first girlfriend home.

My dad actually thinks it's funny and has joked about it over the years. He still talks about finding a stash of my fatty drawings when I was 10. He ribs me about it in the present tense too, but in a mild way. Like he'll say "there's one for you" if he sees an attractive fat chick walking towards us. We have a buddy relationship in general so I don't take it too seriously.

My mom has never mentioned it at all. I know she's not thrilled about it but Don't Ask, Don't Tell works for me. I've had my opinions about her husband as well over the years and kept them to myself so all good lol. The worst was with my wife, where at the beginning she'd say sideways shit about her health. (My wife was fat but not SS, 5-4 and 260ish at her heaviest. A few times when my wife was sick or having back issues I could tell my mom wanted to mention her weight but held her tongue. She knew if she got into it our relationship would suffer and she doesn't want that.

Overall I think if your parents don't respect you and/or your partner it's time for a quick, direct chat. If that doesn't work, cut them off. Past a certain age your parents don't owe you anything except love and respect and if they can't deliver one or the other, they're not worth the angst.
Why the hell would your parents owe you love or respect?
lizard people be like:
Fucking lizard people, waging war against humans and their biology and our future. They shapeshifter and hide amongst us, even our own president.

>Why the hell would your parents owe you love or respect?

This is the funniest shit ever to me as an American from a Christian family household. My parents idea of love is literally basic provisions, and respect? HAHAHA! My parents are 60 years old. They have never respected me, or eachother, or their own parents, ever.

In fact, now that I think about it, Americans in general haven't ever been respectful towards me. Not when I was young, not when I got married, never. LMFAO they pretty much disrespect everybody unless they are strangers. My parents treat me like shit my whole life and actually all old folks treated me like shit my whole life. I thought that was the American way of life.
Romania is an Orthodox Christian country. I assume Gypsy-Anon here was raised by commies and didn't get the memo the Church is making a yuuuuge comeback. Orthodoxy strongly teaches the important of love and respect amongst the family (and many others).

Sad! Gypsy, how do you expect God to give you a plump wife?
Raised by roman Catholics anon here and yup nope, seriously the whole family hates each other. Barely respect from my Dad towards his mother (because he's still scared of her) but was pretty cool with ignoring any terrible thing happening and plugging his ears when begged for help.
Casually throws money and half dicked attempts at things and is on his third wife. Asked me constantly if I was a faggot and said he'd tolerate me if I was.

Ain't no way the people with that kind of mentality offering anything other than love as words not actions, and restrictions on how to earn it.

You are right it's coming back though. But it won't be with love.
Main takeaway: no families are “perfect”

I’m sitting over here with a hot fat wife, who is on City Council in our little town, two awesome kids, and me having a good company career. We have great sex on a not-infrequent basis, and thanks to fat acceptance, she’s actually cool about being big. My biggest problem is not actually enjoying enough how awesome this all is.

I guess, in summary, nothing is ever ‘ideal’ so o you ought to just try dating hot fat girls before you give up on life lol
>Gypsy, how do you expect God to give you a plump wife?
I don't
I expect to die alone in the worst circumstances despite all my suffering and effort
I am neither a gypsy
That's your takeaway from my comment? No wonder you're ready to top yourself... I'm starting to think it's not a bad idea.

True, strictly speaking I guess no one "owes" anyone anything, but that goes both ways. The second half of the statement is the important part: If your parents are making you feel bad about yourself for liking fat chicks, and harming your relationship with your partner by making her feel bad about herself, then cut them off. Too many people feel blood is thicker than water and allow parents and other family to fuck up their lives forever.
I don't care what anyone thinks but me

Don't thinkbtoo hard then, my boy.
Dont want to kill my loved one slowly

>Dont want to kill my loved one slowly

This is deep, profound, full of feeling, and not gay at all. You care, don't you? You really care. Well, I'm convinced. Now, how's that seafood coming along?
>Now, how's that seafood coming along
Death to robotic Satan

Don't worry. It was a message for individuals among us that are barely human.



Dumb, stupid nutter. I'm the original anti-globalist, anti-NWO, anti-mob, anti-fake Christian anon.

>Death to robotic Satan

......Let me guess. You're Latino-American. Fucking poser. Why don't you grow a brain and learn to love yourself?

You're not the light of this world. You are a darkness that spies on the population and gossips in secrecy. You purposefully work as a group to try to make people paranoid by using information about them. You are by definition a domestic terrorist.
Good man, I'm in a similar situation, except our kids are little and absolutely mentally grind her into the dirt by the time I get home, so we do not have nearly often enough sex. Any tips? I try my best to help every way I can, but she's just absolutely beat by keeping up with them by the time we get them to bed.
Tip is to keep going, as the kids get older they are less of a grind. Also, when kids went down for naps on the weekends, we’d use that time to get kinky every weekend
Most empathetic and loving Romanian
What i hate about this fetish is im never satisfied with my partners because i always want them to be bigger. Its awful and i wish i could just be content with having a gf in the 200-300 pound range but to me they are twigs.
Yes it is bad because it never is enough
its bad when even you get enough. At a certain point you’ve got a lot of fat sweaty poppy butthole to help a person clean. I’m telling you bidets or grfo.
That sounds hot as hell ngl
No it does not
I think that’s true for a lot of men, regardless of their tastes in women. Wandering eye and all that. Honestly, it’s just part of being a dude, you just got to keep your actions in check if you plan on having a good marriage. It’s the fat version of what every man deals with.
How are you supposed to still get erect to your woman if she hasn't gotten visibly fatter?
Simple: remind yourself of how much thinner she used to be, and how pissed most men would be about her still being so fat
>remind yourself of how much thinner she used to be
For a few second it got my penis out if flaccidity,otherwise nothing
>and how pissed most men would be about her still being so fat
This does absolutely nothing
>>27581 (OP)
Nope i'm slightly sadistic, that being said I've never been depressed in my life lol
Sounds like a you problem.

How do you have good sex at any point? It’s not like women are getting fatter DURING the 30 mins of intercourse.

Try better foreplay with food in bed, fat talk, body exploration, whatever gets you going. Then just ride that all the way home.
>>27581 (OP)
I know the feeling anon, I sometimes wonder if life be easier if I liked normal women; The pit of loneliness only gets worse when you realize you more than likely will end up unfulfilled and just stumbling though life without the beauty of a fat woman in you're bed every night
>Japan has some of the lowest obesity rates in the world
That's fair enough, anon
Are you actually Japanese?
Sorta, I am here for work and don’t really have job opportunities elsewhere as I had given up my birth country citizenship years ago.
Have you tried one of those plus-sized soaplands, anon? Or are they out of the picture?
Ofc, I'm not suggesting this as a substitute for a long-term relationship.
Yeah I've look into it and only provider I found that is okay with foreigner [even though I can communicate fine and lived here for work many places still see me as a foreigner] only has women up to 56-w
Is there BBW delivery health?
Romania: no young fat chicks, no mental health professionals

I can feel your pain...
might look into bbw health next time I have some time off
The author of this thread is still alive and just as suicidal

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