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does anyone else feel better when they're on a NoFap streak?

I just came off a month of abstinence which was my longest streak since my 3+ years abstention belter. I'm curious if anyone else has these experiences when they haven't orgasmed in a while;

dreams: something I did every night a child but became more infrequent as I got older start to appear again. at the beginning of a streak I usually get one that involves porn, making me realize how denigrate it is to watch people fuck

agression/angryness: this one doesn't sound like a positive but I think these are necessary emotions to get things done in life

attraction to BBWs?: the attraction doesn't subside in my experience, I spent a year and a half without internet and it didn't disappear. I do become more sensitive to and appreciative of the contingent of women who are sexy but have more subtle features

increased penile senstivity: boners get triggered more easily even something as simple as a woman returning a question can lead to one, it takes some time adjust to this

other positives: more free time, faster and clearer thougts, more interest in relationships and higher energy levels(hard to explain).
I did 30 days once and pretty much had the same feelings, except for the clearer thinking part. I wasn’t as sex-obsessed as I thought I’d be but I was definitely more distracted by women I saw on the street, on TV, and suggestions of women and sex while reading. Around halfway through the big revelation was that I found myself attracted to women way smaller than I normally would. I don’t remember if my energy levels were higher, but it definitely wasn’t the endurance test I thought it would be, and while I didn’t get full-on blue balls, I was a bit sore down there. Also when I finally got to nut in the clinic, it wasn’t a porn-worthy explosion, rather a fairly average nut. They had me do it again a few hours later and that one was way better and more, uh, productive.
The longest I ever went without fapping was 6 weeks. I got circumcised as an adult because I had phimosis. The urologist told me not to have sex or masturbate for 6 weeks. After those 6 weeks I was basically going insane.

My previous record was 4 weeks while I was on doing voluntourism in India (you may remember that I posted about this before, a long time ago).

These days, if I feel like I'm doing it too much, I take a break for 1-2 weeks. Any longer than that and I get diminishing returns on the benefits vs going insane from being too horny.
Any advice on continuing the streak? I haven’t cracked a week in 4 years, which sounds extremely depressing now that I’m writing it out.

I feel like my life is centered around porn and particularly feederism, this isn’t what I wanted and I need to get out of this fetish before my life slips away anymore than it already has. My only problem is, I don’t have the willpower.
The trick is to replace the dopamine hit you get from slapping it with something positive. And since masturbation is by nature solitary, it's good to engage with the others. Humans are social creatures, we need it to survive. Too little contact with others (the real kind) and we start to lose our shit.

Make yourself busy, especially at night. Hit up old friends you haven't seen in a while. Cook a meal you wouldn't normally attempt because it's too complicated. Get some exercise. Volunteering is great because you're engaged with something outside of your own head, and helping people is its own rush. Clean up a park, tutor if you have a skill, deliver food to old people, read to invalids in the hospital, stuff like that.

Oh and a side note: "social anxiety" isn't a thing. Many of us, particularly introverts, avoid engagement because it makes us uncomfortable. This is not a mental illness or pathology, it's a bad habit.
I’ve had a wank once a day for the past ten years, since I was about 13 or 14. I hardly ever miss one! Every few months maybe I if I’m too tired one night, but that’s about it. Never been inclined to stop.
Makes sense to me. Once a day is male maintenance like shaving or whatever as long as it doesn't become compulsive. Seems the OP has an issue where it's gone beyond just rubbing one out to get to sleep faster or be able to concentrate at work.
Man you nailed me with the social anxiety thing. Im not a very good conversationalist, and struggle to keep a conversation going especially with people I don’t share interests with, but I’m sure that issue stems from a lack of effort to go out of my way to talk to people.

Thank you for the advice. I agree staying busy has been the easiest way to keep my mind off porn, and I’d say working out has become a close second.
I did a month back in the day. Thought about sex all day every day. Nearly came every time I saw a fat woman in public. Safe to say the porn wasn’t turning me into a fat sex loving creep lol that’s just who I am. As far as thinking clearly and having more time/energy I don’t recall any differences but highly suspect those are definitely benefits one would get from taking a break so I don’t discount that at all. These days I’m lucky to be dating a 400 pounder who’s relatively comfortable in her body; ie, she’s fine with sex a decent number of times per week, 2-3x. Rest of the time I jerk off twice per day minimum and happy as a clam. I just have a high libido
Currently on day 81, I'm going for a full 100 days. After that we'll see. Maybe I'll go another 100, or go a full year. I'm currently also on year 2 of no porn (have all images disabled on this site, which makes it impossible to click on threads in the catalog). With no porn, masturbation seems a bit pointless so maybe I'll make it a full year.

I must say though, I'm not getting any miracle results. After this year, if I don't see any significant changes, I'll probably go back to porn and masturbation, but limit it somewhat. I've been on pretty long streaks before - the first time I started becoming attracted to women who were thinner than what I typically like. My next long streak it went the opposite way, and anything under 450 was just meh. This streak has been fairly chill with minimal struggle. Tbh I suspect that nofap and noporn only has miraculous effects on people who have fried their brain, and I evidently haven't. Maybe I'm just in a really long flatline, and all this increased adderall motivation I hear about will hit at day 200 or something, but it's all feeling a bit pointless right now.

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